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In general, not all of Assalaam's students understand the standards

of efficient spatial design and standard lighting, even though if you do, it
will greatly benefit yourself and also others who work in the electrical

To get suitable lighting in a room, the right lighting system is

needed according to its needs.If we can arrange a good spatial design, we
will feel comfortable living in it, besides that we will definitely be
controlled by health and avoid diseases that are usually caused by dirty,
damp, smelly rooms and arrangement of items that make all lighting and
ventilation hindered.

However, not all students know and care about spatial planning.

Even if they know that this is very beneficial for them in the
learning atmosphere in the room, as well as the arrangement in the
classroom and other rooms, I will examine whether all of these have
reached the national standard of spatial design and architectural techniques
according to architects, interior design, exterior design and people other
civilian trekhnilk.

With a good arrangement, we will get standard light and can save
electrical energy, so that all the things we live in can be efficient.

In my paper this time, I will research and explain the theory from
various sources that I get about standard and efficient lighting which is
generally used by spatial designers at home and abroad. . In fact I would
give some dorm design ideas to my school agencies could possibly be as
much my gratitude and devotion to the school.


In writing this schoolary paper the author has several objectives,


1. To find out the number of Assalaam students who pay attention to

efficient spatial planning.
2. Giving Assalaam students reason about efficient spatial planning.
3. To show the impact of Assalaam students on efficient spatial planning.


1. How many Assalaam students are paying attention to efficient spatial

2. Why is the reason Assalaam students about efficient spatial design?
3. What is the impact of Assalaam students on efficient spatial design?


1. Number of knowing the number of Assalaam students who pay

attention to the efficient spatial design.
2. The reason why Assalaam students about the efficient spatial design.
3. The impact of Assalaam students on efficient spatial design.


In writing this schoolary paper, the writer has some methodology it

is Library Research. Library research is a kind of methodology that is used
by the writer in supporting the data by taking the refrence from article
books, magazines, journal, internet source writing, etc. In this library
research, the writer will find supported information from articel books,
magazines, and internet articles related to the research.


The writing systematics consists of four chapters.

 The first chapter contains an introduction

a) Background of study
b) Purpose of study
c) Formulation of problem
d) Limitation of problem
e) Methodology of Writing
f) System of Writing
 The second chapter contains the foundation of theory
a) The history of assalaam islamic modern boarding
b) Dormitories understanding
c) Standard room size in dormitory
d) Standard lighting room
e) Lighting and conditioning arrangements in building

 The third chapter contains discussions
a) The condition of dormitory assalaam Islamic
modern boarding school
b) Light standard dormitory conditions of assalaam
Islamic modern boarding school
c) Airing standard dormitory conditions of assalaam
Islamic modern boarding school
d) Dormitory design for assalaam Islamic modern
boarding school
 The fourth chapter contains the closing
a) Conclusions
b) Suggestion

With this kind of writing systematics the author hopes that the
reader can learn and understand this paper.





Pondok Pesantren Modern Islam Assalaam is a boarding school

located in Pabelan District of Kartasura Sukoharjo Regency of Central
Java. PPMI Assalaam is a private Islamic educational institution
established by the Surakarta Islamic Studies Council Foundation (MPI)
founded by H. Abdullah Marzuki and Hj. Siti Aminah Abdullah.

It was founded on 17 August 1402 H to coincide with 7 August

1982. Before PPMI Assalaam established educational activities that were
carried out with Madrasah Diniyyah Awaliyah, then at the demands of the
people YMPI established Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) with a dormitory
system that was the forerunner of the establishment of Pondok Modern
which was then named Pondok Pesantren Punggawan, borrowed the name
of the village where the educational activities were centered.

On July 20, 1985 the name Assalaam was officially used, and at
the same time marked the beginning of the use of a new campus in
Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo Village. The building at the time consisted of
classrooms, sports halls (GOR), student dormitories, teacher and nanny
housing, kitchens etc. At the same time, Madrasah Aliyah (MA) was
established as a continuation of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Assalaam.

