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Absolute Zero



B iography
Ryan Frost’s life fell apart shortly after college.
His fiancee was killed in a tragic car accident
and his struggle with depression made it diffi-
cult to keep a job. He was working as a janitor
at Pike Cryogenics when an explosion nearly
cost him his life. Instead, it dropped his core
body temperature to near absolute zero. Unable
to stand normal temperatures, he reluctantly
agreed to join the Freedom Five hero team in
exchange for a suit that would keep him cool.
Argent Adept



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There has always been a Virtuoso of the Void; a
druidic songsmith tasked with maintaining the
natural order of the world. However, over time
Akash’bhuta, the embodiment of chaos, learned
how to disrupt the cycle and prevent a new Vir-
tuoso from coming into being. Hundreds of years
later, it was pure chance that Anthony Drake
came across an ancient chinese bell, a relic of the
Virtuosos, that imparted him with the knowledge
and powers of his predecessors. He now seeks
out other instrumental relics to aid his fight
against chaos.


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Tyler Vance grew up helping in his father’s auto
shop and dreaming of getting out of Nevada. At
18 he signed up for the military. Unfortunate-
ly, the U.S. went to war that same year and he
was shipped off to the Middle East. A brilliant
tactician, he rose quickly through the ranks of
his armored division. He was eventually offered
a position in the Freedom Five as the operator
of the Personal Armament Exo-Chasis; an exper-
imental battle suit wielding the power of a full
Captain Cosmic


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Hugh Lowsley and his brother Nigel were always
interested in law and justice. Hugh became a
barrister while his brother became a constable.
One night while stargazing, they witnessed an
object crash nearby. Investigating, they found a
purple crystal in a crater, which knocked them
unconscious with a bolt of energy. When Hugh
awoke, both the crystal and his brother were
gone. Hugh soon realized the crystal had given
him the power to create constructs of energy
with his mind, which he now uses to fight evil.
However, he is also always searching for his lost
Chrono Ranger

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Jim Brooks maintained order in the town of Sil-
ver Gulch for many years as sheriff until one day
he fell through a rift in time. He woke to find
himself in a future wasteland, where monsters
roamed and humans were extinct. Despite his
gunslinging slaying many of the beasts, mutant
rat men managed to tear his arm off. He only
survived by stumbling into a bunker housing
an A.I. nicknamed “Con”. The A.I. patched him
up and explained the situation as well as a plan
to send Jim back in time to hunt the monsters
before they could overwhelm humanity.


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The daughter of Citizen Dawn, Amanda Cohen
had a difficult childhood. Scorned and ridiculed
for her lack of powers, she evenutally left the
Citizens of the Sun behind. Hardened against the
power-hungry, she started hunting tyrants and
oppressors and took up the mantle of Expatri-


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Around age 6, Helena was hit by a bus and de-
clared dead shortly after arriving at the hospital.
Several minutes later she sprung back to life and
began telling how God had sent her back from
heaven. Suffering from amnesia, and without
anyone to claim her, she was given to a convent.
After she hit puberty and sprouted angelic
wings, she decided to leave the convent and take
a more active role in the world so as to fulfill the
lord’s purpose for her.

B iography
I could tell you the story of how Joseph King got
squashed by a piano and mutated by the chaotic
powers of Wager Master, but that’s boring. Just
imagine a kick ass training montage and insert
me into it. Oh! And pretend I’m a playboy billion-
aire while you’re at it.

B iography
Aata Wakawarewa led his tribe for many years,
and was honored as the greatest chief the Maori
had ever seen. However, one day his tattoos mys-
teriously vanished and his tribe turned against
him. A usurper challenged him for leadership,
beat him, and left him for dead in the woods. But
the next day, Aata came back stronger than ever
and defeated the usurper. Rather than accepting
him back as their chief though, his tribe shunned
him as a demon. He has since been wandering
the earth, for over 600 years, just as confused
about his immortaility as anyone.

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After 5 years in the Scottish Marines, Paige
Huntly was recruited into F.I.L.T.E.R. person-
ally by Warden Hoeflle. Her record there was
impeccable, but after a decade spent around the
temporal containment systems, she developed
the ability to manifest blades of energy. She re-
entered the field better than ever, but eventually
became disillusioned with F.I.L.T.E.R.’s policies
and decided to go rogue.


