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The new generation project

10 scouts will select 5 models each, until 50 candidates are chosen. The 50 candidates will undergo
interviews, protfolio shoots, runway events and fitness training and checks until 10 are selected from
the 50. Those 10 will be the chosen N.G.M for the 2022-2042 boss models era.

The ten that are selected will get no budget z-cards and z-videos, will be placed for top selection
with high end brands, representation from their scout as an exclusive manager, top minimum
charge, benefits and will be eligible for international jobs. The contract will last five years but will be
renewable for another 5 should the model choose to stay with boss models, after the termms have
ended the model will be subject for review and the agency may renew their contract yet again.

Stage 1

Scouting: models will be scouted by agents either from online selections, passing by or an audition

After scouting the model is offered the NGP contract instead of the ordinary lower level modelling

Stage 2

Each model will be moved to the SANTM home and undergo an intense protfolio shoot day followed
by elimination to the top 40, fitness training and a runway event, elimination to top 25, another
photoshoot day, elimination to top 15 and finally interviews until only 10 are left


1. Each model will be signed for an extendable five year contract for R150,000
2. Each models contract will state that their minimum price for shoots (editorial/commercial)
will be R1000
3. Each model's minimum price for runway/fashion events will be R5000
4. Each models minimum charge for glam shoots/videos will be R2000
5. Each models minimum charges will rise individually based on their work/achievements
6. Each model will be provided with a yearly allowance of R10 000
7. Each moddel will attend fully paid vacation depending on their level of hierarchy in the
8. Each model should they be in school, will have tuition paid in full

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