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Reading Week 2021-2022

“Catch the Reading Wave”

Contact List
Jen Dudycha (Admin)-
Rebecca Price (Literacy Chair) - (Questions relating to reading week)
Kaitlyn Terry (Secretary) - (Questions relating to Virtual Bookmark Contest)
Erik Franson - (Questions relating to Mystery Reader and Mystery Book)
Ashli Perry - (Questions relating to Dress Up days)
Shari Cook - (Questions relating to Reading Buddies)
Madison Thom - (Questions relating to BINGO)

Dress Up Days
The dress up days are listed. Please promote these in your classroom as a way of hyping
of Nevada Reading Week with your students.
Monday: Free Dress Day for class pictures
Tuesday: Beach/Tourist Day
Wednesday: Crazy Sock Day
Thursday: Favorite Book Character Day
Friday: Pajama Day

School-Wide Activities
Mystery Reader and Mystery Book- There are 5 Mystery Readers and 5
Mystery Books for your students to guess. One for each day. Audio files for Mystery
Books are available on Google Drive. Your class may guess one person for each Mystery
Reader audio file and one book for each Mystery book audio file. Your students will
listen to the recording and then teachers will submit their class guess using a Google
Form sent daily by Mr. Franson. The Google Form for guessing will be sent each
morning. All guesses must be submitted by 3:00 PM. US classes will vote during
Advocacy classes. All of the classes who correctly guess the Mystery Reader and Mystery
Book will be placed into a raffle. A winner will be drawn and announced the following
day during Bingo. The winning class each day will earn Free Dress on a designated day.
Bookmark Contest- Students will create their own bookmarks that celebrate
our Reading Week theme, “Catch the Reading Wave” during Art class the week before
reading week. The completed bookmarks will be given to the teacher by the end of that
week: Friday 2/25. On Monday (2/28, first day of reading week), each class will vote on
their 3 favorite bookmarks. Teachers will need to collect pictures/scans of the winning
bookmarks in their class, label them with the teacher’s name and the student’s name,
and submit the files of those three to Kaitlyn Terry by 3pm on Monday 2/28 . The
bookmarks will then be entered into a school-wide bookmark contest. Students and staff
will vote on these bookmarks via Google Form from Tuesday (3/1) through Thursday
(3/3) and the winners will be announced on Friday during Bingo. The winning
bookmark from each grade level will be distributed to their respective grade levels the
following week.

Book Bingo - School-wide Bingo will be played each day. The materials for
creating your Book Bingo boards are available on the Google Drive under Reading Week
2021-2022. Choose from items on the Book Characters and Titles list to create your own
Bingo board (leaving the free space free) with your class. At 2:12 PM, 8 items from the
list will be called out over the loud speaker. Mark any items that are on your Bingo
board. Please make sure that if your class is at specials during this time that they take
their Bingo board with them. Your class gets Bingo when they get 5 in a row going
vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. If your class gets a bingo, please send a picture of
your board and the number of students in your class to Ms. Thom by 4 PM that day to be
checked. If you have a Bingo, your class prize will be placed in your mailbox. Once your
class wins one-time, please continue playing and try to rack up as many Bingos as you
can. However, only 1 class prize per class will be given. (Upper school makes their Bingo
board on Friday, February 25 in Advocacy)

Drop Everything and Read- All students in the school will stop what they
are doing, get their book out, and read for 10 minutes. Students should have a book with
them at their seat to make this a quick transition. If you students are at specials or
snack, please have them bring their book with them. An announcement will be made
each day at the “Drop Everything” time. Below are the daily times.
Mon: 1:45 PM
Tues: 8:45 AM
Wed: 9:30 AM
Thurs: 1:45 PM
Fri: 10:30 AM
In-Class Activities

Reading Buddies- Students from 2 different classes, pair up and each student
reads from a favorite book to each other. If you would like to do a Buddy Read, please
reach out to a teacher on the Reading Buddies list and sign up for an available slot in the
Sign-Up Genius. All meetups will be held outside on the coned off area on the grass
field. Please ensure that students stay in this area to avoid disrupting PE. All Students
should be prepared with a book to read to their buddy. It is recommended that classes
match up younger students with olders students (K-3 with 4-8).
Sign-Up Genius Link:

Guest Readers- Invite parents, family members, and community members to

read to your class via Zoom. Pro tip: set up a Signup Genius to help organize your Guest
Reader schedule. (highly encouraged)

*Special guest reader: Zach Hayes from the Henderson Silver Knights will be reading via
Mrs. William’s zoom ( on Monday, February 28th
at 2:45pm! Recording will be available for Upper school viewing.

*Special guest reader: Nicolas Hague from the Golden Knights will be reading via Ms.
Dudycha’s zoom ( on Wednesday, March
2nd at 6:30pm!

Community Leader Readers - (highly encouraged)

METRO NV Reading Week Video - Click on the link below to hear one of our Las Vegas
Metropolitan Officers read
Read With A Ranger “Coyote Trickster Tale. . Click on the links below to listen to a Park
Ranger read

Flipgrid Commercials- Have your students create a commercial for their

favorite book using Flipgrid, SeeSaw, or even Google Slides. Share these commercials
with your class!
Reading and Sharing Cultural Books- Immerse your students into
different cultures around the world with books. These incredible resources have a ton of
children’s books that celebrate different cultures. The books located on these websites
include read alouds, virtual books, and even activities to go along with each piece of
TeachingBooks | Author & Book Resources to Support Reading Education

Nevada Library Association - NYRA (

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