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Grant Proposal:

4th Grade, Solar

Emily Gibbs, Katelyn
Howarth, Kristina
Thomas, Chelsea

The purpose of this technology-based science unit is to allow students to explore

Earth and Space using multiple technological resources to gain a better
understanding of astronomy. Each lesson gives students a scope and sequence
of a different aspect of space, allowing them the independence to explore
through a variety of hands-on activities, while also giving them a full learning
experience. With a variety of lessons, this unit incorporates learning through
multiple intelligences to reach all learners involved.
Space Tourism Infographics - Emily Gibbs
Summary: Students will choose a planet in the solar system and use
their found knowledge to create infographics for potential visitors.
Students will utilize Canva, a technological application that provides a
platform for text, illustrations, and other engaging visuals. The created
infographics will be tangible evidence of informative writing skills,
creative thinking skills, and technology skills.

Full Lesson: Space Tourism Infographic

● Tools & Websites
● Project Rubric
● Personal Reflection for PBL

Astronaut Interview- Katelyn Howarth
Summary- Students will research the earth’s place in the solar system and its
relationship with the moon. They will apply their knowledge of the earth and
moon to create a video using FlipGrid. Students will be paired with a partner.
One student will be assigned as the interviewer while the other student will be
assigned as the astronaut. Students will create a series of questions about the
earth and moon then provide in depth answers to their questions.

Full Lesson: Solar System - Astronaut Interview

Resources: Websites and Videos
Rubric: Flipgrid Rubric
Personal Reflection: Howarth - Reflection

The Solar System and Art - Kristina Thomas
Summary: Students will research the solar system and utilize their found
knowledge to create a character that lives on a certain planet. Then,
students will import their character into Scratch, a coding program where
students will create an animated story based upon their character that
incorporates their creative thinking skills, technology skills, and critical
thinking skills.
Full Lesson: Character Creation & Planets
● Websites & Tools for Students
● Planet Facts & Character Creation Worksheets
● Project Rubric/Reflection on Google Forms
● Personal Reflection for PBL

The Lunar Phase GIFS- Chelsea Wyant
Summary- Students will learn about the different phases of the
moon and how they change. They will model the different lunar
phases throughout the lesson. They will practice modelling lunar
phases with an oreo activity. This will prepare them for the project
based assessment. Students will create gifs of the lunar phases and
write a small paragraph on it.

Full Lesson
The Lunar Phases- Chelsea Wyant
Lunar phases.docx
Chelsea Wyant Personal Reflection
Technology Integration Rationale
Technology helps to promote, enhance, and support student
learning in multiple ways:

● It promotes problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

● It encourages collaboration.
● It is a platform for students to express their creativity.

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