In 1986/1987 madrasah takhasush established a preparatory class

for prospective students who will continue to MA Assalaam which
originated from the general high school outside Assalaam. In 1988/1989,
Assalaam High School was established in order to meet the needs of the
community and keep up with the development of education that occurred

outside Assalaam. Entering the 2005/2006 school year, Vocational High
School (SMK) was established. computer and networking skills programs
and graphics preparation. SMK intends to print professionals by staying
insightful on the values of The Islam.

PPMI Assalaam has scored thousands of alumni spread throughout

Indonesia and various countries around the world. In the past, assalaam
alumni were housed in an organization called IKMAS (Ikatan Keluarga
Ma'had Assalaam Surakarta) and have played an active role in various
fields in people's and country life. But as the situation developed, as well
as alumni of Assalaam Community.


Dormitory is a residence or building for temporary residence for

groups of people, consisting of a number of rooms, dormitories designed
and built with special standards according to the age level of its occupants
(KBBI). In Indonesia, the existence of dormitories is starting to become a
concern because they are able to accommodate students to live on campus.
Many campuses now provide dormitory facilities for their students. One
thing to consider when building dormitories is the capacity and availability
of land. For that the main facility of concern is the room. In fact, other
facilities are needed in dormitories besides rooms, because activities in
dormitories are not only sleeping, but also studying, socializing, eating and
drinking, domestic activities (washing) and personal hygiene activities.


According to Buku de Chiara, Time Saver Standards for Building

Types regarding area space requirements, the size of the dormitory used is:

Tabel 1. Room Area Chart

Number of Double Min.Area Needed (sq

Number of People
bunks ft)

2 4 120

4 8 280

6 12 360

8 16 480

10 20 600

12 24 720

14 28 840

16 32 960

Minimum ceiling height is 8 feet or 2.4 m

Source: Time Saver Standarts For building Types 2nd edition,
Joseph De Chiara And John Hancock Callender May 1975.

Time Saver Standards for Building Types mention that the minimum
room area for one room with 2 beds with a level of 4 people is 120 square
feet or +11m2. It is also understood that if the room is placed 2 beds are
not terraced, then the required area is approximately the same because the
figure takes into account the area required by the bed. The size of the
dormitory room is influenced by the number of occupants, the number of
beds used and the type of bed used. In general, dormitory rooms inhabited
by 2 or more people use double decker/double bunk beds to optimize the
room size to accommodate many residents.


To get appropriate lighting in a space, a lighting system is needed

that is right according to their needs. The lighting system in the room,
including in the workplace, can be divided into 5 types, namely:

1. Direct lighting system

In this system 90-100% of the light is directed directly at

the object that needs to be illuminated. This system is considered
to be the most effective in regulating lighting, but it has
drawbacks because it can cause dangers and annoying glare, either
due to direct exposure or due to light reflection. For optimal
effect, it is recommended that the ceiling, walls and objects in the
room need to be given bright colors to make them look refreshing

2. Semi Direct Lighting

In this system 60-90% of the light is directed directly at the

object that needs to be illuminated, while the rest is reflected off
the ceiling and walls. With this system the disadvantages of direct
lighting systems can be reduced. It is known that white plastered
ceilings and walls have a 90% reflection efficiency, whereas when
painted white the reflection efficiency is between 5-90%.

3. Diffusive Lighting System (general diffus lighting)

In this system, half of the light 40-60% is directed at the

object that needs to be exposed, while the rest is reflected off the

ceiling and walls. In lighting this system includes a direct-indirect
system, which emits half the light down and the rest up. In this
system, the problem of shadows and glare is still encountered.

4. Semi Indirect Lighting System (semi indirect lighting)

In this system 60-90% of the light is directed to the ceiling

and upper walls, while the rest is directed to the bottom. For
optimal results it is recommended that the ceiling needs to be given
attention and treated properly. In this system the problem of
shading is practically absent and glare is reduced.

