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ai EDITION SCHOTT a= ced fed Fem fed focal fom fed feel ced fms fed ed fed fom fede fede | ERICH WOLFGANG KORNGOLD Mariettas Lied zur Laute Marietta’s Song aus der Oper ,Die tote Stadt” from the opera ,,The dead city” Gesang und Klavier. - Voice and Piano mittel - medium {femdom femtfanis oy ONY oy Bor M6 (oy Oo .isy oe fae) fae) peel fay 9724 ; Printed Gar oy mittel - medium Mariettas Lied zur Laute Matietta’s Song aus der Oper ,Die tote Stadt” from the opera ,,The dead city” Text von Paul Schott Erich Wolfgang Korngold English adaptation by R. H. Elkin 1807-1957 Lento Klavier poco rit ‘Molto lento e tranquillo, con sentimento Glick, das. mir ver = blieb, riick zu 1 Joy, that true didst prove, Hold me TR wz adagio fargo mis, mein treues Lieb, — fast. my faithful love. mR finkt im Hag— clonses grey fargo ilk mir Licht und 7 Ban-ge po- chet = Herz an Herz Toou'rt my light and day. Heart to heart doth beat in pain~ ae ee ee ‘y5-—————— | pespr * ite © P.Séotrs Sohne, Manz spo © renewed Shot & Co Lid London, 3648 adagio Lo stesso movie —=$ TH > (Come amarcto) Hoffnung thwingt fic himmetwarts. Wie wahr, fate aneye Hope soars hea How true, the sad» dest Fy F As Lied. Das Lied vom treu = = en. Lich, Song. —— The song of the faith ~ + ful lover, —— 7 , Poco a poco pitt scorrevole ¢ crescendo in espressione — —— —————— poco rit, 5 a tempo ¢scorrevole) poco a poco calando = gen. Bs hat noch eiene Stro-phe Te has 3S geber verse <2£> days... ———>| molto dim. weil ich fie noch? Can T recall it? ae ee ara P morendo i Di nuovo assai lento, con profonda espressione adapio Naht auc Sor~ ge trib, slik zu mix, mein treues Lieb. Clouds may loom a = bove, Hold me fast, my Saitheful love. [4 4, fargo fargo biaS Gefiche— Ster~ben trennttns nicht. on my heart Death can never = part, —==——~ os adagio lm ‘Mult du ein-mal von mir gehn, glaub es xiBF ein Aufer-ftehn. Wien the hour comes you mustgo, you wil rise a> gain, T know! = ——— yee x epee Cterf* § Lentissimo (Adagio) RF im fae 7 a Be Ld Schott’ Sohne, Main 0734

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