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rea HTS luyen phat am eed ees NTL YLAY, habty boy mninate. { ee the 413 IRON KY THUAT LUYEN PHAT AM TIENG ANH MY (Master Spoken English) Sit ding km 9 VCD. Ban gc Tigng Anh : Gene Zerma Nbom hud luyén h specialist Randy 7 Phonics specialist Bin soan ting Viet : Nguyen Quée Hing, M.A. (ex NHA XUAT BAN TONG HOP TP.HO CHi MINH - 2009 MUC LUC (Contents) Li gidi thigu 3 Hugg dan va edu tao bai hoc 5 Co quan cu am 9 Bang kj higu phién am = 10 Bang phy ém tigng Anh 11 VCD - 1: Luyén thanh 13 VoD - 2: Luyén cfu tric am = 21 VCD - 3: Nguy8n am trung tinh 33 vep-4:Phuam = 44 VoD - 5: Phy Am (tigp theo) 61 VoD - 6: Chui indi = 77 VCD - 7: Ngit digu va nhip digu = 91 VCD - 8: Bai wen = 102 VCD - 9: 84i luyén (tiép theo) — 108 Introduction General Notes & Lesson Plans Organs of Speech Phonetic Symbols Chart of English Consonant Phonemes Tonal Action Structural Action Neutral Vowels Consonant Action More Consonant Action Connected Speech Intonation & Rhythm Patterns Practice Scenes More Practice Scenes LOI GIGI THIEU (Introduction) IML aster Spoken English \i b@ bang video day phat am tiéng My (American English), Day [a mOC khod hoc day phat am ding cho nhitng dé tiong mudn chudn hod nding lite phit dm cita minh, tien ti tiép can gan s At voi chudn bin ngittiéng Anh MY. Phucing (hie hudin layén bign dai, sit dung nhting k¥ thudt luyén am cho phit thanbh vien, dién vidn, ede nb hing bién, v.v., hing ngutdi edn phi sin sinh ra Wi n6i Khding nhiing diing ma edn phai biéu cam va mang tinh thuyét phue cao. Nauti hoc ting Anb, My cdn luyén phat Am cang gidhg nguti ban ogi cing tt Phat dim diing khing phai chi lam cho ngudi nghe dé hiéu hin ma n6 cn bic 16 st ky dip. Nair am hoc 1 mot mon hoe rat Kho Khan. NB thye st doi hai su kin tri va khé luyon. cOng, kién nhiin trong hoe Dé phuc vy cho déng dio ban doc tiéng Anh, d6i véi nhiing miéu ui ngi Am hye, ma dya vao ¥ chinh ea tée gid, tham khilo thém mot 8 Iai, thém Iii gidi thich, Ly do kam vige nay ite dong, va diy cchiing t6i khOng dich tran gé 86 sch nyt Am va luyén am khaled vi 1213s huding dan trong nguyén ban mang tinh chuyén nganb, cho net thud ng ngit Am hoe. Nhitng bai tu nguyen ge dé thye han da c6 sin trong bang theo trat ty eita nd, ehing (0; pit iti hoe dé theo doi ‘Tuy nbign vi 1d khod hoe chuyén nginh ngo Am cho nén khing thé trénh duye nhiing thud ngir thuding ding nhu: nguyén am, phy am, Chiing (63 ¢6 thing ké nhitng thudt ngit ds dé ban doc tham khio, ding thai cung eifp hinh vé migu td |. ike i cde bd phan tiy phdi trd ra tham gia vio quy inh sin sinh ra cd phan loai hguyén am va phu dm, dé ngudi hoc dé thm tén eta cde nguyen Am phu am tigog Anh, im, ngae cling, Mac, VV. ‘de eo quan cau 4 ra chting (01 cung edip ¢@ bin im khde nhau, Ngo vi dy: dim mdi-mbi, am xat moi-rang, vv. Vé cach ghi Am, c6 hai cach thong dung: a). va. con s@ dé bigu thi Gn ich ghi Am theo hé thong My (American system), cach nay ding con ch . vi dy #1, #51, OO, UH, TH v.v..5 va jonal Phonetic (b). edich ghi Am theo hé théing phién Am quée t€ IPA (Intema abet), cach ndy ding ky higu, vi du: /a, 9:9, 3, 6, §, / vv., va dat gilta hai gach chéo /.J. IPA dude hau hét cdc tir dién sit dung, va rat quen thude vi gidi day ~ hoe tigng Anh, Ching t6i cung edp bang ghi Am, c6 c& hai cach dé cdc ban tham khio. Hy vong cudn sch nay gitip ede ban néi tiéng Anh “Anh hon” NGUYEN QUGC HUNG, M.A. HUGNG DAN VA CAU TAO BAI HOC (General Notes & Lesson Plans) Hudng dan 1 Niding bai tap ngdp (yawn), vudn ngudi (stretch), va Ie minh (shake) duge ding gd Chting ta chi cin thé hi mt nguyén am trung tinh, Phat Am nguyén dm ndy that ngiin, lesson > 10 mie 6 thé bd qua due (ven - 4 & 5: PHU AM (CONSONANTS) dc ban nbin thay wén man inh chi vidt (thé hién An) e6 ‘Trong ede bai tuyén, mau khde mhau: Méuu xank [a kéo dai: duy ti do rung etia am Mau dita dimng tai: cim thy nbip 43 (GH ved - 6: CHU! LOI NOI (CONNECTED SPEECH) breath_in: — vidu vé ndi am Twas late: tir viet nghiéng la tir phat Am 6 dang yéu (khong ¢6 tong am) (wreak form) IK veo -7. nod DIEU VA NHIP DIEU (INTONATION AND RHYTHM) Nhily lén mat dé giong (pitch) cao hon, xudng giong 4 tit tiép sau do, ha giong d cui cau. On lai Y-Buyz Siren (VCD-1, Luyén thanh). Bai nay day cho ngufi hoe caeh ciim thu sit thay ddi 4} cuo cita giong (pitch change). Yeu ciu nguti hoe ndi chuyén ~ hd”, sau d6 cao giong lén, cao Ken dén eye dinh, Sau dé luyén noi d giong thifp, nhung cat kbi dén nding tir mang ¥ nghia quan trong trong cau thi cao giong len. (C6 thé ding bit ett doan hi thoai nio wong tai Gu nay hode teh tt bat cat trong tay hanh bai luyén nay), Higu ndo ma ban e ninh hoa va ong, Khi nbiiy 10, ding ding lai 6 d6 cao nluf nhau, Luyn eae dd caw khiie nihau, Ch y sit da dang eta d6 cao va nip digu ma ching ta s@ ding trong sudt VCD 87. GH vep -6,7.8, 9: £61 vdi sinh vien hoe tiGng tir uinh do bait ddu (beginning) dén twink dO rung tip Gntermediate), nén tim tai Tigu hi trg vé mot sO bai luyén kh6, Trude hét ban hoc bai 1 (tite [a tim higu nGi dung), edi mai luy luyén pnd ahuemot «45 hur mot bai hoe ti Lighg Anh