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Immunologic Research


Structural differences of neutrophil extracellular traps induced

by biochemical and microbiologic stimuli under healthy
and autoimmune milieus
Sorely Adelina Sosa‑Luis1 · William de Jesús Ríos‑Ríos2 · Ángeles Esmeralda Gómez‑Bustamante2 ·
María de los Ángeles Romero‑Tlalolini3 · Sergio Roberto Aguilar‑Ruiz4   · Rafael Baltierez‑Hoyos3 ·
Honorio Torres‑Aguilar2 

Received: 29 September 2020 / Accepted: 23 April 2021

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2021

Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are networks of decondensed chromatin loaded with antimicrobial peptides and
enzymes produced against microorganisms or biochemical stimuli. Since their discovery, numerous studies made separately
have revealed multiple triggers that induce similar NET morphologies allowing to classify them as lytic or non-lytic. How-
ever, the variability in NET composition depending on the inducer agent and the local milieu under similar conditions has
been scarcely studied. In this work, a comparative study was conducted to evaluate structural and enzymatic divergences in
NET composition induced by biochemical (phorbol myristate acetate [PMA] and hypochlorous acid [HOCl]) and microbio-
logic (Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) stimuli, along with the presence of plasma
from healthy donors or patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The results showed a differential composition
of DNA and the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin (LL37) and a variable enzymatic activity (neutrophil elastase, cathepsin
G, myeloperoxidase) induced by the different stimuli despite showing morphologically similar NETs. Additionally, SLE
plasma´s presence increased DNA and LL37 release during NET induction independently of the trigger stimulus but with
no enzymatic activity differences. This work provides new evidence about NET composition variability depending on the
inducer stimulus and the local milieu.

Keywords  Neutrophils · Neutrophil extracellular traps · Innate immune response · Autoimmunity · Systemic lupus


Neutrophils are the most numerous white blood cells cru-

cial for the defense against infection in the innate immune
response. Phagocytosis, granule releasing, and reactive oxy-
* Honorio Torres‑Aguilar gen species (ROS) production were their initially described
microbicide mechanisms. In this regard, neutrophils may
Department of Molecular Biomedicine, Centro de perform directed and specialized functions according to the
Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto recognized pathogens by selecting granular components and
Politécnico Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico
cytokines [1]. Additionally, NETosis was later described
Clinical Immunology Research Department of Biochemical as an alternative neutrophil antimicrobial role. Neutrophil
Sciences Faculty, Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de
Oaxaca, Oaxaca City, Mexico extracellular traps (NETs) are networks or filaments of
3 decondensed chromatin loaded with histones, enzymes,
CONACYT ‑ Medicine and Surgery Faculty, Universidad
Autónoma “Benito Juárez” de Oaxaca, Oaxaca City, Mexico and antimicrobial peptides. This process was defined as a
4 different type of programmed cell death for capturing, neu-
Molecular Immunology Research Department of Medicine
and Surgery Faculty, Universidad Autónoma “Benito Juárez” tralizing, and eliminating certain kinds of bacteria, fungi,
de Oaxaca, Oaxaca City, Mexico and some viruses, contributing to neutrophils’ functional

