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Street Fighter V

Fans everywhere eagerly waited with anticipation the release of the Street Fighter V. Using Unreal
Engine 4 as its main platform, the game was easily adapted for release on Windows, Ps4 and even
Linux. Introducing exciting new characters and awarding the gamers with the promise of post release
of additional ones, Street Fighter V is a classic release that brings out the best out of its series.

With extraordinary graphics, and an easy gameplay users are accustomed to since Street Fighter III,
the game offers a great experience for fans everywhere. Additional characters and content that will
be released periodically will be accessible to the users in-game, by using the Zenny system, which
allows you to pay for then with real money, or the Fight Money system, that allows you to make
purchases using the in-game money you earned while playing.

The developers added a new ability system, called the V-Gauge. The V-Gauge is a bar that can be
filled during combat when you are attacked. It turns damage into benefits, and unlocks several new
skills, different for each character. The V-Gauge points can be also used as a combined attack or
defense measure, triggering a unique super ability for each character.

The storyboard comes to reveal the mystery surrounding the passage between Street Fighter III and
Street Fighter IV. The story is interactive, as although Shadaloo and Bison play important roles in it,
the way you finish the game in arcade mode with each of the character will make change the main
story according to your progress. Each character can play a part, depending on your gameplay.

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