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The Rainforest
Lic. Juan Constantino Marinakis
Ingles I
José Ignacio Sandoval Muñoz

Contestar las siguientes preguntas basadas en el video corto ' The Rainforest':

(marcar en negrita la respuesta correcta)

1. Rainforests are Earth's oldest living ecosystems, with some surviving in their
present form for over A
a) 60 million years
b) 70 million years
c) 80 million years
2. What are the two types of rainforests? B
a) temperate and tropical
b) sub-tropical and temperate
c) tropical and taiga
3. Tropical rainforests are primarily located in B
a) cooler climates
b) warmer climates
c) dry climates
4. Rainforests receive up to about 80 feet of rain per year Hola Lic, en el video salia
que las selvas tropicales pueden recibir hasta 80 pulgadas de Lluvia..
a) 44
b) 43
c) 33
5. Rainforests absorb A.
a) solar radiation
b) oxygen
c) Pesticide Chemicals
6. Rainforests create about A of Earth's breathable air.
a) 30%
b) 40%
c) 20%
7. What is deforestation? A
a) both b and c are correct
b) cutting down trees to use the land for something else, like a farm.
c) cutting down trees to develop land for homes and businesses.

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