Immunologic Research

heterogeneity [1]. Two main processes may produce NETs: via TLR-7/9 and promoting IFN-I production. Then, IFN-I
(a) a “suicidal” lytic or NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2)-depend- activates neutrophils and induces more NET release contrib-
ent NETosis, beginning with arrest and actin depolarization. uting to a pDC-neutrophil activation loop [14]. The antimi-
Simultaneously, the nuclear membrane is disassembled, and crobial activity of cathelicidin (LL37) [15] and cathepsin
the chromatin is decondensed in the cytoplasm to be mixed G (CG) [16] in nucleic acid complexes produced by NET
with granular components. The plasma membrane is then formation may vary depending on the microbiological stimu-
permeabilized, and the complete content is released to the lus and have been identified as potent IFN-I triggers for B
extracellular space involving the neutrophil death [2]. (b) A lymphocyte activating and autoantibody production [17].
“vital” non-lytic or NOX2-independent NETosis in which Several studies have evidenced the extensive heteroge-
DNA is packed in vesicles subsequently expelled into the neity of NET composition, which varies according to the
extracellular space. This mechanism occurs rapidly, and inducer stimulus and investigation methods [7]. This study
neutrophils maintain their viability remaining as anucleated evaluates the NET morphology and composition (DNA
cytoplasts able to roll and engulf bacteria even after NET quantification, LL37, NE, CG, and MPO) employing a
expulsion [3]. Additional to NOX2 activity, the neutrophil comparative analysis performed under similar experimental
elastase (NE) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) requirements conditions, evaluating NET features induced by biochemi-
have been described for the later NET formation stages, cal inducers (PMA and HOCl) and microbiological stimuli
primarily for chromatin decondensation. Nevertheless, it is such as fungi (C. albicans), and a Gram-positive (S. aureus)
now clear that some forms of NET formation can occur inde- and a Gram-negative (P. aeruginosa) bacterium, as well as
pendently of NOX2 (for vital NETosis) or MPO [4, 5]. NET the effect of soluble factors derived from an autoimmune
activation processes may differ on the inducing stimulus and process (SLE plasma) on NET formation.
the released DNA quantity and protein composition [6].
Because not all NET generation pathways elicit cell death,
the term “NET formation” instead of “NETosis” is more Materials and methods
accurately used. Additionally, given that diverse stimuli acti-
vate different signaling, current statements avoid describing Neutrophil’s isolation and plasma samples
specific protein requirements for NET composition [7].
Numerous stimuli such as inflammatory cytokines and Neutrophils were purified from 10 mL of EDTA blood sam-
chemokines, immune complexes, contact with activated ples of healthy donors by Percoll gradients (GE Healthcare).
platelets, calcium influx, and biochemical and microbiologic Blood samples were initially diluted (ratio 1:3) with Dul-
components have been described as in vitro and in vivo NET becco’s phosphate-buffered saline (DPBS), and a 1.079 g/
inducers. For instance, PMA (phorbol myristate acetate) is mL Percoll density was used to isolated peripheral blood
a specific activator of protein kinase C (PKC) and therefore mononuclear cells (PBMC). Then, PBMC were washed with
activates the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) in an NADPH DPBS, and a 1.098 g/mL Percoll density was performed to
oxidase 2 (NOX2)-dependent mechanism. Hence, PMA is obtain the granulocyte layer. Granulocytes were collected
characterized by inducing a lytic NET formation depending and brought under an osmotic shock with 0.2% and 0.65%
on ROS production by PKC activation, and several pathways saline solution to remove residual erythrocytes. Differential
of NET formation converge at the level of PKC [2]. Alterna- centrifugation was performed to eliminate platelets, and then
tively, HOCl (hypochlorous acid) activates NET formation’s purified neutrophils were resuspended in Hank´s balanced
non-lytic pathway independently of ROS since HOCl is a prod- salt solution (HBSS) buffer. Cell numbers and viability were
uct of myeloperoxidase activity [8]. Additional to biochemical quantified by trypan blue exclusion test (0.4%, Sigma), and
stimuli, microbial agents such as Candida albicans (non-lytic) neutrophil purity was evaluated by flow cytometry (MAC-
[9], Staphylococcus aureus (non-lytic) [10], and Pseudomonas SQuant 10) with FSC/SSC analysis by the FlowJo software
aeruginosa (lytic) [11] have also been described and separately (Tree Star, Inc.), and morphology was observed by Wright
characterized as NET inducers. Immunocytochemistry is the staining (Hycel).
most widely accepted method for NET detection by identifying The project was approved by the research and ethical
extracellular DNA structures colocalizing with granule-derived committees of the Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad
proteins and nuclear components [1, 7]. de Oaxaca, Mexico (approval number: HRAEO/CIC/CEI
Despite the NET’s relevant role during the innate immune 013/16). Blood samples were obtained after informed con-
response against microorganisms, an overproduction and sent from recently diagnosed and before treatment SLE-sta-
lack of clearance might be harmful, as described in sys- ble patients to avoid interference effects on NET production
temic lupus erythematosus (SLE) [12, 13]. In SLE, NET- likely attributable to the immunosuppressive therapy. Hence,
derived DNA–protein complexes activate plasmacytoid due to the ethical committee guidelines, three samples from
dendritic cells (pDCs) by facilitating self-DNA recognition SLE patients and three healthy individuals matched in age

