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Busn 270
#1 ? #2 ? #3 ?

quick action/deadline
Involvement needed



John, the sales manager, told you that three

1 customers stopped doing business with the
company because your products have decreased
in quantity.

2 Your secretary, Rita, told you that there is a

salesperson waiting to see you. He does not have
an appoinment. You don't do any purchasing.

3 Jan, a vice president, wants to see you to discuss a

new product to be introduced in one month.

4 John, the sales manager, sent you a memo stating

that the sales forecast was incorrect. Sales are
expected to increase bgy 20 percent starting next
month. Inventories are as scheduled.

Dan, the personnel director, sent you a memo

5 informing you that one of your employees has
resigned. Your turnover rate is one of the highest
in the company.

Rita told you that John Smith called while you

6 were out. He asked you to return his call, but
wouldn't state why he was calling. You don't
know who he is or what he wants.

Sandy, one of your best workers, wants an

7 appointment to tell you about a situation that
happened in the shop.
John called and asked you to meet with him and a
8 prospective customer for your product. The
customer wants to meet you.

Tom, your boss, called and said that he wants to

9 see you about the decrease in the quality of your

Source: Adapted from Hardbridge House Training Materials (Boston)>


In the mail you got a not from Frank, the president

10 of your company, and an article from The Wall
Street Journal. The note said FYI (for your

Source: Adapted from Hardbridge House Training Materials (Boston)>

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