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Community service is an essential part in community development. Aside

from that, it is also an essential part of self-growth and self-actualization. It
has been said that the noblest part of living is when you get lost to the service
for others. Once you serve, it does't only create a positive impact on your
community but also gives beneficial effects on you as a person. When you
serve the community, you will help in increasing the possibility to achieve the
community's goal, contribute to the progress of the community and help
promote solidarity among the community members. As a person you gain
benefits of serving by building connections with others, establishing rapport
and building camaraderie. Also, it promotes a healthier mind and body. Most
importantly, it gives you self-fulfillment and learning that you may be able to
use in the future through your experiences. With this, it is fitting to say that
volunteerism in always a two-way process. You serve and you get served.

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