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Hello, my name is Radvile and today I am going to talk about my fashion-conscious wardrobe.

Let’s start with what fashion-conscious means. It’s a word to describe a person who is interested
in the latest fashions and in wearing fashionable clothes. I think that the majority of people want
to look fashionable, but it is not necessary to buy expensive clothing to do that. With simple
clothes, you can also look fashionable. So, in this speech, I am going to talk about my fashion
style and things in my wardrobe that I could not live without.
I don’t have a fashion style. I don’t try to follow a trend that is fashionable at the moment, but if
I need to describe it would be a Casual and Girl Next door fashion style. Casual wear is a
Western dress code that is relaxed, occasional, spontaneous, and suited for everyday use. It
typically consists of jeans, T-shirts, and cardigans. Girl Next door fashion style does not involve
anything special, is not loud, is not exotic. It is simple and yet adorable. This style lets you put
together outfits that you feel comfortable and confident in.
My number one item in my wardrobe would probably be jeans. Fashion trends come and go, but
denim jeans are one item of clothing that will always be a staple in many closets. Jeans are
incredibly easy to match with other clothes, they are strong and durable. They can easily go with
an oversized shirt or hoodie. A plain white T-shirt, jeans and white sneakers are one of my
favourite combinations.
Another item that I like is oversized T-Shirts. Oversized t-shirts are my comfort zone. I love the
casual, simple and carefree look that they give. They can easily be paired with leggings for a
workout. But colourful oversized T-shirt and denim jeans are my number one go-to outfit.
I would like to conclude by saying that being trendy and fashionable is just your wish; no one
forces you to do it. I do agree that the way you dress matters a lot these days, but fashion is not
all about dressing and looking pretty. Fashion is important because it allows people to express
their personality, it can make you more creative. So, the best way to enjoy fashion is to wear
what you love and be yourself!

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