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Paul Soldner. Artist 5

Coming To Hurst
by Tom Heberle|
1 Assistant Editor
Next Thursday, November 9, students from Allegheny College these kilns is about 2400 degrees
Mercyhurst College will conduct and hopefully some Mercyhurst farenheit. The two kilns will be
a Kiln building demonstration and students. used by the Ceramic students of
workshop under the masterful For many of us, there might be the art department. The
instruction of Paul Soldner. Mr. some confusion as to a few of the workshop will take place in the
Soldner will build a stone kiln and terms used. A kiln is an oven in Ceramics lab between the hours
a raku kiln, which is a special which pottery is placed to bake to of 9-12 and 1-5 on Thursday,
type of kiln used for various a finish. A raku kiln is an oven in November 9.
works which Paul produces. Mr. which pottery is placed in ashes Paul Soldner is presently a
Soldner will be using 743 bricks to insure an even greater effect. professor of Ceramics at Scripps
and will be aided by 20 Ceramic The average temperature in College in Claremont, California.
He has also < taught at Iowa
University and Colorado
>y University.; He has published
numerous articles for several
publications and has written a
book called Kilns and their
Construction. His * works have
been reproduced in leading
Ceramic textbooks. Paul
received his B. A.{from Bluffton
College in Bluffton, Ohio, his M. A.
from the University of Colorado,
and his M.F.A. from Otis Art
Institute, Los Angeles, California.
His type of work includes both
functional and {non-functional
pieces z with the emphasis on
artistic expression. He has said,
"The problem is not whether it's
functional, but- whether it's
good.'' * The , Mercyhurst com-
munity welcomes Paul Soldner to
demonstrate his ability and skills
PAUL SOLDNER in kiln construction. RAKU POTRRY

Intersession-1972 COFFEEHO USE

To most upper-classmen
Inter: ^ssion is looked on as a time
by' Cathy Stevenson J
2. Due to the difference in the
nature of Intersession, a dif-
Intersession courses will be
available to discuss courses or by Rick?Lamb
for leisure or a time to do some ference in class ^presentation is answer questions of' any in-
early Christmas j shopping. mandatory. & terested students. Students On Monday October 30, the students and their use. It makes
Intercession is j also the most 3. \ Courses should all allow room should then pick four courses Mercyhurst coffee house was little difference whether they are
criticized part of Mercyhurst's for flexibility and opportunity for which appeal to them. If upon closed to the use of the students. listening to a folk singer or eating
academic year due to the lack of spontaneity of ideas, allowing registering, a student discovers Signs were posted informing a sandwich. ,, g^
interesting courses and general students to find his own objectives that all of his four course choices students that the coffee house The coffee house should be re-
disorder which often! ac- in the course. are closed, he should then go to would be closed during the days opened. If it is not, the students
companies the familiar ^ three 4. Student evaluation should Mr. Stalsky'Mr. Stalsky is the and open only in the evening. should have the guts to re-open it
week term. i coincide with the achievements of only one who can reopen any Like good little kiddies the themselves.
This year, Mr. Igor Stalsky is in the objectives that the student classes and.' is guaranteeing union crowd obediently aban- clean/: or appoint someone to
charge of organizing Intercession, sets for himself.* | i students that they will be placed doned their coffee house as if clean it or find who is responsible
and being aware of past problems 5. The grading method should be in one of their four course the paper* signs were God-sent for keeping it clean.
has decided to revamp this year's up to the student. (Most courses choices. The only courses which commandments. A few people Astfor the attitude that the
choices. \ Intersession was this year give thefstudent an Mr. Stalsky will not reopen are mumbled and groaned and one l
coffee house is !not|a lunchroom
originally planned as*a time of option). })f •• I such courses as photography official commented "I don't know but a coffee house, it makes as
6. Courses should be limited to no which are limitedj in available why everyone's up in arms little sense as the other excuses.
more than 20 students. ,* g| equipment. Mr. Stalsky also because theirfecoffee house is The coffee house exists for the
Intersession this year will be 4 hopes to balance courses to closed". ?*
weeks- long instead of the prevent an overload of students in The reason for the eviction is to
previous 3 week term. Team one course or a deficient number keep the garbage in one place. No Weekend Away
teaching is also being considered, of students in another. $~ open coffee , house; no messy 4-College 'Encounter'
Jat Dunkirk, N.Y."
not necessarily for Inter- Total student involvement in an coffee house, j If this kind of
disciplinary! courses, .although Intersession course should equal thinking were followed the whole is* 7:00p.m. t
approximately 35 to 40 hours a union should be ^closed, then it Friday/ Nov. 10th
Interdisciplinary courses will be To Sunday
offered and can be used to fulfill week both in and out of class. It is would be neat and I clean. Or 2:00p.m.
other credits. Many courses will not a vacation time but it can be a maybe the whole campus should Dunkirk, N.Y.
be concerned with off-campus pleasant time." Steps have been be closed. TWe already have a Sponsored by:
taken this year to assure students nice clean parking lot, saved from CAMPUS MINISTRY
IGOR STALSKY study-' along with many travel that I* even their f fourth course the clutter of all those cars.
, Sr. Rita P.
Intercessions. Faculty members choice will be a good one. While it is true the coffee house is I or
guided independent study where a are asked to be available to Intersession is very important to does get dirty, but that doesn't Fr. Guy Patrick
student could tackle a narrow or students approximately! four students because it is their time mean it should b e | closed.
different area to go into depth on hours'a day and many of the to experiment, and experience. According to Mr. Herring, it is not
that subject. Too often, courses are trying to switch from Student apathy could eventually the responsibility of his workers
Intersession £ courses have the term-paper* project to more eliminate Intersession. In the to clean the;,coffee house. As
become crammed carbon-copies constructive \ self-originated future; Mr. Stalsky would like to director of the Student Union, it is
of regular ten week courses. In projects such as video-tapes, Herring's responsibility to keep it
order to "remedy this problem, slide-programs, etc. i see Intersession completely
Mr. • Stalsky has offered, the The Intersession-booklets will student originated, giving;, the
following^ guidelines to faculty soon be in the students' hands students a chance to say What student objectives. The changes
members: \ % * and shortly after an Intersession they would like to learn.; f are long; overdue but only a
1. Courses should be prepared as Day is planned to provide in- m In short, this year's courses beginning. Let us hope that mors
Intersession courses instead of formation to students | about shold offer smaller classes, new changes follow ^and that this
courses prior to registration. All experiences, independent study. intersession is something- to
pre-packed ten week courses. faculty members teaching student choice grading and remember.

