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A friend in a need is a friend in deed


A friend in a need is a friend in deed is a phrase that describes the quality of a real friend.
Friend is some sort of a partner in your life and he or she will be a supporter of your dreams
and wish you all the best in every moment. He is your buddy. Shortly, a friend in need is not a
backstabber or the one who betrays you.


When you are growing in life you are looking for someone that will always protect your back
and help you in every situation. We are looking for a friend, a person who will tell you how
great he feels with you and in your area. For starters, this is the person we feel good about.
With a true friend we have no need to act and be something we are not. We feel accepted as
we are. A friend knows how to listen and is interested in me and my life. He won’t constantly
interrupt me to inject some thought of his own or shift the conversation to himself, he doesn’t
want to talk only about himself and he doesn’t neglect the other. A friend will offer me
constructive advice and inspire me to be better and to believe in myself. Those who eternally
discourage us show us that they do not believe in us and our strengths and abilities. There is no
place for evil among true friends. That doesn’t mean he always favors me. A true friend is one I
trust. There is no place among friends to gossip, reveal shared secrets, play trust. But there are
few true friends today, born once in a million years. We must not lose them, we should
consider them as angels sent to us by God to keep us in good and evil. Let's choose them
carefully because they come quietly and spontaneously and will stay as long as we try in that


I think that sincere friendships are made while we are still young and unspoiled. Because as the
years go by, people change and pursue some other goals and forget about those essential
moral values. We must learn to appreciate every warm word and advice to be worthy of true
friendship. Hellen Keller wrote: “My friends wrote the story of my life. In countless ways, they
turned my flaws into great advantages and allowed me to walk calmly and happily under the
shadow of my lack. "Need I say more? Maybe just this - Be the friend you want to be.

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