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Aerobic fitness and its relationship to sport, exercise

training and habitual physical activity during youth
Neil Armstrong,1 Grant R Tomkinson,2 Ulf Ekelund3,4

1Children’s Health and Exercise

ABSTRACT exercise and a high peak VO2 is a prerequisite of
Research Centre, University of Aim To analyse aerobic fitness and its relationship with elite performance in many sports but it does not
Exeter, Exeter, UK
2Health and Use of Time sport participation, exercise training and habitual physi- describe all aspects of aerobic fitness. In several
Group, Sanson Institute for cal activity (HPA) during youth. sports and in everyday life intermittent exercise
Health Research, University Methods Studies were located through computer and the ability to engage in rapid changes in exer-
of South Australia, Adelaide, searches of Medline, SPORT Discus and personal data- cise intensity are at least as important as peak
Australia VO2. Under these conditions, it is the transient
3MRC Epidemiology Unit, bases. Systematic reviews of time trends in aerobic
Institute of Metabolic Science, fitness/performance, and exercise training and peak kinetics of VO2 which best describe the relevant
University of Cambridge, oxygen uptake (peak VO2) are reported. component of aerobic fitness. 3 Furthermore, dur-
Cambridge, UK Results Peak VO2 increases with age and maturation. ing sustained exercise lactate accumulates within
4 School of Health and Medical
Boys’ peak VO2 is higher than girls’. Despite data show- the muscle and diffuses into the blood to provide
Sciences, Orebro University,
Orebro, Sweden ing a decrease in performance test estimates of aerobic an estimate of the relative aerobic and anaerobic
fitness there is no compelling evidence to suggest that contribution to the exercise. Blood lactate accu-
Correspondence to young people have low levels of peak VO2 or that it is mulation therefore provides a useful indicator of
Professor Neil Armstrong, declining over time. The primary time constant of the aerobic fitness with reference to the ability to sus-
Children’s Health and Exercise VO2 kinetics response to moderate and heavy intensity tain submaximal exercise.4
Research Centre, University exercise slows with age and the VO2 kinetics response
of Exeter, Northcote House,
The Queen’s Drive, Exeter EX4 to heavy intensity exercise is faster in boys. There is PEAK OXYGEN UPTAKE
4QJ, UK; a negative correlation between lactate threshold as a Peak VO2 during youth has been extensively doc- percentage of peak VO2 and age but differences related umented. 5 6 Figure 1 represents ~5000 peak VO2
to maturation or sex remain to be proven. Young athletes (l/min) values of 8–16-year-olds. These data must
Acepted 26 June 2011 have higher peak VO2, a faster primary time constant be interpreted cautiously as they represent mean
and accumulate less blood lactate at the same relative values from studies with volunteer samples of
exercise intensity than their untrained peers. Young peo- varying sizes. Nevertheless, the figure clearly
ple can increase their peak VO2 through exercise training shows an almost linear increase in boys’ peak VO2
but a meaningful relationship between aerobic fitness in relation to chronological age. Girls’ data demon-
and HPA has not been demonstrated. strate a similar but less consistent trend with some
Conclusions During youth the responses of the com- cross-sectional studies suggesting a tendency to
ponents of aerobic fitness vary in relation to age, matu- plateau at about 14 years of age. Regression equa-
ration and sex. Exercise training will enhance aerobic tions generated from these data indicate that peak
fitness but a relationship between young people’s cur- VO2 increases from 8 to 16 years by 150% and
rent HPA and aerobic fitness remains to be proven. 80% in boys and girls respectively.6
The few longitudinal studies available reflect
the cross-sectional data with some studies indicat-
INTRODUCTION ing large age-related increases in boys’ peak VO2
The aims of this review are to analyse aerobic between 13 and 15 years. Girls’ data are less con-
fitness during growth and maturation and to sistent but in accord with cross-sectional fi ndings
examine the relationships between aerobic fitness they indicate a progressive rise from 8 to 13 years
and participation in sport, exercise training and with a gradual levelling-off in peak VO2 from age
habitual physical activity (HPA) during youth. 14 years. Longitudinal data indicate that boys’
Studies for review were located through computer peak VO2 almost doubles from 11 to 17 years with
searches of Medline, SPORT Discus and personal girls’ values increasing by ~ 50% over the same
databases. Systematic reviews of time trends in age range. 5
aerobic fitness/performance and exercise training Peak VO2 is strongly correlated with body mass
and peak VO2 are reported. and this is conventionally controlled for by sim-
ply dividing peak VO2 (ml/min) by body mass
AEROBIC FITNESS (kg) and expressing it as the simple ratio ml/kg/
Aerobic fitness may be defi ned as the ability to min. When peak VO2 is expressed in this man-
deliver oxygen to the muscles and to utilise it to ner a different picture emerges with boys’ peak
generate energy to support muscle activity during VO2 remaining remarkably consistent from 6 to
exercise. Peak oxygen uptake (peak VO2), the high- 18 years at ~ 48 ml/kg/min with girls’ values
est rate at which oxygen can be consumed during showing a decline from ~ 45 to 35 ml/kg/ min. 5 6
exercise, is recognised as the best single measure The reporting of peak VO2 in ratio with body mass
of young people’s aerobic fitness.1 2 Peak VO2 limits is of interest in the context of sports where body
the rate at which oxygen can be provided during mass is moved or health where the movement of