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Paul Parsons is descended from a long line of su-
per powered individuals. Going all the way back
to the American Revolution, when his ancestor,
Joseph Parsons, was known to have an uncanny
sense of impending danger. Since then, the first
born of every Parson has inhereted and added to
their parent’s powers. Raised with a strong sense
of patriotism and duty, a Parson has fought in
every American war, except for Vietnam. Paul’s
grandfather was the first to take the title of Leg-
acy, when he developed the power of flight.
Mr. Fixer

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The old mechanic that runs Slim’s Auto Shop
answers only to Slim. A very private person,
few remember when he was called H.R. Walker
and ran a martial arts school. Fewer still know
anything of his past before that. Living in Rook
City, he constantly advices non-resistance and
pacifism in response to the violence around him.
But when his assistant Charlie is pointlessly
gunned down, he realizes that pacifism is no
longer working.



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Michael Conteh was a well known industrialist
and oil tycoon. Unfortunately, his destruction of
nature caught the ire of Akash’bhuta who turned
him into a gazelle. He managed to survive in the
wild for many months before the Argent Adept
found him. Unable to reverse the curse complete-
ly, the Argent Adept gradually led Michael on a
path to recover his human form, but he had to go
through several other forms first. By the time he
regained his humanity, he had developed a deep
respect for nature and swore to protect it.



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Private eye Faye Diamond’s investigations took
her to Arkham where she soon came face to face
with the occult. Learning not only that magic
was real, but also that she had a talent for it, she
became obsessed with studying it. Eventually a
spell backfired and left her cursed and incorpo-
real. She now struggles both with controlling her
new form and her magical powers. But whenever
the world needs an expert in magic and the oc-
cult, they call on Nightmist.
Omnitron X


B iography
Over 100 years in the future, the self aware
program Omnitron has gone through several
versions. Every time it rebuilds itself new and
improved, yet it is always defeated by Earth’s he-
roes. Concluding that their strength lies in their
capacity for empathy, the 10th incarnation of
Omnitron decided to install an empathy subrou-
tine. With horror, the machine suddenly realized
how much death and destruction it had wrought.
Traveling back in time, it is determined to stop
itself before it can cause so much harm.


B iography
For all the trouble her Asperger’s Syndrome gave
her in her younger years, Kim Howell prided
herself on her ability to focus and process infor-
mation. She excelled at data analysis, and was
eventually brough on to a project to analyze the
defeated Omnitron’s code, determine how it had
gained sentience, and prevent future occurances.
When the cosmic event occurred that reactivated
Omnitron, Kim’s mental capacities were also
upgraded and she could practically foresee the
future. Coupled with her archery skills, she sud-
denly had the chance to prevent catastrophes.

B iography
Dr. Blake Washington Jr. was an amazing ar-
cheologist, so few people were surprised when
he discovered a new pyramid in Egypt. What
was surprising though was the lack of a burial
chamber. That was, until Dr. Washington found
a secret chamber by surviving a deadly maze full
of traps. In this chamber was a pedastal with
a magnificent staff. Drawn to the staff, he was
imbued with all the powers and knowledge of the
sun god upon grasping it. He then reset the traps
and left the pyramid to teach the evils of the
world that Ra had been reborn.


B iography
No one really knows where John Rhodes came
from. He just showed up one day in the Ev-
erglades on his houseboat. Folks found him
strange, but it was clear he wasn’t trouble. Little
did they know that he was, in fact, the world’s
most talented alchemist. Wielder of the Philos-
opher’s Stone, he can easily transmute objects
into other materials. He mainly just wants to
keep things copacetic though.


B iography
Nick Hernandez and Jackson Bognetti were
roommates in college. It was a little odd how big
Jackson grew during college but more odd when
Nick transformed into a being of pure energy.
After college, fighting crime became a hobby of
theirs. They rescued young Miranda Fischer, a
budding psion, from her mother’s experiments.
Nick and his husband, Caleb, adopted the girl but
weren’t able to keep her out of Nick’s hobby. The
team later gave Eugene Wilkenson, a desperate
scientist who had accidentally turned himself
into a living shadow, a chance at redemption.
The four of them now fight as the Southwest

B iography
Peter Riske’s bad luck is balanced by his indom-
itable spirit. Unemployed, he jumped on the
chance to make some cash with medical testing
being done by RevoCorp. He soon put on 20lbs of
muscle and was in the best condition of his life.
The company insisted he stay longer than agreed
for further tests, but Peter snuck away under
the cover of darkness. Unfortunately, he found
that his home had burned down. While sifting
through the ashes, Baron Blade showed up with
a small army, but luckily Peter was rescued by a
guy in a metal suit. Since then he’s been hanging
out with these Freedom Five guys.

