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16 Antioxidants: Their Health

Benefits and Plant Sources

R.L. Singh,1* Sapna Sharma2 and Pankaj Singh1

Department of Biochemistry, Dr RML Avadh University,
Faizabad, India; 2Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine,
University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, USA

16.1 Introduction diet increase the resistance toward oxidative

damages and they may have a substantial
An important field of research today is the impact on human health. It has been
control of ‘free radicals’ generation or redox reported that a diet rich in antioxidant
status with the properties of food and food phytochemicals, such as polyphenolics,
components. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) carotenoids, terpenoids and flavonoids, pro-
may interact with cellular macromolecules tects against cellular damage due to ability
and modify several cellular proteins, lipids to quench oxygen-derived free radicals
and DNA, which results in altered target (Dhakarey et al., 2005; Singh, P., 2008; Singh,
cell functions. Oxidative stress occurs in B.N., 2009a). If antioxidant defence systems
a cell or tissue when the ROS generation are not sufficiently present in critical situa-
level exceeds the antioxidant capability tions like oxidative stress, contamination,
of that cell (Kumar et al., 2011). ROS can be UV exposure etc., the production of free
produced both endogenously and exoge- radicals increases significantly (Singh, U.
nously. Endogenous oxidative stress can et al., 2008). Non-enzymatic (vitamin E,
be the result of normal cellular metabolism vitamin C, glutathione (GSH), etc.) and
and oxidative phosphorylation. Exogenous enzymatic (superoxide dismutase, GSH per-
sources of ROS can also impact on the over- oxides, glutathione-S-transferase and cata-
all oxidative status of a cell. Drugs, hor- lase) antioxidant levels in the cell can be
mones and other xenobiotic chemicals can decreased through modification in gene
produce ROS by either direct or indirect expression, decreased antioxidant uptake
mechanisms (Kakkar and Singh, 2007). in the diet, or can be overloaded in ROS pro-
Several human chronic disease states, duction, which creates a net increase in the
including cancer, have been associated with amount of oxygen free radicals present in
oxidative stress produced through either an the cell. It has been reported that with the
increased free radical generation and/or a administration of antioxidants, cells are
decreased antioxidant level in the target protected against carcinogen-induced dam-
cells and tissues (Rice-Evans and Burdon, age (Kumar et al., 2011). Mechanisms of
1993). Natural antioxidants present in the protection could be effective against a wide

* E-mail:

© CAB International 2014. Phytochemicals of Nutraceutical Importance

248 (eds D. Prakash and G. Sharma)
Antioxidants: Their Health Benefits and Plant Sources 249

range of dietary carcinogens possibly influ- of FRs by breaking the chain reaction or
encing several cancer sites. Antioxidant can reduce the concentration of FR by donat-
enzymes are detoxification/biotransforma- ing hydrogen and an electron. They also act
tion enzymes that are involved in the detoxi- as peroxide decomposers (vitamin E), enzyme
fication of toxic substances such as xenobiotics, inhibitors, singlet oxygen quenchers (vitamin
carcinogens, free radicals and peroxides by E), synergists and metal-chelating agents
conjugating these substances with GSH (tranferritin). To provide maximum intracel-
(Tripathi et al., 2010). lular protection, antioxidants are strategically
Traditional medicine all over the world is compartmentalized throughout the cell. As
nowadays being revalued by an extensive FR are produced intracellularly and extracellu-
amount of research on different plant species larly during metabolism, both enzymatic and
and their therapeutic principles. Experimental non-enzymatic antioxidants are able to detox-
evidence suggests that free radicals (FR) and ify FRs.
ROS can be involved in a high number of dis- Certain antioxidant enzymes (superox-
eases (Richards and Sharma, 1991). As plants ide dismutase, catalase and glutathione per-
produce a lot of antioxidants to control the oxidase) are produced within the body. Other
oxidative stress caused by sunlight and oxy- antioxidant agents are found in foods, such as
gen, they can represent a source of new com- green leafy vegetables, and it is believed that
pounds with antioxidant activity. One of the diets rich in antioxidant (such as b-carotene
clinical specialities of Ayurveda is Rasayana. and vitamins A, C and E) are beneficial to
Rasayana is not only a drug therapy but is a human health (Halliwell and Gutteridge,
specialized procedure practised in the form of 1989). Therefore, antioxidant naturally pre-
rejuvenating recipes and dietary regimen sent in the body or supplied in the form of
promoting good habit. The purpose of diet (phytonutrients) plays an important role
Rasayana is two-fold: prevention of disease to control various diseases resulting from
and counteraction of ageing processes which oxidative stress. Fresh fruits and vegetables
result from optimization of homeostasis. The are of more importance than cooked, because
meaning of the word Rasayana (rasa: essence, of the high concentration and maximum
water; ayana: going) essentially refers to absorption of antioxidants. In recent years,
nutrition and its acquisition, movement, cir- researchers have been researching the rela-
culation and perfusion in the body tissues tionship between antioxidants and preven-
(Singh, 1992). With regard to Rasayana drug tion of some diseases, such as cardiovascular
therapy, Sharma et al. (1992) reported the disease and cancer (Kubola and Siriamornpun,
strong antioxidant activity of any Rasayana: 2008).
these compounds were found to be 1000 times As soon as these FRs are generated in
more potent than ascorbic acid, a-tocopherol the body, they are trapped by antioxidants
and probucol. present in extracellular and intracellular
defence system. If the generation of free
radicals is much more than the concentra-
tion of antioxidants then oxidative stress
16.2 Antioxidants arises. As a result of oxidative stress, arthri-
tis in joints, emphysema and bronchitis in
In living cells, two antioxidant defence sys- lungs, atherosclerosis or heart disease in the
tem are present against free radical damage. blood vessels, peptic ulcer in the stomach,
The first line of defence includes antioxidant ageing and wrinkling in the skin are caused.
enzymes (such as superoxide dismutase, cat- In the nucleus, it also alters the sequence
alase, GSH peroxidase), whereas the second of nucleotide base pairs, strand breaks etc. in
defence system includes low molecular non- the DNA resulting in transformed and
enzymatic antioxidants (thioredoxin, GSH, mutated DNA. Mutated DNA will produce
vitamins A, C, E, lycopene, lutein, quercetin diseases like cancer, leukaemia and lym-
etc.). These antioxidants inhibit the formation phoma (Prakash et al., 2012).
250 R.L. Singh et al.