Br J Sports Med 2011;45:849–858. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090200 849


from about 40–45% of body mass. In relative terms it then

declines due to girls’ increase in body fat during adolescence.
Boys’ greater muscle mass not only facilitates the utilisation
of oxygen by the muscles but also supplements the venous
return to the heart and therefore augments stroke volume
through the peripheral muscle pump. Muscle mass appears to
be the dominant influence in the increase in peak VO2 through
adolescence. 5
Blood haemoglobin concentration is correlated with peak
VO2 in both sexes.19 There are no significant sex differences in
haemoglobin concentration in childhood but during puberty
the effect of testosterone on red blood cell production stimu-
lates noticeable increases in boys’ haemoglobin concentration
which reach values ~10% higher than those of girls by late
puberty. It is reasonable to expect that boys’ superior oxygen-
carrying capacity may augment sex differences in peak VO2.
However, the transport and dissociation of oxygen from
Figure 1 Peak oxygen uptake in relation to chronological age. From haemoglobin during exercise is complex and sex differences
Armstrong and Welsman6 with permission. in maximal arterial-venous oxygen difference during youth
remain to be proven. 5
body mass is required for normal locomotion but it has clouded
the physiological understanding of peak VO2 during growth OXYGEN UPTAKE KINETICS
and maturation.7 8 The VO2 kinetic response to step changes in exercise intensity
Numerous studies have showed that ratio scaling can lead to is described in figure 2 and can be defi ned in relation to a num-
inappropriate interpretation of physiological variables.9 Using ber of exercise domains. Rigorously determined and analysed
multi-level modelling, longitudinal studies of both trained10 data with young people, however, are only available in the
and untrained11 youth have demonstrated that, in addition to moderate (ie, below the lactate threshold (T LAC ) and heavy (ie,
chronological age, both growth and maturation positively and above the T LAC but below the maximal lactate steady state
independently influence peak VO2. With body mass appropri- (MLSS) or critical power) intensity exercise domains. 3
ately controlled for, boys’ peak VO2 increases through child- At the onset of a step transition from rest to moderate inten-
hood and adolescence into young adulthood. Girls’ peak VO2 sity exercise there is an almost immediate increase in VO2
increases at least into puberty and possibly into young adult- measured at the mouth. This cardio-dynamic phase (Phase I)
hood.8 In addition, maturation is associated with increases in lasts about 15 s in children and is associated with an increase in
peak VO2 above those explained by body size, body composi- cardiac output, which occurs before the arrival at the lungs of
tion, and chronological age.12 13 These changes, although in venous blood from the exercising muscles. Phase I is indepen-
confl ict with the conventional interpretation of peak VO2, are dent of muscle VO2. The cardio-dynamic phase is followed by
wholly consistent with both the underlying physiological pro- an exponential increase in VO2 (Phase II, the primary compo-
cesses and improvements in sport performance in relation to nent) that drives VO2 to a steady-state value (Phase III) within
growth and maturation.14 15 about 2 min with an oxygen cost of about 10 ml/min/Watt
Girls’ peak VO2 (l/min) values are about 10% lower than above that found at rest (or more usually during exercise tests,
those of boys during childhood and the sex difference reaches unloaded pedalling). The principal variable of interest is the
~ 35% by age 16 years. 5 6 There are no consistent data to sup- time constant (τ) of the VO2 primary component which reflects,
port sex differences in maximal heart rate but the balance of within about 10%, the kinetics of VO2 at the muscles. 20 21 The
evidence suggests that maximal stroke index is higher in boys shorter the τ the smaller the anaerobic contribution to the step
than in girls although there are confl icting data on whether change in exercise intensity. During a step change to heavy
this is due to cardiac size or function.16 17 Data on maximal intensity exercise the Phase II oxygen cost is similar to that
arterial-venous oxygen difference are sparse and equivocal observed with moderate intensity exercise. However, the
with no persuasive evidence to support sex-related differ- oxygen cost increases over time as a slow component is super-
ences during childhood. 5 Sex differences in peak VO2 during imposed and the achievement of a steady-state is delayed by
adolescence have been attributed to differences in HPA. Boys 10–15 min. The mechanisms underlying the slow component
are generally more active than girls but HPA patterns show remain speculative but appear to be a function of muscle fibre
that both sexes rarely experience the intensity and duration of distribution, motor unit recruitment and the matching of oxy-
activity associated with increases in peak VO2.18 gen delivery to active muscle fibres. 22 23
Physiological explanations for sex differences in peak VO2 Boys have a faster τ than girls during the transition from rest
during adolescence include boys’ greater muscle mass and to heavy exercise24 but VO2 kinetic responses to a step change
blood haemoglobin concentration. Muscle mass increases to moderate intensity exercise are independent of sex. 25 The τ
through childhood and adolescence in both sexes but although of the Phase II exponential rise in VO2 during youth has been
boys generally have greater muscle mass than girls in child- showed to be age-dependent during step changes to both
hood marked sex differences do not become apparent until moderate25 and heavy26 27 intensity exercise. A longitudinal
the adolescent growth spurt. From 5 to 16 years of age, boys’ study of the VO2 kinetics of heavy intensity exercise reported
relative muscle mass increases from about 42–54% of body a slowing of the VO2 primary component τ and a reduction
mass. Girls experience a less dramatic adolescent growth spurt in the Phase II oxygen cost in both boys and girls, who were
than boys and from age 5–13 years muscle mass increases prepubertal at the onset of the study.26 A slow component was

