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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464

DOI 10.1007/s00170-009-2104-x


Application of soft computing techniques in machining

performance prediction and optimization: a literature review
M. Chandrasekaran & M. Muralidhar &
C. Murali Krishna & U. S. Dixit

Received: 22 January 2009 / Accepted: 7 May 2009 / Published online: 26 May 2009
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2009

Abstract Machining is one of the most important and process, in which the metal is removed in the form of chips
widely used manufacturing processes. Due to complexity by means of single or multiple wedge-shaped cutting tools.
and uncertainty of the machining processes, of late, soft Thus, the scope of the present review paper on the
computing techniques are being preferred to physics-based application of soft computing techniques in machining
models for predicting the performance of the machining performance prediction and optimization is limited to so
processes and optimizing them. Major soft computing tools called conventional machining processes and does not
applied for this purpose are neural networks, fuzzy sets, include the relatively newer machining processes such as
genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, ant colony opti- water jet machining, electrodischarge machining, electro-
mization, and particle swarm optimization. The present chemical machining, etc. Among the conventional machin-
paper reviews the application of these tools to four ing processes, the attention has been paid to four commonly
machining processes—turning, milling, drilling, and grind- used processes—turning, milling, drilling, and grinding.
ing. The paper highlights the progress made in this area and Turning is used for producing axisymmetric components,
discusses the issues that need to be addressed. milling for producing flat or curved surfaces and prismatic
shapes, drilling for making holes, and grinding for
Keywords Machining . Optimization . Process models . improving the surface finish and/or for maintaining the
Soft computing tolerances. These processes are performed by conventional
and computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools.
From the era of conventional machine tools to the present
1 Introduction era of CNC machine tools, the prediction of cutting behavior
of processes and optimization of machining parameters have
Machining is one among the four popular manufacturing been hot areas of research. In a review of metal cutting
processes, the other three being forming, casting, and analyses in 1956, Finnie [2] pointed out—“Despite the large
joining. Modeling of machining processes has attracted number of attempts, past and present, to analyze metal
the attention of a number of researchers in view of its cutting, a basic relationship between the various variables is
significant contribution to the overall cost of the product still lacking.” This remark is valid till today, even after about
[1]. For the purpose of this paper, machining is defined as a a half century. Nevertheless, the efforts to model machining
process are still going on, as the proper understanding of the
machining process has a large bearing on the economics of
M. Chandrasekaran : M. Muralidhar : C. M. Krishna
machining. With the advent of capital intensive CNC
North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology,
Itanagar, India machine tools, this need has strengthened. The prediction
of surface roughness, cutting force, and tool life in
U. S. Dixit (*) machining is a challenging task, but is necessary for proper
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
optimization of the process. Of late, with the development of
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,
Guwahati 781039, India computer technology, finite element and soft computing
e-mail: methods are being used for modeling and optimization of
446 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464

machining processes [3–7]. The soft computing differs from In the literature, predominantly the fuzzy set theory has
conventional (hard) computing in that it is tolerant of been used in three ways. In the first type of applications,
imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth and approximation, fuzzy set theoretic operations help to arrive at certain
and metaheuristics may play an important role in soft decision. For example, if we know the membership grades
computing [8]. of certain solutions in two conflicting objectives, then the
This paper reviews research work on the application of optimum solution can be chosen as the one providing the
soft computing methods in modeling and optimization of highest membership grade in the intersection set of two
machining processes, spanning for approximately two objectives. The second type of application makes use of
decades. Section 2 provides a brief outline of the following fuzzy arithmetic, which deals with fuzzy numbers. A fuzzy
soft computing techniques: neural network (NN), fuzzy set number is a generalization of an interval number, in which
theory, genetic algorithm (GA), simulated annealing (SA), various intervals may have different membership grades.
ant colony optimization (ACO), and particle swarm For example, the most likely estimate of friction may be
optimization (PSO). The application of these techniques to assigned a membership grade 1 and the lower and upper
four common machining processes, viz., turning, milling, estimate may be assigned a membership grade 0.5. With
drilling, and grinding is presented in Section 3. Section 4 these three points, a triangle can be constructed to represent
critically discusses the past research and provides some friction as a fuzzy number. Fuzzy arithmetic computations
direction for future research. The conclusions are presented are useful when the input parameter values, for example
in Section 5. friction and material properties, are not known precisely. In
the third type of application, fuzzy logic is used for making
inferences based on the input values. The fuzzy set-based
2 An overview of soft computing techniques prediction system takes input data and carries out “fuzzi-
fication”. In the fuzzification process, the input data
Soft computing is an approach to computing which undergo some translation in the form of linguistic terms
parallels the remarkable ability of the human mind to such as “low feed”, “average cutting speed”, “high depth of
reason and learn in an environment of uncertainty and cut”, “very high cutting force”, etc. The translated data are
imprecision. In an attempt to find out reasonably useful sent to an inference engine, which applies a set of
solutions, soft computing-based methods [3, 4] acknowl- predefined IF-THEN rules. The output of inference system
edge the presence of imprecision and uncertainty present in in linguistic form will go through defuzzification process,
machining. Soft computing techniques such as fuzzy logic, which converts it to numerical data.
NN, GA, SA, ACO, and PSO have received a lot of
attention of researchers due to their potentials to deal with 2.2 Neural networks
highly nonlinear, multidimensional, and ill-behaved com-
plex engineering problems. A brief overview of various soft Neural networks are systems that can acquire, store, and
computing techniques is presented here. utilize knowledge gained from experience. An artificial
neural network (ANN) is capable of learning from an
2.1 Fuzzy set theory experimental data set to describe the nonlinear and
interaction effects with great success. It consists of an input
In 1965, Lotfi Zadeh put forward the idea of fuzzy sets [9], layer used to present data to the network, output layer to
in which the elements of the set can have partial produce ANN’s response, and one or more hidden layers in
membership in the set. Many linguistic terms can be between. The input and output layers are exposed to the
converted into a fuzzy set. For example, the “low feed” environment and hidden layers do not have any contact
can be represented by a fuzzy set in which the feed values with the environment. ANNs are characterized by their
more than an upper threshold value can be assigned a topology, weight vectors, and activation function that are
membership grade 1 and those lower than a lower threshold used in hidden and output layers of the network. A neural
value can be assigned a membership grade 0. Between network is trained with a number of data and tested with
lower and upper threshold, the feed values can have a other set of data to arrive at an optimum topology and
gradual variation of membership grades from 0 to 1. Once weights. Once trained, the neural networks can be used for
the linguistic variables have been converted into fuzzy sets, prediction.
set theoretic operations on them can be carried out. Thus, A multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a feedforward neural
the fuzzy set theory is a tool for “computing with network with one or more hidden layers. A feedforward
language”. The fuzzy set-based techniques can be quite neural network has sequence of layers consisting of a
effective in converting subjective knowledge/opinion of the number of neurons in each layer. The output of one layer
skilled operator into a mathematical framework [10]. becomes input to neurons in the succeeding layer. The
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464 447

