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Albumina este cea mai importanta

proteina din sange, alaturi de

E produsa de ficat
De aceea hipoconcentratia de albumina poate
insemna boli hepatice:
ciroza hepatica,

Mentine H20 in vase si e

Cand c% scade, apa paraseste vasele, si
apar edemele . Transporta vitaminele,
grasimile, hormonii.

Proprietati chimice
se coaguleaza
solubila in H2O
e pp de acizi

It all lies in nature

Nature-based solutions are found to be most effective
in fighting against climate change, but they only
receive 3% of all climate funding.

It's time to take action.

Take action by educating yourself and urging your
community to get involved in addressing
environmental concerns.

Information Source
Conservation International |

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