16.2.1 Antioxidant enzymes SOD enzyme also increases. The main source
of naturally occurring SOD enzyme is green
Three groups of enzymes play significant vegetables such as in broccoli, Brussels sprouts
roles in protecting cells from oxidative stress. and cabbage, as well as barley, wheat and
most green plants (Gassen and Youdim, 1999).
Superoxide dismutase
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) has been recog-
nized to play an important role in the body The catalase activity of mammalian tissue var-
defence mechanism against the deleterious ies greatly. It is highest in liver and kidney and
effect of superoxide FR in the biological sys- low in connective tissue. In the cell, it is mainly
tem. It acts on two superoxide molecules and particle bound (in mitochondria and peroxi-
converts them into hydrogen peroxide and somes) whereas in erythrocytes it exists in a
oxygen. The beneficial aspect of this reaction soluble state. Catalase activity has received
is that it produces less toxic hydrogen perox- much attention for its role in oxidative metabo-
ide. The organisms that resist oxygen toxicity lism as well as protective function by acting as a
must have the SOD enzyme. On the basis H2O2 scavenger. Catalase located in the orga-
of metal cofactor, the organism has three dis- nelles acts as a regulator of H2O2 levels and, on
tinct types of SOD. In eukaryotes, cytosol has the other hand, in erythrocytes, catalase and
the copper- and zinc-containing form of SOD GSH peroxidase jointly exert a protective func-
while mitochondria and bacterial cells have tion for haemoglobin and other SH-protein. It
the manganese-containing form of SOD (Table degrades hydrogen peroxide to water and oxy-
16.1). Iron-containing SOD is found in bacte- gen, and hence finishes the detoxification reac-
ria, cyanobacteria and some plants. Newly tion started by SOD (Gassen and Youdim, 1999).
discovered forms of SOD, also found in bacte-
ria, contain nickel as a cofactor. Interestingly, Glutathione peroxidase
SODs are inducible enzymes, i.e. with the
increase in the concentration of oxygen in the GSH peroxidase is a member of family of
environment of the cell, the concentration of GPx enzymes, whose function is to detoxify

Table16.1. Important enzymatic and non-enzymatic physiological antioxidants.

Antioxidants Location Properties

Superoxide dismutase Mitochondria, cytosol Dismutase superoxide radicals
Glutathione peroxidase Mitochondria, cytosol Removes hydrogen peroxide and organic
Catalase Mitochondria, cytosol Removes hydrogen peroxide
Vitamin E Cell membrane Chain-breaking antioxidant in cell membrane
Vitamin C Aqueous phase of cell Acts as free radical scavenger and
Sap recycles vitamin E
a-Lipoic acid Endogenous thiol Effective in recycling vitamin C, may also
be an effective glutathione substitute
Carotenoids Membrane tissue Scavengers of reactive oxygen species,
singlet oxygen quencher
Bilirubin Blood Extracellular antioxidant
Ubiquinones Mitochondria Reduced forms are efficient antioxidants
Metals ions sequestration: Chelating metals ions, responsible for
transferrin, ferritin, Fenton reactions
Nitric oxide Free radical scavenger, inhibitor of LP
Antioxidants: Their Health Benefits and Plant Sources 251

peroxide in the cell. Peroxides decompose to of flavonols are onion, kale, broccoli, lettuce,
form highly reactive free radicals, which can tomato, apple, grape, berries, tea and red
damage the macromolecules like protein, wine. High contents of flavonols are pre-
DNA and lipid. GPx enzyme plays an impor- sent in greener leaves (Manach et al., 2004).
tant role in the protection of cells from this Flavonols have multiple biological health
damage, particularly lipid peroxidation. GSH benefits. They reduce risk of cardiovascular
peroxidase contains selenium as a cofactor. diseases, cancer, improve endothelial
The synthesis of GSH peroxidase in humans function and reduce platelet activity. This
appears to be very important in scavenging property is mainly attributed to their anti-
H2O2 (Cheng et al., 2003). oxidant properties (Patel, 2008). Further-
more, flavonols also help to prevent oxidative
damage to cells, lipids and DNA. The anti-
16.2.2 Antioxidant phytochemicals oxidant properties of flavonols are drawn
from the presence of aromatic rings of the
There are more than a thousand phytochemi- flavonoid molecule, which allows the dona-
cals that have been identified with antioxidant tion and acceptance of electrons from FR
properties. Plants produce these chemicals to species.
protect themselves from microorganisms and
oxidative stress, but now several evidences Anthocyanins
suggest that these phytochemicals also protect
Anthocyanins are violet, blue and purple pig-
humans against various diseases caused by
ments, which are mainly present in fruits,
FRs. Some of the well-known phytochemicals
berries and flowers. The major dietary antho-
are lycopene (tomatoes), isoflavones (in soy),
cyanins include cyanidin, delphinidin, malvi-
flavanoids (in fruits, vegetables), allyl sulfides
din, pelargonidin, peonidin and petunidin
(onions, leeks, garlic), carotenoids (fruits, car-
(Manach et al., 2004). Anthocyanins and their
rots) and polyphenols (tea, grapes). Medicinal
derivatives have the capacity to scavenge FRs
plant parts are commonly rich in phenolic
through a number of mechanisms, thereby
compounds, such as flavonoids, phenolic
reducing the oxidative stress. Anthocyanins
acids, stilbenes, tannins, cumarins, lignans
present in red cabbage reduce the oxidative
and lignins. These compounds have multiple
stress caused by the toxin paraquat (Igarashi
biological effects including antioxidant activ-
et al., 2000). Tsuda (2000) reported that cyani-
ity (Shukla et al., 2009). The antioxidant activ-
din, which is found in most fruit sources, has
ity of phytochemicals is mainly due to their
potential antioxidant activity under in vivo
redox properties, which can play an impor-
conditions. In another animal study, Tsuda
tant role in adsorbing and neutralizing free
(1998) reported that cyanidins protect cell
radicals, quenching oxygen, or decomposing
membrane lipids from oxidation by a variety
of harmful substances.