radial basis function (RBF) neural network consists of three medium of communicating information [13]. The probability
layers: an input layer, a single hidden layer with nonlinear of the trail being followed by other ants is enhanced by
processing neurons, and an output layer. During training further deposition of pheromone by other ants moving on
process, the network adjusts its weights to minimize the that path. This cooperative behavior of ants inspired the new
errors between the predicted and desired outputs. Back- computational paradigm for optimizing real life systems,
propagation algorithm is most common algorithm for which is suited for solving large scale problems [14].
adjusting the weights. A brief background of neural There are different variants of ant colony optimization
networks is provided in [3]. algorithm. In essence, these algorithms carry out three
operations: (1) ant-based solution construction, (2) phero-
2.3 Genetic algorithm mone update, and (3) daemon actions. In ant-based solution
construction, solutions representing artificial ants are con-
GA mimics the process of natural evolution by incorporating structed. Solutions are chosen probabilistically based on
the “survival of the fittest” philosophy [11]. In GA, a point in pheromone level. Thus, this operation forces the algorithm
search space is represented by binary or decimal numbers, to search in the area of better solutions. The aim of
known as string or chromosome. Each chromosome is pheromone update is to increase the pheromone values
assigned a fitness value that indicates how closely it satisfies associated with good or promising solutions and decrease
the desired objective. A set of chromosomes is called those that are associated with bad ones. Usually this is
population. A population is operated by three fundamental achieved by increasing the pheromone levels associated
operations, viz., reproduction (to replace the population with with chosen good solutions and by decreasing the phero-
large number of good strings having high fitness values), mone values through pheromone evaporation, which
crossover (for producing new chromosomes by combining basically reduces the pheromone level. Daemon actions
the various pairs of chromosomes in the population), and are used to implement centralized actions which cannot be
mutation (for slight random modification of chromosomes). performed by a single ant. For example, the global
A sequence of these operations constitute one generation. information can be collected to decide whether it is useful
The process repeats till the system converges to the required or not to deposit additional pheromone.
accuracy after many generations. The genetic algorithms Initially, the ant colony optimization was used for
have been found very powerful in finding out the global combinatorial problems. Nowadays, it is also being used
minima. Further, these algorithms do not require the for solving continuous optimization problems.
derivatives of the objectives and constraints functions.
2.6 Particle swarm optimization
2.4 Simulated annealing
Particle swarm optimization is a population-based stochas-
SA mimics the cooling process of metal during annealing to tic optimization technique developed by Kennedy and
achieve the minimization of function values. The algorithm Eberhart in 1995 and is inspired by the social behavior of
begins with an initial point, x1, and a large number bird flocking or fish schooling [15]. In PSO, each solution
corresponding to a high temperature T. A second point x2 is in search space is analogous to a bird and generally called
created near the first point using a Gaussian distribution with “particle”. The system is initialized with population of
first point as a mean. The difference in the function values at random particles (called swarm) and search for optima
these points is considered analogous to the difference in continues by updating generations. The fitness value of
energy level (ΔE). For a minimization process, if the second each particle is evaluated by objective function to be
point has smaller function value, then it replaces the first optimized. Each particle remembers the coordinates of the
point; otherwise, it replaces the first point with a probability best solution (pbest) achieved so far. The coordinates of
exp(−ΔE/T) [12]. The algorithm is terminated when a current global best (gbest) are also stored. The coordinates
sufficiently small temperature is obtained or no significant of the particle are updated according to the following
improvement in the function value is observed. relation:

2.5 Ant colony optimization

new coordinates¼coordinates þ c1 r ðpbest coordinatesÞ
The ACO algorithm is a kind of natural algorithm inspired by þc2 rðgbestcoordinatesÞ
foraging behavior of real ants. Researchers are fascinated by
seeing the ability of near-blind ants in establishing the shortest
route from their nest to the food source and back. These ants where c1, c2 are learning factors and r is a random number
secrete a substance, called pheromone, and use its trails as between 0 and 1.
448 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464

PSO is simple to implement and needs less parameters to discussed in Sections 3.1.1–3.1.3. Section 3.1.4 reviews the
adjust. In many cases, it has been reported to be more soft computing applications in turning process optimization.
efficient than GA.
3.1.1 Surface finish and dimensional deviation

3 Application of soft computing to various machining Two main attributes of quality of turned job are surface
processes finish and dimensional deviation. Surface finish is defined
as the degree of smoothness of a part’s surface after it has
In this section, application of major soft computing tools to been manufactured. Surface finish is the result of the
various machining processes is discussed. Soft computing surface roughness, waviness, and flaws remaining on the
tools can be used for prediction of the performance part. Dimensional deviation is defined as the radial
parameters of machining as well as for the optimization of difference between the set depth of cut and the obtained
the process. Figure 1a, b schematically depict the applica- depth of cut. Researchers studied the effect of number of
tion of soft computing techniques for these tasks. factors such as feed rate, cutting speed, depth of cut, work
material characteristics, unstable built up edge, tool nose
3.1 Turning process radius, tool angles, stability of material, tool and work piece
setup, use of cutting fluids, radial vibration, tool material,
In turning processes, a single point cutting tool moves along etc. on surface finish. For modeling of machining process-
the axis of a rotating work piece. The peripheral speed of the es, researchers used four main methods, viz., multiple
work piece called cutting speed, movement of the tool along regression, mathematical modeling based on physics of
the axis of job for one revolution of job called feed, and radial process, fuzzy set theory, and neural network. The review
depth of cut of the tool are the process parameters. These in this paper will focus on last two techniques.
parameters may be optimized for obtaining the minimum cost An early work for the prediction of machining performance
of machining and minimum production time. However, for using neural networks is by Rangwala and Dornfeld [16]. The
optimization, performance of the process has to be predicted. authors utilized a feedforward network model to predict the
Soft computing for machining performance prediction is cutting performance in turning process. The network is
trained using a number of patterns of input variables, viz.,
cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut, and the output
variables, viz., cutting force, power, temperature, and surface
finish. Rangwala and Dornfeld [16] and many later
researchers used MLP neural network for machining
performance prediction. An MLP neural network consists
of input layer, output layer, and one or more hidden layers.
Each layer consists of a number of neurons. Neurons in the
hidden and output layers get input from the neurons of the
preceding layers. Neurons in the input and hidden layers
emit the output to be received by the neurons of the
succeeding layer.
Azouzi and Guillot [17] proposed neural network model to
predict surface finish and dimensional deviation of the job
based on the feedback from various sensors. They developed
several network models to find out the influence of
feedbacks from a number of sensors. The author observed
that feed, depth of cut, radial force, and feed force provide
the best combination to build a model for online prediction
of surface roughness and dimensional deviation.
Several researchers have compared the effectiveness of
the neural network model with statistical regression models.
Chryssolouris and Guillot [18] observed the superiority of
neural network model compared to regression model. On
the other hand, Feng and Wang [19] found multiple
Fig. 1 Two applications of soft computing in machining: a regression analysis and neural networks equally effective
performance prediction and b optimization in predicting surface roughness for a finish turning process.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464 449