n6i Quyén séch nay 1a mOt ti liGu hd tng cho ede ban GE vep-6,8, Néu ban bat diu hoe, cs thé turehép lén bang nhitng nhém ties luyén Am (linked! phrases), nhiing nhém tives di méc néi mau xanh trén man hinh video. Kbi nim due 7 phutong thie luyéi im ctla ngudi ban ngi, ban sé phat hign dude nhip dieu (rhythm) eta Idi ndi thong qua nhiting dogn hoi thogi dai, That la thé vi IG veo - 8, 9: Bal LUYEN (PRACTICE SCENES) Caieh én hinh bai luyén = Mé bang mot cdnh phim (scene): m6i cdnh phim 1a mOt bai luyén voi mot mye dich cy thé, vi du: edu 4m, tuyén trong im tit, vv. = Chay phim t dau dén cus mot fgt dé Iuyen theo bang, bi = Quay di quay lai mt doan bang dé luyén mot (vai) yeu 16, te titng phiin ri mai sang phan khde eda bai tap. c ia lyn chic CO QUAN CAU AM (Organs of Speech) Articulators above the larynx The Tongue Laid tip tau hd blade mat WB = front phiin tude hia back phan sau ludi feuding toi) root 260 loi Articulators above the larynx BO phan cain am ben trén thanh quan nose moi upper lip moi tren lower lip moi dudi upper teeth rang trén lower teeth ring duit alveolar ridge Ii (tren) hard patate ngac cing soft palate ngge mém (velum) (mac) Pharynx hau, hong BANG KY HIEU PHIEN AM (Phonetic Symbols) [str] ASS | IPA | Examples ||srt[ ass PA | Examples | (american | Internationa (american |(Intenational Symbol | Phonetic Symbol | Phonetic system) | Alphabet) system) | Alphabet) T[ #1 | for [oom anon [a1] s ist [vcs 2 | #2 Tol [again fo2| 2B Toy (cab ai Tol [bath son al P iw fee a] aa Jor [iomebionte | [24] D 17 [bed 3) aS fat [fatbercatm [P25] 1 wife 6 | a Ta [lak cyeimtes| | 26 |G iy ome 7 [#21 [saw [rotons al 7a (ack # | 31 [rawr [row.teown |) 28 |THeoiean | Aa” fleotie 9 | ey |v [tevwy 29 fFewviceo] 07 [seth wo] wey | fav [Esme 30 [ZH fy [owt uf oR fat shirt, work 31] si iy jews / 2} NI Tor fa 2) NG my (se 13 | _N2 wifi 33 L Wy ftect af ona [ter [ew ul Ww wt [window is | Na Tah [ian | ¥ [pst | 16 | _N Ini fone 36] DG ny [rdse 7 | M imi [arm a7| cH a wl v Tt |icave ae] DZ Ka! wl F ir [eat aes ast [reas 20] Zz tat [plays ao[ th’ [hand py cyueqn opau (ot aes) Sur ow reruoporgry | wy ngs ony Bupayg uonemanae jo suey we ngo un ia, uontinonae Jo aDt}q t a ” quewrxoiddy z 1 rao 5 : 8 : _ 7 o $1 ee 4 gf zs ge aa daneoug E aa aaold ‘aeroaapeasoay nm PRO] MIA THEI —AEIOAAIE-ONeIeG —AMJOANTY —_ [RIND waporgey] — [PIgey uounjnanun jo aaRig (s@weuoyd junuosUod ysiGuz Jo WOYD) HNV SNAIL ANY Ad ONY Luyén thanh (onal Action) u Bas hoe nén tim cho minh mot “hudin Iuygn vien” riéng, d day chinh video ctla chuong trinh nay. Md bang 1a ban bét dau budi luyén ctia minh, vi din din ban di vao gudng dio tao eita bang, Diéu quan trong la phai luyén thing xuyén. Xem di xem lai bing nhidu Ian. Khi ban di hoe xong mt hit, thi sau dé nén hoe lai mot si bai ty theo nbu cdu cia minh, BO dai trung binh cia mOt bang 1A 43 phat, vita khop Gi mOL Fit hoe tén Ip. Tuy nhién ban e6 thé chia 43 phiit ay thanh mot vai Kin luygn ‘cho phi hop voi thai khoa biéu hang ngay cia minh, Nén xée dinh gids tip cho minh, to ra mot ky luét nhdt dinb, Ban 66 thé sp xép lai cée budi luyén theo nhu cau va y inudn eila minh. Biéu quan trong 1A céin luyén ky ed nhing chd khs cho dé khi nim chile duge méi thoi. Chiing ta ¢6 thé di tudn ty ting bang, tifg bai theo wat ty sdn cd, hode eiing ¢6 thé edu tnie cde budi luyén theo ¥ minh, tao ra suf da dang, tranh ahimn chan, Hay n6i mt cach khie: (a). ban c6 thé chay tif ddu dén cudi mot cdnh (scene) dé luy€n, hode (b). cu tao mot bai luygn nhu sau: vi dy 5 phuit danh cho tuyén thanh (tonal action), 5 phiit cho luyén cau tric am (structural action), 10 phiit cho luyén-phu am (consonant action), 5 phiit luyén Ii n6i (connected speech), 5 phit ngit dieu (intonation), va cud cling 1p hdp tat cd dé luygn ting hgp theo mot ednh 15 phuit Con mot e&eh nita gay humg thd luyén cho ban [a luygn tren nén nhac. Trong bang noi chung, bai luyén khOng e6 nhge nén (trv mot hai cénh ). Ban 66 thé nghe hing nhae phim ban wa thich trong khi luyén n6i, Néo im ra thém nme the pgp fam cho buGi luyén etla minh vui vé, thm chi budn cud nila eting dude. Ban thin Iii n6i nbiéu khi cing 44 budn uti ri, vay khi thély n6 budn cuti thi tai sao ta lai khong vui én. Digu quan trong fa Lam gi thi Lim nhumg van dat duge muc tiéu cud cing 13 taygn sin sinh dm. Chang c6 ly do gi ban lai khong due thing thie m nhac néu ban thich, va chiing c6 gi ¢6 thé lim ban plain tan ter tuing, mot khi ban da lam quen vdi khod hoe: Khod hoe nay thye hign qua bang video. Cong gidng nhu ede Joai bai tip bling video khéc, chting ta phdi van dOng e9 thé. Thodi mai nhung cong phu. Phai cam thay duge diém rung (points of vibration) khi phat 4m. Hay vui vé xodi nguti ra, vuisn vio 1B bai tp tao im thanh (sound-making exercise). Thuta cde ban, d6i khi nhing viGe wninh, tuting “ve vain” nbdt ma lai vin 66 ich, Bigu dé rat ding trong khi san sinh lei ndi, Vay ay thd lng ev thé, vui vé én, tao ra mot sin phiim that dang ngae wh Sau mét thdi gian luyén tp, ban 6 thé phat hién ra giong ea bun hin nh khoe han [én, Baj luyGn thanh (Bang s6 1) sé bat du thm vao Ii n6i hing ngay