850 Br J Sports Med 2011;45:849–858. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090200


Figure 2 The three phases of the response to a step change in exercise in four different exercise intensity domains. From Fawkner and
Armstrong3 with permission.

demonstrated on both occasions contributing about 10% of TIME TRENDS IN AEROBIC FITNESS
the fi nal VO2 on the fi rst occasion and 15% of the fi nal VO2 on There are no widely recognised recommendations for opti-
the second occasion. These fi ndings have been replicated with mum levels of young people’s aerobic fitness and no compelling
13–16-year-old boys27 and are consistent with the presence of evidence to suggest that the current generation of youth have
an age-dependent influence on muscles’ potential for oxygen low levels of peak VO2. 5 Informed debate is, however, divided
utilisation. Any independent effects of maturation remain to on whether the ‘aerobic fitness’ of children and adolescents
be explored. has declined over time. 31 32 There are many factors that make
During youth peak VO2 is not related to the VO2 primary it difficult to draw confident conclusions regarding historical
component τ during the transition to either moderate25 or changes in aerobic fitness during youth. First, there is a paucity
heavy27 intensity exercise. This is not surprising as peak VO2 is of scientific evidence available; second, most of the available
largely dependent on oxygen delivery to the muscles whereas scientific evidence has only made informal historical compari-
young people’s VO2 kinetics in these exercise domains appear sons, with very occasional rigorous statistical treatment; and
to be primarily related to oxygen utilisation by the muscles. 3 third, researchers have not always been clear on their defi ni-
tion of ‘aerobic fitness’ and how it is operationalised.
BLOOD LACTATE ACCUMULATION Using a systematic review and meta-analytical strategy
Blood lactate accumulation is a function of several dynamic one of us (GRT) reviewed 50 studies that examined historical
processes including muscle production, muscle consumption, changes (spanning a minimum of 5 years) in aerobic fitness
rate of diffusion from muscle into blood and rate of removal (operationalised as mass-related peak VO2) or aerobic perfor-
from blood. Blood lactate therefore cannot be assumed to mance (operationalised as maximal field-based endurance run-
have a direct relationship with rate of muscle production and ning) of healthy (free from known disease or injury) young
values must be interpreted cautiously. At the onset of incre- people aged 9–17 years. Aerobic fitness data were available for
mental exercise there are minimal changes in blood lactate >4002 9–17 year olds from five countries between 1962 and
with rate of diffusion from the muscle matched by rate of 1994; aerobic performance data were available for >25 245 203
removal from the blood. As exercise intensity increases a 9–17 year olds from 28 countries between 1964 and 2008.
point is reached where lactate rises rapidly with a steep rise to Overall, there has been a very small change in young peo-
exhaustion. The fi rst observable increase in lactate above rest- ple’s aerobic fitness (mean change ±95% CI: –0.26 ±0.48%
ing level during incremental exercise is referred to as the T LAC . or –0.06 ±0.06SDs) (figure 3). Whereas there has been a large
The highest exercise intensity that can be sustained without decline in young people’s aerobic performance since 1975
incurring a progressive accumulation of blood lactate is called (mean change ±95% CI: –13.34 ±0.45% or –0.99 ±0.03SDs)
the MLSS.4 (figure 3). Changes in aerobic performance, but not aerobic fit-
There are no sex differences in blood lactate accumulation ness, were consistent for different sex, age and geographical
with exercise during youth. Children accumulate less blood groups (figure 3). As these results describe historical changes
lactate than adults during both submaximal and maximal in mean values, it is not clear whether the changes have been
exercise and there is a negative correlation between T LAC (as uniform or skewed over time, although data suggest that the
a percentage of peak VO2) and age. MLSS has generally been changes have been typically greater in the poorer performing
found to be negatively correlated with age but this fi nding has or least fit children. 33–37
been challenged by a recent study. 28 Despite some indications So why has there been little change in aerobic fitness but
that both muscle29 and blood 30 lactate responses are related large declines in aerobic performance? Unfortunately, our
to maturation, whether maturation independently influences understanding of the reported changes in aerobic fitness is
blood lactate accumulation remains to be proven. confounded by data from different ergometers (eg, cycle,

