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In this article we will discuss about how technology has

developed and advanced in human lives.

The 21st century is the era of technology, the tech driven future
that was assumed and imagined by humans with flying cars and
robots is here. This tech driven world that we live in has brought
a lot of change in our way of living.

Technology has given more power to the people that can afford it
and the disadvantaged have fallen behind. The use of technology
in this era can make magnificent changes in the right hands and
can destroy the world in the wrong hands. As said “With great
power comes great responsibility.”

Many people have shared their concerns related to this fast

pacing technology, much of their concern focuses on the growing
power held by the technology companies that control
information flows into people’s lives and their potential to
compromise individuals’ privacy and autonomy.

Some even noted that solutions to their problem have a double-

edged quality because opportunity and challenge are equally
present. Some argued that the spread of lies via social media and
other digital platforms will damage social, political and
economic systems. They acknowledged that some of the likely
remedies may interfere with civil liberties. They maintain that
the seemingly unstoppable flow of lies, disinformation and
misinformation online is divisive, dangerous and destructive.
Some pointed out a variety of downsides to telework, and said
they worry over the accelerating automation of more business
systems and processes causing the number of available jobs for
humans to shrink. Additionally, they worry about people’s
mental health at a time of so much isolation. Finally, they
wonder who will take action to bring about the positive change
necessary to tackle all of these obvious issues.

“Many workers will have ‘portfolios of work,’ a variety of

work activities including a day job, gig work and startup
activity. While this will encourage more variety and fluid
relationships with hirers, it will also create more
economic uncertainty and precarity for many.”

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