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Teacher: Moisés Gonzalo Pacheco Vera

Student: Marco Antonio Torres Soto

(ACV-S06) Homework - Holidays

What experiences have you had when going on vacation? Write five sentences
about them. Notice that we don’t use a time expression in these
sentences. For example:

1. I have traveled to many places. Cajamarca is one of them.

2. I have eaten tacacho with cecina.
3. I have seen many types of butterflies in La Merced.
4. I haven’t spent much money traveling.
5. I have never gone to Iquitos.


1. I have eaten "Cachangas" and "Ceviche" in Trujillo.

2. I have rested a lot in Tingo Maria.
3. I have never eaten "Suri" in Pucallpa.
4. I have traveled to many jungle cities.
5. I haven't swam in the Amazonas river.
6. I have walked through the ruins of Chan-Chan.

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