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1) Make sure you have Creative Cloud on your computer, this is where our Print Library is.

Here’s what the icon looks like → it should have automatically downloaded when you
downloaded Photoshop and Indesign
2) Accept an invitation to collaborate on the ‘Print June 2021’ Library from your school
3) Make sure you save a colorized advertisement as a copy before you grayscale it
(instructions on this are within video tutorial)
4) Naming advertisements
→ For the final grayscaled version of ¼ page ad: GradFirstName_GradLastName_Final
a) Ex. Doe_John_Final
→ For the copy: GradFirstName_GradLastName_Copy
b) Ex. Doe_John_Copy
5) When you are done with the ad process, you should have both the final version AND your
copy of your ad within your ‘Group’ on our team library.


1) Your copy and final advertisements should be saved onto your computer (more detailed
instructions on saving ads are within video tutorial)
2) Find your name on the sidebar of the groups, and click on it. Click on ‘upload a file’

3) Find your ads where you’ve saved it on your computer. In my case, I’ve saved my
example in “Downloads”. Click on it, then click on “add”
4) Your work should show up under your name!
The 2021 Photoshop version is a little different, here is a little clarification when making ads and
referring to the video tutorial:
1) Open Photoshop, and click on “create new”

2) After, you’ll be able to modify your dimensions. Click on “Create” after you’re all set.
Remember: Dimensions for ¼ page ads are 4.75x7.5. The dimensions may be represented
in pixels initially. Use the drop-down to change it to inches. Your resolution should be
300 pixels/inch, and your background should be white, and the orientation should be
3) You want to “Save as” your images and ads on your computer

4) Once you save your separate image, a pop-up will appear concerning JPEG settings. Just
click on ‘OK’
5) When you place your images, click on “Place from embedded”

6) To stroke, click on the image layer. Then, click on the brush tool and click on the image.
Allow Photoshop to rasterize yout image

Then, click on “Edit” on the upper bar, and stroke. Make your your stroke is black in
color and 1 px

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