Flavonoids are the most common secondary
metabolites in higher plants, and can directly Tannins are commonly present in fruits
scavenge the superoxide ion, hydroxyl radi- (grapes, persimmon, blueberry, etc.), tea,
cal and H2O2. These include more than chocolate, legume forages and legume trees
4000 phenolic compounds that occur natu- (Acacia sp., Sesbania spp. etc.) and grasses
rally in plants. (sorghum, maize, etc.). Tannins include proan-
thocyanidins, gallotannins and ellagitannins.
Flavonols At high temperatures in alcohol solutions
or in a strong mineral acid, proanthocyanidins
The main flavonol is quercetin, followed release anthocyanidins, which have antioxi-
by myricetin, kaempferol, laricitrin, isor- dant properties. Gallotannins and ellagitannins
hamnetin and syringetin. The main sources are both hydrolysable tannins. Gallotannins
252 R.L. Singh et al.

constitute galloyl esters of glucose or quinic leaves, the leaves have been shown to
acid whereas ellagitannins are derivatives of increase the phenols and flavonoids content
hexahydroxydiphenic acid (HHDP). Another (Singh, P. et al., 2008; Singh, B.N., 2009c).
form of tannin is phloroglucinols, which are
subunits of phlorotannins and present in
marine brown algae only. Tannins give an 16.2.3 Antioxidant nutrients
astringent or bitter taste to foods and bever-
ages (e.g. some red wines, teas and unripe
Vitamin E
fruits). The basic function of tannin is not as a
primary antioxidant (i.e. they donate hydro- Vitamin E is the main lipid-soluble antioxi-
gen atom or electrons) but they act as second- dant and plays a vital role in protecting
ary antioxidants (i.e. interfere with the chain membranes from lipid peroxidation. Primary
reaction or by chelating the metal ions such as function of vitamin E is to trap peroxy radi-
Fe(II) thereby retarding oxidation or Fenton cal formation during lipid peroxidation
reaction). Zhang et al. (2004) showed that in cellular membranes. It is mainly present
the inhibition of lipid peroxidation by tan- in nuts, seeds, vegetables, fish oils, whole
nin constituents can act via the inhibition of grains (especially wheat germ), fortified
cyclooxygenase. cereals and apricots (Glenville, 2006). Current
recommended daily allowance (RDA) is
Phenolic acids 15 IU day−1 for men and 12 IU day−1 for women.

Phenolic acids are a major class of phenolic Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

compounds, widely occurring in the plant
kingdom. Predominant phenolic acids Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a water-soluble
include hydroxybenzoic acids (e.g. gallic antioxidant that can reduce a variety of free
acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, protocatechuic radicals. It acts as a synergist for tocopherol
acid, vanillic acid and syringic acid) and by converting the oxidized tocopherols
hydroxycinnamic acids (e.g. ferulic acid, caf- back to their reduced status. Ascorbic acid
feic acid, p-cumaric acid, chlorogenic acid can also act as a pro-oxidant under certain
and sinapic acid) (Wrigstedt et al., 2010). circumstances and helps regeneration of
Ferulic, caffeic and p-cumaric acid are pre- membrane-bound oxidized vitamin E.
sent in many medicinal herbs and dietary Vitamin C reacts with the a-tocopheroxyl
spices, fruits, vegetables and grains. Wheat radical and is oxidized to dehydroascorbic
bran is a good source of ferulic acids. acid. Humans lack L-gulono-g-lactone oxi-
Hydroxycinnamic acids (non-flavonoid phe- dase, which is a key enzyme in ascorbic acid
nolics) are characterized by the C6–C3 struc- synthesis, hence it cannot be synthesized in
ture. Plants use these compounds in both the body and must be acquired from dietary
structural and chemical defence strategies sources. Ascorbic acid is mainly present in
against microbial flora as well as oxidative citrus fruits and juices, kiwi, cabbage, green
stress (Cartea et al., 2011). Naturally occur- peppers, spinach, broccoli, kale, cantaloupe
ring hydroxycinnamic acids possess greater and strawberries. The RDA for vitamin C is
antioxidant activity in comparison to hydroxy- 60 mg day−1. If taken in high dosages it may
benzoic acid due to increased possibilities be excreted out due to its water-soluble
for delocalization of the phenoxy radical nature but may cause adverse side effects in
(Beer et al., 2002). Phenolic compounds have some individuals. The efficiency of ascorbic
the potential to function as antioxidants by acid as scavenger of superoxide in mamma-
scavenging the superoxide anion, hydroxyl lian tissue is not less than the SOD enzyme.
radical, peroxy radical or quenching singlet The ascorbic acid level in extracellular fluids
oxygen and inhibiting lipid peroxidation in is higher than those of glutathione. So, ascor-
biological systems (Izunya et al., 2010). At bate probably plays a predominant role in
low temperatures during the maturity of extracellular antioxidant protection. Vitamin C
Antioxidants: Their Health Benefits and Plant Sources 253