B iography
Portja Kir-Pro was a Thorathian freedom fighter
working to overthrow the rule of Grand Warlord
Voss when the Bloodsworn Colosseium appeared
and “recruited” her. She fought for years in the
arena with no hope of escape, until heroes from
earth were brought in. She challenged Kaargra
Warfang herself, providing the distraction need-
ed for the Earth’s heroes to escape, and barely
managed to jump ship herself before the colos-
seum translocated. Now she has a new home on
earth as Skyscraper.

B iography
Dr. Meredith Stinson is a genius who has dabbled
in a wide spectrum of scientific fields. She
assisted in getting people to mars and curing
cancer. While researching a machine to make
light speed travel possible, a safety mechanism
failed and her body was flooded with tachy-
ons. She miraculously survived unscathed, but
soon found that she could move at superhuman
speeds. Afterwards, she joined the Freedom Five
initiative when they offered her near unlimited
scientific funding.

B iography
The highly intelligent Maerynians evolved
the ability to manipulate atmospheric charge
potentials. The devastation that this made
possible quickly resulted in a strict adherence to
pacifism, lest the race destroy itself. This made
the planet an easy target for conquest by Grand
Warlord Voss. M’kk Dall’ton barely managed to
flee to earth where they hoped to recruit allies
against Voss. Calling themself Tempest, they are
no longer the pacifist that they once were.


B iography
Devra Caspit has natural technopathic abilities,
able to assemble components with merely a
thought and build anything she can imagine.
Lacking patience, she had trouble focusing on
her classwork, and by age 18 she had dropped
out of three different universities. Then she
received word that the famous Dr. Meredith Stin-
son may have a position available for someone
with Devra’s skills.


B iography
In the early 2000’s, fearing increased Chinese
aggression, the U.S. began experimenting to
create bio-engineered soldiers. They injected
several pregnant volunteers with compound Psy-
200. One child made it to term and demonstrated
powerful psychic abilities. After the mother died
giving birth, the father left the infant in the
hands of the government who trained her to be
a deadly weapon. When the U.S. fell to tyranical
forces, Visionary used her powers to travel back
in time to try and prevent the events that lead to
freedom’s end.



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When she was small, Maia Montgomery had
nightmares, like many children. One night her
father wrapped a black cloak around her and told
her she didn’t have to fear the monsters if they
thought she was a wraith, like one of them. In
college, a gang of thieves attacked her and put
her in a coma. When she awoke, she vowed never
to be put in that position again. She hired sever-
al martial arts instructors and began patroling
the campus at night. After her parents retired
and left her in charge of the company, rather
than abandoning her night time hobby, she
added a costume and several high tech gadgets
before widening her patrol to the entire city.


B iography
Akash’bhuta is an Earth Spirit spawned by the
Nexus of the Void eons ago. For millions of years
she has defended the planet from threat after
threat. Eventually she saw the rise of human-
ity as a threat to the planet as well and tried
to exterminate them. But time after time she
was defeated by the Virtuoso of the Void. After
each defeat she would go dormant for decades,
regrowing and regaining her power. But with her
planet at stake, she has reformed early with the
help of the Naturalist as Akash’thriya. This new
form of the Earth Mother is far less powerful,
not having recovered fully, but she is desperate
to save her world.



B iography
Life has always come easy to Randall Butler. He
was the star quarterback, a straight A student,
and felt like he made people’s life better just
with his very presence. He tried his hand at
acting for a short time, but when he got a call
from Revocorp about becoming a super hero, he
jumped on the opportunity. They rebuilt his body
with a plethora of cybernetic enhancements and
branded him Benchmark: The New Standardâ„¢.
Randall may be a bit naive to trust a corporation
that is known to participate in criminal activity,
but they claim to be turning over a new leaf and
he genuinely seems to want to help people.
Doctor Medico


B iography
While Nick Hernandez was in college, he inex-
plicably began transforming into pure energy.
Despite this, he finished school and got his med-
ical degree. His college roommate also developed
powers, growing remarkably strong and durable,
and after school they began fighting crime as a
kind of hobby.