McGovern by Tom Heberle
Assistant Editor
The presidential election of 1972 promises to be a very curious
spectacle indeed. Richard Nixon is predicted to win by a landslide
margin. The latest polls show him as having 59 per cent of the vote
compared to 36 per cent. Logically, you begin to Swonder why
McGovern only has 36 per cent of the popular vote so far, because
his positions are not as spurious and nebulous as Nixon's are. For
instance, why did Nixon wait until two weeks before the election tc
disclose his secret talks about peace in Vietnam? Is it because h€
felt people would say, "At least he tried," or "He finally brought
peace to Vietnam"? Either way, he feels he has won popular
support through his ingenious scheme. Also, why hasn't Nixon come
out either one way or the other in reference to the Watergate affair?
Does Nixon condone campaign bugging and snooping? Does Nixon
respect the rights and privileges of private citizens? ^^
Now lookjjat the differences in the platforms of|the two can
didates.-Nixon advocates internationalism, he demands "that we
reject the policies of those who whine and whimper about our
frustrations and call on us to turn inward." This is an obvious in
ferenee to George McGovern who advocates a redirection of in-
terests back to the American people and out of the rice paddies of
Vietnam. Nixon opposes amnesty on the grounds that they deserted
their country. McGovern follows in the footsteps of Abraham
Lincoln and every other American president, who after every war
did grant amnesty to all conscientious objectors who did not want to
serve because of strong moral objections. Nixon talks of curbing
inflation, but he hasn't done it. Prices are soaring and yet wages are
frozen. Nixon promises an end to crime in the streets, he does this
by enacting stiffer laws against the accused. Instead of going to the
heart of the problem-the- ghetto, the school, and trying to do
something about that. Nixon feels users of drugs should be punished
as much as pushers. McGovern feels that Nixon has once again
avoided the hard-core problem of drugs/ McGovern believes'in
November 1st
stiffer penalties for pushers of hard drugs and liberalization, not
legalization of marijuana. M § | p. |
Uemployment has risen in this country from three million to five
million since Nixon took office. McGovern believes that we should
withdraw our support from Kin^Thieu and redirect our interests to
finding jobs for our own people at home. by Janet N. Griffin
So in ending, on a point by point basis, (taking into consideration of comer through by disposing of as the notorious offenders. 9 9
course that what McGovern says isn't necessarily what McGovern The Environmental Problems I
class invites you to a trash-in. them in the designated recep- Hesitate before you dispose of
is going to do, although you could Hook at his past senatorial tacles. cans, bottles, and papers. Save
record), considering various problems of the nation such as Viet- Beginning November l j | the
nam, inflation, jobs, drugs, amnesty, corruption, and foreign policy, campus will be invaded with them and dispose of them in the
it seems that George McGovern, the "prairie populist", should get colored bins for the collection of Not only will we be the cleanest designated bins, which will be
our endorsement. recyclable products. Each bin campus in the "north, south, east placed at easy access for
will be marked for either cans, or west", but we'll be helping to everyone. *
bottles, or bundled paper. We are create a healthier environment in If we all "pitch in" we will do
specifically in? search f of the future by recycling products our part in saving the earth. So