reacts with the superoxide radical to form et al., 1993). Selenium deficiency may cause
dehydroascorbic acid and it returns to its a form of heart disease, hypothyroidism and
original state (vitamin C) with the help of a weakened immune system (Zimmerman
gluthathione (Prakash et al., 2012). and Kohrle, 2002).

Glutathione, a tripeptide (glutamyl-cysteinyl-
b-carotene (precursor to vitamin A, retinol) is
glycine) antioxidant, is the most important
present in liver, egg yolk, butter, milk, spin-
intracellular defence against damage by
ach, squash, carrots, broccoli, tomato, yams,
ROS. It is widely distributed among living
cantaloupe, peaches and grains. b-carotene is
cells and apparently involved in many bio-
converted to vitamin A by the body. The
logical functions. Glutathione present in the
carotenoids (fat-soluble antioxidant) are one
oxidized (GSSH) form is converted to
of the most common pigments found in
the reduced GSH by enzyme glutathione
nature (Daun, 1988). b-carotene (one of the
reductase. It has been reported that
best known carotenoids) is necessary for the
reduced GSH is mainly present in tissue.
synthesis of vitamin A. Some other related
The free sulfhydryl (SH) is a very reactive
pigments include a-carotene, lutein, lyco-
group in cysteine, providing a target for
pene and astaxanthin. There is evidence that
radical attack. Reduced glutathione is oxi-
a diet containing fruit and vegetables is asso-
dized when it reacts with free radicals and
ciated with lower incidences of cancer
it gets back to the reduced state by redox
(Giovannucci, 1999). b-carotene has the capac-
cycle involving GSH reductase and the
ity to quench reactive oxygen (stop oxidative
electron acceptor NADPH (Gassen and
mechanisms), making them chemoprotec-
Youdim, 1999).
tive against cancer. There is strong evidence
that b-carotene increases the detoxifi-
Selenium cation of carcinogens present in the liver,
thereby reducing the development of cancer
Selenium, an essential element for antioxi- (Solomons, 2001).
dation reactions, is required only in small
amounts in humans and animals (Thomson,
2004). Selenoproteins (proteins containing Metal-binding protein
selenium) are important antioxidant
enzymes. There are nearly 30 known seleno- Transition metals are tightly bound to vari-
proteins, mainly containing selenocysteine. ous proteins that prevent them from reacting
The active site of GSH peroxidase (the with peroxides to form free radicals. These
most abundant selenoprotein in mammals) include the following.
and thioredoxin reductase enzyme has sele-
nocysteine. Thioredoxin reductase not only Ceruloplasmin
maintains cell proteins in a reduced state
but also provides deoxyribonucleases Ceruloplasmin is an effective antioxidant with
required for DNA synthesis (Holmgren, potent peroxidase property. It decomposes
1989). At low concentrations it acts as an hydrogen peroxide in the presence of reduced
antioxidant, inhibiting lipid peroxidation, glutathione. Ceruloplasmin is expressed mainly
whereas at higher concentrations it behaves in the liver but has been found to be expressed
as pro-oxidant, enhancing the accumulation in the lungs (Fleming et al., 1991) and mam-
of lipid peroxidation products. The antioxi- mary glands. The role of ceruloplasmin as
dant properties of selenoproteins help to antioxidant is against organic and inorganic
regulate thyroid function, play an important oxygen radicals from iron and ascorbate.
role in the immune system and prevent cel- It contains 90–95% of the circulating copper
lular damage from free radicals (Corvilain in normal mammals. The concentration of
254 R.L. Singh et al.

ceruloplasmin increases by a factor of 2 to 3 protein-bound form and never in a free state.