Immunologic Research

and gender could be provided by the rheumatology depart- image into the two classes of pixels, defined as background.
ment during this study’s approval period. Cell aggregation was defined based on cell distances, and it
was quantified as a Cell Aggregation Index = the number of
NET induction isolated cells at every stimulus/number of isolated cells at
every stimulus plus plasma.
The 2 × ­10 5 neutrophils were placed and homogenized
on 0.001% poly-L-lysine-treated coverslips in 400 µL of Enzymatic activity quantification
RPMI 1640 medium without phenol red (supplemented
with 10% heat decomplemented autologous plasma, 2 mM Basal and maximum enzymatic quantification was ana-
L-glutamine, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, 0.1 mM nonessential lyzed in 2 × ­106 neutrophils kept in HBSS buffer or lysed
amino acids, 100 U/mL penicillin, 100 mg/mL streptomycin, by freeze and defrost at − 70 °C, respectively. Additionally,
and 50 mM 2-ME) for fluorescence microscopic analysis, or to analyze the enzymatic activity produced by the NET for-
in HBSS buffer for enzymatic activity quantification. Neu- mation, NETs were induced by the mentioned stimuli in
trophils purified from the same subject were used for each HBSS. Supernatants were discarded, wells were washed,
group of ten independent experiments (ten analyzed indi- and enzymatic activity was evaluated by colorimetric reac-
viduals) to avoid experimental variation owed to individual tions in supernatants obtained after disengaging DNA–pro-
cell responses between individuals and were included in the tein structures using DNAse (1 U/mL, Sigma) for 10 min
following culture conditions. at 37 °C to assess the enzymatic activity due to just NET-
Neutrophils were kept in the absence of a stimulus bound proteins. The enzymatic activities of NE, CG, and
(HBSS), or NET formation was induced by biochemi- MPO were analyzed as described by White PC and cowork-
cal stimuli: PMA [200  nM] (Sigma-Aldrich) or HOCl ers [18] by using 0.5 M, N-methoxysuccinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-
[4.5 mM] (NaOCl, Sigma-Aldrich); or by bacterial stimuli: Val-p-nitro aniline (Sigma), 1 mM, N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-
Gram-positive, S. aureus (ATCC 25,923) or Gram-negative, Phe-p-nitroanilide (Sigma), or 3,3′,5,5′ tetramethylbenzidine
P. aeruginosa (ATCC 10,145) at MOI 100; or by a fungal (Sigma) as substrates respectively, and quantified by photo-
stimulus: pseudohyphae of C. albicans (ATCC 10,231) at metric analysis in comparison to the corresponding calibra-
MOI 1.0. The NET formation was analyzed in the presence tion curves. Results are presented as the percentage of each
of every single stimulus, or every stimulus plus autologous condition in contrast to the maximum enzymatic activity.
(from neutrophil donor), healthy allogenic or allogeneic SLE
plasma (10%). After adding the corresponding stimulus and Statistical analysis
plasma, cells were incubated for 4 h at 37 °C and 5% CO2.
Triplicate measurements were performed in each one of the
NET characterization by fluorescence microscopy ten independent experiments. Dates were analyzed by the
Minitab software for ANOVA statistical analysis to per-
After NET induction, cells were fixed (4% paraformal- formed comparisons between groups of experimental con-
dehyde/30 min), blocked (10% decomplemented autolo- ditions with a confidence level of 95%.
gous plasma/30  min), and permeabilized (0.2% Tri-
ton X-100/10 min). Then, DNA was stained with DAPI
Fluoroshield (Sigma) (blue color) to describe extracellular Results
DNA structures as “lytic-like” or “non-lytic-like” NET
morphologies, and with anti-LL37 Alexa Fluor 594 (red Morphologic, structural, and enzymatic
color) or isotype control (Santa Cruz) overnight at 4 °C. differences in NETs induced by the biochemical
Staphylococcus aureus, P. aeruginosa, and pseudohyphae and microbiologic stimulus
of C. albicans were previously labeled with CFSE (5 µM,
Sigma) (green color). Five images (four extremes and center) Morphologic features observed by Wright staining
per well, for each condition of ten experiments performed (Fig. 1a), FSC-SSC profile by flow cytometry (Fig. 1b),
by triplicate (150 analyzed images per condition), were and viability quantification by trypan blue exclusion
acquired by fluorescence microscopy (Axio observer Z1, allowed to obtain a cell purity of 98.9% ± 0.06 and cell
ZEISS). The fluorescence background readings were estab- viability of 95.5% ± 4.2 of purified neutrophils in ten per-
lished with unstained cells for DAPI or the isotype control formed experiments. Morphologic and fluorescent features
for LL37 to analyze the mean gray value of signal per area of DNA-DAPI staining of freshly purified neutrophils
for each color with the ImageJ software. The combined anal- (Fig. 1c) and CFSE staining of C. albicans (Fig. 1d), S.
ysis (merge) of DNA/LL37 was performed by colocalizing aureus (Fig. 1e), and P. aeruginosa (Fig. 1f) were initially
independent images after image thresholding, dividing each