Sticky Tongues newspaper, magazines,

notebooks, any kind of flat paper.
Judging I by the daily con-
sumption of these I products on
already created. remember the date Nov. 1 as kick
It is easy to criticize industry off date. Day students bring the
for polluting, but we are ail recycling items from home. Let's
guilty. And if we do nothing about make this trash-in the best ever.
campus, we know that* you'll our own pollution, we are as bad This is our big chance!


Sore | Fingers
by A. J. Adams
Helen E. Adams, noted frankly, the skinny cats will by Bob Beck
homespun philospher, once probably find themselves wailing
stated: "If wishes were horses, on the fences, until 1976, when Some of our students are under ground next to him. The criterion Chimel, after an arrest is made
beggars would ride." they will again rise, stuffing the impression if Ihitching and for doing so was' to search for and before the arrestee is taken
As : the elections reach f
envelope after envelope in hopes stopped by the police they cannot weapons. When searching the into custody, the officer may
McGovern's Palm Sunday, his of choking the rampaging search you or your belongings. suitcases the officer found a large automatically search the im-
disciples at least some of those on elephant, (that is if there are quantity of marijuana in one. He mediate area for his own safety
this campus, are in a state of elections held), i % i A college student was hitching then arrested Xhe defendant for and the defendant's for any
consternation. The poor showings Is -a sticky-tongue or a sore along an Interstate Route when unlawful jpossessions of weapons. | j
in the polls and the peace finger a proper^ reach stopped by a state trooper. Upon dangerous drugs.
proposals Jn ? Vietnam are questioning him the officer was In the pre-trial proceedings the In I this case, the court felt a
overwhelming obstacles. Quite (Continued on Page 3) oissatisfied with his answers and defendant tried to suppress the logical|extension of Chimel:was
put himi into custody in ac- evidence saying that it was an made and that the suitcases were
cordance with the statue of illegal search on the grounds of in the defendant's immediate
"unlawfully soliciting,
a ride on Terry vrs Ohio. The superior control therefore subject to
THE MER CI AD the highway. ' The officer then
frisked the defendant and sear-
ched the two suitcases on the
court disagreed saying that the
officer was justified under
search. "The exigencies of the
situation made that course im-
Chimel vrs California. Under perative.
j Years of Service
Published weekly during the college year, except Thanksgiving/ in-
tercession, Christmas and Easter vacations/ and examination periods
by the students of MercyhurslXotlege, Erie, Pa., 16501. Mailing ad-
dress: Mercyhurst Mailrodfrc3feraTbfcttall. Box 36. 1 14
t\a u

