GON - Grinnell-20-02-2020-Unit 3-NEW-Pages 33-37-38-39-40-FCE - MASTER NEW-Haines Simon, Stewart Barbara - Cambridge English First Masterclass. Student's Book and Online Practice Pack

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uc 1 Look at the photographs. Discuss these questions, ‘a What is the connection between the unit title, ‘Compulsion’ and these photographs? b Which of the activities shown in the photographs do you do or have you done? Why do you da them? ‘© Which things have you never done, or would you never do? Why not? 1d. Which activities can cause serious problems for individuals who do them regularly? What problems can they cause? 2 Now discuss these questions, Do you think some people have a tendency to become addicted to activities more quickly than others? If so, do you think itis something in a person’s character that causes this tendency? b What can or should be done to help young people to avoid becoming addicted to substances or activities? 33 yun | Vocabulary Think ahead 4 Read this text. How does the writer ofthis text feel about thelr addiction? CONFESSIONS OF A CHOCOHOLIC ‘nia chocoholic. Don't laugh = it's serious. Atthe moment, my addiction isn't too bad. Ive cut down my intake to one black a day, and some days | get by on a chocolate biscuit ortwo. But at lis worst its a complete obsession - the sweater, the stickier, the richer itis the better. My eyes light up just thinking about it ‘can eat any kind, even the cheap cooking chocolate that turns most people off. And fortunately, | can eal as much sugaras | like without putting on weight. Like other addicts, mast checcholies deny they nave a problem, Ikraw 'm hacked on chocolate, but | don’t intend to give It up, 2 Are you addicted to these or any other foods? Exchange ideas with a partner. cheese chilies chips chocolate coffee hamburgers sugar tea Phrasal verbs 3 Find and underline six phrasal verbs in the text above. Replace the phrasal verbs with the correct form of a word or phrase from the list below. Example: I've reduced eut-dewn my intake to one block a day. disgust gain reduce shine stop survive (on) equn Phrasal verbs with give 4 Match the phrasal verbs with give in a-e with thelr meanings 1-7. Some verbs have ‘moro than ono meaning. 4 surrender or admit you can’t do something, a ge away 2 distribute things to people b giveback 3. stop being involved with someone because they é giain disappoint you 4. ge out 4 reveal secret information fe give upon _ 8 Tetum something to its owner 6 lot someone have something without paying 7 hand (home}work to a teacher ‘5 Complete these sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with give. a I've been watching this DVD ever since Rachel lent it to me. | really ought to Saal _—to her and buy it for mysett. I fee! like James — he never does what he says he's going to do. © One of the supermarkets in town is —__ non-addictive chocolate. You should try it. [haven't had a cigarette for three days, and I'm not going to now. @ Allover town there are people ___ leaflets about how to stop smoking. __free samples of a new kind of Pronunciation 6 4) 4.14 Listen to some phrasal verbs. In the two-part phrasal verbs, is the main stress ‘on the verb or the particle? Where is the main stress in the three-part phrasal verb? 7 4.42 Listen to two pairs of sentences. ‘ean you work out? phrasal verbs, What general stress rules Over to you Discuss these questions. ‘Have you ever given up an someone because they disappointed you in some way? b What do you do if someone doesn’t give back something that belongs to you? © Have you ever had to give in because you couldn't do something you tried to do? 7 unit 3. compulsion | Reading and Use of English Part 6 Exam skills Gapped text a Read the gapped text quickly Then read the missing sentences and underline any reference words such as names, pronouns and times, 1. Read sentences Then, find the correct follow.on sentences In 4-6. Underline the ‘words or phrases that nelped you deciae. ‘a People are always claiming theyre addicted to things. b I know there are people who sue fast food companies because they blame their health problems on the addictive nature of fast food and the refusal of restaurants to provide healthier alternatives. © Would you be able to recognize someone who had a serious gambling habit? Would he look rich? 4. The belief that addiction is a disease is becoming more accepted. Habitual behaviour is @ natural part of our lives and includes everything from shutting down your computer to combing your hair. It isn't dificult to break these habits because we usually do them without thinking, We offer this eating plan to help food addicts. Or would his eyes have a worried, slightly mad look? ‘Addictions, however, are conscious choices that can become very dificult to control. ‘A recent case involved a man who sued a restaurant for not telling customers that it Used a certain kind of cooking fat. Itis not meant to be a dlet, but a permanent change in eating habits. I've heard them say, ‘I'm addicted to coffee’ or ‘I'm hooked on that TV programme’. 6 This is not surprising as the loudest voices involved in defining conditions come {from doctors and other health workers. —{ Exam practice } —— —— } 2 You are going to read an article about dealing with addiction. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (4-6). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. ‘A Half an hour of intense aerobic exercise can produce five times the amount you'd have if you were sitting down. B Low concentrations of these are closely linked to depression, © it mayhe, though, that the thrill ean navar quite camara with that achieved hy ‘taking drugs. D People become addicted to something because there's an underlying unhappiness. E Steve, a personal trainer, used his work to mask his secondary addiction. F The thrill from the exercise is the thing, the drugalike feelings brought about by the activity are what addicts want. G With @ negative addiction, on the other hand, exercise overrides everything. Over to you 3 Discuss these questions. 38 ‘Do you think addiction is mainly an individual or a social problem? 'b Do you think that some addictions are harmless or are they all harmful? Ifyou thought that you were becoming addicted to something, what would you do if you found it dificult to simply stop? h4fer.q] [ei ta ae Lmphe ter ‘exercise adciction’ was coined in 1976 by r Willa Glasser when he was studying long-cstance runners. He noticed that many of them experienced low moods ushen they could train, and he came to differentiate between = positive and negative addictions: a positive addiction involves @ love ofthe activity, and the exercise is scheduled around other every activities. You run your running schedule, for example, rather than it running you, and an enforced dey off isn the end of the word The results ae increased feelings of physical and = psychological wellbeing [2] Relationships and work suffer, a dey away from the gym causes distress, and health can decine 25 overtraining leads to nary an illness Two types of negative exercise addiction have since been defined. Secondary addictions probably the most common, where the compulsion to exercise is driven by aneed to control anc change one's body shape, ands often accompanied by an eating cisorder. [2] | Whatever workout my client was ding, I coi, to, alongside them, supposedly ta mativate them, bitin fact was to keep my weight down. In total, | was doing |» severl hours of caro every dy, and| didnt actually enjoy the exercise. hated the feeling of not having the perfect body even more, though With Primary adccton, body image isn so central (3 tt works tke this when we exercse strenuously, we activate sour sympathetic nervous system, causing arisein the concentration of serotonin and other chemicals inthe brain vihich make us fee happy. ‘At the same time, the body produces endorphins which shut down pain signals reaching the brain. [4]_] Add all these tagether, and youhave a recipe for mild euphoria, Unfortunately, just asthe bodys tolerance of drugs incresses, so itis with endorphins: mare are required to produce the same thvll so the exercise intensity has tobe increased.[5_| Tony, who took drugs daly for almost a decade, then took sto running half marathons. He arts that getting the kick got herder He said hei awake at right thinking about the next days session stil wasnt as good as the drugs he was x bore Opti end eeacion SELES EE Oe mace encountered many people ike Tony, Exercise addiction tends person returns to the basic anes, ike drugs. [6] _|IF they haven't sorted out the reasons for this state, via counselling for example, theyll have to direct that need to something else’ 9 e3un uoisinduso: unit 3 40 Vocabulary 4 Read this short article, Have you heard of any of the superstitions mentioned in it? Bye tela) ES When I was a boy, I clearly remember certain prohibitions in my grandmother's house. ‘We were never allowed to open an umbrella inside because it was bad lick. Ifsomething ‘good happened, we had to touch wood. When my grandfather aecidentally broke a mirror once, he sald dramatically, Seven years’ bad luck’. Amazingly, he honestly believed this, but Fortunately hie prediction did't eome tue. Supesstitious beliaf like theve are widoepraad, ‘We even go through childhood stage where we are guided by superstitions. Remember the old shyme while walking along the pavement: ‘Step on the line and break your mother’s spine’ We not only walked with great care ourselves, we always made sure anyone with us avoided the lines, too. Most people would agree that superstitious thinking is based on the illusion chat we ean influence what happens in if. I know college students who will use only their Tucky pen’ to make sure they do really well in exams. 2 Compare ideas about superstitions in pairs. a. How superstitious are you? 'b What superstitions are common in your family or your country? © What superstitions do you remember hearing about when you were a child? 3 Find examples of the following in the text, then think of two more examples of each type of adverb. + Four adverbs of manner (Words which tell us how something happens.) + Two comment adverbs (Words which tell us someone's opinion.) + Two focusing adverbs (Words which draw attention to one part of a sentence.) + Two frequency adverbs (Words which tell us how often something happens.) + An advert of degree (A ward which tolls us how much.) 4 Rewrite these sentences by adding the adverbs or adverb phrases In brackets in the correct position. Some words and phrases can go In more than one position. a My sister failed her driving test last week. (sadly) bb If someone sneezes, people say, ‘Bless youl” (often) © | agree with you. (completely) I checked my email before | left for work, (hurriedly) I found out later that you'd been trying to phone me. (surprisingly) f I know his name and nothing else. (only) 5 Complete these sentences then compare what you have wrtton with a partner. When I have to go somewhere, | ke to arrive In public | always try to behave Wherever | am I always try to eat _— Unfortunately, I'm not very good at —___ 7 | totally disagree with people who believe that __ I've always wented to meet __

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