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Sección : ………………………..………………... Apellidos Astuvilca Arzapalo

: ………………………..……………….
Docente : Rosa Ñaña Baquerizo Nombres Darwin
: ………………………………………….
Unidad : III Fecha : .…../……/2022-0
Semana :6 Duración : 50 minutos

I. Propósito: Identify Comparative and Superlative sentences in differents gramatical activities

Exercise 1: Complete these sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in parentheses.

the happier
1. The less he works,________________ (happy) he is.

the faster
2. The bigger the car,_______________ (fast) you can go.

The fresher
3. _________(fresh) the better
it is, ____________(good) it will taste.

The more
4. _____________(more) the fatter
you eat, ____________ (fat) you will get.

The less
5. ________(less) the more
you spend, ______________(more) you save.

6. It was becoming _________(cold) colder
and _________(cold).

more excited (excited).

7. I was getting more and__________

8. The weather was bad and getting __________(bad) worse
and________ (bad).

Exercise 2: Choose the correct comparison word in the following sentences.

1. Of the twenty applicants, Athena is the (better/best) qualified.

2. Of the two dogs, Rover is the (better/best).

3. I am the (elder/eldest) of my five sisters.

4. I am (elder/eldest) than my brother.

5. (Among/Between) the two countries, they should be able to raise the money for aid.

6. Of all the speeches I heard, his was the (more/most) compelling.

7. After returning from our vacation, I was (happier/happiest) to be home.

8. (Among/Between) the three independent candidates, only he seemed qualified.

9. It was certainly the (less/least) of the two evils.

10. She was the (shorter/shortest) member of the graduating class.


Exercise 3: Define whether the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Correct

1. This book is more better than that one. F

2. This year's prices will certainly be much higher as last year's prices. F

3. Since there were two possible ways to get to New York, we had to decide which one was better. T

4. The customs in this country are more traditional than those in the United States. T

5. Her letter was more friendlier than this. F

7. Nancy was luckier than Fred in Las Vegas. T

8. The weather was much hotter this year than in 1970. F

9.The final exam was more difficult than the mid-semester exam. T

Exercise 4: Correct the following sentences.

1. Bob was the biggest of the twins.

Bob was the bigger of the twins.


2. You wouldn't meet a more kinder lady.

You wouldn’t meet a kinder lady.


3. The patient made the wonderfulest recovery.

The patient made the most wonderful recovery.


4. Mary was as old like Jane.

Mary was as old as Jane.


5. Who is the tallest, Jack or Betty?

Who is taller, Jack or Betty?


6. The more bright students do not always do well in tests.

The brighter students do not always do well in tests


7. The noise in Rome is far worst than in Florence.

The noise in Rome is far worse than in Florence.


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