Risbood et al. [20] predicted the surface roughness for was used to generate a large training data set for the RBF
the dry and wet turning of mild steels using carbide and network. The experimental data set were used for testing of
high-speed steel tools. For each tool–job combination and the RBF network. Considering that data may be noisy,
cutting condition (dry or wet), different networks were authors have proposed a strategy to slightly perturb the data
used. The acceleration of radial vibration was taken as an for better prediction.
input for online prediction of surface roughness. The Apart from neural networks, fuzzy set theory has been
authors also developed a neural network model for used for turning performance prediction in general and
predicting the dimensional deviation of the job. For this surface roughness in particular. A fuzzy-based methodolo-
purpose, the radial cutting force, the radial acceleration of gy has been proposed by Fang and Jawahir [28] to assess
vibration, cutting speed, feed, depth of cut, length-to- total machining performance encompassing surface finish,
diameter ratio of the job, and position of the tool was tool-wear rate, dimensional accuracy, cutting power, and
taken as input parameter. Pal and Chakraborty [21] chip breakability. The authors quantified the effect of major
predicted surface roughness by taking main cutting force, influencing factors on total machining performance by
feed force, cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut as input fuzzy set method and developed a series of fuzzy set
parameters of the network. Ozel and Karpat [22] predicted models to give quantitative assessments for the given set of
surface roughness by developing two different network input conditions.
models. One model was offline with process parameters, Abburi and Dixit [29] developed a knowledge base
tool and job information as input, while the other was an system with the help of neural network and fuzzy set theory
online model with cutting forces as an additional input. It to predict surface roughness in turning process. The neural
was observed that the model with cutting forces as network is trained with experimental data. The trained
additional input yielded better results. network generates a huge data set that is fed to a fuzzy set-
The major limitation to the use of neural networks is that it based rule generation module. A large number of IF-THEN
requires a large set of experimental data. Considering this rules are generated that are reduced by using Boolean
limitation, Kohli and Dixit [23] proposed a MLP neural operations. This rule base module is used for predicting
network-based methodology to predict surface roughness in surface roughness for given process variables as well as for
turning process that uses small-sized training and testing data the inverse prediction of process variables for a given
sets. Their model predicts lower, most likely, and upper surface roughness. The performance of the developed
estimate of the surface roughness for a cutting condition based knowledge based system was found satisfactory based on
on the algorithm developed by Ishbuchi and Tanaka [24]. the validation with shop floor data.
The aforementioned researchers have essentially A number of authors have used the combination of two
employed MLP neural networks and differ in terms of the or more soft computing tools as an effective strategy for the
network training methodology and input parameters. Of prediction of surface roughness. Jiao et al. [30] used a
late, there have been some applications of RBF neural neurofuzzy approach for the prediction of dimensional
network as a substitute for MLP neural networks. Com- deviation. The developed fuzzy adaptive neural networks
pared to MLP neural networks, RBF neural networks can are capable of providing both learning ability of a neural
be trained faster although requiring more training data. network and tolerance of imprecision, uncertainty, and
Sonar et al. [25] studied the performance of RBF network vagueness in the machining process. First, an approximate
for predicting lower, most likely, and upper estimates of model representing the influence of machining parameters
surface roughness in turning process. They observed that on dimensional deviation is established. This model is then
the performance of RBF neural network was slightly improved by learning with the given training data. The
inferior to MLP neural networks. Basak et al. [26] used authors showed the superiority of their model over a
RBF models to predict surface roughness in finish hard classical regression model. Nandi and Pratihar [31]
turning process of AISI D2 cold rolled steel with mixed employed a fuzzy basis function network for predicting
ceramic tools. For better modeling of an RBF network, the surface roughness in ultraprecision turning. The
assistance of multiple-linear regression was taken. Authors parameters of the network were optimized with a genetic
observed that in RBF neural network training, the spread algorithm code.
parameter, which is essentially the zone of influence of a
neuron, plays a significant role. Authors have proposed a 3.1.2 Tool life and tool wear
strategy for the optimal selection of this parameter. Sarma
and Dixit [27] employed the MLP and RBF sequentially for Tool life and tool wear play a major role in the economic
predicting surface roughness of cast iron work piece with a aspects of metal cutting operations. Most of the time, tool
ceramic tool. First, an MLP network was trained with life is considered as a time lapse between two successive
limited training data. Afterward, the trained MLP network regrinds of tool when operating under specified cutting
450 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464

conditions. In an early work on tool wear estimation using or vibrations that are correlated with tool wear. A number
neural networks, Ezugwu et al. [32] predicted tool life and of tool wear monitoring schemes have been proposed that
failure mode in machining of gray cast iron with ceramic employ vibrations, ultrasonic, torque, power, velocity, and
cutting tools. The tool failure based on average and temperature sensors and sensor fusion. Sick [38] has
maximum flank wear, crater depth, notch depth, surface reviewed a number of research papers dealing with online
roughness, and catastrophic failure of the tool have been and indirect tool wear monitoring in turning using artificial
considered. The experimental data have been used to train neural networks. Mainly, vibrations, acoustic emission
the MLP neural network using backpropagation algorithm. (AE), torque, power, velocity, and temperature sensors
However, the authors had limitation of having just 25 data. were employed for obtaining the feedback for indirect
With these data, they could predict the correct tool life estimation of tool wear. Some of the representative work is
(within 20%) in 58.3% cases and tool failure mode in as follows: Das et al. [39] developed a backpropagation
87.5% cases. Dutta et al. [33] studied the application of neural network model for the reliable online tool condition
neural network with different learning schemes for faster monitoring based on cutting force measurement. The ratio
processing of data which is a major criterion in online tool of cutting force components have been found as a better
condition monitoring. Speed, feed, depth of cut, and three indicator of the tool wear. Silva et al. [40] developed neural
components of cutting forces were inputs of the neural network based online tool condition monitoring for turning
networks and flank wear was output of the network. The process using signals from five sensors. They used two
authors found that the modified backpropagation algorithm types of neural network learning algorithms—adaptive
converge faster than standard backpropagation algorithm. resonance theory (ART) and self-organizing map (SOM)
Tool life in hot machining of high magnesium steel has to classify statistical and frequency domain features of the
been modeled by Tosun and Ozler [34] using an MLP neural sensor signals. The ART2 creates and classifies tool wear
network. The turning was carried out at four temperatures— with less number of sampled data and has the ability to
room temperature, 200°C, 400°C, and 600°C. The neural respond immediately. The SOM is a method of mapping a
network model predicted the tool life with better accuracy as high-dimensional input space on to a one- or two-dimensional
compared to a regression model. output space by using an unsupervised neural model. The
Ojha and Dixit [35] proposed an economic and quicker authors found that the NN with the SOM perform better
method of tool life estimation and predicted low, most than the ART2 in classifying unseen sampled data.
likely, and higher estimates of tool life using neural Nadgir and Ozel [41] employed a neural network to
networks. In their approach, the tool life is estimated by model tool condition monitoring system. Online cutting
fitting a best-fit line for the data falling in steady wear zone forces were measured by a piezoelectric tool dynamometer
and finding the time till tool fails by extrapolation. For and used as inputs to the network. Data obtained from
predicting the lower and upper estimates of the tool life, several machining test with use of different cutting speed,
they used the backpropagation (BP) algorithm of Ishbuchi feed, and a constant depth of cut were used to train the
and Tanaka [24], as was earlier done by Kohli and Dixit network. Chungchoo and Saini [42] proposed an online
[23]. The neural network model was found superior to the fuzzy neural network to predict tool wear. Cutting forces,
multiple regressions model. Quiza et al. [36] carried out an acoustic emission signals, skew and kurtosis of force
experimental investigation on tool wear prediction on bands, and total energy of forces were taken as input
ceramic cutting tools used for turning hardened cold rolled parameters of the neural network.
tool steel. They predicted tool wear with the help of neural
network and regression models. The neural network model 3.1.3 Cutting force
was found superior to the regression model.
Soft computing optimization techniques, viz., genetic Cutting force is one of the important characteristic variables
algorithm, particle swarm optimization, and simulated to be monitored during machining process. Tool breakage,
annealing, were used for optimizing neural network model tool wear, and work piece deflection are mainly due to
parameters. For tool life estimation, Natarajan et al. [37] abnormal cutting force developed during machining pro-
employed a neural network model that was optimized by cess. To predict and monitor cutting forces, various models
PSO. The use of PSO resulted in reduction of training time were proposed using soft computing techniques.
by 50%. Khanchustambham and Zhang [43] used neural network
Tool wear monitoring has been other widely investigated to predict cutting force as well as surface finish during
research topic. Tool wear monitoring is of two types: direct machining of ceramic material. Feed, depth of cut, and
and indirect. Direct methods measure the actual values of spindle speed are used as input parameters for the network.
size of wear parameters with optical instruments, while The network is trained by cutting force signal and measured
indirect methods measure parameters such as cutting forces surface finish for online monitoring of turning process. Lee
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464 451

