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11 Look at the photographs. Discuss these questions. ‘a What are the roles shown in each of the photographs? bb Are the roles equal or is one of the pair superior to the other? © Do you think the roles shown in the pictures have changed in recent years? d_ How do you think these roles may change in the future? 2 Now discuss these questions. ‘@ Think about people you know well. What are their roles in relation to you? Are you an equal partner in these relationships? b_ How many roles do you personally have? 45 unit 4 roles Reading and Use of English Part 5 Think ahead 4 Read ths extract from an ate about space travel. Then, dscus ihe question below, ‘Women wil set sal for the stars inlss than fifty years, NASA scientists have predicted. Men will not ‘be needed the all-female crew will have children by artificial means. The spaceships will carry the ist travellers to Alpha Centaur ata tenth ofthe speed of ight. The journey will take forty-three years. ‘a How do you react to the idea of an allfemale spaceship crew? b What problems might a single-sex crew face on their journey? Why might a mixed-sex crew be a better alternative? 2 ah SI gets apa EqERAS FAMILYSAEFAIRG «Forget the kind of macho astronauts you are used to seeing, in science fiction films and television programmes - space travel to faraway solar systems will probably be a family affair ‘conducted by married couples, their kids and generations to come; according to US anthropologist, John Moore. “The family has the kind of natural organization and motivation to deal with the tensions which are likely to characterize space trips of 200 years or longer to settle remote planets; says John Moore. We ere less tikely to go crazy space ard more tkely and videos. But, says John Moore, parents have always made zeta accomplish our missions if we send crews into space that _choices affecting the course oftheir chicken’ ves. we change ‘are ganized along farniy Snes With clearlines of authority jobs, we mave fo another town we go abrosd to find work we between parent and child as well as older and younger siblings, sseducate our space kids propety think one day they might say, femiies provide a division of labour thet can accomplish ary kind "Gosh, fm sure glad Im on this spaceship and not back on dirty ‘of work’ says Moore, More importantly, they offer the rewards of old Earth _agetting morriee and having hice According to Moore, a starting population of 150 to 180 would “Whenever colonization is done on Earth iis always by people best sustain itself atthe same rate over six ta eight generations. Looking for a better life. AlLof the colonizatons that know about w«Every person would have the opparturity to be married with have been done by familes, especially young couples'in the __a choice of atleast ten possible spouses within tree years of past, astronauts had to be specially trained and physically very fit their age - and to be a parent. ideally, the group should share -xto sunive in very small space capsules, but spacecraft sizeisno social and cultural values. Having some people accustomed to longer the constraintit was, making it possible to take ordinary manogerny and athers to plural marriages would create some people such as midwives, electricians and cleaners. For a space _« confusion when it becomes time for the sons and daughters of Crew thatis going to colonize space and reproduce for many _the fst generation to may says Moore. Desigring morals for generations, these kinds of people wilbejust asimportant as people on such a fantastic voyage is problematic because people | space technologssts. ‘on arth would have ite ntuence once the crew was on ts Starting witha population of childless married couples also own. If the space crew decided on a system of slavery for some ‘works best on board a spaceship because twillgive theintial mand priviege for others there is little the planners on Earth would crew a few years to adjust ta ther new surroundings, without the be able to do to prevent it distraction and responsi of taking care of chiléen, People Thinking about these ssues isnot as far-fetched as you might ss may be horrified at the idea that children wil be living and dying think. Experts predict that such e space mission will take place in space, with their onlyimages of Earth coming from pictures within the next hundred years 46 —{ Exam practice }- Muttiple choice 2 Read the article about space travel on page 46. For questions 1-6, choose the answer Read each question carefully ‘and decide what information is required. Collocations with have and take 3 Over to you 5 (A,B, Cor D) whiich you think fits best according to the text. 4. What makes families especially suited to longdistance space travel? ‘A They are good at organizing. B They are naturally better than other groups of people, © They will be able to cope with the stress of space travel D They can settle down better in new situations, 2 Why will more ordinary people be able to go on space flights in the future? A Space travellers will be specially trained, B There will be a greater need for people with useful skills. © It will be easier for space travellers to keep ft. D Modern spacecraft will be much bigger than spacecraft in the past. 2 The writer's use of the word ‘colonize’ in line 23 suggests that he thinks one of the aims of future space travel will be to ‘A find new places where humans can settle. B explore planets a very long way from Earth. abandon the Earth as a place for humans to lve. D establish a completely new way of living. 4 Why is it better for the frst crews of space flignts to be childless couples? ‘A Childless couples are more responsible than couples with children. B Childless couples work harder than couples with children. © Crews need to get used to their environment before having children. D Couples with children would always put their children first. '5 Why is it difficult to design morals for space travellers? ‘A People on Earth will be unable to affect the behaviour of space travellers, B No one knows what Is the correct way for space travellers to behave. © Space travellers may have different ideas and values. D Travellers may be confused by their experience in space. 