Immunologic Research

Fig. 1  Initial purity and morphologic features of neutrophils and CFSE stained, × 40, C. albicans (d), S. aureus (e), and P. aeruginosa
microorganisms. After isolation, neutrophil purity was confirmed by (f). Small right-down squares show × 100 amplification into panel
Wright staining, × 100 (a), and quantified by flow cytometry, FSC c, × 100 optic amplification into panel d, and × 100 g staining ampli-
vs. SSC dot blot (b). Initial morphologic and fluorescent features fication in panels e and f. Pictures are representative of one of the ten
of freshly purified neutrophils, DNA-DAPI stained, × 40 (c) and experiments

established by fluorescence microscopy to characterize the formed filamentous NETs, yet it is located close to the
morphologic changes due to NET induction. whole remainder nucleus (Fig. 2h and 2i).
After stimulating with PMA, HOCl, or CFSE-stained In comparison to the morphologic characteristics of
microorganisms, DNA-DAPI and LL37-Alexa Fluor DNA, LL37, and microorganisms before NET formation (C.
594 were visualized by fluorescence microscopy (Fig. 2, albicans (Fig. 2j), S. aureus (Fig. 2o), and P. aeruginosa
panel I), and mean gray values of signal per area for the (Fig. 2t)), C. albicans induced a non-lytic-like morphology
indicated colors were quantified by the ImageJ software with prominent DNA filaments and anucleated cytoplast-like
(Fig. 2, panel II and III) as described in the “Materials structures (Fig. 2k). Preserved whole structures of pseudo-
and methods” section. Unstimulated neutrophils showed hyphae were still present (Fig. 2m), while LL37 kept a pre-
condensed chromatin (Fig. 2a) with LL37 in a cytoplasmic dominant cytoplasmic location with a weak dragging toward
location (Fig. 2b and 2c). In comparison, the morphologi- DNA filament structures (Fig. 2l) but scarcely colocalized
cal characteristics induced with PMA were profuse extra- with pseudohyphae (Fig. 2n). Alternatively, although S.
cellular DNA structures, looking like a cloudy appear- aureus also triggered non-lytic-like NET features (Fig. 2p),
ance, observing a large amount of DNA emitted toward the bacteria seen throughout the microscopic fields were
extracellular space, with delocalized lysis out the plasma grouped (Fig. 2r) and caught by DNA filaments and LL37
membrane, favoring a diffuse DNA dispersion as described (Fig. 2q) as observed by an almost whole colocalization
for lytic NET formation (Fig. 2d). LL37 was located in the (Fig. 2s). However, although NETs induced by C. albicans
extracellular space attached to the entire NET structure and S. aureus showed non-lytic-like characteristic as those
(Fig. 2e and 2f). On the other hand, HOCl induced a mor- displayed by HOCl induction, only S. aureus induced a sta-
phology of elongated emitted DNA filaments still attached tistically significant higher DNA staining (Fig. 2, panel II),
to membrane cell as described for non-lytic NET forma- but with no significant differences in LL37 participation
tion (Fig. 2g). In this case, LL37 does not colocalize with (Fig. 2, panel III) in comparison to unstimulated neutrophils.

Immunologic Research

Fig. 2  DNA and LL37 composition of NETs induced by biochemi- by triplicate. Graphics show averages ± SD of mean gray value of sig-
cal and microbiologic triggers. After NET induction described in nal per area for the indicated colors of five images (four extremes and
the “Materials and methods” section, cells were stained with DAPI center) per well in ten independent experiments performed by tripli-
for DNA visualization (blue) and anti-LL37 Alexa Fluor 594 (red) or cate and analyzed with the ImageJ software for (I) DAPI-DNA and
isotype control. Staphylococcus aureus, P. aeruginosa, and pseudo- (II) Alexa Fluor 594-LL37 staining. Statistical analysis was achieved
hyphae of C. albicans were visualized in green color due to CFSE by the Minitab software by ANOVA to perform comparisons between
staining before NET induction. MERGE images show colocalizations groups of experimental conditions with a confidence level of 95%.
of the mentioned colors. (I) Images show representative results of * = p ≤ 0.05. HBSS, Hank´s balanced salt solution; PMA, phorbol
fluorescence microscopy of ten independent experiments performed myristate acetate; HOCl, hypochlorous acid