Br J Sports Med 2011;45:849–858. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090200 851


treadmill), and data on relatively small, volunteer samples

Percent (1990 = 100%) of young people who might have been athletically inclined.
110 All Furthermore, the reported changes in mass-related peak VO2
may reflect changes in the denominator (body mass in kg)
rather than the numerator (peak VO2 in ml/min). Conversely,
confidence in the decline in aerobic performance is high,
because of large representative samples, broad geographical
100 Fitness coverage and consistent fi ndings. These changes are probably
influenced by a network of social, behavioural, physical, bio-
mechanical, and psychosocial factors as well as physiological
variables. 38 Causes of a decline over time in maximal aerobic
90 performance are therefore not only a function of changes in
peak VO2 but also changes in mechanical efficiency and frac-
110 Boys tional utilisation of oxygen with affective issues (eg, lack of
motivation) and cognitive issues (eg, inability to judge pace)
also important. 39–41 Unfortunately, no historical change
data are available for these factors. Performance is, however,
100 affected by increased fat mass and there is convincing evi-
dence of a worldwide increase in young people’s body fatness
in recent decades.42 43 Increases in fatness explain ~30–70%
of the decline in aerobic performance34 41 but other factors
including reduced experience with maximal sustained efforts
90 also play a role. Nevertheless, changes in maximal aerobic
110 performance – the ability to run faster, play harder and play
longer – are important for youth health and well-being and
successful sport participation, irrespective of the underlying
There are no data on time trends in young people’s VO2
100 kinetic response to changes in exercise intensity or blood lac-
tate accumulation during submaximal exercise.


Peak oxygen uptake
110 9–12 years Cross-sectional studies have reported that trained young ath-
letes of both sexes have higher peak VO2 than their untrained
peers44–46 and focused studies have reported higher peak VO2
than untrained youth in trained cyclists,47–49 cross-country
skiers, 50 swimmers 51–54 and canoeists. 50 Young male athletes
tend to have higher peak VO2 than young female athletes and
although this is probably due to the sex differences described
earlier variations in training volume cannot be ruled out. Peak
VO2 values of >50 ml/kg/min and >60 ml/kg/min for trained
90 girls and boys respectively have been regularly observed. As
almost all studies report cross-sectional data it is unknown
110 13–17 years whether differences in the peak VO2 of trained and untrained
youth are due to initial selection for sport, subsequent training
programmes or both.
There is no compelling evidence to suggest that either maxi-
100 mal heart rate or maximal arterial-venous oxygen difference
change with training during youth and the higher peak VO2
of young athletes appears to be a function of enhanced stroke
volume.46 47 The practical difficulties of determining young
people’s stroke volume during exercise mean that data should
90 be treated with caution. 55 However, the literature is consistent
1960 1985 2010 in reporting higher stroke volumes 56–58 and stroke indices47 57
year of testing in trained children and adolescents compared with their
untrained peers. A single prospective study has supported
these fi ndings by observing significant increases in both boys’
Figure 3 Worldwide patterns of change in aerobic fitness (dashed
(+15%) and girls’ (+11%) stroke volumes following a 13 week
lines) and aerobic performance (solid lines) of 9–17 year olds over the
periods 1962–1994 and 1964–2008, respectively. Data are presented endurance training programme, with no changes noted in con-
separately for all children, boys, girls, 9–12 year olds, and 13–17 trol groups. 59
year olds. Data are standardised to 1990 = 100%, with higher values There are marked inconsistencies in studies exploring the
(>100%) indicating better fitness or performance. underlying mechanisms of enhanced stroke volumes with