ca ban rat nhanh, ci Ket qua ef nhan din In, rSi giong eda minh sé rung manh bon, tao cho: minh mot chai gigng dang tin cay. ROi khi da xay dung due ¥ thie va cian nhain ve am, thanh, ban sé phat hién ra ring minh di tao ra dude mot kh nding mdi, diéu khidn st nang dong ciia Ki nd ‘Vio hic dau, ngutii hoe phai tuyén va ehgicluyng cia Io ni, luy@n e€ kh luyén dé dat duye kha nding nhay céim ve quan edu dim eta minh eG ¥ thife dé nang cuo chit gigng thay d6i gigng nifa, Nhu vay ng ge cin Giéi thigu nhém hudn luyén Gene Zerma: Hi, welcome to the real world. Connie Horwards: Hello. Hi Randy Talai Hello. Hi, Welcome to the real world? Connie Horwards: Well, as real as it gets in Southern California. Gene Zerma: This is Connie Howard, our Dialectician, and Randy Talai, our Phonies Specialist. Randy Talat: And this is Gene Zerna, Voice and Speech Specialist and the director of A-TEAM, Accent Modification Specialists Tea in Los Angeles, California, Gene Zerma: And this is as real as it gets. Real American English the way’ Americans really speak it ‘Trong khod hoe ny, chiing ta sé due hoe tiéng MY chinh thong, do ngudsi M9 ni ciu Am r6 rang khuic chiét, day bi€u cim, va giong khong bi pha tap. Ching ta sé hoc dich cim nhin lei n6i cha minh (fee! your speech), nhin biét Am thanh nhw mot yeu to tung (experience sound as vibration), va phat trign kha nding ghi nko min cdm vé dm. tiény Mj. Ching ta s@ phat hign ra nang ligng cia dm thanh, nhéng quy tée dang dé phat ra Ie n6i. BG 1a nhiing ky thudt ma nguéti din chuting trinh chuyén nghigp, phat thanh vién, va dién vien van stt dung. hai diéu can ghi nhs (1). Dén tim Iie vao bai tp. Xin nhd 1a khod hoc may hun luyén ban phait am “ J ntng ky thuat ma cae din vign thug dng. Chi KBi ede ban ndim dige nhiiig kj thwat nay thi mdi 66 thé phat dm ting My giding nlurtrong cdc bai tap tren inh. Gin cui chuddng tinh co mBt s6 bai tap kha FE nhimg eda minh, ‘TAL mbiGn chiing ta khOng thE hod lef thudt ndi mot lie due. Hay Kien eh thu, nhutng c6 wsing nda bat trong kh thi gay cic logi hinh bai ip. cae (2). Layén va tuyén di loyén Iai ny, cde ban sé cin phdi luygn tp Ding ech chon hia mot $6 bai gninh dé luyéa Iai. Khong cain theo mot teat ty nde. LA thay edn yGu, cuts hoam thiga. Lim vige theo ign do minh au khi di luyén tr dau dén cud theo khod hoc p theo ¥ ring eta én lai nhitg gi minh thay ean vit thé Kham nd, Xin ditny vO sau day 1a mOU s6 bai tap true Khi vao Tuyén dm, Cae ban CO thé mé bang video vatip theo bang, hoe e6 thé Uap khong cin bang, theo hung din dui day. Bai fap thet pid vi thd thy hign true mdi bu Luyén am. THU GIAN VA THO Cinding ta ¢6 mot sé bai tap thar gin va thd, Teak twit sau A. Tet thé: ~ Nim ngtta ten = Tay dudi thing theo hai bén sun. Neh vé nhaing ed biip ella eo thé minh: cde ect tit eG dén ngue, cde cot MEME dén bung, e6 dai, ect biip chan. Hay tha ling tit ed ning eo bip ay. Pan lag xudng sin, nhumng dimg Jen gin. Tha long ese ceo hung, B. Bai tap: Bat dau thd: hit thi sdu vaio. ThS het ra | Hit the vio qua cd duding mai Hin dong miGne, _Thé déu.. gidin gan cd... moi thd thit gid trang gan ct xudng... «kin minh ‘audng sin.."Thd du... hinh nhut e6 lubng Kh dang tirdiiu,..qua mgye.qua bung... Tha ling dau... du wf ngogo sang mot ben. thd déu... ling div gi thé nhe nhang... hit thé s King biip chan... thd déu... thd sf u.. inh ah da day dang cing ra diy hoi (agi Anh gol done tae nay 1a: filling up the dcket,..tha Wong hai vai...hay Ur tirngding du fen va ngéi day. Lam di Jam lai nbiéu Han, Is NGAP (YAWNING) Thye hign dong tie ngap ty nhién, Mdi kin tp, ngép kho’ing 10 Hin, GIGN GAN COT (STRETCHING) Gidin cae ngon tay vé cée phia: gidn cd ban tay, rdi gidn tig ngén tay Vuiin ed vé phia truge (5 lan) Vuron 6 va nga ngudi vé phi trutée (5 Kin) Phaii hap: ngdip, vutin o@ vé pha true, gin cic ngén tay (5 lan) T&P NUOT (SWALLOWING) Ha mém ri ngém lai va nut “we tip. Car nhur m9t cai. Ding lai, dé tit 1 dén 10 161 nut boi tron ed hong cba chting ta. BAI TAP LUYEN AM Sau bai tp thy gin, ching ta vao bai tap Iuyén am. Tiéng MY khée vdi nhidu gd ngir khde 3 ché day thanh (vocal cords) c6 dG rung I6n hon khidiing dé phat am nguyén am vii phy am ASVAY Sau day la bai luyén tao ra dd rung manh: B, e GO] cee -yes eee -you eee -yesterday eee -year Y- RUNG LEN-XUONG (Y-BUZZ SIREN) Bai tép 1: Boe pha ~ Mue dich ctia bai tp Ja luyén cam nbdin dé rung nh tiéng ong vo ve ngay tren vom I9i (gumridge/teeth-ridge), ngay sat ing sau ham rang trén. tvung dé ciim nha d6 rung eda E tren vom migng (the roof of the mouth) ngay ¢ phan Iyi ding sau ham rang trén. Hai ehti méi ra phia teude dé ué cdm nhdn séng am. + Bay gitt bat chuide ting edi ra nhe nhe: ré edi Ién cao, coi xudng. sau day trudc khi luyén theo bang ft thd vao, ha ting 16 ~ Khi tao dong Am len cao (sirent up), ban sé c6 cam gide es mot a6 rung (nhut ting ong vo ve) di chuyén cham cham tiy phan Igi sau ring vio séu hon wen vom phia sau mot ch gue tr lai vé pl cf eX = Lim cham, Tao dong Am len cao (siren up), hit thé vio, ha da (siren down), Cim nhan sf di chuyén ciia d0 rung (vibration) VI TRI Y-DAU TU (Y-INITIAL