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The Oscillating Universe Theory is a cosmological concept in which the Big Bang and the Big Crunch

occur in a cyclical order.

It starts to form a big bang a huge explosion that ejected matter in all directions. Then the space itself
will continue to expand. But when the universe's mass exceeds a certain crucial value, then gravity
should eventually stop everything from flying away from everything else. It will start to contract by
the influence of its gravity which will draw matter toward the center of gravity or also known as the
gravity contraction. Once it happened, the universe will eventually succumb to the attractive force of
gravity and collapse once again into a single point.

According to the oscillating theory, the universe continues to grow and contract.

To put it another way, our universe could be the first in a series of universes, or it could be the nth in
the series. It repeats itself in a regular cycle

According to this hypothesis, the cosmos continues to expand and contract, never exploding or

It states that the cosmos expands until matter's gravitational attraction pulls it back in and causes it to
bounce. It also refers to something moving back and forth between two locations or states on a
regular basis.

It is needed to prove this theory with the presence of the blue shift as well as the redshift
The redshift happens when the universe started its expansion. It means that the source is moving
from you and is what still occurring today. While the blueshift happens when the source is moving
toward you, it means that the universe stopped expanding.

Every theory has flaws and Hanna will tackle what oscillating universe theory have

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