4 ob Parks
NOVEfTlBER, 1972 Folk Singer
Mike K
Assi nt if or 'U
*Y im Heberle 9:00 1
W w« Coffee 1
•tonal Board V House 1
Feature itf ck Lamb
V ino Cipriani
Layout Jon DeGeoij Election
Little 1iff
F Paul
siness Manage^
CZ\ Marlene Smith No Solder ^ Little!
ts»\ rry McA w VOTE! • • Classes Artist- C r a f t s m e n , Theatre 1 Theatre!
culty visor Held Fall!
Kiln Building Fall!
do r*X&9W
•» r
K \ r
» ,
Movie: demonstration and Production 1 Production!
"IF..." workshop 10 a.m. to 8:15p.m. 1J*8: 15 p. m. 1
Staff Writers: Pat Lyon b a y ^ j t o j ^ a ^ B o b Bearhart, Al Belovarac, 7:30 p.m.
Gary Bukowski, i, '" <T 5 p.m. 2 urn
Coffeehouse Ceramics Lab.
Staff: Terri Grzankowski, Tom Frank, Nancy Parks, Paul Doran, Student Union Little Theatre, Fall OF 1 OF 1
Carol Aico^Sophie Garel, Kathy Holmes, Cookie Cebula, Rosie £ Dance * Productduction. 8:15 i THE 1 THE 1
Schiava, Maureen Hunt, Marie Kanicki* Mary Griswold,-Cathy > Concert P-m. Dark of the MOON 1 MOON !
Stevenson, Gail Stevens, ± t \ Concert Featuring Moon
Cata Air Ape
Hello Miss American Pie!
After all of the "Bye! Bye!", I
am surprised to find you are still
around Mercyhurst. How can I
tell you are still there? Your face
all the resemblance to "formal
religion-temples, saints,
ritual...And once again the ladies
serve from the sidelines."
Ghost Of Egan Hall
is not to be seen in the Merciad. Women of Mercyhurst! Do you by Gary Bukowski
Your name is not under the know the accomplishments of the
headings of the Merciad articles, women who have gone before In the last few years there has For a long time afterwards wearing the ring the phone rang,
notfin the Line-up of editors. (See you? Have you read in the been a great growth in the some of the Sisters nervously and it was the boy's parents, who
Merciad, Oct. 13* and Oct.f 23). Merciad Gary Bukowski's ar- number of legends and tales, reported that they kept ^hearing told her that he had been killed in
Your name was not mentioned in ticles about the work of the many of which center around the noises and sighs in the Fourth an unusual type of automobile
the recent ? *'Athletics- Sisters in the early days of the O'Neil Chapel. Most of these Floor of Old Main and especially accident. The'^ horrified Igirl
Academe," debate Where, college? Have you heard about stories have little historical basis in the Tower.; Then one night an blamed his death on the ring and
then, are you? M these alumnae-Catherine in fact but legends apart of any older Sister entered the Chapel to quickly took it back to the Chapel.
g You are in your usual place, Durkin, llawyer? and Jane college's his tory. ^f say some prayers before rearing. Soon after she left college but the
aren't you? You are:jcheenng on Matjasko, physician, two of the So here is Mercyhurst's most As she walked in she noticed that story persisted that the ring was
the teams, coxie for the crew- few women who have made it in famous tale. The incident centers a Sister was sitting up front cursed and the Chapel and Tower
these professions? Ms. Catherine around the ring on the finger of looking at the "Infant of Prague" was haunted. $9
Durkin is an attorney and an the "Infant of Prague" statue in statue. The Sister then proceeded To stop the | stories the ad-
organizer of political campaigns the Chapel. Just recently the ring to the front of the Chapel because ministration removed the ring a
in Cleveland. Dr. Jane Matjasko mysteriously dissappeared. the Sister looked strange from the few years ,ago and place it in a
was graduated "cum laude" As the report goes there was back, but as she approached, the box somewhere in thek Queen's
from Women's Medical College, one Mercyhurst girl who had a person suddenly seemed to Chapel. Although the ring was
Philadelphia.> There are others lover, and they were engaged to
too. Dr. Anne Crowley marched be married when he was called to
with Martin Luther King in fight in the Second World War.
Chicago. Sr. Anne Francis, twice Just before the war ended it was
elected Chairman of the Board of reported that he had been killed
Trustees at Mercyhurst College, in action. ?j$ *g&
addressed | the - national
organization of women religious When the girl received this
J this September*, in Seattle, news she was so shattered that
she sworejthat she would never
Washington. Sr. Maureen
Fiedler, R.S.M. is presently love another man, and eventually
working in Washington, D.C. with became a Mercy *Nun. Shortly
the National Committee for the before she took her final vows she
Bye, Bye, Miss McGovern campaign. placed her former engagement
v Women of Mercyhurst, where ring on the finger of the "Infant of
are you! | Prague" statue. L .25 8
American Pie! A few years later while busy in
her work at Mercyhurst she was
team, and you are in the long line g Sister Rita Brocke, R.S.M. shocked to receive a letter from
of females listed under "staff" the soldier who wasn't dead after
for the Merciad. What does the all, but pvhoi had been taken
"staff" do? Can I guess? But, it Dear Sister Rita Brocke, prisoner, and only recently been
should be that way;' Isn't it an I wholeheartedly Jagree with released. I |
accepted fact? Women are the you. The question is what are the He wrote to the Sister that he Infant of Prague Statue
weaker sex, intellectually and opinions of the cheerleaders, the was coming to see her. The
physically. I Coxie, and the rest of the Mer- disappear. Only a weird strong eone students continued tp make
Sister, who still loved the man but odor remained. When the Sister strange reports of weird lights in
Perhaps, you fit into the picture cyhurst female population? Send who was now committed to God told this story to the other Sisters
described in Intellectual Digest, your comments to: the Queen's Chapel as if the Sister
became so upset that she suffered she was dismissed as being a bit were looking «fon the ring, and
November, 1972, i* inj Henry Letters to the Editor a complete nervous breakdown senile. But few went to the
Edward's article, Box 36 i strange sounds like groans
and was finally isolated in the Chapel anymore late at night. around the Tower late at night.
"Desegregating Sexist Sport". Preston Mailroom Fourth Floor of Old Main. She A few years ago a Mercyhurst
He says that American sport has Bob Parks, Editor never saw the soldier and never Senior who was engaged became Real or not—the legend con-
really recovered but often used to fascinated with the story. tinues to grow.}; J While the
gaze at the ring on the statue.3 Because her boyfriend was Administration continues to
One day, in the early 1950's, she coming to visit her at Mercyhurst dismiss the whole matter, there