POSITION) Phat Am kéo dai nhitn im Y sau day trong 3 gidy. List 1 yellow you yard yell yield yes use Nhile lai, kéo dai phat am am Y trong | gidy List! Nhic lai, phat m am Y voi d6 dai vita dit dé cdm ahd duge a6 rung List 1 VI TRI Y-CUOI TU (Y-FINAL POSITION) Am y nay khé manh ohung ngiin va & vi tri cudi tir. Kéo dai phat m am y tong mot gidy trong nhimg tir sau day: List 2 happy angry hungry thirsty city ready ir Nhife Iai, phait dim am ¥ voi do dai vita dit dé List 2 AU CO AM Y (THE Y-SENTENCE) Lain thi nha: Kéo dai am y trong mot giéy Tm hungry and thirsty, and {"m not happy. I'm ready to yield to this city. Yes, I yelled across the yard. Fm angry that you used my yellow car. Nhie lai, phat am am Y voi dO dai vita di dé cdm nhan duge dd rung, Y sentence Luyén edn than, va. cham rai. Din dan né sé di vao théi quen phiit Am eda ban, TU CO E (E-WORD LIST) Bue 1: Phat dm kéo dai dm e trong 3 gidy List 3 he Argentina she trees we green sweethearts feet Peshiet sleeves jeans: reading Buée 2: Phat im kéo dai am ¢ trong | gidy List 3 Buc 3: Phat 4m kéo dai Am e vitu dii dé cam abjin d6 rung cia no. List 3 1B CAU CO E (THE E-SENTENCE) Buide 1: Phat Am kéo dai am e trong 3 gidy We sweethearts are reading about Argentina He wore jeans and a T-shirt with short sleeves Lying under a green tree, eating meat and cheese, his feet fell asleep. hat Am kéo dai Ame trong | gidy E-sentence Buiée 3: Phal dm kéo dai dm e vita dil dé cm nhan d6 rung eita no. E-sentence +Y-RUNG (+Y-BUZZ) +Y-Buzz Ti mot bign thé edia Y-rung, mot nguyén am doi (diphthong), tite li hai nguyén Am hda [dim mt fev, thé hign bling cha A. TU CO CHU A (A-WORD LIST) ‘Bude 1: Phat im kéo dai am /ev trong 3 gidy List 4 they baby name plate David grapes bathing suit table cake grey Bude 2: + Phat dm kéo dai dm fev trong | gidy Lista Buéc 3: Phat 4m kéo dai Am /ey/ vita dii dé cd nhan dé rung ciia nd. List-4 9 CAU CO AM A (A-SENTENCES) Bute 1; Phit Am k6o dai am /ei/ trong 3 gidy The baby in the grey bathing suit is named David. hey laid the table with plates of cakes and grapes Bue 2: Phat Am k6o di dim /ev/ trong | gidy A-sentences Buide 3: Phat dim kéo dai dm fev vita di dé cim nhdn dO rung cba nd A-sentences Am +¥ va Y-rung 18 dt bai tip rat 6t dé tuyén cho ban in lan, No tain cho gigng ban thap xuing mat chit, im tre nén sau hein (deeper), lai Yao Long €6 hong han (darker), dély hun (richer), va mang gigi tinh rO hdn (sexier). Luyén cau tric Gm (Structural Action) Me« vs wyennay tog verge 9 ra nguyén Am md edeh ehinh mn luygn cho giong n (travel over a distance) dé d6i pho vai teuting hyp phai noi ehuyén true mot nom ding ngudi md KhGng e6 mi-crd, howe khi ndi chuyén trong tinh hung xung quanh dn ao, Digu nay xdy ra dutdng xuyén trong cude sng, vi du nhitng budi com tea lam vide (working lunch): ban eng vige trong mQt bit day tiéng nhac. Logi binh luyén nay gidp ede ban trong nhting hon ciinh sy véin e6 he Gi cho nguei Khde nghe thay 1d noi ctia mah met each dé dang ma khong cn phit “cling giong ra” ah Phin theo doi video, Boe hutdng din tiéng Vigt tude khi md bing luyé tru tai mot nha, Ang, mAthIgU ed phe ‘Trutic khi vao bai luyén, ede ban nhd luyén ngép, thir gidn va thd. Hay doc phan huéng dan nay truéc khi luyén theo video Phat dm nguyén Am O 6 mot tong giong thi’p (low-pitch tone). GiGing nue -bu7/, am nay vang lén (resonate) & ving ngac eting (hard palate), tite ld vom migng. Hai mi to migng mot chit, doe Vuuin cv mit ra pha trude, mdi hai tron. Chay dimg kéo x e¢ mat xuding ma phi vutin ra phia (rude, fam nhu thé sip ngdp. Tron moi Ii nw khi blt ddu ngép, nhung khOng ngdp ma mé to migng mot chit Uarge lip-opening), doc to AH fa:! Oi dan dan thu hep 40 mé cia moi dé doc nguyén im OO fait ‘Tur dye mét sO tires nguyén Am /a:/ nhur “father”, /o/ nhut “long”, “call”, /a0/ nhut /ue/ nh “you”, va im luét nhanh bit du tir md miéng rng ri khép nhanh “phone”, a Ini: fav/ nbur rong /brown”, Trong cdc cach phat Am nay, nhiéu khi ban “cdm thy” o6 am dy nhigu hon 1a thye st phat ra dim Ay, vi du nhut /u/ trong “phone” va “brown”, #5. /a:! nhu trong tit father, calm (#5- fa:/ as in father, calm) Nguyén Am doi hdi dd md rong nhdt cia migng la #5- ther” hoge “eal” fa:/ nh trong ca tit “fae Nhting am nay hay n khing chinh xd than: My tolther was cobm, My futher was cum, Ly do Ii a9 mé ca migng nhd qua. Nguyén dm #5- /a:/ edn mot d mé In hon nbigu: father, calm, ear. TU CO AM #5 (THE #6 WORD LIST) Bue J: Vuin co mé ra phia trude mot chit va md rGug migng. Cae ban nen 6 indt chige guiding con trutée mat, Nhin vao gufong ma phat dm, so sinh dé md migng cla minh vai ngudii huting din trong bing video va bit diu luyén. List 5 calm pal star yard sweetheart Buide 2: Doc li ahanh hon mt chit, nhung van gidt do gidin ctia ces ma List 5 Buide 3: Doe lai, nhanh hgn nia, gidim d6 gidin cia co mat (cho tw ahién hen). List 5 22 #1- /u:/ nut trong tit you, blue (#1- /us/ as in you, blue) #1- fu. Khi md migng hd nha dé phat am mot nguy Jus}. Chui y, mdi tron, 6.4} ma nbs nba, nlung diing chu eting moi ra. Am phat dm Khong chinh xéc thanh nfl \y thuting [ Yoo. Bloo Why are Yoo