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5. Stand up, stand up for Jesus, eac} h soldier to his Close up the broken column, and shout around you that death itself is gain, . Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, the next the victor’s song. To those who vanquish evil a crown of life shall be; They with the King of Glory shall reign eternally. API ZAMAN 154 Stephen Tong Se ces Malang, 1969 Boise ev F ¢ F § 3 rah re Ais 3 3 3 5 Ad 3.3.20 4) 3189 a Darah kaum mar-tir yang be-lum ke-ring yang me- nyi - rai = bu ji - wa yang tlah bi - na-sa, Ti-dak ru - sak mo- ral dan kan s'ga-la_im- la - gi du-duk dan ber- Be fara Duane s OF eid aa Sgr De ele oe s 2 tla. 7el4 A 4 LM Oe = Ja-lan sa-lip) = Ru-mah Al - lah Oe Laepriins hi- dup su-sah, Ang-kat ma- ta, pan Pi- an ko- song. -bah Han-cur- kan b'leng-gu dan ke, mez > c a) —_ 2 oit-at le ge dF 413. bee Toe ; - lap gu-li- ta nkanlah Pil - ta - nya te ioe OP ee Persembahiks ~ Mga-pa ber - nik - ma ~ da- Nya. FY F ™em-per -sem-bah-kan di - ri Pa. ? on ae AG ‘ A ab sa tates os 2 7. EAD Seal eg 6 ae vite ern & ae $e omy secoap nage me dee sige 3 es — 1 air 2.52 8°? Bisse) - ginap_hi- dup. Ber-p'rang Pl a= man, re-la se-rah- kan se- g'nap, bi,- du — were Bol ce [ise 4 [4362 At Pe-kor- 88-9! Kre sja-an ©, oat Ma - jul . ist eee § TV Get 25 ; ay 6 SORE ek? Ko - kat Biss 16 ges Sere ee it joe

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