6 The article suggests that long-distance space travel A is a theoretical possibility. B will probably start within the next century. © could be a disaster. D will be a popular type of family holiday. Which verbs, have or take, are used in these collocations from the text? a children c ‘the opportunity to b care of children 4 place ‘Complete these questions with an appropriate form of have or take. Sometimes both ‘are possible. Then, ask and answer the questions with a partner. ‘a What do you do to make sure you a good time at the weekend? b Are there any college courses you'd like to__? © Inyyour opinion, what is the best age to__ your first chile? 4 Do you prefer to play it safe or chances in life? @ Are you someone who enjoys ~ arguments? 1 Mave you ever tad to words with surneune abut thelt betiaviour? & Do you ____ time to do all the things you want to do? Discuss these questions. @ What kinds of people would be most sultable for the role of colonizing space? ‘Suggest some of the personal qualities and skills they would need, 'b Would you be interested in helping to colonize space? Why? / Why not? a7 pyun saj0s Future continuous and future perfect 4 The will future can also be used in the continuous or perfect form. Match examples a-c with their meanings (1-3). 1a People may be horrified at the idea that children will be living and dying in space. b By the year 2400, people will have visited other planets, ¢ This time next year, well be living and working in the USA. 4 to refer to actions or events which will be in progress at a specific time in the future 2 to predict future trends, developments or possibilities 3 to refer to actions or events which will be completed by a particular time in the future 5 Think about your own future. Complete these sentences. Then, compare with a partner. a This time next week I'l be ... © This time next year I'l be b By this time next year I'l have... In five years’ time I'll have bound to /likely to 6 The phrases to be (un)likely to + verb and to be bound to + verb refer to the future. Missing words are typically prepositions, pronouns, cconjunet vers. They will not usually be nouns or adjectives. Open cloze Think about the future of one of your friends or family members. ‘a. What is likely / unlikely to happen to them in the future? 'b What is bound to happen to them? Example: Susie is (un)ikely to get marred. = Is (imjprobable that Susle will et married. ‘Susie is bound to get married = It is certain that Susle will get married. 7 Quickly read the text below. Find out why there may be more women than men inthe workforce in the near future. { Exam practice } ; 8 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word In each gap. There Is an example at the beginning (0) Vesa e workforce: Some people think (0) __¢f_ ‘traditional’ gender roles as being like @ 19505 TV sitcom: Dad puts (1) _____ his suit and goes tothe office, while Mum, in her apron, stays at home and (2) the housework. But for most of human history, it (3) — taken the efforts of both men and women, whether working in an office (4) __ in the fields, to look aftr the famiy, And that the situation to which we naw seem ta be returning, By 2050, women (5) _____ make up 479% of the workforce in the United States, up from 30% in 1950, But some experts are predicting that, at (6) in the short term, the number of women in the workforce may actually overtake the number cof men, What's the reason? During the economic recession that began in 2008, many jobs disappeared from industries traditionally dominated by male workers, (7) ‘as manufacturing, Unless many more manual manufacturing jobs appear, it may be that women, (8) traditionally work in healthcare, education and other service industries, will take the lead in the labour market. Over to you 9 Discuss these questions. ‘a What are the ‘traditional’ gender roles in your country? How have they changed in recent years? b Why do you think many women work in ‘healtheare, education and other service Industries"? 49 Vocabulary Words with several meanings 3 LATE AGA WHAT'S YouR, EXCUSE? f Phra ‘STOP ME IF You'vE HEARD THIS ONE. I verbs with bring 1. Replace the words or phrases in italics in a-i with the correct form of bring and one of the particies trom tne list below. Some of the particles can De used more than once. about back down forward in out round up ‘Raising children is far too hard a job for one person to do. It took doctors an hour to make her consclous again after the accident, Most of the damage to the houses was caused by the recent storms. | hope she doesn’t mention the embarrassing subject of money again. ‘The government has introduced a new law banning smoking on public transport. Visiting Spain again made me remember lots of happy childhood memories. ‘They'll have to reduce the price of cars. Nobody's buying them at the moment. They've arranged the meeting for an earlier time: 8.30 in the evening. My favourite crime writer, Henning Mankell is publishing his latest novel next month. Complete these sentences with your own ideas adding appropriate particles. 2. find it very dificult to bring the subject of __ with, my parents. b If had the power, | would bring _a law that would c always brings ___ memories of think the hardest thing about bringing tere je Look atthe words in alles in a-e, What are thelr liferent meanings in each ofthe sontoncos (1-2)? a WORK 1 | know familes where the father looks after the kids and It work perfectly wel 2 This phone doesn't work 2. She spends much of her time working forthe poor. > KEY 4 The key thing is to always put the interests of th chien fist. 2 Press the retum key to enter the information. 3 There's a fll key atthe back of the book. INTEREST 4 There are many places of lntorestn the oy 2 The interest rates for bortowers Mave gone up by 2% since last year 2 As parents we always put te interests ofthe children fist. EXPERIENCE 4 Going onthe London Eye was an unforgettable experience. 2 They said that his lack of experience was the reason he did not get the Job. 2 [ve always tried to lean from experience fe MAKE UP 4 My parents regularly have rows, but they always make up the nextday 2. He always makes up excuses for being late. The tut is he always oversleeps. 3 In many countries women make up the majority of the working population. Now diccuse these questions a What isthe best excuse for lateness you, or someone you know, has made Up? b What cause would you work forf you had the opportunity? & What have been the hey events in your Ife? 4. What ae your main interests outside work? @ What isthe most exciting experience of your fe? 5L paqun se].

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