5. Indirect Lighting System

In this system 90-100% of light is directed to the ceiling

and upper walls and then reflected to illuminate the entire room. In
order for the entire ceiling to become a source of light, it needs to
be given proper care and attention. The advantage of this system is
that it does not cause shadows and glare while the disadvantage is
that it reduces the efficiency of the total light falling on the work

There are many risk factors in the work environment that

affect the safety and health of workers, one of which is lighting.
According to the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 1405 of
2002, lighting is the amount of illumination in a field of work
needed to carry out activities effectively. The minimum lighting
required according to the type of activity is as follows:

Work Environment Light Level


Rough and Storage space &

not equipment/installation
continuous space requiring
work 100 continuous work

Rough and
continuous Work with machines
work 200 and rough assembly

Administration room,
control room,
Routine machine work &
work 300 assembly/builder

Drawing or working
with office
Rather machinery, inspection
delicate work or machine
work 500 work

Color selection,
textion processing,
Smooth smooth machining &
work 1000 fine assembly

Very 1500 Engraving by hand,

delicate inspection of machine
Doesn't cast a

work and very fine
work shadow assembly


Detailed Doesn't cast a Inspection work, very

work shadow fine assembly

Source: KEPMENKES RI. No. 1405/MENKES/SK/XI/02

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the

Energy Efficiency Guidelines for Industry in Asia classifies the needs of
space lighting levels depending on the area of activity, as follows

Lighting Needs by Activity Area

Examples of
Purposes Lighting (LUX)
Activity Areas

General Minimum
Lighting lighting service
for rooms in outdoor
and areas 20 circulation area,
shops in open
area, storage
Pedestrian &
tasks or 50

70 Boiler room

100 yard, furnace
room, etc.

simple Industrial
visuals circulating areas,
shops and
storage rooms.

General Minimum
lighting 200 lighting service
for in tasks
Desk & medium
size work
processes in
chemical and
food industry,
reading and

450 Hangers,
inspection, office
for drawing,
assembly and
smooth parts,
color work,

critical drawing

Very fine
machining and
tabletop work,
small precision
assembly and
measurement &
inspection of
complex small
parts (some may
be provided by
local lighting

Precision and
detailed work,
l lighting
e.g. very small
for 3000

Lighting for reading documents is higher than lighting for viewing

computers, because the recommended level of lighting for workers with
computers cannot be based on a single value and is still controversial.

Grandjean compiled recommendations on lighting levels in workplaces
with computers ranging from 300-700 lux as follows.

Recommended Levels of Lighting At Work With a Computer

Worker Circumstances Lighting

Level (lux)

Computer Activities with clearly 300

readable document resources
Computer Activities with clearly
illegible document resources

Task of entering data

Source: Grandjean

Related Posts :

Lighting Impact (next update)


Talty, Industrial Hygiene Engineering, 1988

Grandjen, Occupational Ergonomic, 2000



Two elements of building design that should get attention are
lighting and air conditioning. These two elements are very important to do
correctly, with the aim that the spaces in the building get enough natural
lighting and air conditioning, in order to give the wearer comfort in doing
their activities. Spaces that have good air conditioning and natural lighting
will also have enough air humidity, so that the health of the environment is
maintained. In addition, having sufficient natural air conditioning and
lighting means saving the necessary electrical energy, as it does not
depend on artificial lighting and air conditioning.

1. How do I save energy on indoor air conditioning and lighting?

Saving energy in buildings / houses can be done by

reducing the use of air conditioning and artificial lighting.Some
ways to reduce energy consumption in the house include:

Natural airing/airing

a) The orientation of the building is placed between the

trajectory of the sun and the wind. The location of the building is
most favorable when choosing the direction from east to west. The
openings face South and North so as not to be exposed to direct


Figure1. Orientation of the building to the sun

b) The location of the building is perpendicular to the wind


Figures. The location of the building against the wind direction

c) The building should be rectangular, this is advantageous in

the application of cross ventilation

Figure3. Cross ventilation

d)   Presents shade trees in the yard that can lower the


Figure4. Use of vegetation as a sun filter

e)   Has enough openings for air ingress

f) Horizontal or vertical placement of apertures
g) Placement of larger rooms towards the wind flow
h) Avoid placing openings at too close a distance, this
causes a quick wind rotation
i) Avoid placing completely opposite openings, this causes
the incoming wind to just come out
j) Paying attention to the orientation of the window to the
sun, e.g. the sleeping space should not be facing west
k) Using a wind tower, which serves to catch and suck the
wind, so that the air can continue to circulate
l) Use natural materials that absorb more heat, such as
interior fixtures from wood, fences and plant walls.