et al. [44] used feedforward neural network to predict training. The network is trained with cutting speed, feed,
cutting force components. The network is trained using and depth of cut as input parameters. Predicted results are
undeformed chip thickness, chip width, cutting speed, and found more accurate compared to regression analysis. Li et
tool rake angle as input parameters. The authors found the al. [51] used neurofuzzy techniques to estimate feed cutting
predicted results are in good agreement with experimental force by measuring motor current using current sensor in
data. Luong and Spedding [45] developed neural network CNC turning center. Motor current and feed rate were used
model to find cutting conditions for a given work material as input parameters. The authors found that the estimated
and required depth of cut to predict the cutting forces, force was within an error of 5%.
surface roughness, and tool life. They trained the network
using data from Machining Data Handbook and have 3.1.4 Process optimization
shown that the neural network establishes a correlation
from empirical data. Szecsi [46] used neural network model The machining optimization problem is highly nonlinear
for cutting force estimation in turning process. Process and possesses multiple solutions. In multi-objective opti-
parameters, tool geometry, work piece material, and flank mization, cutting parameters is of great concern in
wear were taken as input parameters of the network. The manufacturing environment. Researchers considered vari-
author used 3,200 training and 1,500 testing data to train ous input (cutting) parameters like cutting speed, feed rate,
the network and found very good prediction accuracy. depth of cut, cutting time, coolant pressure, etc. and output
However, there is no discussion about the statistical (process) parameters like tangential force, axial force, radial
variation of the cutting forces. Lin et al. [47] used radial force, feed force, spindle power consumption, surface
basis function neural network and multiple regression roughness, tool life, average and maximum flank wear,
analysis to predict machining forces–tool wear relationship and nose wear, etc. for modeling. Optimization of single-
in machining of aluminum metal matrix composites. pass turning has been attempted in early works. However,
Besides process parameters, feed and cutting forces were in general, a turning operation involves a number of rough
used to estimate tool wear. The authors obtain better cuts and a final finish cut. In manufacturing industries,
correlation of tool wear with feed force data than with multipass turning is widely used than single-pass turning.
cutting force. The highest possible metal removal is aimed in rough
In high speed turning, the correlations between various passes, where surface finish is not an important consider-
cutting parameters play an important role while model ation. However, in finish turning process, surface finish is
building. Ezugwu et al. [48] used an ANN approach to the most important consideration. Researchers have used
model the correlation between five process parameters, viz., soft computing optimization techniques, viz., fuzzy logic,
speed, feed rate, depth of cut, cutting time, and coolant neural network, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, ant
pressure, with seven performance parameters, viz., tangen- colony optimization, and particle swarm optimization to
tial force, feed force, spindle motor power consumption, optimize both single and multipass turning problem.
surface roughness, average flank wear, maximum flank Karpat and Ozel [52] developed a multi-objective
wear, and nose wear. The developed model agrees well optimization model for single pass turning to model surface
with experimental data and can be used to analyze and roughness and tool wear. They used PSO-based neural
predict the relationship between process and performance network optimization scheme to optimize finish hard
parameters. turning processes using cubic boron nitride tools. NN
Hao et al. [49] proposed multilayer perceptron neural model predicts surface roughness and tool wear during
network model for predicting cutting force in self-propelled machining and PSO is used to obtain optimum cutting
rotary tool in turning. Cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, speed, feed rate, and tool geometry. The authors found that
and tool inclination angle were input parameters and thrust PSO takes less number of iterations to reach optimal
force, radial force, and main cutting force are output conditions.
parameters of the network. The authors applied hybrid of Neural network used in fuzzy decision environment have
GA and BP algorithm to improve performance of neural been reported in literature. Wang [53] uses feedforward
network model. neural network using manufacturer’s fuzzy preferences to
Lin et al. [50] predicted surface roughness and cutting determine the optimum cutting parameters by solving the
force using abductive neural network during turning of high multi-objective problem with the help of a neural network
carbon steel with carbide inserts. Abductive networks are model. The objectives considered were productivity, oper-
composed of a number of polynomial functional nodes ation cost, and cutting quality. Lee et al. [54] presented
organized into several layers. Unlike general neural fuzzy nonlinear programming model to optimize cutting
network, abductive neural network generate optimal net- conditions for a turning process. Subsequently, a neural
work architecture automatically and take less iterations in network model is trained based on the results of the
452 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464

