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Kelas: 11 IIS B
Indonesian Economic Market on the International Stage: Opportunity or Threat?
First PROPOSITIONS speaker: First OPPOSITION speaker:
a. State the topic a. State the topic
b. States several arguments with b. States his/her own points using A-R-E,
reasoning and evidence in the form of (argument, reasoning, evidence)
statics or data to support the argument

Second PROPOSITION speaker: Second OPPOSITION speaker:

a. Rebuts 1st opposition’s points a. Rebuts 2nd proposition’s points
b. Brings up new points using A-R-E b. Rebuts any points not rebutted by 1st
style opposition
c. States new points using A-R-E
Third PROPOSITION speaker: Third OPPOSITION speaker:
a. Rebuts the whole positive team’s a. Rebuts the whole negative team’s
argument argument
b. Summarize the debate and conclude b. Summarize the debate and conclude
effectively effectively
1st speaker(Agnes)

a. definition:

International markets are those that buy and sell products from several countries. Given the
understanding, international markets are virtually global.

b. A, R, E


While inter-trade cooperation benefits many countries involved, it can still have a negative impact.


The reason is the international trade would create international competition.


This would have a negative impact, with declining demand for domestic products in competition
with other industries from other countries.

The evidence:

1. The first evidence is the consumer will prefers to buy foreign products over domestic products
because of the low quality domestic products at high prices. In comparison with outside products,
consumers can acquire high-quality products at a comparable price.
2. The second evidence is that the packaging is less interesting. Local businesses will choose to
reduce attractive displays on their packaging in order to keep the product at a reasonable cost
compared to outside products.

3. The third evidence is the lack of product innovation. Foreign products would normally give new
innovations in attracting their customers, while local businesses would normally replicate innovation
in outproducts, especially fashion - related products.

4. The fourth is because of inadequate location. Foreign products are usually packed specially for
sale at specific tables and usually in strategic locations. With certain railings, outside products
guarantee their quality over those sold outside of their shops and thus make the consumer more
inclined to purchase directly

2nd speaker(varrel)

a. rebuts 2nd proportion's points

negative effects

1. The production of domestic goods is disrupted due to the entry of imported goods which are sold
cheaper domestically, which causes the domestic industry to suffer huge losses

2. more developed countries started to appear

3. The occurrence of unhealthy competition due to the influence of free trade

4. when fail to compete, the country's economy will fall.

b. rebuts any points not rebutted by 1st opposition

c. states new points using A, R, E


With international trade, it is able to meet the needs of the people that may not be produced by the
country. But this has a negative effect


With international trade, goods and services from abroad can enter and be traded freely within the


foreign products such as samsung or apple and xiaomi is used more in indonesia rather than
indonesian products such as Advan

3rd speaker(Joany)

a. rebuts the whole negative teams argument

b. summarize the debate and conclude effectively

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