Figure5. Green Roof

m) Elevated ceiling, so that the air can move more freely

n) Using a sloping roof shape (simple saddle) that can
eliminate the temperature under the underside of the roof

Figure6. Simple saddle roof

o) Space that results in additional heat (kitchen) should be

kept away from the house
p) Moisture-adding spaces (bathrooms, toilets, washrooms)
should be planned with high air exchange.
q) Giving a terrace to the building / house, serves as a
transition area between the outer space (yard) and the
inner space (building) that can create a microclimate, both
in the building and in the vicinity.
r) Gives a wide teritisan around the roof of the building to
make the space inside even cooler

2. Several ways to improve air quality in buildings:

a) Proper spatial arrangement

b) Using building materials and furniture materials that
contain little chemicals
c) Ensures there are no molds on building elements and
furniture due to high humidity
d) Increase planting of greenery
e) Restrict smoking indoors

f) Using secondary skin concept on the façade to dampen
the heat of the sun.
g) Provide open space in buildings
h) Using Heat Insulators under roofing materials
i) Putting a pool of water on a building environment

The ideal temperature in buildings especially houses is 24-

26 °C with humidity of 50%-60%. Temperatures and humidity
higher or lower than that threshold will reduce the comfort level of
the home to live in.

Generally the total area of the entire window area in a room

that is good for natural lighting is approximately between 1/6 – 1/8
of the floor area of the room.

3. Wind Flow Control and Optimization of Its Utilization of


a) Configure the shape of the building

b) Drain hot air from the ground up

Figure9. Placement of openings at the bottom of the wall above

the floor covering.

Figure10. Openings on the roof are functioned as heat flow

With a higher placement, ±30 cm above the floor
surface, the results obtained are more maximized in comparison to
the laying of openings just above the floor.

c) Wind tunnel

The concept of wind tunnel as an airflow director is

more precisely used in open spaces. winds flowing into narrow
areas of wide open spaces have higher speeds and greater
pressure so wind gusts are expected to reach further areas.

d) Cross ventilation

4. Lighting Setup

a) Using energy saving lamps;

b) Set a lamp startup schedule, for example by enabling a
c) Adding lamp energy saving tools (use of dimmers,
daylight sensors, zoning, present/movement detectors,
ultrasonic sensors);
d) Turn off the lights when the space is not in use (install
alerts on each switch and exit);
e) Avoid using a single switch connected with multiple
light points. This condition makes the use inflexible
because turning on one lamp means that several other
lights are lit;
f) Use a lamp with the appropriate amount.
g) Minimizing the use of artificial lighting
h) Put the openings according to the function of the space
that supports the activities in it.

Room Type Aperture
Lighting Type

Afternoon sun
radiation level)
Warehouse,Bathroom West or east
so as not to
moist &
fungus killed

Living room , Dining High activity
or southwest
room , Living level, need
or north and
room warm light

Southeast to
Bed room lighting
(morning sun)

It takes cold
light so that
the incoming North and
Kitchen , Workspace
heat does not south
raise the room

e) Make a difference in the height of the roof or use skylights

to enter the light from above.
f) Adjust the window height position against the floor to
minimize the ingress of excess light.





