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Machine Embroidery “Pre-Flight” Check List

A handy list of reminders before you start stitching your embroidery


• Do I have enough time to complete stitching out this design?

• Am I using the proper needle for the fabric I’m stitching on?

• Is there enough thread (top and bobbin) to complete the design?

• Do I have all the thread colors I need to stitch out this design?

• Do I currently have the correct color thread on the machine?

• Is the fabric hooped in the right direction based on the orientation of

the design?

• Is the design properly placed? Is there enough room to stitch it out

without running into pins or areas of the garment/fabric where the
design shouldn’t be?

• Is the needle centered over the marked center position on the fabric?

• Is the hoop attached properly to the machine?

• Does the hoop have room to move around or could it run into

• Is the garment or fabric I’m stitching on clear of the underside of the

hoop? Could it easily get pulled back into the design?

• Is the project stabilized properly and securely in the hoop or

attached to the hooped stabilizer?

• Do I need a water soluble sulky to go on top of the fabric I’m


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