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Week 1 Transcripts

S1.5 Maya and Amena talk about their jobs

Maya: Hello! I’m Maya. What’s your name?

Amena: Hi! Nice to meet you. My name’s Amena.

Maya: This is my first English course. Are you a new student too?

Yes, I am. I want to improve my reading and writing skills. I can speak in English with my friends, but it is not easy for
me. Why do you want to learn English?
Maya: I'm a teacher and work with young children. I want to teach my students English. What do you do?

Amena: I'm a doctor. I work at a hospital in Madaba. Where do you work?

Maya: I work in Amman.

Amena: Do you live in Amman?

Maya: No, I live in Jerash. Where do you live?

Amena: My house is in Madaba.

S1.8 The teacher gets to know the students

Good afternoon! How are you today?

Hello. I'm fine, thank you.

What's your name?
My name is Samir.
What is your surname?
My surname’s Aziz.
Your full name is Samir Aziz.

S1.10 Practising Listening Skills

Hey! How are you doing?

I’m ok. How about you, Samir?

I’m very well. How was the lesson?
It was fun and not too difficult. I like our teacher.
Yes, the alphabet game was good. The children I teach like games, I can use it with them.
Oh! Are you a teacher?
Yes. I teach 6-7 year olds. What’s your job?
I’m a mechanic. What do you do, Amena?
I’m a doctor. I work at the hospital, it is difficult. Where do you work?
I work in a garage.
Do you like your job?
Yes It is noisy and messy, but I enjoy it.

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