Boo? (NI) Ly do: Mai md khong ching tiéu cht, Amphat ra y€a va chat giong bi méo. Hay phat dm nguyén Am #1- fd won mdi, rung dit manh theo ticu chi you, blue TU CO AM #1 (THE #1 LIST) Bude 1: List 6 you noon bine excuse two shoe new spoon to moan Bue 2: Doc nhanh hon, vin gitt dO gidn ctia eo mai. List 6 Bude 3: Doc lai, ahanh hon nit, gidm dO gidin eita e6 mat (cho Ww ubien hon). List 6 Am #4- /o/ nh trong tif long, blonde (#4- fof as in Long, blonde) #4- fof. BE phat m nguyén am #4- /o/, bit du bling vi tr 2 gidn eo ma va chu moi vé phia true, dye /a: -v/, /a: -b/. BO ma etia migng chuyén tit long, blonde, hinh 6-van sang mOt khdu hinh hoi hinh cht? nhg Amv nay thuding hay bj phat am nhdm thank: | She hud Joong bloonde. [NI/N4] She had tohng blohnde hair. [#21] ing rng hon, Hay bit du bing vi wt ei Am #4- fof doi héi phai md #5, Gitin ed mat vi chu moi ra dé doe: /a: -b/, Ding we cs mat AUTH, Bimg mi miGny hep quid. MG to migng. TU CO AM #4 (THE #4 LIST) Bude 1: Gitn co mat List 7 long clock blonde block not sock dollar rock “body box Buide 2: Boe nhanh hun nhung vin gid dd gidin eda co mat. List? Doc lai, nhanh hon nia, gidm dO gidin ciia os mat (cho ty nbién bin. Bude List7 a4 BONG TAC VUON RA PHIA TRUGC (STRETCHING) Lam ding tée ngdp thinh tigng \ | (vavening sounds). Vito nui a phia te ‘ : Naiip thanh ting. Moi b6 phan ec thé vuon O rv. NgGp thinh ghey. Nguyén dim #3 /9:/ nbif trong tit ball, short (#3 vowel /32/ in ball, short) Nguyén fim #3 /or/. BO mé etia migng: trung bink (half-open) dé sin sinh aguyén 4m /o:f nut trong tit ball, short, Nguyén Am nay thuting bi phi dm khong chin xéc [a - — ] Ikicked the bow! showrt, [#21] I kicked the bubl shthrt, [N41 Lido: Khi phat am am nay, miéng mé hep qué hode khép hin Iai, tao ra mot khdu hinh mbit khi phat cia migng émnite trung binh (miidle position = haif-open = half-closed). Cée ban hay nin m /au/ hode Jul. Bé phat am durge chinh xc Am nay, git dd ma yao guting, diéu chink 6 mé migng va dye: fo: ball, short. TU CO AM #3 (THE #3 LIST) Bude 1: MO khau binh dun List 8 1 ball forehead short Laundromat | four horse i forty saw morning law 25 Buse 2: Giit nguyén khdu hinh, List 8 3: Voi nguyén Am ny, ding tha 16ng het thé qué. Gitr dd von ra etia mniéng, va git? dO md teung binh, List § Neuyén fim doi #21 /ov/ nhu trong tit no, don’t (214 aus asin no, don’t) #21- fou, Day 18 mot nguyén Am i (diphthong), te fa hai dm hoa vai nhaw thinh mot. Hay bat diu bing #2- /a/ rdi chuyé md hep) nhu trong tit no, don’t, go. ang busing phat dim 4mm #1- /u/ Gniéng Am nay thuting bi phat ém khong chinh xde 1 Nu, cuhn’t gun. [Na] ‘Trong cach ph dm nay, am #1- /u/ bj bd s6t. Dé phat Am cho chinh xéc, bat dw md to miéng dé pl im #2- Jaf, ri lvét nhanh (quick glide) sang #1- /u/: /au/../u/. Chiing ta phi cm nhgn duge ste thay d6i dG mé cila migng. no. don't go TU CO AM #21 (THE #21 LIST) know nose don’t those go grow shoulder phone comb | 26 List 9 Bude List 9 Nguyén 4m doi #51-/au/ nh trong tit now, brown (#31- /ao/ as in now, brown) Am #31- /au/. Day 1a m@t nguyén am d6i (diphthong). Khi phat mm din nay, phd hop dG mis miéng rong nhat ciia dm #5 /a:/, vi dO md hep ahi eta Ann Hl for, Stédung thd php lt nhanb (quick glide) tit ém no sang Am kia: now, brown, Am nay thu@ng bi phat dm khéng chinh xéc thanh Nub it’s bruh, [#2] ‘Lido: Khau hinh khéng dit rong dé phat aim chinh xdc aim #5- fa:/, va sau dé khong chuyén sang ding due d6 khép cin c6 dé phat Am #1- /o/. Boi v6i am nay, ching ta cdn md migng that hung sang dim #1- fu. Quan trong aba ng nhut yéu cau ctia dm #5- /a:/ va sau d6 di chuyén thee: sith inh tir #5 sang #1: fad, now, brown, TU CO AM #51 (THE #51 LIST) Bude 1: List 10 now hours brown house how towel | | eyebrow flower thousand clown 7 Buide 2: List 10 Bude 3: List 10 Nguyén Aim #6- /ae/ nhu trong tit black, eyelashes (#6- /ee! as in black, eyelashes) Nguyén Am #6- /e/. Bat diiu bling Am #5- /a:/ va be mdi (widen the lips), dng thi du hii the tip of the tongue) 0 yao phia sau ham rang duGi Gower teeth), hii hei be 1 mot chit: /e/ black, eyelashes. Am nay thuting hay bj phat 4m khéng chinh xde thanh: | | bé phat dm dm nay, chting ta phai d dau li vao rang. Chui y+ chi 66 du lust (rip: of the tongue), chit khong phai cd mat lui (blade of the tongue), ti vao ring. Am nay duige phat dm su trong 66 hong (this vowel has a tendency to go back in the throaty al eyelashes, black. [ Heres shes are blahek. [#5] TU CO AM #6 (THE #6 LIST) Buse 1 List 11 hand. has bs afternoon, eyelashes half past moustache at black address 28 Nguyén Aim di #3Y- /o1/ nhu trong tit boy, toy (A3Y- fav as in bay, toy) Bay gid’ chiing ta hoc thém nguyén Am dOi na, B6 La #3Y- fou, Day 1a sy ket up gidta nguyén am #3- fo! vai Y-buxz-i Am nay thuting bj phat am kh6ng chinh xde thanh, The both pled with a toh. wt | BE phat Am md miéng rong hon mot chit so voi H3- /of. Phi chm age due U6 nung eba /if: /ov bay, toy. TU CO AM #3Y (THE #3 LIST) Bui List 12 boy oil toy boil joy coil soil Join foil annoy Buse 2° List 12 Bude 3: List 12 Nguyén im d0i #6Y-/av/# nut trong tit I, time (#6Y-/au/ as in J, time) Am #6Y- fav. Day la nguyén am d6i, phéi hyp gitta nguyén Am #6 vai Y-buzz. Migng mé rong nbat (full mouth opening), dat dking vi tri dau ludi (proper tongue-tip placement), va cdm nbn mot d6 rung 6 ngac etiag khi dm két thiic: /au/ J, time, 2» Am nay thudng bi phat 4m khong chinh xée thanh Abm on tom. {#5/#4] | (Chiing ta lai thay ring a phat am am ny, kha hinh phai md t6i da dé phat dm /a:/, han ditge mot d6 rung ofa fi fa: Tm, time: réi di chuyén vé hutén; [ Um on time, ‘TU C6 AM #6Y-/av (THE #6Y LIST) Buc Bude 2. List 13 Bude 3° List 13 Nguyén fim /R/ nhut trong tit shirt, work (R-Vowel as in shirt, work) Nguyén am R 1a mOt die thi cia tigng Anh My (American English) khie vi ting Anh-Ank (British English). Bé phat am nguyén am nay, hay md miéng nhu khi phat dm nguyén dim #3-/o:/. Chi hinh thanh mot khdu hinh nh vay chet khdng phat don ra. (Just the shape not the sound). Pht dm R nr sau: RRRRR Read-RRRRR. Nhe vy 1a hinh thanh khdu hinh cla #3- /o:/ r6i phat dm R: UR, shirt, work. Am nay thuiing bi phat dm khéng chinh xéc thanh: I wore a clean shut to wuk. 30 Néu phat am am nay xde. Vay hy ding khau hinh ci shirt, work, vio trong ed hong thi #3, va phat am R-rung vé phi 14o ra mOt dd rung khong chinh, trutic. URRR.. URRR TU CO NGUYEN AM R (THE R-VOWEL LIST) Bude 1 thirty thirteen ‘Cftu ding dé ciim nhfn cu tric im (Sentences for structural perception) Bé phat Am dutge chinh xée, khong nén doc theo trf nhd eta minh (nbd the ndo doc thé). Phai cdm ohn lai duge tiing am khi doc theo ngudi hung dn trong video. Bude 1: Phat dim kéo dai. Buide 2: Phat dim nhanh hom mot chit nung van con kéo dai. Bude 3: Phat dm nhanh, gdn voi dm ue nhién cia nguedi MS. \. Those five dollar blue jeans don’t go at all badly with the flowered shirt you found at the Laundromat, 2. At exactly half past noon Tused my hand (0 curl back my black moustache 3. Father calmly drove the brown car back from the barn down the paln-lined boulevard. 4, The joyful boy was soiled with oil from coiling up with the annoying toy. 5. The bird ate thirty earthworms, 6, Her girlish skirt made the long blonde-haired thirteen-year-old every boys type. 0 7. Bxcuse me, do you know the new address on this block for those shoukder-to-toe yard boxes I saw advertised on TV? Dc thoai ctia Olivia (Olivia’s Monologue) ‘This is a New Orlean’s accent going into a Cajun accent How you been, Darling? You still staying over by your momma's? Now I Know you want me fo tell you a story. so that's what I'm going to do. It's a Cajun story abou! my cousins Beaudreau and Trosclaire, those two coo-coo boys down in the swamp. Now, Reaudreau and Trosclaire they suid they're gunna’ go do some fishin’ down on the lake, so the two of them they get themselves a pirogue and they paddle, pate, paclle all the way out to the middle of the lake. And they're fishing. They gunna: cook up ‘meals of them fish for dinner. And they fishin’ and fishin’ and catchin’ more and more, cad Troscluire ke turn to Beaudreau and he say “Sure. This be the best fishin’ hole we ever done find.” He says "You know you right. We gotta mark this spot.” So, Trosclaire he say to Reaudreaw "I know exactemand') what we need to mark this spot". And he take himself out a can of red paint out the bottom of the pirogue, and he paint himself a big red X right there in the bottom of the boat. And Beaudreau he turn to Troselaire. He said “Trosclaire you so stupid! How you know tomorrow we gunna get the same boat?” 1 gunn: 2. fishin” = going to Chit shich; oan trén ta khdu ngit nén c6 niéu 15 ngit php. 32 Nguyén dm trung tinh (Neutral Vowels) Wy. phat am ehinh xac ede phu fim, Vay chiing ta tip phat ém nguy 1681 khi hoe xong esc phw mm (Bai tiung tint trong phn On tap. Nguyen aw teung tinh yéu edu phat fim rit ngin va he git” (staccato) mot ebuit, The phsip tt nha la ayn efing md lie cd cate ph dm ane ine inh, no sé a tien dé Wit dé ching ta phat Am chinh xe nguyén am wang mm teung tinh true. siv4 va 5) ,chting ta lai quay tra lai voi nguyen dm A san nd, Nguyén am ung tinh, edn goi la nguyén am “mo”, 1a foal nguyen Am rat nein Kkhi phét am tdi nim dvi ti “nghi”, hinh ding mdi khong t du: fim fof, vi the trong ki ni nhanb (fast 5 nay rf nhanh, ¢6 khi hdu nbe khong nghe th ding hai ben nd. Loi ndi may nye tw thuding ma cing khong tron, vi ‘h), nye bain nga thufing hv@t qua dm 2G ma chi nghe thay whimy phy 4m 14 dang thife rt gon, nut “haven't (the vowel) pronounced with the tongue in the position it has when at rest, with the lips neither spread nor rounded” (Longman Dictionary of the English Language, Lo man 1991 neutral 4a,b) a Phén theo doi video. Doc hutding din tien Vigt tude khi md bing luyGn. 