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Pre sa Lord Krishna Art work by Madhav Priya mataji Once, about 5000 years ago, it happened that the earth was overburdened by too many demonic \ personalities having taken birth in the royal families of many kingdoms. They amassed huge aagles" iste 1 and made powerful. political alliance: with one another. Mother Earth the presiding deity of the earth planet, felt distressed by the DoT oem ete into the shape of a cow ETM ia ee eR Ue Od of Lord Brahma, the topmost of the demigods, to ask for help. The Vedic culture, which is the highest culture throughout the universe, values cow protection, so she felt Corolle url aie ee} of success in getting help would be enhanced by her having become a cow. She appeared before four-headed Lord Brahma with tears in her eyes, telling of her plight. ae a Brahma was very oncerned, but he did | 10t know exactly that fo do, $0 he : Calling all the demigods and demigoddesses to oes pmpany. him, Brahma went to the ocean of milk (02) praysto the Supreme Lord. In the highest part of so. the\universe there is an ocean of milk of a finer, a more subtlewg juality that is almost spiritual. On this ee Or ocean of milkithe Supreme Lord Relrodakdshey'N } Vishnivrests. jpon ig serpent bed ay ks . ae Shesha. The demigods all chanted prayers glopying Lord Vishnu [e} rahma in his heart, ey Q} © that He ws would comelin His . th He also said that the demig Jods: ‘Should all take birth in the Yadu du dynasty Ong Ad, earth in order to participate in His His nee . Brahma relayed this message to the migeds. earn form of Krishna and Relp, planet ~*~. 4 7 a, Sod Back down on earth, it came to pass that Vasudeva and Devaki, who were to become the eee CE Ande) united in marriage. There was a very great wedding Reem) ceremony, when Vasudeva Tele) mM his new bride Devaki. Devaki's older brother CTR Mee. M Umar lelel a Suddenly a voice spoke from the aa ON 1A Kamsa! You are a fool! You are driving your sister's chariot, not knowing that the eighth child of this marriage will kill you ! eT Bee aol the demonic personalities who had taken his birth in ee aC He did not hesitate; REM oRas CMR sister's head then and there, in front of everyone, just to ke) Welee te) the future. He el elelel-re Mia Sa LT) Ure Ule mek ae} Celcom Vasudeva had no weapon with him. He tried to save his a new bride, but he had only his wits to use. He first tried $9 to convince Kamsa by good logic and philosop sa (a. Wearenot gay ‘ (WAN these bodies, (ye 4") and that the \W soulnever |‘ dies. ‘only thing left.for, to/hand/over,the babies ¥ Vasudeva toldo\was to)pro. } as they were born. He wasithinking, by then will fi figure 1 oug Something, but’atJeast Devaki will be saved) Kamsa laccentedi this becausejhe knew Vasudevalwas always) \ x rue |to his word, \ Vibe Sy Son, rr, a ey When the first baby was born, Vasudeva, true to his word but with heavy heart, brought the baby to Kamsa. But Kamsa_/@ was so pleased with Vasudeva's re IA MIE RN ee Ma) compassion. gy > There is no need to give ny me this baby; the prophecy & J) said it would be the eight yi child who would kill me. \ F| EE) took the N ETer 1am but he didn yaa eee Sure enough, after Kamsa VE Cuem yb Ce Poca ee ate ae any, of DN) Cas) TR AO AOL Ce heh Mee) craic aa sone So Bl te Ta col coll was also dishonest and the psi My gaged J (aa 8 Me OR Te} and Devaki, forcibly took the baby from them and killed it. Then, just to be safe, he also had Vasudeva and Devaki put into prison. [Tel Bm ON 1A birth to a child and Kamsa killed it. Neither Devaki's tears nor good advice from well-wishing friends could dissuade him from these TET oom PB Cleem eel Maye uted that people who tried to reason with Kamsa became his worshipers, so strong was his demonic charm. RETR R-eeM reed eet [1 alliances with other demons, and increased his atrocities against the good kings and princes and the PEs After Kamsa had killed six of Devaki's babies, Devaki became pregnant Ele eee Rem CM elle R Eee eR ET the Supreme Personality of Godhead was within her. This was Balarama, Ne Ed Re ERTL °f who, in another form, serves Krishna's form of Vishnu as the serpent bed. He came first, in the mood of serving Krishna, to purify the womb so that Cee eRe ice But Devaki did not give birth to PETE Te TE MC Be f arrangement to transfer Balarama MeL MM ALA mL) Vasudeva who had been sent to his brother Nanda, the king of the cowherd village of Vrindavan. DEE eT RE eg eee MTEC TE RAB ed L¢ 1) 9 Devaki had had a miscarriage. Um a ler a AL UE meee ae Te) conception was pure and spiritual and not by the normal means of ee of a child between a man and a womal She was radiant and even Kamsa noticed. Dee Tame g le LARD increased. When Krishna was born, He Fae a) ole MAL ed Ld Vishnu, and with fully grown hair, silk@ clothes and crown and jewels. This was TRIM CAL RU m Lee) know without doubt that the Supreme _ eee NA Mery! MOM eg) to them. They had prayed and performed many austerities in previous lifetimes for this blessing, and always they had prayed to the Vishnu form o Tw mel coMeN US Ate LOR ETL prayers had been answered. They offered their Lord prayers in a worshipful attitude. Then He turned Himself into Ee ReY cela atte aL that is, one with two arms and not formally dressed decorated. As Krishna, could let His parents lo) Ee mr 4 PTT ay mem ele ALT=) parental affection caused them to feel fear for His Safety, since Kamsa had killed so many other babies. In the night, before Kamsa could learn of the child's birth, the prison doors mysteriously opened. The guards were asleep. Vasudeva carried baby Ter Mea OM TN 1)(° 111 where the flooding Yamuna Nm ENAMEL) passage, and he took the baby to the village of Vrindavan. There he left Krishna in the bed of Yashoda, who was sleeping deeply in exhaustion after just giving birth to a baby girl. Vasudeva took the girl 7 baby back with him, and in the morning he presented ~ Kamsa with a girl baby AEST UCR -F 16-10 ed Kamsa was so evil, however, that he erro CoN S/R CMe CMs) Ae ce she slipped out from his arms and rose up into the sky, where she revealed herself as the goddess eT CoE ly ee re eee ood Woo) eed A Cue reared to make.him leave Devaki alone after this, she told him that the child who Tce fe CN Mase ha Lea) Se eee Meanwhile, Krishna and Balarama began their lives as children of Nanda wand.Yashoda in the village of Vrindavan. There are many stories to tell of their adventures there. Later, as youths, they went into the city and Krishna did indeed kill Kamsa. There ETM Ea eg oe ok Rem pastimes after that as well. All glories to Lord Krishna!! Happy Janamshtami!

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