optimization model. The trained neural network is able to performs better than SA and GA. However, it has been
predict the cutting speed accurately. The readers may note contradicted by Wang [65].
that these authors have used the term “machinability” for Ojha et al. [66] used neural network-, fuzzy set-, and
“material removal rate”. Hashmi et al. [55] developed a genetic algorithm-based soft computing methodology to
fuzzy logic model for selection of cutting conditions for optimize process parameters in multipass turning operation.
machining Neural network has been used for prediction of surface
GAs are very suitable for solving multi-objective finish and tool life. In view of uncertainty, surface
problems. Based on representation of design variables, they roughness is quantified by using fuzzy number. An equal
are of two types: binary-coded genetic algorithm and real- depth of cut for roughing passes along with a single finish
coded genetic algorithm (RGA). In machining optimization, pass strategy, similar to earlier work of Yeo [67] has been
RGAs are more precise, more consistent, and lead to faster considered in optimization model. The optimization model
convergence. Abburi and Dixit [56] developed an optimi- has been applied for determining the optimum cutting
zation methodology which is a combination of a RGA and parameters for two cases, viz., minimization of production
sequential quadratic programming (SQP) to obtain Pareto- cost and maximization of production rate.
optimal solutions to minimize production cost. The major
advantage of the methodology is that various Pareto- 3.2 Milling process
optimal solutions are generated without the knowledge of
the cost data. The optimization is carried out with equal Milling is a multipoint tool cutting process in which the
depths of cut for roughing passes and the authors found that cutter rotates at some speed while the work feeds past the
RGA combined with SQP is very efficient in reaching up to cutter. The peripheral speed of the cutter called cutting
global optima. Kim et al. [57] also explored the applicabil- speed, movement of the work piece under the cutter per
ity of RGA in machining optimization. In their work, RGA unit time called feed rate or table feed, depth of cut in the
has been compared to SA, continuous SA, GA, and direction along the cutter axis called axial depth of cut,
generalized reduced gradient method. depth of cut normal to the cutter axis called radial depth of
Chen and Tasi [58] followed by many researchers cut, and number of passes are process parameters. These
applied SA approach to solve the optimization problem parameters may be optimized for obtaining the minimum
for minimum unit production cost of multipass turning cost of machining and minimum production time. To
process. Baykasoglu and Dereli [59] have used SA to predict performance of process and optimization, soft
optimize cutting conditions in their heuristic model. computing techniques have been applied. Sections 3.2.1–
However, they did not take surface finish into consider- 3.2.3 discuss machining performance prediction. Sec-
ation. Onwubolu and Kumalo [60] applied GA to minimize tion 3.2.4 reviews the soft computing applications in
unit production cost and concluded that GA significantly milling process optimization.
performs better than SA. However, Chen and Chen [61]
have shown that Onwubolu and Kumalo have incorrectly 3.2.1 Surface roughness
handled the machining model and showed that the GA
provides no better solution than SA. Surface roughness has been an important factor in predict-
The distribution of total depth of stock among different ing the performance measure of any machining process. In
rough cuts and final finish pass is an important task in milling, it is influenced by machining parameters such as
multipass turning optimization. Wang and Jawahir [62] speed, feed, and depth of cut, tool diameter, radial rake
proposed GA-based methodology for the allocation of total angle, nose radius, work piece material, tool material,
depth of cut in multipass turning. A novel feature of this work machine vibration, etc. Researchers have attempted to
is the consideration of tool wear in the optimization procedure. predict surface roughness using an adaptive neurofuzzy
In recent literature, newer optimization techniques such inference system (ANFIS), genetic programming (GP), and
as ACO and PSO are used to optimize multipass machin- fuzzy logic, mostly on end milling operation. GA and PSO
ing. Srinivas et al. [63] optimized multipass turning process were used as optimization techniques.
to minimize total production cost using PSO in their Lo [68] used ANFIS to predict the surface roughness in
mathematical model. They used six cutting constraints, end milling process. Spindle speed, feed rate, and depth of
viz., variable bounds, tool life, cutting force, power, stable cut were considered as input parameters. The ANFIS was
cutting region, and chip–tool interface temperature. It is modeled using triangular and trapezoidal membership
found that PSO provides optimal feasible solutions within a functions. The average error of prediction of surface
reasonable computational time. Vijayakumar et al. [64] roughness for triangular membership function was found
used ACO to minimize unit production cost subjected to lower, around 4%. Ho et al. [69] also proposed ANFIS to
various practical constraints and found that the approach predict surface roughness on aluminum alloy work piece
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464 453

