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Some people say that it is meaningless to spend time and money on protecting

the wild animals because humans don’t need them on their life so that wild
animals are now on the verge of extinction day by day and I completely disagree
with this point of view.
Protecting wild animals is an ugent thing that we need to do now
because of these reason:First of all, wildlife provides balance to our ecosystem,
all living things on earth affect each other ,if one wild animal becomes extinct,the
food chain will be interrupted and cause ecological imbalance. Secondly,
protecting wild animals can help increase biodiversity which brings us a
healthier ecosystem with a variety of animals. Morever, being around wildlife is
good for metal health,for example, people who live close to wild animals and
natural environment are more active and healthier than people who always at
home, watching tv,play video games. Last but not least,defending wild animals
from being extinct is a way to earn money, for example, when we protect them in
the zoo to protect, people can buy ticket to see wild animals
To sump up, wildlife plays an important part of our ecosystem, so that
we should do everything we can to protect wild animals from extinct

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