33 Nguyén dim trang tinh -1: 00 ful” NL Nguyén dim trang tinh -2: hiv N2 ‘Nguyén dm trung tinh-3: eb fey N3 Nguyén am trung tinh -4:uh /a/ 4 GZ__ These four little sounds are big trouble. va GH Beeg wahble? N2 NA GZ Yes, indeed Big trouble, Much of your foreign accent comes from pronouncing these neutral sounds like their larger parent vowels: /u/ /i:/ /aef fal Khdu hinh trong phat am cée 4m nay 3 vi tef hep aha, Tat ed bin dm du la nhiing dim rift ngiin, hoi gidt vA nghe nhu “gi gi” (short, staccato and gruni-like sounds) Ni N20 N3_NA fol hte Id Nguti ngoai que khi noi tigng My thudng bi 19 “giong ngoai qué phat am nidug am nay. * wong khi ‘hye ra nhing im ndy e6 lién quan t6i nguyén Am me (parent vowel) cba n6. N1- /o/ niu trong ti fll ¢6 lién quan dén am /u:/ trong tit foot. N2- /U/ nbut trong tit fill 66 lién quan dén im fi:/ nhut trong tt feel. N2fll > Y feel N3- /e/ nhut trong ti fell 6 lién quan dn am /ei/; nhut trong Wt fail, thm chi vd ee! nhut trong tit fallow. N3 fell > +¥ a N4- /a/ nbw ong tit fumble va Hién quan d€n 4m /a:/ nb trong tt father. N4 fumble —> #5 father Chung ta coi nguyén dm trung tinh nhur mot khong chay cif ly rat ngiin giita hai phu dm. My glass is tull /ful/. full Please fill i:W/ my glass. Please £1 my glass fil My glass tail My glass 0 fell Iwas a fumble /tfambl/. Twas a Emble, fazmble famble Chiing ta thay mot didu a khi nguyén am nay duge phat Am ngén lai thi phy am ding hai bén né Iai cang ted nén quan trong. Lie dé hdu nut ching ta phat mm lust ti phy dm nay bé qua nguyén am trung tinh sang phy 4m kia Ni good N2_ litte N3_— them N4 custom ‘Trong bai tap sau day, chting ta luyén phan bit gitta nguyén 4m trung tinh va nguyén dm me (parent vowels) ciia n6. Bo mi cau ba lan Bude 1: Clim nban nguyén am I's good tool. 3s Bude 2° Cam nbfn phu dim. Wsa ged tool. She eats little meat. She eats [tI meat. s little meat, ‘They take neighbors with them. ‘They take neighbors w-th th-m. ‘They take neighbors with them. Father’s custom was to wear a costume, to wear a costume. Father'z custom waz to wear a costume. Nguyén im trung tinh N#T nhu trong tif ook (Neutral #1 as in look) evok foot book: good neighborhood pull boulevard put look should Nguyen fim #1 nh trong tif do (#1 asin do) } you vacuum wo school food supermarket fruit use room beauty Nguyén 4m trung tinh N#2 nhuf trong tif five (N#2 as in five) is big it window in milk. city refrigerator building finished 36 Y-rung nhw trong tit he ( in he) beach street east need police Nguyén 4m trong tinh N#3 nfuf trong tif lend ( tent seventh bed tenth heavy rest west bread second red +Y-rung nh trong tif cake (+Y-Buzz as in cake) they ne make bank } plates lake | mail station | L eighth wajler | Nguyén dm trung tinh N#4 nhuf trong tif love ( N#4 as in love) what public | country bus. apartment — from rug second oven gun Nguyén im N#S nhuf trong tif father (#5 as in father) wate army heart palm calm are | barn argue arm art Bay gis chuing ta hay so sinh nhanh timg doi nguyén 4m. Nghe va nie tai nhiing tir c6 nguyén Am trung tinh. Doc tig déi, méi doi doe hai Kin, 37 ‘Trude hot chiing ta phan biét V-buzz. va N2. beud-bid — deenmdim —_beet-bit deep-dip deed-did—_deal-ill peal-pill teen-tin—keen-kin_keel-kill feevfit feel-fill —seen-sin_seep-sip Phan bi6t +¥-buzz. vi N3. bail-bell —date-debt | bake-beck dale-dell —Yale-yell_—_tail-tell fail-fell sale-sell Jaid-led—_late-let raid-red wade-wed — wait-wet —mane-men_mate-met Phan biét #5 hodc #4 vdi N4. bomb-bum —dock-duck —pop-pup_pot-putt calm-come psalm-sum — wan-won_cop-cub. cot-cut hob-hub: hot-hut —lock-luck—rob-rub-——_not-nut Phan bigt #21 voi NA, r roan-run note-nut- —_tone-ton phone-fungoal-gull —_pone-pun—_home-hum hole-hull —-moat-mutt—pope-pup _shoat-shut coat-cut_known-none bone-bun —_soap-sup Phan biét nguy@n fim /u/ voi Nfol wooed-wood — who'd-hood -—cooed-could —_shoed-should pool-pull Lunke-look ‘Chiing ta luyén thém suf phan biét may trong edu. Mdi doe hai Kin 1) We pulled him out of the swimming pool. 2) He put his foot in the new boot. 3) The woman said good-bye to her students. 4) He couldn't prove that the news was true. 38 Ching ta luyén thém cach phat 4m phan bit gia /u:/ va Y-1 bling cach dat thém dim y vao dling trusée am /u/, tgo thanh am /yo/, Sy tong phin gitta #1 va Y1-/o/ (Contrasting #1-00/¥1- /yo/) boot-butte | whose-hues moos-mews cooed-cued : | = moved-mewed. | food-feud coot-cute moot-mute jose ee coos-cues, whom-Hume | coo-cuc Teng ket NI > LOOK N2 > LIVE N3 > LEND | Na 3 Love CAU TRUNG TINH (NEUTRAL SENTENCES) Chiing ta luyén Iai sy phan bigt gidta Am trung tinh (neutral vowel) va am me (parent vowel) cita n6, Boe mdi cau sau day ba lin, Bude 1: Cimm nhan nguyén am. The neighborhood supermarket has good fruit Bude 2 Cam nhan phu am. he neighborh-d supermarket has g-d fruit. Bude 3; Boe nhanh hon. Van cdm nhan phy am. The neighborhood supermarket has good fruit AU CO NGUYEN AM TRUNG TINH N#1 (NEUTRAL #1 SENTENCES) I want you to vacuum the cook’s room. Twnt you to vacuum the ¢-k?s room. T want you to vacuum the cook's room. 39 Put your foot where it should help you get a good pull. Bet your L- where it shed hp you got a ged pl Put your foot where it should help you get a good pull rd ind neighborhood ‘The cook looked in the book for a boule 1 fn he ck [-ked in the b-k for a b4evard in the acighbor The cook looked in the book for a boulevard in the ne CAU CO NGUYEN AM TRUNG TINH N#2 (NEUTRAL #2 SENTENCES) She lives behind the fifth window. She Lyx behind the L:fth w-ndow. She tiva