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There are some negative impacts of tourism on the living environment.

First, it will damage natural resources. This is because many entertaining activities such as
scuba-diving and going fishing may influence badly on coral reefs and fishing industry.
Moreover, the mushrooming of hotels or the construction of infrastructure would lead to land
degradation as well as the loss of sanctuary for wild animals.

Second, it will reduce biodiversity due to the fact that tourism has messed up living places of
wild animals. It poses a severe pressure on endangered species because of deforestation,
illegal hunting and other bad actions.

Third, littering is the most common issue in touristy destinations. It is seen as unhygienic
action in people’s eyes. Once dropping trash on the ground without awareness, the beauty of
those places will be lost as well as the bad smell flying around. On top of that, the ground
would be devastating due to the waste.

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