was found dead in her room. The -the next day, she decided to take are few people braveferibugh to
rumor was strong that she had theringfrom the Infant and wear visit the Chapel jarea late at
committed suicide and hung it herself to surprise the. bov. St ni g h t — i n c 1 u d i n g t h e
herself. The next day while she was Administration, 4 •*

November 1972 I ^ ^ ^ ^ M t t W W i ^ M ^ ^ ^ t t B m p H i W ^ H H ^

Give up a meal - hamburger, by 6.T. Barron
"Have I not been fair enough?
a pack of cigs, etc. etc. etc. And how many times do you
have to die now? * \
How Many sets has it been?
Not another one, God, no... " |
from * 'More often than not''
GIVE THE $ By D. Wiffen
I'm sure these thoughts have
MEDICAL \AID echoed in every musician's mindB
when he looks at himself asg
a performer. Too many days
FOR INDOCHINA alone on the road wondering what $
in the hell you're trying to ac-
complish by singing your songs to
strange faces night after night
SOMEBODY W i l l BE IN THE CAFETERIA AT LUNCH can wear on any folksinger on his
climb to stardom—unless,J of
course, said folksinger includes in
AND DINNER TO. COLLECT THE SHECKELS his repertiore the patience of Job
and the uncanny ability to make
an audience feel like kinfolk.
These qualities Robinf Williams
has in abundance—along with a
Sticky Tongues m • lot of simple talent. This young
South Carolian cum Nashvillean
(Continued from Page»o continued to mesmerize every
audience he got his hands on
such an unassailable end? Of exactly the
200 years coinciding with
downfall of the Catholic
during his recent stay on campus FOLKSINGER EMERITUS
course not!? You might as well Church with the assassination of with his innate ability to tran-
take that tongue and or finger and the Pope.| There has been a sform the coffeehouse into his for wooden music. For two years, enjoy a renaissance in folk music,
sit on it. Sure, you're "stuffing" gradual progression of extra- livingroom. After three years on the two coffeehouses? have and our students have finally
has helped;^not in |attaining constitutional power undertaken the coffeehouses circuit, Robin worked together to give local "discovered" the^watermelon
victory but in preventing a land- by the President. There has been still has all the enthusiasm ^that folksingers a chance to be heard ballroom, Strawberry Fields'
slide. You are stabilizing a documented evidence of lies and his newcomer Ifr lends, theft far from] the ^atonal drone one star is on the wane. Since they do
terminal patient, instead of deception (i.e. Thej Pentagon Dawson Brothers, exuded simply becomes accustomed to Iwhen not have the scope of student
because he thinks the coffeehouse dining on a fare of get-your-rocks government backing, we are
looking for a cure. There has Papers) in| the^ present ad- circuit is the best means for him off rock and roll. And for two fortunate enough to, they must
been talk of "taking it to the ministration. Admittedly, this is to be heard both as a musician years,«.- both coffeehouses have rely heavily on the funds gleaned
streets" even at Mercyhurst. not proof-positive, but its un- and as a person. What else can be suffered, through sparse student from admission charges to exist.
You know that4f we're talking, doubtedly something to think said about I his recent per-g support and a scarity of good It's really a circular thing, they
they'll be action elsewhere.; I'm about. formances on the stage of the local performers.. We seem to can't seem to draw a crowd for
not saying that this is the answer As your lives will be lm- watermelon ballroom except, have remedied the second the "same old faces" no matter
or if it is it's the only one, but it's measurablypshaped by the "Thanks, Robin!"—to which I'm problem this year with the cof- how talented they may be—and
an idea. Students have the time elections this week, please, if sure Robin would affably reply, feehouse circuit, which provides they can't afford out-of-town
and the energy, all the pro- nothing else, votei If you're pro- "Sheeeit, 'twarn't nothin," and us once a month with a new face performers because they can't
ride off into a Gene Autry sun- for three days—and judging from guarantee the attendance to pay
McGovernites need is the Nixon, fine, call me and I'll set... A PLEA when the ballroom the consistent overflow' crowds Them.
channel.; M arrange counselling. If you're opened in September of 1970, it both the Dawson Brothers and 'And so, they have come to this
In the 10th century, pro-McGovern, fine,?,get to the joined with Gannon's Strawberry Robin Williams drew, we're not regrettable state of affairs.
Nostradamus, an Irish monk- polls for it's quite possible that in Fields in establishing a showcase worrying too much about the
philosopher, foresaw J a great planning for the coronation, the first. But unfortunately, while we
fat-cats just might forget. (Continued on Page 4)
democracy that would last