behind the fifth window Kast Sixth Street is the city’s cleanest treet the c-ty"z cleanest, Bast Sixth Street iz the city’s cleanest When the sweeping was finished 1 went to sleep. Wh-n the sweeping wz E-n-shed I w-nt to sleep. When the sweeping waz finished I went to sleep. He put the milk and meat into the clean refrigerator He pet the m-lk and meat —to the clean refr-gerator. He put the milk and meat into the clean refrigerator ‘The police office is in the filth big building at the beach. The police otf-ce =z =n the Efth beg b-lding at the beach, ‘The police office iz. in the fifth big building at the beach. CAU CO NGUYEN AM TRUNG TINH #3 (NEUTRAL #3 SENTENCES) ‘The red train pulled into the west station. The f-d train p-led —mto the w-st station ‘The red train pulled into the west station My neighbors plan to stay in a tent by the lake. My neighbors plan to stay in a tnt by the lake. My neighbors plan to stay in a tent by the lake. ‘The seventh and eighth loaves of bread felt heavy on the plate. fh and eighth loaves of br Flt h-v on the plat ‘The seventh and eighth loaves of bread felt heavy on the plate. 40 Rest in bed, that’s the tenth mistake the bank mad Rost in bed, that’s the “nth m-stake the bank made. Rest in bed, that’s the th mistake the bank made. cAU CO NGUYEN AM TRUNG TINH N#4 (NEUTRAL #4 SENTENCES) tn the barn they argued about guns. tn the barn they argued about soma In the barn they argued about gunz, What rug does Father want from the apartment? Wht rg d-z father went fi-m the -partment? [watched the second bus pass the park. I watched the se 8 pass the park, T watched the second bus pass the park. NGUYEN AM DOI TRUNG TINH (NEUTRAL DIPHTHONGS) Nguyén dim déi tring tinh: oor foor/, eer /iarf, ear fear, our Foor/ nhut trong cae tt: Nin poor | N2n peer N3n pear pour nguyén Am nay dude hinh thanb bang céch phdi hgp hai Aim trung tinh voi thie bing am R rung, Trong, |,n [a nguyén am trung tinh thit hai bau va ki Nin ute usa war poor N2n 149 150 for peer N3n eto eo cor peer jan" vt pa bar pour Gz: Now here’s some surprisingly good news! Most people-whatever native accent they have-have very litle trouble pronouncing these vowels! RT &CH: That's good to hear G Yes-except for the 3n. 4 RT&CH: Greer! Gz: Why? Because itis based on a stretch vowel. People tend not to open for that #3, AW. Md migng rOng (big opening) fort pour/floor | a Ciniing ta tuyén am d& tevtde Nin Word List: /uor/ poor tour pure sure manure N2n Word List: /ior/ N3n Wor 3n Word List: /s01/ pour shore tore floor chore of course a ) Nin N2n 3n poor peer pour tour tear tore pure cheer chore sure sheer shore manure near there floor CAU CO NGUYEN AM DOI TRUNG TINH (NEUTRAL DIPHTHONG SENTENCES) 1) Where is the shore? 2) The chair in the library tore. 3) We went from tears to cheers. 4) Lwas sure the tour was near manure. 5) I was a chore to share the floor in there. 6) Pour pure pear juice for the poor woman. Ly 43 Phy am o (Consonant Action) | Bila of 4 ta, Nguiii nao €6 I6i n6i edu thi (sloppy speech) thi rat kho hiéu vi nhting ngueti nay thudng phait dm phy 4m khOng r0 rang. Ngude fai, nhitng ai n6i “qu chink xiie* (overly precise) hotic goi la “I6i n6i né chi tiét” (clipped speech) cting rat kh6 bi€u. L6i phat am caia nhimg gido vido thud xia thiting rai vio kigu nay. Trong vd kich ed “I Love Lacy”. Hans Conreid déng vai mt anh chang néi theo kigu nay. Luey sip x€p mii anh ta dén va hutdng din Ricky eich khae phue giong Cuba evi ani ta. Ket quid that dang budn cut Nhiin vit etia Hans Conreid nhiin manh moi am trong khi noi, nghe qué 1 gid (20 (artificial), khong tg nbién Gumnatural), ne chi tit (pedantic). Anh ta khong thye hign luiye hin chat ctia sul am Am ding dé hinh thanh Wi noi eda ehing 10 rhing"cho nen phat dm phu Am mat edieh ng ng, Bin chiit phy dim e6 mat gid Ur nha di (musical vatues) vt Gn ma thing thi nhiing gut khong duise hun tayén kF khong whdn ra dige, NEu ban thyc higa dude nhac digu nay, Wi angi cila ban vang (sonorous) hin va thuyét phue (persuasive) hon, va hein nita nd Khu biet nga, dae bigt Khi ding cus teh, Wi du ngu phim tw wrote khong t0 phy dim cudi T, n6 1 nghe hing tng khOng bit la wrote, hay roud, bay rogue... (xem phiin d6i thoai cua GR didi day), Béi vai ngutti hoe ting, day 1 mot yeuIs quan trong dé nim bat mu nhip digu (rhythm pattens) va ting My. Vi du: khi chting ta hoc each kéo dai si luy€n am (legato qualities) tong m N va M thi ngudi nghe tl thich, thay dute nhac digu etia nd, No Kim cho lis ni evia ban chifa dy sit ngudng m6 cla nguei nghe, ngit digu (intonation) clia Dei voi ning nguti hoe xudt than tie nhimg nue Trung Ping hoge Vien Pang, nhiing nude noi thit éng hay ct im (staccato), thi bai luyén kéo dai N va M sé thay d6i due nhip digu loi néi ciia ho. Két qua la Ki ndi etia ho sé gin gai hn vGi nhac digu iGu ho han. Ngudi hoc tif Phuling ong (6 thang Gi e6 6 “lup chup" (voi) (rushed), dOi khi rat ciing (hurd) hode nghe 6 ve “gidt cue Cageressive), néu bo n6i tiéag Anh theo ahip digu cia tiéng me dé etia ho. Ngoai ra ngay 4

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