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Case 1 : (group 1,3,5)

Mr.Soso (54 years old) is hospitalized at Serulingmas Hospital since yesterday.

Today, Nurse Sisi is his morning nurse and will undergo some assessment.
Mr.Soso still has nausea, stomachache like burn inside and hard to breathe.
Mr.Soso’s wife also said that sometimes Mr.Soso hard to fall asleep at night
because it is hard to breathe. Mr.Soso also said that he experiences some loss
appetite, never eats hospital menu, only eats its pudding and snacks. Vital sign
data are: blood pressure 110/80 mmHg, body temperature 37ºC, respiratory
rate 30 per-minute, heart rate 86 per-minute. Physical assessment data are:
composmentis, symmetrical chest movement, chest auscultation ronchi,
negative chest retraction. Anthropometric data are: bodyweight 50 Kg, body
height 160 cm.

Question : Please arrange data organization, data analysis, prioritize

nursing diagnosis, and nursing intervention from the case and write down
in paper !

Case 2 : (group 2,4)

Mr.Yoyo (19 years old) is hospitalized at Serulingmas Hospital since 2 days ago.
Today, Nurse Yaya is his morning nurse and will undergo some assessment.
Mr.Yoyo experience loss appetite, nausea and never eat full hospital menu
(only ½ portions) and always drink warm tea. Nurse Yaya finds Mr.Yoyo spends
most of his daily activities in his bed and never performs a shower for about 2
days, only changes his clothes every day without shower. Nurse Yaya also
identified bad odor from Mr.Yoyo’s body and hair. Physical assessment data are
: he performs weakness, flattening abdomen, decreasing intestine peristaltic,
bodyweight : 49 kg, height : 157 cm. Vital signs data : blood pressure 120/90
mmHg, heart rate: 80x/mnt, respiratory rate : 20x/mnt, body temperature :
37,50 C.

Question : Please arrange data organization, data analysis, prioritize

nursing diagnosis, and nursing intervention from the case and write down
in paper !

Subjectives :
Objectives :

NO Data Findings/ Problem statement Etiology/related
. Supportive Data factors/risk factors

Prioritize Nursing Diagnosis:

1. ….
2. …..
Dx.No Outcomes Intervention Rationale

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