852 Br J Sports Med 2011;45:849–858. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090200


training and they are confounded by uncontrolled variables the faster VO2 kinetics of the footballers were due to increases
such as age, maturity, training volume and years of training. in both oxygen delivery and oxygen utilisation.69
It appears reasonable to suggest that training may enhance
stroke volume through a more effective peripheral muscle
pump and/or plasma volume expansion increasing venous Blood lactate accumulation
return but empirical support of this hypothesis is not avail- The assessment and interpretation of blood lactate accumula-
able. Data on training-induced changes in cardiac dimensions tion is challenging and the role, in children and adolescents, of
are equivocal with some studies reporting larger left ventricu- a potential reduction in lactate diffusion from the muscles to
lar dimensions at rest47 59 and at maximal exercise47 in trained the blood and/or an enhanced lactate clearance from the blood
youth and others observing no differences in left ventricular remains to be investigated. Nevertheless, data consistently
size and mass.44 60 Most 60 61 but not all46 studies have reported demonstrate that young athletes accumulate less blood lactate
no differences between trained and untrained youth in ven- than untrained youth at the same relative exercise intensity.4
tricular wall thickness. Prospective data on young people are It has been reported that T LAC in trained youngsters occurs at a
sparse and inconsistent with some studies observing no sig- higher percentage of peak VO2 than in untrained youth.70 71 The
nificant training-induced changes in cardiac dimensions 62 63 running speed corresponding to a blood lactate accumulation
and others reporting significant increases with training. 59 61 of 4 mM has been observed to increase following training.72 73
Estimates of shortening fraction and ejection fraction at rest Intervention studies have reported high intensity74 75 but not
have been observed to be similar in trained and untrained chil- low intensity58 76 training to result in a decrease in blood lac-
dren47 61 but trained children have been reported to increase tate accumulation during subsequent submaximal exercise.
their shortening fraction more than untrained children during No study has specifically examined the potential mechanisms
maximal exercise.64 underlying training-induced reductions in young people’s blood
lactate accumulation during subsequent submaximal exercise
but data from studies of adults suggest that an increase in oxi-
Oxygen uptake kinetics dative capacity is the primary mechanism.77
In adults, training results in a shorter VO2 primary component
τ and a smaller VO2 slow component but no prospective data on AEROBIC FITNESS AND EXERCISE TRAINING
young people are available. Two studies from the same research The only component of young people’s aerobic fitness on
group compared the VO2 kinetics of trained prepubertal swim- which there are sufficient data to estimate a dose-response
mers to untrained children.65 66 Both studies determined VO2 relationship with exercise training is peak VO2. In a system-
kinetics during cycle ergometry and reported no differences in atic review of the literature one of us (NA) located 69 published
the VO2 primary component τ during the transition to exercise training studies and identified 21 investigations which had rig-
either above or below the T LAC . No significant change in the orously examined the effect of structured exercise training on
VO2 slow component was observed during exercise above the young people’s peak VO2 (table 1). It was concluded that there
T LAC . The responses to exercise above T LAC were confi rmed in is a small but significant inverse relationship between baseline
a similar study that compared the cycle ergometer-determined (pretraining) peak VO2 and training–induced changes but no
VO2 kinetic responses to a step change to heavy exercise of relationship between baseline HPA and peak VO2 responses
a group of 11-year-old girl swimmers with an untrained con- to training. An appropriate 12 week training programme will
trol group.67 However, when the girls’ VO2 kinetics was deter- induce, on average, an 8–9% increase in peak VO2 which is
mined during arm (rather than leg) ergometry the swimmers independent of sex, age and maturation. Greater increases in
exhibited a significantly shorter VO2 primary component τ peak VO2 are likely with longer periods of training but further
than the control group, thus supporting the specificity of train- research is required to evaluate the strength of the genetic con-
ing on VO2 kinetics. There were no significant differences in tribution to responses to training.78
arm cranking peak VO2 between the two groups suggesting The recommendations of the International Olympic
that training-induced changes in VO2 kinetics are not related Committee consensus statement on ‘Training the elite young
to changes in peak VO2. As heart rate kinetics was also not athlete’79 are based on the interpretation of these data (table 2).
related to VO2 kinetics, it was suggested that the mechanism
underpinning the faster VO2 kinetics in the swimmers was AEROBIC FITNESS AND HPA
enhanced oxygen utilisation by the muscles. Studies stretching back over 35 years have analysed the peak
A similar study by the same research group but with 14-year- VO2 of children and adolescents in relation to their HPA and
old pubertal girls reported significantly faster VO2 kinetics in consistently shown no meaningful relationship between
trained girls during both upper and lower body ergometry. the two variables.80 81 All located studies which objectively
The authors attributed the contrasting results in prepubertal estimated HPA and directly measured peak VO2 are tabu-
and pubertal girls to both a greater stage of maturation and a lated in chronological order in table 3. It could be argued that
longer training history in the pubertal girls. Furthermore, they pre-1990 studies82–85 did not monitor HPA long enough for it
suggested that, in contrast to their conclusion with prepuber- to be representative of normal physical activity (PA) behav-
tal girls, the faster VO2 kinetics in the trained pubertal girls iour but as data are sparse all studies have been included for
was influenced by both central and peripheral factors.68 completeness.
The only other published study on the topic to date exam- A longitudinal study of over 200 children used multilevel
ined the cycle ergometer-determined VO2 kinetic responses modelling to examine HPA, from the ages of 11–13 years. Peak
of 15-year-old boys from a Premier League football academy VO2 was investigated as an additional explanatory variable of
to the transition from rest to moderate intensity exercise and HPA but once age, gender and maturity had been controlled
compared them to an age-matched control group. The foot- a non-significant parameter estimate was obtained.86 The
ballers demonstrated a significantly faster VO2 primary com- Amsterdam Growth and Health Study reported that a 30%
ponent τ than the control group. The authors postulated that increase in HPA score over a 15-year period was associated