Based on the results that I examined, the boarding school

modern Islamic boarding school assalaam located in a strategic

place for the effectiveness of learning standart boarding school.
Islamic modern boarding school assalaam women's section has 4
dormitory buildings and 3 school buildings.
After 5 years of studying at the cottage, I came to the
conclusion that my cottage dormitory is divided into 5 dormitories.
Here is the division of the hostel and my review of the buildings in
each of these dormitories:

1. Rayon 1
Rayon 1 is located at the very front of the other dormitory
dormitories, rayon 1 has a building with a hallway model
like the following picture:

Figure 1 . Hallway Dorm 1

This is a very strategic hostel with spacious rooms with
each other efficient and has 8 windows each room so
that the air circulation runs smoothly. It's just that my
experience and complaints from my friend during my
stay in rayon 1 is sometimes the wrong arrangement of
furniture and mattresses that cause a lot of mosquitoes ,
damp and hot.

My advice on the problem is, if a building still feels
very hot we need to use secondary skin or install a heat
insulator on the building. Examples are as follows:

a. Heat Reliever

(Turbine Ventilator)
Not just for factories or warehouses. Ventilator turbines
can also be applied to dormitories. Many benefits will
be obtained when this tool is applied in the residence,
such as: Prevent Airless, hot and stuffy air will often
also disrupt the health of the body. That is why, air
ventilation in the house should be present. Like a
ventilator turbine that will make air problems in the
dwelling resolved. Even the humidity of the house will
be maintained. Environmentally Friendly This tool can
be said to be environmentally friendly because the
materials are made like Zinium. As explained earlier,
this material is highly resistant to corrosion. Moreover,
Zinium is also strong from various weather and air

Cost-Effective ,Because it does not use electrical

inslatasi, of course these turbines are cost-effective and
energy efficient. For 24 hours, this tool will also work

to the maximum.

Figure 2 . Turbine Ventilator

Figure 3. Ventilator Turbine Parts

Figure 4. Ventilator Turbine Work


Or maybe if the cottage funds are adequate, then it is
also advisable to use air conditioning.

a. So that there are no mosquitoes

Based on complaints from my friend and personal

experience, mosquitoes are very annoying, this is due to
the rules of mattress beds that are not air efficient and
also because clothes accumulate not immediately in the
wash, the way to deal with it is to rearrange furniture
and use mosquito repellent and also mosquito rackets as
additional facilities.

Gambar 5 . Raket Nyamuk

2. 2nd Dormitory
2nd Dormitory is located in the corner of the islamic
modern boarding school assalaam princess section just
in front of rayon 3. Rayon 2 is inhabited by students
who have just set foot in the cottage, namely grade 7
and Takhasus and grade 10 Matriculation.

Figure 6 . 2nd Dormitory

2nd Dormitory form is the same hallway with rayon 1

it's just narrower the distance of the hallway , maybe
if there are the same obstacles as in rayon 1 like
mosquitoes moist and hot then the solution jug a same
. it's just that there's a clothesline next to the
bathroom. I often find a kind of centipede and various
other animals because the clothesline of the students
fell then rained and damp. Therefore, the way to
overcome it is to replace the wire clothesline with
long steel in which there is a round for hangers .

Figure 7. Liveo Clothesline

So this way bias reduces the chance of clothesline fall

and there is an air cavity so that the clothesline is not

3. 3rd Dormitory
3rd Dormitory located in the most corner of the islamic
modern boarding school assalaam princess section,
just in front of 2nd Dormitory.

Figure 8. 3rd Dormitory

3rd Dormitory inhabited by students of class IX and

Ex Takhasus who have become class X. Rayon 3 is a
special room in one room consisting of 4 people per
room (KAPATRI) and 3 people per room
(KAGATRI). The room in rayon 3 is cool because of
the air circulation with 3 windows and is parallel to
our body.

4. 4th Dormitory

4th Dormitory located in front of rayon 1 and also
right in front of the volley field, rayon 4 is the rayon
terfavourit the students because of the clothesline that
lives in front of the dapan, the air is cool because of
the trees and also biased to view from the west and
east. It's just that many obstacles related to tomkets
that often roam in the room due to large trees. The
solution from me is :

a. Close doors and windows tightly, or use

mosquito nets to prevent tomcat from entering
the house.
b. Turn off the lights when sleeping, because
tomcats are always close to the direction of
c. Wear covered clothing when playing in areas
full of plants and damp places.
d. Always clean the environment of the house that
accumulates or that is no longer used.
e. Spray the room with mosquito repellent or
insecticide before school and before going to
bed after spray wait outside so that the drug is
not inhaled by us.

