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The only way to be capable of training with different disciplines is CrossFit: a sport that
includes a combination of exercises in which normally you must achieve as soon as
possible. I started to practice more than three years ago, when I enrolled in the Army.
Because of my work, I adapted my workouts to military routines: carrying boxes of ammo,
mortars, plate carriers and supplying body weight exercises.

One of the advantages is that it fits on everybody, it’s an non-discriminated sport, including
all ages, disabilities or situations.
Although you can practice without equipment, in a low-cost way, you can add weightlifting or
gymnastics movements, adapting to your possibilities. In addition, is an sport that forces you
to compete with yourself, separating you from comparison and making you humble in the
sense of learning and developing more basic exercises.

Even though it's not easy to start, I strongly recommend you, on the fact that you’ll feel better
with yourself and you’ll be more open-minded about sports.

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