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The study of political parties has been an issue traditionally addressed from the
perspective of political science. Most investigations have been undertaken since
historically this edge, however not so, these political groups have been briefly studied
by jurists to analyze the electoral process, the participation of political parties in the
elections and the results of elections have determined that the access of parties to

It is for this that, an investigation to try the relationship between political parties
and the mechanisms of access to power was needed, not view from the field of
political science, but from the perspective of law, to link this issue with the electoral
reforms that have, in conjunction with other political factors, that a political party can
maintain power and even before the election defeat, recovered by implementing
strategies orchestrated by state organs too, using the inclusion of his supporters, as
Weber calls, within the (Parliament) legislative power, the influence of the media and
maintaining voter preferences across actions from the government level, aimed
further the interests of his party on the eve of elections.

That is why this research analyzes the electoral reforms in the State of Mexico
that allowed the PRI, get the win in the electoral process for the election of governor
in 2011, constituting the ideal political strategy that allowed underpin the success of
this party in the presidential election of 2012, replicating the experience in electoral
processes of 2005 and 2011, to retain power (statewide) and definitely recall a year

Key words: political parties, reforms, election, strategy.

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