Rebels On Top
M.F.L. TODA Y By Tom;Frank
(Continued from Page 3) "jS
Strawberry Fields will be open by 7&M Jim B Wilkenson.
for the next few weekends on a Congratulations, Jimmy, iott# a
trial basis only, and unless we tremendous job over the years,
show them by our attendance we and vl thanks IS fori? * the
On Wednesday, October 25, the Ochsenrieter, Chi Ids collected defense of Bob "Wiley Cyote" care if they stay open or not, they memories Marty and Fred are
MFL'S only undefeated team, the eight points with a 20 yard touch- Pietesch, Tom Humphries and will be forced by our indolence to back! Yes, fans, that's right—two
Rebels trounced the Bud Brigade down pass from golden-arm Jimmy Boback forced the close?their: doors. The Water- of the finest classical'and*folk
53-12. | The powerful \ Rebel of- Sortino, \ and two more points Spartans to punt on fifth down. melon Ballroom owes a debt of guitarists evert to grace I a cof-
fense, led by quarterback Ralph stemming from a safety. Childs, Frank Warwald lofted a high, gratitude no Strawberry Fields feehouse stage in Erie will ap-
Sortino, scored at will. \ teamed with ijRoy Feinberg spiraling punt back to the and its personnel over the years pear at Strawberry Fields \ on
The scoring highlights for this combine for one of the better Truckers five yard'line. Felix for showing us how beautifully Friday, November 10, and our
unmerciful contest 'was 4
*as defenses in the M.F.L. *-| \ then caught the punt and showing the concept of a campus cof- own "t Wa termelon j Ballroom * on
follows, Sortino, the 'double The only scoring for the Bud the true Mother fTrucker style feehouse CAN work—if given the Saturday, November 11. Both are
threat quarterback, proved his Brigade, now with four losses on twisted and turned his way 60 chance by the student body. It is currently> studying music; at
aerial competence by completing the year, came from two Tom yards and another touchdown. * the responsibility of everyone in c o n s e r v a t o r i e s i i n
seven touchdown passes. Three Malthaner touchdown tallies one The Spartans only score capped a this town who cares about wooden Boston Kentuckian ' j songbird
of the seven were by speedster 30 yards to Rich Guzak and the 40 yeard pass play from quar- music to make this decision for Mike Clark Iwilll be our next
Jack Riley, who through an in- other 20 yards to Mike terback Jeff McCann to split end Strawberry ^Fields. God knows circuits performer, .ruising into
jury, is now playing tight end Razanaukas. S 4, Mike Miller. |£ $39 there are precious few places left the big E for six shows on our
instead of his usual flanker Next Wednesday, "the game of Although the Mother Truckers in Erie to really hear a folk campusfNovember 13-15 Mike's
position. ? \ mi the year" will be played with the led 12-6 at half time, Truck performer" in an atmosphere forte' is that good old country
? "Play bov*'$ Ken Antlak, also Rebels dueling the Hot Tunas II. Caldwell, the brutalizing lineman designed expressly for that music that people used to listen to
scored 12 markers from Sortino This game will undoubtedly be a showed his outstanding pass purpose. Wz§ M \ before rock and roll was invented.
aerial {touchdowns. Antlak's blood and guts game, between the catching and running by catching LET'S SAVE|STRAWBERRY Plan! to | give| a t listen...The