Immunologic Research

Conversely, P. aeruginosa generated vast cloudy DNA struc- specificity in neutrophil recognition and response, revealed
tures described as lytic NET formation (Fig. 2u) but much by the differential morphologic and structural characteris-
more extended than those observed with PMA (Fig. 2d). tics and the variable enzymatic activity observed in NETs
Bacterial particles observed all over the microscopic fields induced by different stimuli.
(Fig. 2w) were covered by DNA networks, but mainly by
LL37 (Fig. 2v) as detected by a whole bacteria-LL37 colo- SLE plasma induces neutrophil aggregation
calization (Fig. 2x). Interestingly, both PMA and P. aer- and increases DNA/LL37 release during NET
uginosa showed statistically significant higher DNA (Fig. 2, induction
panel II) and LL37 levels (Fig. 2, panel III) compared to
initial staining. Neutrophils were stimulated under the conditions as men-
NET supernatants were discarded, and colorimetric tioned earlier plus HBSS, autologous (from neutrophil
assays were used to evaluate the enzymatic action after donor) or allogeneic (healthy) plasma as controls, as well as
disengaging DNA–protein structures using DNAse to ana- SLE (allogeneic) plasma in age and gender, paired study to
lyze the activity due to just NET-bound proteins described evaluate the effect of soluble factors present in the plasma
by White PC and coworkers [18]. The results revealed a of SLE patients on NET production. NETs were analyzed
remainder NE (2.3 ± 0.6%), CG (6.2 ± 2.7%), and MPO by DNA/LL37 quantification as described in the “Materials
(21.4 ± 2.0%) enzymatic activity in NET-derived DNA, and methods” section. Plasmas from recently diagnosed and
regarding the maximum activity obtained from lysed neu- before treatment SLE patients were used to these experi-
trophils. NE activity was detected consistently low in NETs ments to avoid interference effects on NET production likely
induced by all stimuli but showing higher significant activ- attributable to immunosuppressive therapy.
ity facing S. aureus. CG activity was also present under all The results showed that in comparison to neutrophils
conditions but significantly higher in PMA-induced NETs. maintained in the absence of plasma and stimulus (Fig. 2,
Meanwhile, MPO was still present in NETs induced with all panel I, a), the presence of autologous (Fig. 4, panel I, a)
stimuli showing significantly higher activity facing micro- or allogeneic (Fig. 4, panel I, g) plasma produced no mor-
biological triggers in comparison to biochemical stimuli, phologic changes neither variations in DNA/LL37 loca-
but with no statistically significant differences among them tion (Fig. 2, panel I). Nevertheless, neutrophils in SLE
(Fig. 3). These results provide descriptive evidence about the plasma’s presence displayed an evident cell aggregation

Fig. 3  NET-remaining enzymatic activity induced by biochemical natants of neutrophils kept in HBSS buffer. Statistical analysis was
and microbiologic triggers. After NET induction, supernatants were performed with data of ten independent experiments and achieved by
discarded, and colorimetric assays were used to evaluate the enzy- the Minitab software by ANOVA to perform comparisons between
matic activity after disengaging DNA–protein structures by DNAse groups of experimental conditions with a confidence level of 95%. *
to analyze just NET-bound proteins. Graphics show averages ± SD of and ** = p ≤ 0.05 compared to all other stimuli. *** = p ≤ 0.05 com-
the percentage of NET-remaining enzymatic activity induced by each paring the signaled groups of stimuli. NE, neutrophil elastase; cath-
biochemical or microbiologic stimuli compared to the MAXIMUM epsin G; MPO, myeloperoxidase; PMA, phorbol myristate acetate;
enzymatic activity (supernatants of neutrophils lysed by freeze and HOCl, hypochlorous acid
defrost at − 70  °C). BASAL shows the enzymatic activity in super-