milled with HSS tool. They used a hybrid Taguchi genetic consumption, etc. Unfortunately, there is no direct way of
learning algorithm in the ANFIS to determine the most online measuring of tool wear. In indirect method of
suitable membership functions and simultaneously find estimation, sensors are used to extract features from cutting
optimal parameters by directly minimizing surface roughness zone and tool wear is estimated. Neural network, fuzzy
error. The result shows that their approach using Gaussian logic, and genetic algorithm are used to predict wear and
membership function outperforms the ANFIS method given monitoring tool condition online in face and end milling
in the MATLAB® tool box and other reported work. processes. Ghosh et al. [78] developed a neural network-
Brezocnik et al. [70] proposed a GP approach to predict based sensor fusion model to estimate tool wear during
surface roughness in end milling process. The genetic CNC milling process. Signals in the form of cutting forces,
programming is an evolutionary computation method that spindle motor current, and sound pressure level were used
was first introduced by Koza [71] in the year 1992. It aims as inputs for neural network. The authors have proposed
to find out computer programs (called as chromosomes) newer methods such as feature space filtering, prediction
whose size and structure dynamically changes during space filtering, etc. to improve prediction accuracy and
simulated evolution that best solve the problem. Cutting found that the prediction is satisfactory in a real-time error-
parameters, viz., spindle speed, feed, and depth of cut as prone environment.
well as vibration between tool and work piece, were used to Chen and Black [79] proposed a fuzzy nets tool-
predict the surface roughness and the authors found that the breakage detection system for monitoring tool breakage in
model that involves all these variables accurately predict end milling operations. The developed system has self
the surface roughness. learning capability and generates fuzzy rule base based on
Reddy and Rao [72] developed an empirical surface experimental data. However, for the generation of fuzzy
roughness model for end milling of medium carbon steel, rules from given input–output data pairs, they have used
whose parameters were optimized using GA. Oktem et al. large data sets compared to that used by Kohli and Dixit
[73] determined the optimum cutting conditions for mini- [23] in fitting neural networks for predicting surface
mum surface roughness in milling of mold surfaces. The roughness in turning process. The proposed system has
surface roughness was modeled by response surface method ability to detect tool breakage online, approaching real time
and GA was used for optimizing the cutting conditions. basis. Dutta et al. [80] also proposed a fuzzy controlled
Reddy and Rao [74] used genetic algorithm to optimize tool backpropagation neural network (BPNN) model for pre-
geometry, viz., radial rake angle and nose radius and cutting dicting the tool wear in face milling process. The
conditions, viz., cutting speed and feed rate to obtain desired convergence speed, prediction accuracy, and total time of
surface quality in dry end milling process. system development make this approach an attractive
Prakasvudhisarn et al. [75] proposed an approach to technique suitable for online tool condition monitoring.
determine optimal cutting condition for desired surface Fuzzy logic-based in-process tool wear monitoring system
roughness in end milling. The approach consists of two has been proposed by Susanto and Chen [81]. Cutting
parts: machine learning technique called support vector parameters, viz., feed and depth of cut, and maximum
machine to predict surface roughness and particle swarm resultant cutting force, were used as variables to predict
optimization technique for parameters optimization. The flank wear of the cutter. The authors found that the system
authors found that PSO shows consistent near-optimal effectively monitors the wear condition on the tool during
solution with little effort. cutting process with an average error of 8.7%. Tansel et al.
Chen and Savage [76] used fuzzy net-based model to [82] proposed tool monitoring system using genetic
predict surface roughness under different tool and work piece algorithm to monitor micro-end milling operations that is
combination for end milling process. Speed, feed and depth able to estimate wear and local damages of the cutting
of cut, vibration, tool diameter, tool material, and work piece edges of a tool. Dutta et al. [83] predicted the wear of the
material are used as input variables for fuzzy system. The tungsten carbide inserts using neural network during face
authors found that the predicted surface roughness is within milling of steel. They proposed a new approach called
an error of 10%. Iqbal et al. [77] developed a fuzzy expert modified backpropagation neural network with delta bar
system for parameter optimization that includes prediction of delta (MBPNND) learning to enhance the convergence
tool life and surface finish in hard-milling (high speed speed and prediction accuracy of the network. The authors
milling of steel having 45 HRC hardness) process. found that MBPNND is efficient compared to three other
approaches, viz., backpropagation neural network, fuzzy
3.2.2 Tool wear and tool condition monitoring backpropagation neural network, and modified backpropa-
gation neural network.
During milling process, cutter wear reduces surface finish Ching-kao and Lu [84] used gray-fuzzy logic approach
of the work piece and increases cutting forces, power to predict optimal cutting conditions for improved tool life
454 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464