during pregnancy and hormonal conditions. If iron is being transported or stored it must
It also inhibits lipid peroxidation induced by be chelated in very specific ways by transfer-
ferrous ion by way of decomposing lipid per- rin or ferritin. Transferrin is mainly present in
oxides (Verma et al., 2005). serum, but it is also found in other body flu-
ids at lower concentrations (Chauhan et al.,
2004). The antioxidant activity of transferrin
Lactoferrin is due to its reducing properties. It reduces
Lactoferrin belongs to the iron transporter or the concentration of free ferrous ion that
transferrin family of glycoproteins and is catalyses the conversion of hydrogen perox-
mainly present in whey and exocrine secre- ide to highly toxic hydroxyl radicals by
tions from mammals and is released from Fenton reaction. Transferrin is a universal
neutrophil granules during inflammation. iron carrier and is able to deliver iron to cells
Human breast milk may contain as much as without formation of free radicals.
15% lactoferrin while cow’s milk may have
only 0.5% to 1.0%. It has two important roles: Ferritin
(i) it shows antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal,
Ferritin (a globular protein complex consist-
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immu-
ing of 24 protein subunits) is a ubiquitous
nomodulatory activities; and (ii) lactoferrin
intracellular protein that stores iron and
plays an important role in the uptake and
releases it in a controlled fashion. Ferritin is
absorption of iron through the intestinal
synthesized by almost all living organisms,
mucosa. Its ability to bind iron probably con-
including algae, bacteria, higher plants and
tributes to both its antioxidant properties and
animals. Intracellular iron is stored in the fer-
its antibacterial action (Gupta et al., 2012).
ritin in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes and
released into cells when needed; hence it acts
Metallothionein as buffer against iron deficiency. Ferritin that
is not combined with iron is called apoferri-
Metallothionein (MT) consists of four low- tin. Ferritin converts ferrous (Fe2+) to ferric
molecular-weight (6000–7000), metal-binding (Fe3+) form by ferroxidase activity, thereby
proteins with high cysteine content. Metal- reducing the chance of the deleterious reac-
lothioneins (MTs) are sulfhydryl-rich proteins, tion that occurs between ferrous iron and
which specifically neutralize hydroxyl radi- hydrogen peroxide known as the Fenton
cals (Viarengo et al., 2000). Antioxidant prop- reaction, which produces the highly damag-
erties of MTs are mainly due to sulfhydryl ing hydroxyl radical (Sarma et al., 2010).
nucleophilicity. In vitro studies have revealed
that it reacts directly with ROS including
superoxide and hydroxyl radicals and hydro-
gen peroxide. Binding of transition metals (Fe, 16.3 Some Commonly Measured
Cu) to the protein reduce the Fenton reactiv- Analytes with Antioxidant and
ity, resulting in reduced oxidative stress. Pro-oxidant Activities

16.3.1 Gamma-glutamyltransferase

Transferrin (iron-binding blood plasma gly- Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (also known

coprotein) has a molecular weight of as g-glutamyltransferase, GGT, GGTP, gamma-
approximately 80 kDa and binds iron very GT) (EC is an enzyme that transfers
tightly but reversibly and hence controls the g-glutamyl functional groups. It is the first
level of free iron in biological fluids (Crichton enzyme of the g-glutamyl cycle that regulates
and Charloteaux-Wauters, 1987). It has two the antioxidant glutathione; hence it is a criti-
specific high-affinity Fe(III) binding sites. cal enzyme in glutathione homeostasis. GGT
Iron present in the body is always found in is present in the cell membrane of many
Antioxidants: Their Health Benefits and Plant Sources 255

tissues, including the kidney, bile duct, pan- has powerful antioxidant properties, similar
creas, gallbladder, spleen, heart, brain and to vitamin C and vitamin E. An enzyme related
seminal vesicle (Sarma et al., 2010). to synthesis of HDL cholesterol, lecithin-
cholesterol acyltransferase, is a powerful anti-
oxidant enzyme that blocks the oxidization of
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
16.3.2 Uric acid
Cholesterol is beneficial if it is not oxidized.
Barter et al. (2007) suggested that a low level
Uric acid, the end product of purine metabo- of HDL increases the risk of diseases even
lism, works as an antioxidant. It is the most in people with very low LDL levels. Jafri
abundant aqueous antioxidant in humans et al. (2010) suggested that there is an inverse
and contributes as much as two-thirds of all relationship between high HDL and cancer
free-radical scavenging capacity in plasma. It occurrence.
is particularly effective in quenching hydroxyl,
superoxide and singlet oxygen and peroxy-
nitrite radicals and may play a protective physi-
16.3.5 Nitric oxide
ological role by preventing lipid peroxidation.
The major antioxidant role of uric acid is its
ability to bind and inactivate peroxynitrite. Nitric oxide is an uncharged lipophilic mole-
At physiological concentrations, urate pro- cule that behaves like an amphoteric mole-
tects erythrocyte ghosts against lipid peroxi- cule, i.e. NO could function as an electron
dation leading to lysis of erythrocytes. Urate donor (oxidant) or an electron acceptor (anti-
is found to be about as effective an antioxi- oxidant) (Drew and Leeuwenburgh, 2002). It
dant as ascorbate in these experiments. Urate contains a single unpaired electron (NO•),
is much more easily oxidized than deoxynu- which reacts with other molecules, such as
cleosides by singlet oxygen and is destroyed oxygen, GSH and superoxide radicals. They
by hydroxyl radicals at a comparable rate prevent free radicals from stealing electrons
(Nieto et al., 2000). from other molecules.

16.4 Sources of Natural Antioxidants

16.3.3 Bilirubin

Dietary antioxidants include ascorbate, toco-

Bilirubin, the end product of haem metabo-
pherols, carotenoids and bioactive plant phe-
lism, has the ability to function as an antioxi-
nols. The health benefits of fruits and
dant in the brain, scavenging free radicals and
vegetables are largely due to the antioxidant
reducing oxidative damage. It is reported that
vitamins supported by the large number of
bilirubin protects oxidation of lipids such as
phytochemicals, some with greater antioxi-
linoleic acid and vitamin A. Stocker et al. (1987)
dant properties. Sources of tocopherols, carot-
demonstrated that bilirubin has more of an
enoids and ascorbic acid are well known and
antioxidant effect than vitamin E towards lipid
there are plenty of publications related to their
peroxidation. It has also been experimentally
roles in health. Exogenous dietary antioxi-
proved that a higher concentration of serum
dants capable of scavenging free radicals are
bilirubin increases its antioxidant capacity.
of great interest in combating oxidative stress-
induced cell damage. Plants containing a high
content of polyphenols and flavonoids are
16.3.4 High-density lipoprotein considered as potential antioxidants and can
be used as adjuvant therapy. These plant poly-
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) has long phenols and flavonoids are multifunctional
been known as the ‘good cholesterol’, protect- and can act as reducing agents, hydrogen
ing against heart disease and atherosclerosis. donors, singlet oxygen quenchers and metal
It has been experimentally found that HDL ion chelators (Gassen and Youdim, 1999).
256 R.L. Singh et al.

