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1. Write the following adjectives in English

a) Perezoso Idle
b) Gordo Chubby
c) Rico Wealthy
d) Inteligente Intelligent
e) Amigable Friendly

2. Choose one person from your family and write a brief description
about him/her. You should use at least 3 adjectives of physical
appearance and at least 3 adjectives of personality.

My uncle is tall and has black hair and his teeth are very white and as a
person he is very kind, respectful and honest

3. Write at least 5 sentences in which you describe 5 activities you do

every day. For example: everyday, I have lunch at 1:30 in the
a) I study from Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 1:30pm
b) I have lunch at 1:40 in the afternoon
c) I always train on Tuesdays and thursdays

4. Circle the correct the correct form of the verb to complete the
a) I watch/watches TV every day at 5
b) Camilo do/does his homework in his bedroom
c) Allison want/wants to buy a new car
d) They go/goes to school by car
e) My mother cook/cooks for us every day

NOTA: Este trabajo debe ser entregado en archivo de word de acuerdo con las
normas APA, es decir, letra Arial 12 y espaciado 1,5. Además, debe ser entregado
en el siguiente correo hasta el día miércoles 30 de Septiembre de 2020.
Cualquier duda o inquietud consultar con la profesora de inglés, al número de en
el siguiente horario de atención: Lunes a Viernes 08:00am – 06:00pm y Sábados
08:00am – 12:00m.

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