You are on page 1of 14


Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….…. 2

Three Psychology Theories That Helped To Develop Advertising …..……….......3 - 5

Different Theorist Applied In Three Different Country ‘S Advertisment ……….…5



Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………........9

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………..……10-11


THE ROYAL BIRYANI ……………………………………………………....14


Feeling hungry? Ring in your head calling 1300 88 2525 and recalled the fresher,
crispier and tastier Pan Pizza Cruise. The sound of the crunch as you bite, who doesn’t
love Pizza Hut?. Aha!, now you definitely swallowing saliva for imagining the food
serve. That’s the power of advertisement when offering or to attract customers. We will
remember the seller information in a simple or interesting way to such a Pizza Hut they
used attractive music and lyric mentioning their phone number to call if you want to
order a pizza. Plus, you indirectly memorize the phone number. Yet all of this is part of
the advertising strategy.
Advertising is one of the easiest platforms of delivery the information to
communities in daily life. As in the screening of an event on television and radio, there
are some specific minutes for advertising. Even in magazine, newspaper and in media
social such as Twitters, Instagram and Facebook. Advertising is important, either from
the producer's view or from the media's view. With advertising, the producer can publish
the products that produce to widen the marketing and the benefits are very passable.
Wherever for media, advertising is one of the sources of income because the price paid
for one ad is very high however it’s still depends on the policy and the creativity of the
designer. (Dan Shewan)
So, to create an ad requires a variety of related information and the ad creator has
to be smart to create an ad that can attract customers and can make customers to buy the
products offered. This all requires knowledge and indirectly to make every advertisement
a success it says it’s related with emotions and also involves psychological knowledge.
Therefore, in this assignment I will share you an information about the story
behind of psychology with related theorist helped in the field of advertising. In the
paragraph I will explain my selected psychology theory that helps develop advertising
and the example of situation the theories applied. In this regard, the ads that I will present
in this task is selected from three different countries and unto that it will linked on how
psychology in the field of advertising influenced by culture and a brief explanation on the
persuasion methods used in each advertisement.


Advertising is not something new in this era, because it has appeared in the
business world from ancient age. It’s stated in the study stating the first ad is since 2000
BC the Egyptians’s steel carving and the printed ads was in 1472 for a book by William
Caxton. (Zoe Fox) Therefore, various studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of
advertising in marketing. Hence, they find that every success in advertising a product is
the result of a productive team work to think of various ways to create ads. Accordingly,
the profession involved in the team is a psychological officer. In the field of advertising,
they found that by using psychological methods helps in making an analysis and attract
the attention of prospect and influence them to act by buying that particular product
Advertisement is often closely linked with psychology because it’s helped in
develop marketing ads. To produce a feeling of obsession with something, there is a
psychological process carried out to help influence from various factors either internally
or externally. Advertisement has the role of influencing one's cognition through the
distraction of attention and by exposure of an advertisement in various media found by
the public. To get a clearer picture of the ad that has to do with psychology, on this
occasion, I will make a sharing related of the three different theories that apply and assist
in advertisement and example come along. (Myron & Jolene)
Theory number one, the behaviourism, known as psychology of behaviour by
Ivan Pavlov. This theory consists of learning on behavioural process based on
conditioning underline all the action taken through interaction with the environment
given. In this theory he states that one's attitude can be measured, taught and even
changed. A process that takes place in this theory is a mental process such as imagination
and thinking that responds to stimuli. Obviously the experiment been used in this theory
is when he using bell and food to attract the dog’s attention. At first, he introduces the
bell and food. Then he rings the bell to the dog, reason is to acknowledge the dog to the
sound. Second time he rings the bell, and show the dog his food the dog automatically
salivates. The third time he ring the bell again but without food, the dog also will

salivating because the dog has learnt that whenever he respond to the bell he will get
“rewarded – food”. He believes to teach the “subject” by repetitive using the same items
but deferring one item each at the time the “subject” will learn the lesson. Means that
operant habit that was introduced is focused on the cause and effect of each behaviour. If
successful in getting the desired result then this is an act of reinforcement. When the
action is followed by a positive response, the behaviour will increase and even lead to
improvement. As in the field of advertising, this theory is often used in advertising to
promote beauty products. The company tend to use an influencer to introduce their
product and when the contract between the influencer with the company end, consumer
will still have the trust on the company because they have the idea that they will get the
same result even without he/she in the advertisement. (Mc Leod)
The second theory that have helped in advertising is the Maslow hierarchy. This theory
states the humans are motivated to fulfil their needs according to Maslow’s hierarchy. His
studies shows that we human being have 5 needs to be fulfilled and it is a must achieve
the lower part of needs and only that can further up. The first layer is physiological need
which is food/ clothing and etc. Second needs are safety (security), the middle needs are
about love and belonging. Next is esteem and the upper part is self-actualization. These
five core values work together creating patterns of human behaviour. To simplify it, one
if have a wonderful childhood, loving parents, they tend to be growing up in healthy
lifestyle but for the lower income background the kids may lack of need number one,
they have the potential delay in achieving the needs until the top 5. Hence, it’s also work
on them if they have the determination to changing their lives for the better and
comfortable. The end result usually depends on the moral value have in that particular
person but can also be influence but outsource persuasion. In sum, this is how it work in
advertising. The advertiser will introduce us tempting offer that we can get at that
moment, the persuasion hit our hot button which we desire the most. However still the
decision to proceed the purchase or not is depends on our morality parameters set by the
individual, society or culture. . (Mc Leod)
The third theory is known as Gestalt theory and is an application often used by
designers. This theory emphasizes the meaning by the individual himself and how the
individual conducts observations and perceptions as well as their skills and knowledge