Several natural antioxidants such as sily- and ROS/oxidative stress in cytoprotective

marin, grape seed extract, resveratrol, cur- and anti-apoptotic effects against nimesulide-
cumin etc., are known to reduce oxidative induced hepatotoxicity (Tripathi et al., 2010).
stress and protect from hepatic damage. Glycyrrhiza glabra (liquorice) possesses
Ulusoy et al. (2012) reported antioxidant and triterpene, saponins, glycyrrhizin/glycyrrhi-
anti-apoptotic effects of proanthocyanidine zic acid and glycyrrhetic acid. Glycyrrhizic
from grape seed extract. Silymarin, a flavonoid acid (GA), a biologically active constituent of
complex from Silybum marianum, has been liquorice root with a structure of 20b-carboxy-
used in the treatment of hepatitis, liver cirrho- 11-oxo-30-norolean-12en-3-b-yl-2-o-b-D-glu-
sis, viral hepatitis and fatty liver. It has been copyranosiduronic acid, is believed to be partly
shown to have antioxidant, antilipid peroxida- responsible for antiulcer, anti-inflammatory,
tive, anti-inflammatory and liver regenerative antidiuretic, anti-epileptic, anti-allergic, anti-
effects. Lupeol, a pentacyclic triterpenoid, dote, antitumour, antiviral, antihypotensive
found in many plants such as crataeva, mango, and several other properties of the plant
olive etc., received much attention due to its (Baltina, 2003). Hypocholesterolaemic and
wide spectrum of medicinal properties that hypoglycaemic activities have also been
include antiprotozoal, anti-inflammatory, anti- reported (Sitohy et al., 1991).
carcinogenic, cardioprotective and antimicro- Bacopa monnieri Linn. (syn. Herpestis mon-
bial activities. Hepatoprotective action of nieri Linn. H.B. and K) is used as a nerve tonic,
lupeol against aflatoxin B1-induced toxicity brain tonic, memory enhancer, laxative, astrin-
has been reported by Preetha et al. (2006). gent, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and lep-
Cymbopogon citratus D. Stapf., commonly rosy healer. It is also useful in renal disorders,
known as lemongrass, contains volatile oil blood diseases, cough, anaemia and poison-
consisting of citral, a monoterpene (a mixture ing. The plant also finds various applications
of two isomeric aldehydes, neral and geranial in central nervous system depressant activity.
in the ratio of 2:3), as a major component, Its major constituents including two saponins
which is used in various perfume and cos- (bacoside A and bacoside B) have been isolated
metic industries (Rauber et al., 2005). The and characterized (Chowdhuri et al., 2002).
plant is reported to possess antifungal, mos- Geraniol, an acyclic monoterpenoid, is an
quito repellent, insecticidal, antidiabetic, anti- important constituent of essential oils of gin-
septic, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic ger, lemon, lime, lavender, nutmeg, orange,
activity (Masuda et al., 2008). rose and palmarosa. It is reported to prevent
Fumaria parviflora Lam. (Fp) is used for cancer. Camphene, another component, is a
dermatological diseases, stimulation of liver bicyclic monoterpene with a pungent smell.
function and gall bladder, as antiscabies, anti- It constitutes a minor part of many essential
scorbite, antibronchite, diuretic, expectorant, oils including turpentine oil, cypress oil, cit-
antipyretic, diaphoretic, appetizer and anti- ronella oil, ginger oil etc., and is known to
neoplastic agent. Its antinoceceptive effect possess antilithic and expectorant properties.
has also been worked out (Heidari et al., Camphene is also present in apricot, carrots,
2004). Phytochemical analysis of Fp indicated cinnamon, ginger, cumin seed, nutmeg, car-
presence of organic acids and isoquinoline damom and turmeric. It is used as a food
alkaloids, namely: fumaric acid, protropine, additive for flavouring as well as in the prep-
cryptopine, sinactine, stylopine, dihydro- aration of fragrances, plasticizers for resins
fumariline, per-fumidine and dihydrosan- and lacquers (Verschueren, 2001).
guirine (Suau et al., 2002). Acetylcholinesterase Free radicals generated in diabetes may
and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory activity lead to several kinds of diabetic complica-
of Fp has also been reported (Orhan et al., tions including nephropathy, neuropathy,
2004). Significant oral antipyretic activity has cardiopathy and many more. Many herbal
been shown by hexane-chloroform and water- medicines as single agents or in different
soluble extracts of Fp in rabbits (Akhtar et al., oral formulations have been recommended
1984). A 50% ethanolic extract of Fp was also for diabetes mellitus due to the fact that
tested to discover the role of mitochondria they are less toxic than oral hypoglycaemic
Antioxidants: Their Health Benefits and Plant Sources 257

