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Bayes' Theorem is my personal favorite. So What is exactly Bayes’ Theorem? Let’s find out!

Bayes’ Theorem expresses the likelihood of an event based on past knowledge of

circumstances that may be relevant to the event.

The fundamental mathematical formula is as follows:


This is an easy-to-understand formula. Here, P denotes probability, B denotes belief, and E

denotes evidence. The probability that B is true is P(B), and the likelihood that E is true is
P(E). P(B|E) denotes the likelihood of B if E is true, while P(E|B) denotes the likelihood of E
if B is true. You can't just enter numbers into an equation in most circumstances; you have to
first find out what your "tests" and "events" are.

It is a commonly used mathematical theorem in statistical inference, drug testing, and

machine learning, among other fields. To understand this properly read forward!

The Bayes theorem illustrates how we make decisions. It claims that the more possible
explanations for the evidence, the less probable it is to be true. If you wish to increase the
degree of your belief, you must either improve the belief independently or demonstrate that
the existing object works better with your belief. It all comes down to the axiom that your
belief is only as good as the facts supporting it. Bayes' theorem can produce favorable
outcomes if you have good evidence.

Our brains are supposed to be Bayesian. When we think about anything, we think in a
Bayesian fashion subconsciously. So what was all this mathematically– Bayes’ Theorem.

(Taneja #)

Work Cited

Taneja, H. C. Statistical Methods for Engineering and Sciences. I.K. International

Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 2010.

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