Figure 9. drugs for tomket

f. Always clean the bed daily with a vacuum

5. 5th Dormitory

5th Dormitory is located in darul arqom and on the

1st floor rayon 4 .obstacles that often occur in the
part of rayon room 5 which part of the 1st floor
rayon 4 is often lights out when ironing, in fact this
also happens in rayon 4 (lights out a series)
solutions that may be able to solve the problem are:

Soft Start Inverator Electric Solution without Add

Power Soft Start or soft starter there are various,
ranging from the price of Rp.50.000 to millions.
Usually that touches the figure of Rp.300.000 and
above already supports stabilizer.

Soft start works by holding the electric current, so

electronic devices that require a large amount of
power when turned on will consume less electricity.
The assumption is, for electricity package 1, if in a
house there is a refrigerator, water machine / sanyo
that turns on simultaneously, then want to turn on
the computer then automatically the electricity will
drop and die.

Different when added soft start, because the initial

power needed to be not too large so that the
electricity will not fall / jeglek.


1. 1st Dormitory & 2nd Dormitory (hallway)

For the discussion of lighting of this hallway dormitory,

generally according to international standards the bedroom
is 200-300 lux because the dormitory is also used for
studying, group work, negotiating a plan for the
administrators, joking and mostly in dormitory 1 and
dormitory 2

which is inhabited by 16 people is light loss factor (LLF) -

0.7-0.8. LLF depends: cleanliness of the light source, type
of lampshade, shrinkage of light from the lamp surface, and
other LLF values

we take a value of - 0.7 The number of lamps in one point

(n) is 1

N= 200 LUX x 7 meter x 4 meter

3000 Lumen x 0,7 x 0,5 x 1
N= 5600
N= 5,3 (rounded into 5 lamps)

So it was obtained that the number of lights needed to
provide lighting in the bedroom in the residence is as much
as 5 Pieces with lights used is TL 40 Watts. Or the
required number of watts is 5 x 40 watts = 200 watts.

2. Dormitories 3 , 4 & 5

N= 200 LUX x 4 meter x 3 meter

3000 Lumen x 0,7 x 0,5 x 1
N= 2400
N= 2,2 (rounded into 2 lamps)

So it was obtained that the number of lights needed to

provide lighting in the bedroom in the residence is as much
as 2 Pieces with lights used is TL 40 Watts. Or the
required number of watts is 2 x 40 watts = 80 watts.


1. 1st Dormitory and 2nd Dormitory

Many complained because of the heat while in the hostel ni
because the windows are above all so that we are not
exposed to the wind , the solution so as not to renovate is I
have mentioned in the point before that is the installation of
aluminum insulator heat and air conditioning.

2. Dormitories 3,4 and 5

For dormitories 3,4 and 5 windows are parallel to our
bodies so that the air becomes cool. It is already very
suitable for the health of the students' bodies.




From this paper we can find out the standard of dormitories inhabited
by students of boarding schools assalaam princess section as follows:

1. 1st Dormitory & 2nd Dormitory ( Hallway)

It doesn't meet air conditioning standards because the
windows don't cross the human height limit, and too many
people in dormitories 1 and 2 are so stuffy and hot.

2. 3rd Dormitory
It meets the standards of air and light so that the room is
most preferred by students.

3. 4th Dormitory & 5th Dormitory

Has met air and light conditioning standards.

As we have read in this paper, the author suggests various solutions
listed in chapter 3 on the point of “The Condition of Dormitory Assalaam
Islamic Modern Boarding School” and I as a writer have provided design
for hallway-style dormitories such as dormitories 1 & 2 , maybe that's all
the author can design because of the many complaints in the dormitory.
Take care of yourself , the cleanliness of yourself and the environment we
are in.

 De Chiara , Joseph & J.Crosbie, Michael ,Time-saver Standards
for Building Types,3rd Edition , McGraw-Hill, New York : 1990.


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