other score stemmed from an first and second |place teams in one pass from Tom Heberle and FIELDS—there are other things Ballroom's fi mostly recent
interception in which the league's the league, f X Jgl u? the other from Jimmy Boback. in town to listen to when you're acquisition has been f a | brand
sportiest? dresser (on the field) ',$• If you have never been to a passes for 40 yards and 20 yards loaded S besides \YES and . Ruby spankin' new shure sound system
scamperedil2 yards for another MFL at the Tullio Athletic Field, respectively. The latter touch- Port... | ^ M i ' * ST which is certainly good for your
Rebel touchdown. I be sure not to miss this one. down came through a ^perfect ears. Kudos to RUS and last
Jack "Smack" Baxter J also In other action Wednesday, the screen pass in which jthe I I 20 20 News 3 M M but not least, Mercy hurst's own
tallied a touchdown for the Mother Truckers, also known as * 'bulldozer'\ rambled twenty YES will be appearing Sunday, resident folksinger will grace our
league-leadingf Rebels on *a 20 the "Mercyhurst Redskins" won yards over two Spartans and into November 15 at the Gannon n£w sound system! with* his
yard screen pass for the golden- their third game of the season. the end zone. f x Auditorium, j Tickets! fare mellow music! this Friday,
arm of Ralph Sortino. m The old men off football were |The Truckers now have a one available! at Gannon, Isaac November 3, from 9 to 1. Personal
Seconds after the itouchdown, sparked by coach Jim "Truck" week bye |and on Wednesday, Baker's, or both Record Bars. Predispositions aside, Michael is
Baxter added another PAT, now (Bulldozer) % Caldwell's ftwo November 8 play; the Bud Appearing with YES will be one performer I can't say enough
in solev position of PAT'S and touchdowns? enroute to a 24-6 Brigade Malthamer, Phweet Pwheew (whistle it) who about, so I won't even try. Just
looking for the league crown in victory over the Spartans. beware! M iPSS ,. f H ^ S B i ! will also be appearing November come on down Friday night and
that division, with two others The two other tallies for the 18 at Mercyhurst in concert, set a spell to see what I'm jawin'
elsewherej throughout JPrthe Mother Truckers were by Rusty complete with a light show, ifor at ya 'till nextlmonth, dear
massacre. f 1 Felix. His first of two touch- Rebels -53 | | | i » M those of you into fhippie friends, remember our corporate
j Another Rebel coming into the downs came after I a Dario T.D. H B^fflbieJH nostalgia details forthcom- logo— 1 * 1 I
limelight of stars is "Long Island Cipriani miscued an aerial which Riley-3/pass 'E^f^l^BBS^H ing.. v.'Jim my 4 Daly I recently GIVE WOODEN I MUSIC |A
Antlak • 2, pass r ^ j & S ^ ^ B H
fell into the speedster's hands in Antlak
Ed" Childs.l Subbingffor Bob - 1 / pass '£»aKra resigned | as manager j of LISTEN—CHECK fOUT$||A
the endzone, the play covered 35 ;
Antlak - Interception ^ ^ J S Strawberry Fields, to be replaced COFFEEHOUSE TONIGHT. US!
$ yards. |; * Baxter - 1 , pass
**? Childs $$g£
35Ck PRIZE The ex-Prep star's other touch- Safety
- 1 , pass
i \ & ?5!
down came after the staunch Al I passes by Sortino
Pat: y. i
\$ Stage Crew
Raffle SENIOR i
Baxter - 2fL- *
Bud Brigade -12 %

