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Research plan Patricia Reiners | @ ux.

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Resarch Plan
Project brief
Develop requirements for a digital shopping startup with a very low return rate.


• Because of digitalization and also because of Covid19, a bit part of shopping moved online.
• 30% of the items bought online are returned which causes a that companies need to spend a lot of money on re-
turns and also produces a lot of C02
• We want to understand why users send items back, what information might be missing.
• With those insights, we can adjust the shopping experience in the first place so users send less or no items back.

1. Objectives
Research objectives
These objectives are mainly focussed on the user and their needs and desires

• We want to understand the user‘s thoughts, needs and perceptions during the before, during and after the online shop-
ping experience to understand the whole user journey
• We want to provide all the information which are needed to help the user for a successful shopping experience
• We want to come up with new innovative ideas by understanding the opportunity space of the current online shopping

Business objectives
These objectives are mainly focussed on the business

Our goal is to keep the returns 50% lower than the competitors.

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