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English Test

For 4 Graders
December , 2015

Grade: 4 ______

Good Luck!
Your Loving Teachers

1. Circle 10p
‫أحط الرقم الصحيح‬
1. twelve: 12 20
2. one: 1 11

3. eight: 8 9
4. five: 4 5

5. hundred 100 10

6. twenty: 12 20
7. zero: 0 10

8. sixty: 6 60
9. eleven: 11 12

10. ninety: 9 90

Write the opposite 10p .2

‫ استعمل مخزن الكلمات‬.‫اكتب العكس‬.
1) happy ≠ _______

2) long ≠ _________ end - stupid –

black – sad – short
3) clever ≠_________
– ugly - hungry
4) beautiful ≠ ________

5) begin ≠ _________
3. Underline the verbs and write the meaning.10 p
‫ضع خطا تحت األفعال في الجمل التالية واكتب معنى الفعل بالعربي‬

1. The boys play cards.__________

2. The girls eat sandwiches.___________

3. I talk to my friend.___________

4. We jump rope.___________

5. The pupils read books_________

4. Complete. 10p
.‫ استعمل مخزن الكلمات‬.‫أكمل الجمل التالية‬
1) Green is my favourite _________.

2) Let’s go for pizza at the _________.

3) I have _________on my computer.

4) I need a notebook and a _______ for my

English lesson.

5) There are crayons and a ruler in my _______.

mall – bag – pencil – internet – color –

candy – teacher

5.What time is it?10 p

‫ما الوقت؟ أحط االجابة الصحيحة‬


1) It’s half past six.

2) It’s ten o’clock.

3) It’s half past ten.

4) It’s six o’clock.

1) It’s half past three.

2) It’s twelve o’clock.

3) It’s half past three.

4) It’s three o’clock.

6. Circle 10p
‫احط أسماء الدول فقط‬

Japan – lesson – America – Israel – flag -

scissors – Italy – brother – Canada - China

7.Write 10p
.‫ ال تنس استعمال الحروف الكبيرة في االماكن المناسبة‬.‫اجب عن األسئلة‬

1) What’s your name?_______________

2) How old are you?__________________

3) What grade are you in?_________________

4) Where do you live?_____________________

5) What’s your e-mail?____________________

8. Read and answer: Yes – No 10p
.‫ حسبهما‬no ‫ او‬yes ‫ ثم اكتب‬،‫اقرأ النموذج أ والنموذج ب‬

1. Brad Lender is a girl.___________

2. Kim Wang lives in England._________

3. Brad goes to Brook School.__________

4. Brad is in grade 4._________

5. Kim’s e-mail is

9. Write the correct pronoun 10p

‫اكتب الضمير المناسب الذي يمكن ان نستبدله مكان األسماء التالية‬
1) Kim Wang_________
2) Brad Lender_________
I – he - she – it
3) school__________
you – we - they
4) grandma_______
5) my brother and I_________
10. Order 10p
5- 1 ‫رتب األحداث التالية حسب التسلسل الصحيح بوضع األرقام المناسبة من‬.

1) I do homework at half past two in the afternoon.

2) I read a book at ten o’clock in the morning.

3) I play tennis at five o’clock in the afternoon.

4) I go to school at eight o’clock in the morning.

5) I watch TV at half past seven in the evening.

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