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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Example of Narrative Text

Discovering the Komodo Lizard

Two fishermen tied their boat up, hurried out of the boat and ran down the streets of
their hometown. 'We saw a dragon on Komodo Island,' they shouted. 'We saw a
A man heard their shouts. He was an American named Douglas Burden. Burden was a
naturalist. A naturalist is a person who tries to learn, as much as he can about things
that live. He believed what the two men said but there was only one way to find out; He
had to go to Komodo Island himself and brought back one of the dragons for people to
So, Douglas Burden and some friends sailed halfway around the world to the tiny
island off the coast of Indonesia. When they reached the island, they were afraid that
the traps and cages they had with them would not be strong enough toehold the
dragons. There was dragon son the island. They weren't the same dragon’s people see
in picture books and in children's stories, but they looked more like dragons than any
other animal Burden had ever seen. They were really large lizard - some of them three
meters long and as heavy as two men. Their legs were short and thick and on their feet
were sharp claws like knives. Although they did not breathe fire like the dragons in
story books, the lizards had yellow forked tongues, that moved quickly in and out of
their mouths.

It was difficult and dangerous to catch the lizards. Sometimes the lizards attacked the
men. Sometimes the men had to kill the lizards to save themselves.
Finally, Burden and his friends caught two live Komodos and put them in cages on
their ship. Then they sailed back to America.
When the two dragons were put into the Brooklyn Zoo in New York City, people came
from all over America to see them. Burden, was pleased that so many people had a
chance to see two live dragons.
That was more than 45 years ago. today there are no more live dragons anywhere in
the world except on the tiny island of Komodo. They still live there.

Posted by Ophie Ovie

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