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Week 15 : Oral Communication in Context

Content Standards The learner realizes the rigors of organizing and delivering one’s speech.

Topic Outline My Thanking Speech


NAME: Mikaela Dela Rosa
 End the year by creating a speech dedicated to (1) the frontliners and (2) someone you want to say
‘thank you’
 Minimum of 200 words for each speech, you can accomplish it using English or Filipino language.

For: Frontliners

To our heroes specially in the pandemic I would like to say thank you for giving strength to so many and we are
lucky to have you. Your tireless efforts are not going unnoticed. We are grateful and proud to all of the
sacrifices that you and your family are making. Thank you for all of those hard works and tireless night that you
dedicated just for everyone. We know that being frontliner is not easy but it is very much appreciated. All of
those commitments that you allotted to the community is not something that everyone could do, words are not
enough to thank you for it. We all wish to stay safe to you and your family. We are forever grateful to you for
taking care of those who are suffering and needed your help. Thank you for maintaining our safety even though
your life depends on it. We salute you and applause you all for the difficulties you suffered. Sending thanks and
warm thoughts to all of you that are working through this pandemic. You are the one of the best and brave
people we know. We always support all of you and we are always here for each and everyone of you. Thank
you from the bottom of my heart you are the heart and the soul of the war against this pandemic.

For: My friend Mea

With you from the start still continuing until now. Our bond is getting stronger as time pass. We fight, we argue,
we had misunderstanding but despite of that we’re still here for each other. We even treat our selves as sisters,
we know each other secrets and we never even betrayed each other. You we’re there when I was down so do I
when you were at your worst. So, I would like to say thank you for staying by my side for 16 and counting
years. Thank you for helping and caring for me when I don’t have someone to lean on. Thank you for all of the
advice even though sometimes I don’t listen to some of it. Thank you for not getting tired of me and my rants.
Thank you for accepting my flaws and mistake you’re very much appreciated and valued. Thank you for
stepping up for me when I can’t fight on my own. You’re always loved please remember that and don’t be hard
on yourself. I wish that we will grow together and achieve each other goals. Don’t give up always remember
that I’ve got your back no matter what. Let’s continue fighting and let’s make more memories together.

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