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In this section, there will be several points to discuss. Those are literature

review, the overview of speechway and U-Dictionary application, previous studies,

and research framework.

2.1 Literature Review

2.1.1 Speechway

It's a free mobile teleprompter application for video bloggers, live-streamers,

TV hosts, and other creatives who give on-camera talks (Kulinich, 2016). The

teleprompter gives the impression that the speaker has memorized the speech or is

speaking freely while facing directly into the lens of the camera. This application is

used by people who are on camera to make them appear to be speaking spontaneously

while they are actually reading aloud.

2.1.2 U Dictionary

U-Dictionary is an English offline dictionary that supports 44 languages and

may be downloaded from a smartphone or a computer. It's a dictionary app that's

constantly rated as one of the best in the Google Play Store. The U-Dictionary app

has climbed the ranks to become the number one in the Google Play education

category in Indonesia, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, and Egypt in 2019.The U-Dictionary

app has English articles, games, and questions and answers to help you improve your

English level. It serves as a multi-language translator as well as an English dictionary.

It's a program that can translate languages in a variety of settings, such as school, job,


and travel. It's a good way to learn how to pronounce 25 words. The software

includes a voice translation tool that can spell a word and several sentences, making

pronunciation practice easier.

2.1.3. Speaking

Speaking a language involves more than simply knowing the linguistic

components of the message, and developing language skills requires more than

grammatical comprehension and vocabulary memorization (Derakhshan et al., 2016).

Speaking is the production skill that is included in two main categories: accuracy and

fluency (Derakhshan et al., 2016). Accuracy consists of using vocabulary, grammar

and pronunciation through some activities, fluency take into account “the ability to

keep going when speaking spontaneously” (Gower, Philips, &

Walter, 1995; Derakhshan et al., 2016).

According to Brown (2007), there are 5 basic types of speaking that can help

students in enhancing speaking skill as follows: Imitative

It is students’ ability to simply imitate a word or phrase or possibly a sentence

without any inferences to understand or convey meaning or participate in an

interactive conversation. (Brown, 2003) Intensive

Any speaking performance is planned to practice some phonological or

grammatical features of language that the speaker should be aware of semantic

properties in order to be able to minimally respond (Brown, 2007).

9 Responsive

It refers to very short conversations, standard greetings and small talk, simple

request and comments and the like. Students should be active in the classroom. They

should reply to teachers’ questions and comments. They should participate in the

classroom. For example:

T: Excuse me, would you mind if I ask a question?

S: No, please.. Interactive

The difference between responsive and interactive speaking is in the length

and complexity of the interaction which sometimes includes multiple exchanges

and/or multiple participants. It can be transactional language which has the purpose of

exchanging specific information, or interpersonal exchanges which have the purpose

of maintaining social relationship. (Brown, 2007). For example:

T: What is the main idea in this essay?

S: The USA should have more power.

T: What do you mean?

S: Well, for example the USA should have the power to destroy the others

countries Extensive

It refers to students at intermediate to advanced levels that are asked to

provide extensive monologues in the form of oral reports, story telling, summaries or

short speech (Brown, 2007). In order to improve second language skills, learners

should practice regularly.

2.2. Previous Studies

There are some previous studies which are similar to this research topic in
term of using media to enhance speaking ability.

First research was conducted by Göktürk (2016) that employed digital video

recordings on oral performance of EFL learners. The results depicted that the findings

imply that including digital video recordings into speaking class could increase

learners' overall speaking proficiency but did not result in a significant increase in

oral fluency. However, qualitative data analysis revealed that using digital video

recordings can boost learners' self-confidence while also encouraging them to take

risks with the target language.

Another study was conducted by Rusanti and Dewi (2021). They attempted to

construct learning media by using the Powtoon application to teach English to

nursing students. The results showed that the students had a better time understanding

the English for Nurse content, which had previously been difficult to obtain.

Another study in developing certain strategy to improve English competence

was conducted by Eva (2019). It was about Intensive English Program (IEP)

that could improve vocabulary mastery of Nursing students. This study conducted to

several nursing students who have difficulties in vocabulary mastery. After having

IEP weeks, there was an improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery that led to the

improvement of speaking ability as well.


A study of Anggraeni (2020) has conducted that her research used mixed

methods qualitative and quantitative reseach. in qualitative has been collected data by

interview and observation, while quantitative data were collected from the result of

students’ Vlogging assessments. the participants of her research is 40 students of

English Language Study Program. the goal of her research is she will focus on using

Vlog as a learning media to improve students speaking skill. The conclusion of her

research is using Vlogging tool is potential for promoting speaking skills and develop

student’s modal literacy, beside that Vloging has also other interesting aspects to be

studies in relation to the English learning.

Based on the some previous study above, the researcher tries to have different

media that is close to the students’ life and fit with their interest, that is mobile

application that is “daily touched”. The researcher then attempts to analyze the

effectiveness the use of speechway application and U-Dictionary on the students’

speaking ability through pre-test and post-test. The researcher used true-experimental

method with the participants are 67 students of Health Science Institute of

Hafshawaty Pesantren Zainul Hasan Probolinggo,East Java.



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