from their “here and now” situation and own experience. They tend to see things as a
whole by their own perception. In lieu to that, this theory explains how this visual
perception can be formed, of course the purpose of this theory is applied to graphic
design so that images or visuals are easier to digest by our brain, more comfortable to see,
and the message to be conveyed can be more easily accepted. The principles in Gestalt
theory that are widely applied in graphic design include closure, proximity, continuity,
similarity, and ground figure. Example for this advertisement was we often see it in our
life. The logos; beauty products, health, F&B & etc. In advertising they also believe the
power of branding. It’s helps in retain customers through a strong image of a brand due to
a strong recognition in the market. . (Mc Leod)



In this regard, herewith I give an enlightenment on my understanding of

psychology in the field of advertising and thus, together here are three advertisements
that have been selected for my assignment. Such as Appendix 1, ads from Singapore –
The Burger King (Jenie), Appendix 2 ads from Malaysia – the famous seasoning – Adabi
(ADABI) and Appendix 3 from India the BEHROUZ The Royal Biryani (BEHROUZ).


Burger King – the well-known fast-food outlet and was recognize in their official
web page there are more than 11 million guests has visited. Burger King began
operations in year 1954 and acknowledge as the second largest fast food business
network in the world. Their background is starting from the Whooper which was
introduced to the community at some point in the past. And also, their very well-
preserved recipes become one of the weapons by which they provide the best burgers that
cannot be found anywhere else. They promise their burgers use quality, well -kept and
nutritious ingredients yet the prices are sold at affordable price. (Burger King

On top of that, we understand that, usually we have different countries and also
different segmentation people around the world. So as in Singapore, to relate it in ads
management, we can clarify the behaviour psychology. First of all, the chicken on the
poster look creative and fun. Understandable image of the Chicken represent the meat of
the burger they promoted namely “ Tendergrill Chicken”. When this promotion over,
indirecly next time, when customer come to purchase that particulary burger, they will
remember the ads and the icon (chicken) eventho the poster no more longer valid. Next
thing that I will like to highlight is the background of this ads is they using”flame” and
the flame was behind the chicken, scynchronize with the words of “Flame Grilled, Not
Fake Grilled”. The connection between these are , one was to symbolic spicy and another
one represent the word as in the chicken was grilled. Simply as the customer can
understand the poster linked to the burger just like the “bell to the dog senario”.
Singapore has always been considered as a developed and technologically
advancce country. In leau to that, Singapore Ministry of Education emphasize on English
speaking. Eventho they always labeld it as Singlish (Singapore and English). However,
the main objective is because he believe that English is important, it is one of the main
pillars in management, education and English is global communication. It’s a languange
that can be easily understand by anyone and anywhere around the world. So their
advertisement mostly are in English and was accepted globally. Along with that, the ways
they persuade the customer is their short explaination on the poster. The statement was
consist of methaphore as in some of the words they use regarded as representative or
symbolic to the burger. (IPL)


Adabi is a company known for its commercialized seasonings and they market a
wide range of product suitable for household choices to meet customer demand for
cooking and for flavouring. Their journey begins in Malaysia since 1984 and establish
until today in Malaysia and abroad with awarded various recognition for the commitment
to ensuring the quality of their product, plus they are the first company receive Halal
certificate. (ADABI)