B iography
Lillian Corvus has had a troubled past living
in the shadow of her cousin, Meredith Stinson.
Even before her cousin became the hero Tachyon.
When she was overwhelmed with magical powers
through a cursed mask, she lashed out against
the world as the villain the Matriarch. She
spent several years in jail for her crimes, and
afterwards spent even longer training with the
hero Nightmist to learn how to control her new
powers. While the power still threatens to over-
whelm her, she has learned much in her time as a
member of the hero team Dark Watch, and seeks
to atone for her previously villainous ways.


B iography
The eight year old Miranda Fischer was discov-
ered locked inside a machine in her mother’s
basement, where said mother was conducting an
unholy experiment. She was attempting to har-
ness Miranda’s budding psychic powers to create
a portal and bring back her dead husband. This
was stopped by Dr. Medico and Mainstay, but
the resulting psychic backlash wiped Miranda’s
memories. She was then adopted by Dr Medico,
aka Nick Hernandez, and his husband Caleb. Nick
tried to keep her away from his hobby of fighting
crime, but to no avail. She now joins him as part
of the Southwest Sentinels.
La Comodora



B iography
Maria Helena de Falcon was a young teenage
stowaway on a spanish galleon when it got
sucked into a time portal. As the only survivor,
she eventually managed to learn how to actually
steer the ship along the rivers of time and con-
trol where and when it traveled. She gathered up
a crew and powerful artifacts from across time,
becoming a formidable pirate and villain. But as
time has begun catching up to her, she’s become
a lot more introspective in her old age. Eventu-
ally, she tried to sail to a future that no longer
existed. She’d reach the end of time and saw
there was nothing beyond Oblivaeon. She now
returns to this time, hoping that her technology
and experience can help to stop him.


B iography
When the rest of his people were killed, Tarogath
survived by joining the collection of “Endlings”
kept by the Terminarch. While there, he wit-
nessed the peril that the Earth was in, prompt-
ing him to leave and attempt to save the planet
before it attracted dangerous entities. He took
up the name Deadline and sought to drive the
planet back into the dark age, a necessary sac-
rifice to save it. He was stopped by the Earth’s
heroes, however. He now returns under the name
Lifeline to help these amazing people continue
fighting for survival. Not only of their planet,
but of the entire multiverse.

B iography
Ivan Grigori Ramonat, commonly known as
the villainous mad scientist Baron Blade, has
faced the heroes of the multiverse in countless
conflicts. Each time with a new plot that is as
dangerous to the Baron as those around him.
However, with Oblivaeon’s assault on this reali-
ty, the mad Baron must put aside his long-stand-
ing enmity with the heroes. Baron Blade has
learned much from his past conflicts, and his
inventions have never been better. Taking the
name of Luminary, he now stands alongside the
heroes in defense of reality.



B iography
Jackson Bognetti has always been a big and
athletic guy, but while in college this grew to
a ridiculous degree. Far beyone what could be
explained by normal means. To put it simply,
he became super humanly strong and durable,
while his roommate, Nick, slowly transformed
into pure energy. After college, Jackson was a
bit aimless. He began giving guitar lessons and
focusing on his motorcycles and women. Eventu-
ally though he found a hobby he could really get
behind. Fighting crime with his old roommate as
a pair of super heroes!


B iography
Ansel G. Moreau, world famous movie star (he
does all his own stunts) has always been a thrill
seeker. In puruit of greater and greater chal-
lenges, he took up big game hunting, and then
started hunting people. First taking contracts
as a bounty hunter, and later hunting super
powered individuals just for the fun of it. But
after being bested by the world’s heroes several
times, he decided to hang up his combat gear and
return to life as a movie star. Then Oblivaeon
attacked. Now he fights alongside the heroes to
save reality. Plus, if they prevail then Ansel will
finally have bested an adequate challenge.


B iography
Eugene Wilkenson was down on his luck as an
inventor. All of his funding had dried up and
he was on the verge of homelessness. Despite
having learned how to harness shadow energy
and wrap it around an object, nobody was
willing to fund his work. Desperate times call
for desperate measures. He used his new tech to
create a shadow cloak for himself and rob banks.
Unfortunately, the device bonded with his flesh,
making it impossible to take off. Worse yet, he
got caught and ended up in jail. However, when
a real villain broke through the walls of the jail,
Eugene helped to stop them. Earning his own
release and a chance at being a hero.

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