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Pengantar APK Komputer

Riska Lestari

1. Explain the use of internet in Communication, Research, Education, adn Financial !

2. Giving your opinion about the developing of internet in the future !

1. The use of the internet in the field of :

 Communication
Communication using the internet is connected faster and the delivery of news
is also faster, in just seconds we can convey information to friends, unlike
using letters it takes days.

 Research
In research, the internet can serve to:
1. Search and/or collect research data
2. Looking for references in the form of journal articles or textbooks
3. Communicating with other researchers
4. Publish research results

 Education
The learning process can be facilitated by the presence of technology in
education. For example, the teacher can provide learning materials or
assignments via email or learning applications so that students can
immediately complete their assignments.

 Finance
By selling online we can reach a wider range of consumers. If you only rely on
offline sales, you can only reach consumers who are around because by doing
business online you can reach consumers more broadly.

2. For the next few years, Internet services can be more sophisticated than this year,
because soon goods entering our country will be easier and more sophisticated, but I
hope that everyone can use the internet as well as possible and not abuse the internet
for personal gain or things that are not useful.

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