Br J Sports Med 2011;45:849–858. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090200 853


Table 1 Peak oxygen uptake and exercise training
Participants Training protocol Peak VO2 (l/min) Peak VO2 (ml/kg/min)

Experimental Control Frequency Length

Study (E) (C) (per week) Intensity Duration (weeks) Type Pre Post Change % Pre Post Change %

Lussier and n = 16 n = 10 4 92% maxHR 45 min 12 Continuous running and games E 1.76 1.96 11.4 55.6 59.4 6.8*
Buskirk90 11 B, 5 G, 10.3 y 9B
C 1.83 1.96 7.1 53.1 53.9 1.5
1 G,
10.5 y
Gilliam and n = 11 n = 12 4 HR at 165 beats/min 25 min 12 Enhanced PE programme E 1.29 1.34 3.9 43.4 42.9 −1.2NS
Freedson91 B & G, 8.5 y B & G,
8.5 y C 1.34 1.4 4.5 40.5 40.9 1.0
Becker and n = 11 B, 9.6 y n = 11 B, 3 50% of the way 40 min 8 Continuous cycling E– – – 39.0 47.0 20.5 NS
Vaccaro92 10.0 y between AT and
peak VO2
C– – – 41.7 44.0 5.5
Savage E1 n = 12 B, 8.0 y n = 10 B, 3 E1 85% 2.4 – 4.8 km 10 Interval running E1 – – – 55.9 58.5 4.7*
et al93† E 2 n = 8 B, 8.5 y 9.0 y max HR E2 - – – 52.2 54.6 4.6 NS
E 2 68% C– – – 57.0 55.7 −2.3
max HR
Mc Manus E1 n = 12 G, 9.3 y n = 7 G, 3 E1 80–85% E1 20 min 8 E1 continuous cycling E1 1.30 1.43 10.0 45.4 48.7 7.3*
et al94* E 2 n = 11 G, 9.8 y 9.6 y max HR E 2 8 – 16 min E 2 interval running E 2 1.54 1.67 8.4 48.3 50.3 4.1*
E 2 max C 1.49 1.46 −2.0 44.9 43.8 −2.4
Welsman E1 n = 18 G, 10.1 y n = 16 G, 3 E1 80% 20 min 8 E1 continuous cycling E1 1.76 1.79 1.7 51.8 52.2 0.7 NS
et al95† E 2 n = 17 G, 10.2 y 10.2 y max HR 20 – 25 min E 2 aerobics and E 2 1.58 1.61 1.9 47.0 47.8 1.7 NS
E 2 75–80% circuit training C 1.72 1.72 0.0 46.2 45.9 −0.6
max HR
Tolfrey n = 12 B, 10.6 y n = 10 B, 3 80% max HR 30 min 12 Continuous cycling EB 1.60 1.66 3.8 46.6 47.2 1.3 NS
et al96† n = 14 G, 10.6 y 10.3 y EG 1.36 1.54 13.2 39.3 42.4 7.9 NS
Br J Sports Med 2011;45:849–858. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090200

n = 9 G, CB 1.62 1.65 1.9 50.7 50.3 −0.1

10.5 y CG 1.52 1.52 0.0 44.7 43.0 −3.8
Williams E1 n = 13 B, 10.1 y n = 14 B, 3 E1 80 – 85% E1 20 min 8 E1 continuous cycling E1 1.80 1.93 7.2 54.7 57.5 5.1 NS
et al97† max HR E 2 6 – 8 min E 2 1.84 1.91 3.8 54.8 56.2 2.6 NS
E 2 n = 12 B, 10.1 y 10.1 y E 2 max E 2 interval running C 1.92 1.97 2.6 56.4 56.7 0.5
Mandigout n = 18 B, 10.7 y n = 28 B, 3 75 – 80% max HR 15 – 20 min 13 Continuous and EB 1.70 1.84 8.2 47.2 49.2 4.2*
et al98† n = 17 G, 10.5 y 10.5 y continuous continuous interval running EG 1.30 1.57 20.7 38.6 41.9 8.5*
n = 22 G, 90% max 60 – 90 min aerobic CB 1.60 1.70 6.2 46.1 45.5 −1.3
10.5 y HR interval interval activities CG 1.40 1.50 7.4 39.6 39.5 0.2
Baquet n = 13 B n = 10 B 2 80 – 95 % 30 min 7 Interval running E 1.54 1.68 9.1 43.9 47.5 8.2*
et al99† n = 20 G n = 10 G max HR C 1.62 1.62 0.0 46.2 45.3 −1.9
9.5 y 9.9 y
Obert n = 9 B, 10.5 y n = 9 B, 3 80% max HR 60 min 13 Continuous and EB – – – 44.1 50.9 15.4*
et al59 n = 10 G, 10.4 y 10.7 y continous interval running EG – – – 40.9 44.2 8.1*
n = 7 G, 90% max CB – – – 51.5 50.3 −2.3
10.7 y HR interval CG – – – 42.4 42.6 0.5
McManus E1 n = 10 B, 10.4y n = 15 B 3 E1 85% max HR 20 min 8 weeks E1 continuous cycling E1 1.65 1.72 4.2 47.0 50.7 7.8*
et al100 E 2 n = 10 B, 10.4 y 10.5 y E2 max sprints E 2 interval cycling E 2 1.76 1.96 11.4* 45.5 50.7 11.4*
C 1.59 1.57 −0.1 44.7 45.4 −0.2
Br J Sports Med 2011;45:849–858. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090200