agents such as sulfonylureas, metformin, etc. 16.5.2 Alzheimer’s disease

(Ponnachan et al., 1993).
Anthocyanins have been shown to be Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by
natural anti-inflammatory agents and pain progressive loss of memory as the major clini-
relievers. Chronic inflammation has also cal manifestation. Studies on free radicals
been associated with an increased risk of can- suggest that oxidative stress causes neurode-
cer, but anti-inflammatory drugs are not generative disorders, including AD. Metal
effective for reducing this type of inflamma- ions also play an important role in the devel-
tion (Singh, B.N. et al., 2009b). Some impor- opment of AD. Nutraceutical antioxidants
tant sources of antioxidants are presented in such as b-carotene, curcumin, lutein, lyco-
Table 16.2. pene, turmerin etc., showed positive effects
by reducing oxidative stress, mitochondrial
dysfunction and various forms of neural
16.5 Roles of Antioxidants in the degeneration (Glenville, 2006). It has been
Prevention of Diseases observed that a lower activity of antioxidant
enzyme such as superoxide dismutase is
Plants have numerous natural antioxidants to related to occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease
control the oxidative stress induced by these in humans (Thome et al., 1997). Kontush et al.
free radicals (Pacher et al., 1997; Sarma et al., (2001) reported that supplementation with
2010). Free radicals have been implicated in the vitamins E and C to the patient significantly
pathogenesis of over 100 human diseases such increases the concentration of vitamins in
as cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s plasma and decreases the oxidation of lipo-
disease, diabetes, premature ageing, high protein, while vitamin E alone does not have
blood pressure and sepsis, to name a few. any significant effects. High intake of nutraceu-
tical postpones the development of demen-
tias such as AD (Haider and Bhutta, 2006).

16.5.1 Cancer

Antioxidants protect DNA thereby reducing 16.5.3 Atherosclerosis

the oxidative DNA damage caused by the
free radical and ultimately control the Atherosclerosis is a common cardiovascular
increased abnormal cell division, the main disease, which occurs due to deposition of
characteristic of carcinogenesis. Experimental oxidized fatty acid to the arteries in the form
evidence using cell culture and animal mod- of plaque. Approximately two-thirds of the
els indicate that antioxidants either slow or serum cholesterol pool in a normal subject is
prevent the development of cancer through low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C),
their action as free-radical scavengers (Rock which is believed to play an important role
et al., 1996). Using in vitro and an animal in the development of atherosclerosis (Shukla
model system, it was experimentally found et al., 2011).
that plant-derived phytochemicals, such as Flavonoids and other plant-derived poly-
allyl sulfides, isothiocyanates and sulfora- phenols, present in fresh fruits and vegetables,
phene, inhibit the various steps of tumour have been shown to be powerful antioxidants
development (Milner, 1994). Blot et al. (1993) capable of preventing LDL oxidation induced
and Sardas (2003) reported that a combina- by free radicals. Recommended daily allow-
tion of b-carotene, vitamin E and selenium ance for the flavonoids is 1 g in an ordinary
significantly reduces the chance of cancer diet, which is sufficient for the antioxidant
development especially in the case of gastric defence system. Interestingly, it has been
cancer. Experimental evidence also suggests found that the antioxidant activity of some of
that b-carotene with a-tocopherol/retinol flavonoids synergistically increases when they
significantly reduced the chance of lung can- are supplemented with ascorbic acid to pre-
cer (Omenn et al., 1994). vent LDL oxidation. The beneficial properties
Table 16.2. Some important sources of antioxidants.

Plant Antioxidants References

Medicinal plants
Terminalia chebula (Bahera) Casuarinin, chebulanin and chebulinic acid Cheng et al., 2003
Cassia fistula (Amaltas) Lupeol, b-sitosterol, hexacosanol, kaempferol, proanthocyanidin, Akiremi et al., 2000
bianthraquinone glycoside, anthraquinones, flavonoids,
flavan-3-ol derivatives, sennoside A, sennoside B
Withania somnifera Withanolides, cuscohygrine, anahygrine, tropane, pseudotropine, Sangwan, 2004; Mohammad and Elisabeth, 2009;
(Ashwagandha) anaferine, dl-iso-pllatierine, withanine, withasominine, withaninine, Kushwaha and Karanjekar, 2011
somniferin, pseudowithanine, tropanol, pseudotropanol,
cuscokygrene, 3-tigioyloxytropana, isopelletierine
Berries (Sarashphal) Flavanols, hydroxycinammic acids, hydroxybenzoic acids, Wang and Lin, 2000; Yanishlieva-Maslarova and
anthocyanins Heinonen, 2001
Citrus fruits Flavanones, flavonols, phenolic acids Yanishlieva-Maslarova and Heinonen, 2001;

R.L. Singh et al.