Immunologic Research

Fig. 4  Effect of autologous, healthy allogeneic, and SLE allogeneic number of isolated cells at every stimulus plus plasma and normal-
plasma on structural differences induced by biochemical and micro- ized to the data obtained with the HBSS control. (III) The graphics
biologic triggers. The NET formation was induced by each described show the statistical analysis of the mean gray value of signal per area
stimulus separately (NO PLASMA) or each stimulus plus autologous for each color (DAPI-DNA, Alexa Fluor 594-LL37, and MERGE
(from neutrophil donor), healthy allogenic or SLE allogeneic plasma staining) of five images (four extremes and center) per well, for each
at 10%. Then, NETs were stained with DAPI for DNA visualiza- condition of three experiments performed by triplicate. Results were
tion (blue) and anti-LL37 Alexa Fluor 594 (red) or isotype control. obtained through the Minitab software by ANOVA analysis to per-
Staphylococcus aureus, P. aeruginosa, and pseudohyphae of C. albi- form comparisons between the absence of plasma and the presence
cans were visualized in green color due to CFSE staining before NET of autologous, healthy allogeneic, or SLE allogeneic plasma with
induction. (I) MERGE images show colocalizations of the mentioned all stimuli, and between the presence of the different plasmas as
colors of representative results of three independent experiments per- described in the Y-axis, with a confidence level of 95%. * = p ≤ 0.05.
formed by triplicate. (II) The graphic shows the Cell Aggregation HBSS, Hank´s balanced salt solution; PMA, phorbol myristate ace-
Index quantified as the number of isolated cells at every stimulus/ tate; HOCl, hypochlorous acid; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus

and spontaneous NET-like tiny DNA fibers and LL37 dif- PMA/autologous vs. PMA/allogeneic vs. PMA/SLE) (not
fuse staining (Fig. 4, panel I, m). shown).
On the other hand, the presence of autologous (Fig. 4, Interestingly, the statistical analysis performed between
panel I, a-f) or allogeneic (Fig. 4, panel I, g-l) plasma dur- the presence of the different plasmas or no plasma with
ing NET induction by either biochemical or microbiologi- all stimuli (e.g., all stimuli with no plasma vs. all stimuli
cal stimuli induced no substantial changes in DNA/LL37 with autologous plasma vs. all stimuli with allogeneic
structures and locations when compared to the absence of plasma vs. all stimuli with SLE plasma) revealed sig-
plasma (Fig. 2, MERGE column). Reproducibly, the pres- nificant remarkable differences (Fig. 4, panel III). Hence,
ence of SLE plasma during all stimuli induced a statisti- under the last statistical analysis, DNA, LL37, and DNA/
cally significant neutrophil aggregation (Fig. 4 II). How- LL37 merge quantification showed no statistical differ-
ever, after DNA and LL37 quantification by image analysis ences between autologous vs. no plasma, allogeneic vs.
and statistics, significant differences were not found when no plasma, and allogeneic vs. autologous. These results
comparisons were performed to analyze the effect of each indicated that any healthy plasma’s presence did not affect
plasma on the same stimulus (e.g., PMA/no plasma vs. the DNA/LL37 composition of NETs induced with all

Immunologic Research

the evaluated stimuli. Strikingly, SLE plasma’s presence Discussion

revealed higher DNA quantification, LL37, and DNA/
LL37 merge than no plasma and autologous. This signifi- The presence of certain anticoagulants as heparin or chelat-
cant difference is maintained when LL37 and DNA/LL37 ing agents and calcium and magnesium during neutrophil
are analyzed by comparing SLE vs. allogeneic, but not isolation for NET assays have been described as likely
when only DNA is analyzed (Fig. 4, panel III). Therefore, inhibitors or clumping and adhesion inducers affecting NET
these results revealed that SLE plasma’s presence sig- formation [19]. The characterization of the initial morphol-
nificantly increases DNA and LL37 release during NET ogy after purification (Fig. 1a-c) and before NET formation
induction independently of the trigger stimulus. (Fig. 2j, o, and t), along with the following up of resting
As DNA and LL37, the statistical analysis of NE, CG, neutrophils during NET induction (Fig. 2a-c), allowed to
and MPO enzymatic activity in each plasma’s presence discard neutrophil changes owed to the isolation methods
on the same stimulus did not display significant differ- and to coin such differences exclusively to the added stim-
ences (not shown). However, the analysis of the existence uli. Since the NET discovery, many studies have revealed
of SLE plasma with all stimuli compared to autologous, multiple triggers that induce similar morphologic features
allogeneic, or no plasma did reveal significant, impres- and composition, allowing to classify them as lytic or non-
sive results (Fig. 5). NE activity was found significantly lytic NET inducers [2]. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity and
reduced in the presence of either autologous, allogeneic, specificity in NET morphology and design depending on
or SLE plasma in comparison to the absence of plasma the inducer agent under equal methodologic conditions have
(no plasma). Nevertheless, no differences were found in been scarcely studied.
NE activity when comparing any plasma between them, Given that several studies have evidenced the extensive
and the analysis detected no changes between any plasma heterogeneity of NET composition, current statements rec-
with its absence regarding CG activity. Interestingly, sig- ommend identifying NETs as extracellular DNA structures
nificant differences were found when comparing alloge- colocalizing with granule-derived proteins and nuclear
neic or SLE with autologous plasmas. Finally, MPO enzy- components [7]. Because LL37 is a protein found at a high
matic activity was found significantly increased in the concentration in secondary (specific) granules of neutro-
presence of either autologous, allogeneic, or SLE plasma phils, it was chosen to identify a neutrophil’s secondary
compared to no plasma, but with no differences between granule-derived protein in extracellular DNA structures.
them. Hence, the results of this study revealed no differ- Additionally, since LL37 has been strongly associated with
ences in NET-remaining NE, CG, and MPO enzymatic SLE immunopathology as a neutrophil-derived inflamma-
activity due to the presence of SLE plasma-derived solu- tion factor and an autoantigen [20], LL37 was chosen to
ble factors. evaluate its likely variable presence facing different stimuli
under healthy and autoimmune environments. Current state-
ments for monitoring NET formation suggest analysis by