Table 1 Continued

Participants Training protocol Peak VO2 (l/min) Peak VO2 (ml/kg/min)

Experimental Control Frequency Length

Study (E) (C) (per week) Intensity Duration (weeks) Type Pre Post Change % Pre Post Change %
Gamelin n = 22 n = 16 3 100 – 120% of MAV 30 min 7 Interval running E– – – 51.6 54.1 4.8*
et al101† 12 B 7B (ie, 80–90% max HR) C– – – 49.9 48.7 −2.4
10 G, 9.8 y 9 G,
9.3 y
Obert n = 25 n = 25 3 100–130% of MAV 25–30 min 8 Interval running E– – – 51.6 55.0 6.6*
et al102 14 B 13 B C– – – 50.3 50.5 −0.4
11 G, 9-11 y 12 G, 9-11 y
Massicotte 3 groups n = 9 B, 3 E1 HR at 170 – 180 12 min 6 Continuous cycling E1 2.00 2.30 15.0 46.7 51.8 10.8*
and n=9B 12.5 y beats/min E 2 1.80 1.90 5.6 47.4 48.0 1.3 NS
Macnab74 in each, E 2 HR at 150 – 160 E 3 1.70 1.80 5.9 46.6 48.2 3.4 NS
12.5 y beats/min C 2.00 1.90 −5.0 45.7 44.2 −3.3
E 3 HR at 130 – 140
Stewart n = 13 B, n = 11 B, 4 90% of max HR 14 – 21 min 8 Interval running E– – – 49.8 49.5 -0.6 NS
and Gutin103 10 – 12 y 10 – 12 y C– – – 48.4 49.2 1.7
Burkett n = 10 G, n = 9 G, 5 70% of max HR Started at 20 Continuous and E– – – 45.1 49.4 9.3*
et al104 15.6 y 15.6 y continuous 9.7 km/week interval running C– – – 43.2 43.2 0.0
90% of max HR up to
interval 32.2 km/week
Mahon and n = 8 B, 12.4 y n = 8 B, 4 70 – 80% max HR 20 – 30 min 8 Continuous and E 1.87 2.04 9.1 45.9 49.4 7.6*
Vaccaro105 12.3 y continuous continuous interval running C 1.77 1.84 4.0 45.4 45.9 1.1
90 – 100% peak 100 – 800 m
VO2, 135% HR (from 1.5 to 2.5
At VT interval km) interval
Rowland n = 13 B, n = 13 B, 3 HR at 153 – 184 20 – 30 min 12 Aerobic circuit training E 2.02 2.24 10.9 44.7 47.6 6.5*
and n = 24 G, n = 24 G, beats/min distance running/walking C 1.96 2.02 0.1 44.3 44.7 0.9
Boyajian106† 10.9 – 12.8 y 10.9 – 12.8 y games, basketball
Rowland n = 9 B, n = 9 B, 3 85–90% max HR 30 min 13 Aerobic dance, step EB 2.15 2.29 6.5 45.4 48.2 6.1 NS
et al107† n = 20 G, n = 20 G, aerobics’ EG 1.81 1.97 8.8 43.9 46.1 5.0 NS
11.8 y 11.8 y distance running, CB 2.08 2.15 3.4 45.3 45.4 0.2
circuit activities CG 1.46 1.81 24.0 43.7 43.9 0.4
Stoedefalke n = 20 G, n = 18 G, 3 75–85% max HR 20 min 20 Treadmill running, cycle and E 2.25 2.32 3.1 NS – – –
et al108† 13.6 y 13.7 y rowing ergometry, stair C 2.39 2.45 2.5 – – –
stepping, aerobic dance

NS indicates not significantly different from pretraining value (p ≥ 0.05).