Manach et al., 2004
Black grapes Anthocyanins, flavonols Belitz and Grosch, 1999; Yanishlieva-Maslarova
and Heinonen, 2001
Cherries Hydroxycinnamic acids, anthocyanins Belitz and Grosch, 1999; Yanishlieva-Maslarova
and Heinonen, 2001
Plums (Jamun), apples, Hydroxycinnamic acids, catechin Belitz and Grosch, 1999; Yanishlieva-Maslarova
pears and Heinonen, 2001
Allium sativum (Garlic) Aliin, allicin, ajoene, allylpropyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, sallylcysteine, Kemper, 2000; Amagase, 2006
vinyldithiines, S-allylmercaptocystein, S-allylcysteine, S-allyl
mercaptocysteine, saponins
Allium cepa (Onion) Phenolic acids, flavonoids, cepaenes, thiosulfinates, anthocyanins, Singh, B.N. et al., 2009a; Panduranga Murthy
sulfur compounds, saponins, quercetrin et al., 2011
Trigonella foenum-graecum Cumarin, fenugreekine, nicotinic acid, sapogenins, phytic acid, Yoshikawa et al., 1997
(Fenugreek) scopoletin, trigonelline, L-tryptophan-rich proteins and saponins
Daucus carota (Carrot) Carotol, daucene, germacrene D, bergamotene, selinene, carotol, Ozcan and Chalchat, 2007
daucol, copaenol
Sweet potato leaves Flavonols, flavones, Chu et al., 2000
Yellow onion Flavonols Manach et al., 2004
Beans Flavanols Manach et al., 2004
Spinach Flavonoids, p-cumaric acid Bergman et al., 2001
Oats, wheat, rice Caffeic, ferulic acids Yanishlieva-Maslarova and Heinonen, 2001
Orange juice Flavanols Manach et al., 2004
Coffee Hydroxycinnamic acids Manach et al., 2004
Chocolate Flavanols Manach et al., 2004
Red wine Flavan-3-ols, flavonols, anthocyanins Manach et al., 2004
Herbs and spices
Sage, carnosol Carnosic acid, lateolin, rosmanul, rosmarinic acid Yanishlieva-Maslarova and Heinonen, 2001
Foeniculum vulgare (Fennel) Essential oil (trans-anethole, α-phellandrene, α-pinene), dipentene, Piccaglia and Marotti, 2001; Mimica-Dukic et al.,

Antioxidants: Their Health Benefits and Plant Sources

methyl chavicol, feniculun, anisaldehyde and anisic acid 2003; Araque et al., 2007
Rosemary Carnosic acid, carnosol, rosmarinic acid, rosmanol Yanishlieva-Maslarova and Heinonen, 2001;
Ibanez et al., 2003
Thyme Thymol, carvacrol, flavonoids, lubeolin Exarchou et al., 2002
Ginger Gingerol and related compounds Moure et al., 2001; Yanishlieva-Maslarova and
Heinonen, 2001

260 R.L. Singh et al.

of certain plants may be explained by the pres- hyperglycaemic conditions this process is
ence of some especially effective flavonoids inhibited resulting in a condition known as
like resveratrol, which has also been found in ‘tissue scurvy’. Supplementation of vitamin C
red wines. Probucol, a hypocholesterolaemic alone controls the blood glucose level,
drug, has significant antioxidant activity and improves endothelium-dependent vasodila-
an in vivo study on rabbit showed that it has tion and increases the resistance of lipoprotein
protective effects against atherosclerosis. In towards oxidation in the patient with either
animal studies, aspirin has also been shown to type-1 or type-2 diabetes mellitus (Ting et al.,
prevent atherosclerosis (Jaichander et al., 2008). 1996; Timimi et al., 1998; Kawano et al., 1999).

16.5.4 Heart diseases 16.5.6 Parkinson’s disease

There are several factors such as high choles- Parkinson’s disease (PD) results from damage
terol level, hypertension, diabetes, cigarette in neuronal cells in certain regions of the
smoking etc. that provide a platform for the brain, and is characterized by muscle rigidity,
development of heart disease. Oxidation of shaking and difficulty in walking (Losso,
low density lipoprotein (LDL-cholesterol) 2003). Latif et al. (2007) reported that vitamin E
causes deposition of fatty acid in arteries lead- in food may be protective against PD.
ing to development of atherosclerosis, which Glutathione has also shown some promising
ultimately causes heart disease (Anderson results in preliminary studies to treat PD but
et al., 1995). Heart disease is acquired with age appropriate long-term dosing, side-effects and
because oxidized fatty acid gets more ‘sticky’ the most effective method of administration
and easier to adhere to the artery walls. It is are not yet clear.
believed that high intake of ascorbic acid
reconstitutes the endothelial dysfunctions
(Ting et al., 1997) and protects the circulating 16.6 Conclusions
lipoprotein from free radicals.
Antioxidants may be a promising source for
the prevention and or treatment of free radical-
16.5.5 Diabetes generated diseases such as atherosclerosis,
hypertension, diabetes, cancer, Parkinson’s
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is characterized by and Alzheimer’s diseases etc. Evidence also
hyperglycaemia (Grill and Bjorklund, 2000). indicates that antioxidants protect/cure the
Oxidative stress due to lack of antioxidant diseases by involving a number of biological
defences may also cause diabetes (Cross et al., processes, including signal transduction path-
1987; Maxwell et al., 1997; Keaney and ways, activation of antioxidant defences, cell
Loscalzo, 1999; Bonnefont-Rousselot et al., proliferation, cell survival-associated gene
2000; West, 2000). It is hypothesized that if expression, differentiation and preservation
ROS are involved in the genesis of diabetes, of mitochondrial integrity. To protect the cells
then antioxidants may be an effective approach and organ systems of the body against reac-
in prevention of diabetes (Giugliano et al., tive oxygen species, humans have evolved a
1996). Reaven (1995) revealed that supplemen- highly sophisticated and complex antioxidant
tation of vitamin E reduces the sensitivity of protection system. It involves a variety of anti-
LDL to in vitro oxidation and availability of oxidant components, both endogenous and
oxidized LDL in type-2 diabetics as well as in exogenous in origin, that function interac-
healthy subjects (Liao et al., 1995). It is hypoth- tively and synergistically to neutralize free
esized that imbalance between generation and radicals. Increasing dietary intake of antioxi-
scavenging of free radicals is the main cause dants may help to maintain an adequate anti-
associated with diabetes. Insulin increases oxidant status and, therefore, the normal
the uptake of vitamin C in to the cell but in physiological function of human beings.
Antioxidants: Their Health Benefits and Plant Sources 261


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