Fig. 5  Effect of autologous, healthy allogeneic, and SLE allogeneic the statistical analysis of three independent experiments performed
plasma on NET-remaining enzymatic activity induced by biochemi- by triplicate achieved by the Minitab software by ANOVA analy-
cal and microbiologic triggers. Enzymatic activity was evaluated after sis. Comparisons were performed between NET-remaining enzy-
NET induction by each stimulus used individually (NO PLASMA), matic activity in the absence of plasma and the presence of autolo-
or by each stimulus plus autologous (from neutrophil donor), healthy gous, healthy allogeneic, or SLE allogeneic plasma with all stimuli
allogenic, or SLE allogeneic plasma at 10%. Supernatants were dis- and between the presence of the different plasmas as described in
carded, and after disengaging DNA–protein structures by DNAse, the Y-axis. The statistical analysis used a 95% confidence interval.
enzymatic activity was evaluated as described in the “Materials and * = p ≤ 0.05. SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus
methods” section just from NET-bound proteins. The graphics show

Immunologic Research

real-time live-cell methods such as intravital imaging. Nev- inducers, the analysis detected no differences in DNA and
ertheless, in addition to the NET formation, our study aimed LL37 quantification between them (Fig. 2 II and III). How-
to quantify differential enzymatic activity exclusively due ever, divergences were observed in their enzymatic activ-
to NET-bound proteins. Hence, it was necessary to discard ity. Both microbiologic stimuli (C. albicans and S. aureus)
supernatants and analyze enzymatic activity only in disen- induced significantly higher MPO activity than HOCl, and
gaged proteins from fixed DNA structures. Therefore, given S. aureus provoked higher NE activity than all its corre-
the used methodology for NET description by fluorescence sponding counterparts (Fig. 3). HOCl is a product of MPO
microcopy in this study, the results allowed to describe the activity; thus, the non-lytic DNA release induced by this
extracellular DNA structures only as lytic-like or non-lytic- stimulus is ROS independent [7, 8], while bacteria generate
like NET morphologies. ROS via MEK–ERK signaling, triggering the MPO path-
The results obtained in this study showed that both PMA way [11]. On the other hand, neutrophils might produce
and P. aeruginosa induced a cloud-like appearance of extra- higher NE enzymatic activity induced by S. aureus in NETs
cellular DNA and just these stimuli presented significantly because the peptidoglycan-TLR2 recognition activates the
higher DNA staining in comparison to resting neutrophils. arginine deiminase 4 (PAD4) signaling pathway. This signal-
Some authors state that a cloudy morphology of nuclear ing modulates nuclear translocation of NE to the nucleus to
DNA might result from necrotic cell death due to prolonged drive chromatin decondensation by processing histones [10];
neutrophil incubation in vitro [21] and that NET appearance meanwhile, the recognition of cell wall components of C.
might be altered from cloud-like to extended fibers due to albicans by dectin-2 in neutrophils leads to neutrophil-yeast
currents in the media [7]. The authors could discard this aggregation, filling of intracellular vesicles with DNA and to
artifactual effect because the methodology included internal an NADPH oxidase-independent NET formation involving
controls that allowed them to keep unchanged morphology a quick DNA release in a non-lytic route [24].
in resting neutrophils treated under the same conditions. Considering the NET composition induced only by
Likewise, the obtained NET morphologies were similar microbiological stimuli, DNA amount and LL37 were sig-
to those separately reported for each stimulus by differ- nificantly higher, challenging S. aeruginosa (Fig. 2 II and
ent authors (lytic for PMA [2] and P. aeruginosa [11]; and III). DNA differences between microorganisms might be
reproducibly non-lytic for HOCl [8], C. albicans [9], and S. explained by the different activated NET pathways and the
aureus [10]) (Fig. 2a). presence of nuclease activity in bacteria as described for S.