*Indicates significantly different from pretraining value (p≤ 0.05).
†Maturity assessed.
The table is formed from tables in Armstrong and Barker.78
AT, anaerobic threshold; B, boys; C, control group; E, exercise group; G, girls; HR, heart rate; MAV, maximal aerobic velocity; VT, ventilation threshold.


with a 2–5% increase in VO2 max and concluded that, ‘no to suggest that low levels of peak VO2 are common and data
clear relation can be proved between PA and VO2 max in free indicate that youth peak VO2 has remained stable over sev-
living males and females’ (p. 163).87 Other studies have failed eral decades. However, young people’s maximal aerobic per-
to observe a meaningful relationship between children’s HPA formance involving the transport of body mass is important
and blood lactate indices of aerobic fitness.88 89 HPA has not for health and well-being and successful sport participation
been investigated in relation to VO2 kinetics. and this has markedly declined over the last 35 years. Young
athletes have higher peak VO2, faster τ during step changes
in exercise intensity and accumulate less blood lactate during
CONCLUSIONS submaximal exercise than their untrained peers. Sufficient
Peak VO2 during childhood and adolescence is well- dose-response data are available to design exercise training
documented but other aspects of aerobic fitness during youth programmes to improve the peak VO2 of both trained and
are less well-understood. There is no compelling evidence untrained children and adolescents. However, data on the
effects of different exercise training programmes on blood lac-
tate accumulation are sparse and in the case of VO2 kinetics
Table 2 Exercise prescription for improvement of peak oxygen non-existent. Young people rarely experience HPA of sufficient
uptake intensity and duration to enhance peak VO2 and there appears
Mode Mixture of continuous and interval to be no meaningful relationship between peak VO2 and HPA.
training using large muscle groups More research focusing on the mechanisms driving exercise-
Frequency Minimum 3–4 sessions per week induced changes in aspects of aerobic fitness during growth
Duration 40–60 min and maturation is needed.
Intensity 85–90% of maximum heart rate Competing interests None.
Programme length Minimum length of 12 weeks
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Table 3 Habitual physical activity and peak oxygen uptake in youth

Citation Participants Physical activity measures Mode of exercise Outcomes

Seliger et al82 11 boys; aged 12 years 1 day heart rate monitoring; Cycle ergometer No significant relationships
Czechoslovakia questionnaire interview
Saris83 Approx 400 girls, 400 boys; 1 day heart rate monitoring; Treadmill No significant relationship between peak VO2 in
aged 6–10 years questionnaire any of the age groups when TDEE was used as
The Netherlands an index for daily physical activity
Andersen et al84 21 girls, 27 boys; 1 day accelerometry; Cycle ergometer No significant relationships
aged 13–18 years questionnaire
The Netherlands
Sunnegardh and 49 girls, 52 boys; 1 day accelerometry; Cycle ergometer No significant relationships between
Bratteby 85 aged 8–13 years questionnaire accelerometry data and peak VO2. Significant
Sweden relationship between questionnaire data and
peak VO2 in 8-year-old boys and 13-year-old boys
and girls
Armstrong et al109 111 girls, 85 boys; 3 day heart rate monitoring Cycle ergometer No significant relationships. Non-significant
aged 11–16 years or treadmill correlation coefficients ranged from r=0.01
England to –0.26
Armstrong et al110 43 girls, 86 boys; 3 day heart rate monitoring Treadmill No significant relationships. Non-significant
aged 10–11 years correlation coefficients ranged from r=–0.15
England to 0.09
Armstrong et al111 63 girls, 60 boys; 3 day heart rate monitoring Treadmill No significant relationships. Non-significant cor-
aged 12.2 years relation coefficients ranged from r=0.13 to 0.16
England in boys and from r=–0.02 to 0.04 in girls
Ekelund et al112 40 girls, 42 boys; 3 day heart rate monitoring Treadmill No significant relationships between MVPA and
aged 14–15 years peak VO2. AEE significantly correlated with peak
Sweden VO2 in both girls and boys but after controlling
for body fat and maturity level the relationship in
boys was non-significant
Eiberg et al113 309 boys, 283 girls; 3 day accelerometry Treadmill Sustained periods of PA explained 9% of the
aged 6–7 years variance in peak VO2 When children with the
Denmark same peak VO2 were compared, boys were more
active than girls, and in children with the same
level of PA, boys were fi tter
Dencker et al114 101 girls, 127 boys; 3–4 day accelerometry Cycle ergometer MPA was not significantly correlated with peak
aged 8-11 years VO2. VPA and MDPA were significantly but
Sweden weakly (r=0.23 to 0.32) related to peak VO2. In
a multiple forward regression analysis VPA and
MDPA explained 10% of the variability in peak
VO2 (VPA 9%, and MDPA 1%).

AEE, activity-related energy expenditure; MDPA, mean daily physical activity; MPA, moderate physical activity; MVPA, moderate to vigorous physical activity; PA,
physical activity; TDEE, total daily energy expenditure; VPA, vigorous physical activity.
Table adapted from Armstrong and Fawkner.115

856 Br J Sports Med 2011;45:849–858. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2011-090200


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