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Lyme Regis is a beautiful old seaside town, with a busy little harbor,

beaches, and lovely walks, either by the sea or in the country nearby. For
children, there is the Marine Aquarium and Dinosaur land, and in the
summer you can escape from the crowds and relax in the Jane Austen
Gardens with beautiful views over the sea. There are many interesting old
streets with cafes and restaurant. The best restaurant is the Pilot Boat
down the beach. It has very good food and excellent wine.

Many tourist are interested in coming to Lyme Regis.

This means that Lyme Regis is….
a. amazing
b. excellent
c. attractive
d. delightful
e. advantageous
Jawaban: c
Pembahasan: Banyak wisatawan yang tertarik datang ke Lyme Regis
karena Lyme Regis menarik.

78. The purpose of the text is….

a. to describe Lyme Regis
b. to describe the way people live
c. to describe how Lyme Regis
d. to inform some beautiful place
e. to amuse readers with a beautiful object
Jawaban: a
Pembahasan: Tujuan teks tersebut adalah untuk menggambarkan Lyme

79. “…. and in the summer you can escape from the crowds….”

The italicized phrase means….
a. find
b. keep
c. loose
d. avoid
e. release
Jawaban: d
Pembahasan: Escape from sama artinya dengan menghindari (avoid

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