by Judy Smith |
T.D. ||El;
Guzak - 1 , pass 30yards
f 4 Dark Of The Moon
How would you like a chance at
winning a big $350.00? Well, it's
easy and here's how you can win.
CLASS I Razanaokas-1/pass 20 yards
All passes by Malthaner

Rebels «
1 2 3 4
21 14 12 6
The sophomore 8 class of Mercy
hurst College is having a raffle
ticket sale for $350.00 The tickets
MEE TING Bud Brigade 0 0 6 6

are a quarter a piece and five for Mother Truckers - 24

by|Paity Jurewicz T.D. ^ 1
one dollar. The drawing date is to Felix - 1 , pass 35 yards £? % »
be November 4th at 10:00 in the On Wednesday, October 25,1972 Felix • punt return 60yards
Student Union . Tickets will be the Senior Class of 1973 held their CaldwelI - 2 pass 40 and 20 yards
first class meeting! Those at- P.A.T. none
available in the cafeteria, Student
Union Also you'can buy them tending decided j that the Spartans - 6
from members of (the class. Christmas Senior-Faculty dinner Miller - 1 , pass 40 yards
would be held December 19,1972. P.A.T.none « EfcP-
Anyone interested in selling It will be catered by Saga Food
1 2 3 4
tickets may obtain them in Room Mother Truckers 6 6 0 12
128,110 or 112 Baldwin Hall, f Service and held in the school
cafeteria. Semi-formal or formal
dress was also decided upon. Standings
"I stake my hopes in 1972 in Further details will be given at a (As of 10-30-72)
large part on the energy, the later date, i | £ Mr. Larry Glaister, Michael King and Laura Meyer.
wisdom, and the conscience By a vote of those in at- The artistic ability of the stage soon, November 9-12. Box office
of young people... " tendance, it was decided that (be Team Won LOSt Tie Pts. crew of Dark of the Moon will opens October 30th. Be sure to get
traditional graduation gown Rebels 4 0 1 9•£
9 produce a colorful and exciting your reservations. Call 864-0681
George McGovern would be worn for the graduation Dukes 4 0 1 K
Hot Tunas 11 44 1 0 8 spectacle for its audience The ext.27l/ v I f t *
ceremonies. Sharyn Staso, M.Truckers 3 1 1 7 scenery enhances thetlocale and
President, I told the group she Budmen 1 3 0 2 atmosphere of the Smoky
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED would look into the possibility of Bud Brigade 1 4 0 2
Mountains. Mr. Larry Glaister
Spartans y 1 5 0 2
Saturday-Sunday I having. graduation ceremonies Boilermakers 0 4 0 0 and his crew are {working
held on campus instead of at Tech diligently towards this end. Mr.
Go to McGovern Headquar- Memorial. Various \ suggestions Glaister has been previously
ters, 456 East 12th St If you for the graduation speaker were affiliated with the iMercyhurst
need transportation, call 455- given. Suggestions are still stage in The Prime of Miss Jean
1397. % S i welcomed. Contact^ Sharyn in ATTENTION! I Brodie, and Private Ear. With his
Townhouse 7.» S —ALL CREATIVE ability and his crew's en-
HURST STUDENTS- thusiasm, all visual aspects of the
Your ideas for
play will be intensified.
Dark of the Moon is coming YOUTH
I.D. slogans|
Your I ideas for I. D. slogans
91.3 FM are still being ac- student
cepted at Mr. Bingnear's
office 3rd floor Old Main or in cards travel
radio box at the snack bar.
Slogans!should include call
letters and-or frequency rra
sometimes mentioning Erie.
You already have one in you
so let's hear it on the air!!
ropean Grou


Babysitting: 9 mos. boy; hours:^12 - 6 (Wed.-Fri.), 7:30
1:00 (Sat.). Contact Mrs. Schrimper - 868-3878or 455-8998$ ERIE TRAVEL &
Waitress; Irish Cousins, Lawrence Park, Pa. 899-2567. TOUR INC.
Seniors: Stop in at the Placement Office to pick up your
Credential Forms. 5- % £ 455-3907I

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