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Fire Emblem Fates

Fire Emblem Fates is the 15th game in its series. It was released earlier during the last
year in Japan, for Nintendo 3ds, but the worldwide release date was at the beginning of
2016. The game is a great choice for fans of the series, as it combines state of the art
graphics, with better gameplay controls and a more fluent response.

The tactical role-playing game allows you to create your own Avatar and customize it
to your desires. The gameplay is classic for its type. During a battle, you will be placed on a
grid battlefield, just like in other similar games, and you will take turn to attack, making use,
one by one, of your entire army. Much like other turn-based games, the battle abilities of
each unit you have are given by its predefined specifics.

The game’s characters can develop profound inter-personal relationship. You can
marry or even have kids. The kids two characters would have will use the abilities of their
parents, and they will look like them. The game is complex, players can grow their own food,
open farms and restaurants and even sell items in shops they open. The path one decides to
play is widely flexible, and the game can take any form you intend it, as it is customary for
the genre.

It’s a captivating release that will surely make players lose their notion of time. The
character system is complicated, but the many options and rewards that come from it can
prove a great asset for the engaged player.

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