The spices produced were indisputably causing the founder that initially sell only
fried banana flour and fried rice seasoning inspired by his aunt. At the time, seasonings
were only sold without a brand. Yet over time, unexpectedly received a warm reception
and then logos and brands were created. Refer to the poster given, when the Adabi logo
was created, it was very simple because it only covered the letters and also a picture like
a traditional Malay house. The idea founder used the picture is because it was symbolic to
the complement of every home from ancestral times. This means that the seasoning is
able to make us commemorate the cuisine in the village. This slogan further reinforces
the company’s objective that how important it is to preserve traditions and preserve
recipes or dishes that have been around for centuries and this shows how strong the
culture is important to included. (ADABI)
Conclusion from the above explanation, with this the strategy the founder uses in
this creating logo is in line with the Gestalt theory. When associated with cognitive, in
this theory we understand that it is able to touched our hearts and feelings at that moment
and also recall old memories. Human nature is believed to love to reminisce about old
tales that touch the heart. Therefore, the logo is able to make us miss our mother's cuisine
or village cuisine (if ever through it). Otherwise, Adabi is still able to make you crave it
because of the fragrance of the seasoning and the deliciousness of the cuisine that we are
able to produce just by using Adabi.
Beside in this advertisement, the graphic designer using the icon of hailer and
large font of “FREE GIFT” stated there to persuade customer to grab the offer. By
looking at the poster we are attracted as if the Adabi are really having a great deal and we
tend to purchase it because we assume it’s “Good Offer”.


Behrouz The Royal Biryani is a company selling biryani online and even so, the
company has grown exponentially in 15 cities and somewhat has in 160 locations.
Generally, biryani is one of the traditional dishes cooked at certain times like big festive
days. The specialty of nasi biryani lies in the aroma of spices and spicy taste contained in
the cuisine. Every region or district in India has a different style of cooking. There are

several types of biryani rice, such as it is made with spices, rice and meat or vegetables or
even for vegetarian. Because it is closely related to the diversity of Indian culture in the
world. Biryani is created according to culture and therefore, the way of cooking/
preparation, the way of using spices and the way of eating is different from each other.
In relation to that, we refer to the Behrouz The Royal Biryani poster, it is very
interesting with the chosen theme; i.e. against the backdrop of the palace atmosphere.
Among the reasons they chose that as a theme because it is in line with the story of
biryani that has existed from 2000 years ago. It is stated in Behrouz story, the King from
the country willing to go for a war to defend this recipe. As provided note in the
paragraph above, this biryani has a variety of ways of cooking and so this advertisement
claims their 7 secret ingredient and only produce this special one biryani. Next appears in
the poster also where the rice is served on an antique tray because they serve Biryani
dishes on trays to bring back the nostalgia of yesteryear.
Therefore, I would like to state here that the creator of this ad applies the theory
of Maslow’s and involve the 5 levels of need in humans’ life. Firstly the basic need :
food. Human needs food to survive and so foods brought people together. In the poster,
the statement mention “…is definitely worth a try”, to be frank, it does tempt and makes
you want to order the biryani. Next the second level is about safety. As we can see in the
poster, its full of information and details on how to order the biryani. As a customer
myself, I often look into the contact number that I can trust to be contact. Level three,
because its online “store” with no physical outlet, you have to log in the website to place
an order. So here I can see that we are well taken care of and given the sense of belonging
to be part of Behrouz The Royal Biryani. Level four, it is often associated with the self -
ego. There are buyers who want a return if they become one of the fanatical fans of
something, we expect respect and so on. Therefore, these companies always provide
adequate offers to their customers. Level five, self-actualization. You know how
satisfying it is to eat food that makes you happy? I believe when we order food and the
food is so delicious until you lick your fingers, because it brings satisfaction to us at that
time. The method of persuasion adopted in the advertisement was a short story stated

because for me it managed to attract my attention as the sacrifice or effort to win the war
was worth it just for me. I do appreciate this kind of offer.


Related to the above task, on how psychology helps in the field of advertising, it
does able to affect human cognitive. The first level is the customer’s exposure to
advertising and the attention given. Then customer will evaluate, or trying to understand
the message to be conveyed and make their own assessment. If the customer agrees with
the advertisement, the next process is that the customer will record the information into
memory at once to help make a decision. In addition to persuading readers to buy the
product, these ads are also found to be well designed to comply social culture, morals and
aesthetic assessments of consumers. Beside with my brief explanation on culture in
advertisement, I would like to highlight that culture does have important roles in
persuasive advertising. No matter its designed in words or image. Therefore, it is
important for advertisers to understand the importance of culture in advertising, as well
the diversity of tasks that culture plays in advertisements shown to the public

(2966 words)


ADABI (n.d) About Us

About us —

ADABI (Jun 28, 2018) Adabi Consumer [Image]

Advert Gallery (n.d) Behrouz The Royal Biryani The Biryani That Worth A War AD

BEHROUZ (n.d) About Us

About us —

Burger King Cooperation (n.d) About Us

About us —

Dan Shewan (July 24th, 2019) What is Content Advertising, And Should You Be Doing

IPL (2020) The Important Of English In Singapore

Jenis. G (Jan 12, 2016) Burger King Singapore Print Ad [Image]

Myron W.Lustig & Jolene Koester (2010) INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE (6th ed,.)

McLeod, S. A. ( Feb 05th, 2017).  Simply Psychology.

Zoe Fox (Dec 26, 2011) The Evolution of Advertising: From Stone Carving to the Old
Spice Guy





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