Additionally, these cloudy features were reproduc- aureus, whose nuclease expression facilitates escape from
ibly more extensive and colocalized against P. aeruginosa NETs [25]. Meanwhile, the more significant presence of
(Fig. 2x). Although the analysis detected no differences in LL37 in P. aeruginosa-induced NETs might undoubtedly be
DNA or LL37 quantification between these lytic stimuli, explained by the higher DNA release induced by lytic NET
both induced significantly higher LL37 staining than resting stimuli (PMA and P. aeruginosa (Fig. 2, panel III)). The
neutrophils (Fig. 2 II and III). Different enzymatic activity bactericidal activity of LL37 has been previously reported
was found insomuch CG activity was markedly higher in with more potent activity against P. aeruginosa due to its
PMA-induced NETs. Likewise, MPO activity was signifi- capability to biofilm formation compared to other Gram-
cantly superior in NETs induced by P. aeruginosa (Fig. 3). positive and Gram-negative bacteria [26]. Hence, the dif-
Hence, beyond a mere cellular death, this variable enzymatic ferent activated signaling pathways by recognizing specific
activity in the NET-derived DNA shows a certain degree pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) mediated
of specialization attributable to different pathways’ activa- by neutrophil receptors might suitably produce the neces-
tion. PMA-induced lytic NETs depend on ROS production sary amount of DNA network and load specific enzymes and
by PKC activation [7], while P. aeruginosa also induces antimicrobial peptides, to be later selectively released to act
lytic NET formation but via an LPS-TLR4 recognition in against particular pathogens.
an ROS-dependent and autophagy-dependent pathway [11]. SLE plasma’s presence revealed a cell aggregation in
The discovery that neutrophils possess the ability to discrim- resting neutrophils with spontaneous NET-like tiny DNA
inate between LPS from various Gram-negative bacteria and fibers (Fig. 4i, m). Interestingly, NET induction against all
selectively discern the NET formation pathway strengthens stimuli in the presence of SLE plasma also presented sig-
this hypothesis [22]. Thus, morphologically similar NET nificant neutrophil aggregation (Fig. 4 II) with a substan-
structures might be endowed with specialized enzymatic tial increase of DNA/LL37 colocalization when comparing
activity depending on the inducer stimulus. with the presence of autologous, allogeneic, or no plasma
Alternatively, HOCl [8], C. albicans [9], and S. aureus (Fig. 4, panel III, DNA/LL37 MERGE). Cell aggregation,
[10] triggered no-lytic fibrous characteristics in the released as an expected effect of neutrophil activation caused by
DNA (Fig. 2). This morphology is sometimes described as increased levels of IFN-α and immunocomplexes in SLE
mainly composed of mitochondrial DNA [23]. Like the lytic patients, might boost NET formation [14] and, besides the

Immunologic Research

inadequate clearance of DNA described in this disease, it Code availability  Not applicable.
has been proposed as a likely mechanism for loss immu-
nological tolerance and anti-DNA and anti-LL37 autoan- Declarations 
tibody production in SLE and psoriasis [27]. Likewise,
some differences in enzymatic activity were evidenced Ethics approval  The project was approved by the research and ethical
committees of the Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad de Oaxaca,
by comparing all stimuli in the presence of each plasma Mexico (approval number: HRAEO/CIC/CEI 013/16).
or no plasma. The analysis revealed significantly reduced
NE activity; meanwhile, MPO activity was significantly Consent to participate  Blood samples were obtained after informed
increased in all induced NETs indistinctly in the presence consent.
of either autologous, allogeneic, or SLE plasma (Fig. 5), Consent for publication  Not applicable.
suggesting that the activity of the protease inhibitor of NE
(α-1 antitrypsin) and MPO activity might be unaffected Conflict of interest  The authors declare no competing interests.
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