and metal removal rate during side milling of SUS304 modeled with input parameters like cutting speed, feed rate,
stainless steel. Gray-fuzzy logic that combines gray- radial depth of cut, axial depth of cut, number of passes,
relational analysis and a fuzzy logic is useful to deal poor, cutter diameter, helix angle of the cutter, work piece
incomplete, and uncertain information. The approach hardness, milling orientation, cutting time, etc. and perfor-
converts multiresponse variable into single response gray- mance parameters like tangential force, axial force, radial
fuzzy reasoning grade and simplifies optimization proce- force, feed force, spindle power consumption, arbor
dure. The result shows improved performance on side defection, surface roughness, tool life, average and maxi-
milling process with heavy cutting. mum flank wear, and nose wear, etc. Soft computing
optimization techniques such as neural network, genetic
3.2.3 Cutting force algorithm, and simulated annealing are mostly employed to
optimize both single and multipass milling problem.
The performance of milling process is monitored through Tandon et al. [91] used an artificial neural network to
measurable output parameters mainly by cutting forces and predict the cutting forces which in turn was used to
controlling input cutting parameters to suit particular optimize both feed and speed using particle swarm
cutting conditions. Neural networks were used to predict optimization algorithm for NC pocket milling process.
cutting forces during machining. Tandon and El-Mounayari They observed that the approach reduces machining time
[85] employed multilayer perceptron network for modeling up to 35%.
the cutting forces in end milling process. The model was Shunmugam et al. [92] used genetic algorithm to
limited to one tool–work material combination (high speed optimize minimum production cost in face milling opera-
steel tool and aluminum work piece) and the authors used tion. The machining parameters, viz., number of passes,
96 data for training and testing the network. However, the depth of cut in each pass, speed, and feed, are obtained. The
model does not take into account the tool wear. Zuperl et al. authors found that the proposed optimization method yields
[86] proposed feedforwarded neural network model with better results to those reported in literatures. Cus et al. [93]
ten input neurons to estimate cutting forces in ball-end proposed an online monitoring and optimization of cutting
milling operation. Cutting speed, feed rate, axial and radial process to optimize production cost and time for a desired
depth of cut, cutter diameter, work material type and its surface finish in ball-end milling process. The cutting
hardness, type of insert, tool wear, and cutting fluid are forces measured by sensors were analyzed and optimum
used as input parameter of the neural network to predict cutting parameters was obtained by using genetic algo-
three cutting force components. rithm. The results show that the method is effective and can
Radhakrishnan and Nandan [87] predicted cutting force be integrated into real-time manufacturing environment.
model using regression and neural networks. A regression Sreeram et al. [94] also proposed genetic algorithm to
model is used to filter out abnormal data points and the filtered optimize cutting parameters for maximum tool life as well
data were used in neural network for better prediction. as minimum production cost in micro-end milling process.
Briceno et al. [88] compared a multilayer perceptron Depth of cut along with other cutting parameters (cutting
neural network with radial basis function network (RBFN) for speed and feed rate) has been considered as decision
prediction of machining forces in milling. The radial basis variables. The authors found improved results compared
function neural network was found to be superior to multilayer to tool supplier’s data.
perceptron neural network. Considering the statistical varia- Genetic–simulated annealing (GSA) algorithm, which is
tion, the neural networks were used for predicting minimum, a hybrid of GA and SA, is used by Wang et al. [95] to
maximum, mean, and standard deviation of the cutting forces. determine optimal machining parameters for plain milling
Zuperl et al. [89] also found the radial basis function neural process. GSA being hybrid algorithm exploits the strength
networks superior to the multilayer perceptron in modeling of SA and GA and overcome their weakness in optimizing
of machining forces in ball-end milling. Aykut et al. [90] feed rate and speed for an objective of minimum total
used artificial neural network to predict cutting forces and production time. Number of constraints such as allowable
studied machinability in face milling process. Cutting speed, cutting speed, feed rate, horse power, arbor strength, and
feed rate, and depth of cut were used as input parameters of arbor deflection are considered. The results show that GSA
the network to predict three cutting forces and they found the is more efficient than GA and geometric programming.
estimated force within an error of 10%. Apart from economic objective of optimization, soft
computing techniques have also been used for tool path
3.2.4 Process optimization planning in milling complex part geometry. Suh and Shin [96]
used neural network model for generation of tool path during
Most of the work in machining optimization has been rough cutting of pocket milling. The algorithm is validated
focused on turning problems. In milling, the process is through computer simulation as well as real machining.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464 455

3.3 Grinding process inputs to ANFIS and the authors found prediction accuracy
as 91%.
Grinding is a finishing process, widely used in manufac- In 1992, Wang and Mandel [101] first introduced fuzzy
turing of components requiring fine tolerances and good basis function which has the capability of combining both
surface finish. In basic cylindrical grinding process, the numerical data and linguistic information. Thereafter, many
peripheral speed of the grinding wheel called wheel speed, researchers used fuzzy basis function network employing
the peripheral speed of the work against wheel rotation single or multiple variables. Nandi and Banerjee [102] used
called work speed, the table traverse speed per second fuzzy basis function neural network to predict surface
called work feed rate, and radial depth of cut of the work roughness and corresponding power requirement in cylin-
are the process parameters. The parameters slightly vary for drical plunge grinding process. Wheel speed, work speed,
surface grinding and other grinding process. These param- and feed rate were considered as input variables and, power
eters may be optimized for obtaining the minimum cost of requirement and surface roughness as output variables of
machining and minimum production time. However, for the network architecture. The fuzzy rule base was designed
optimization, performance of the process has to be automatically using a genetic algorithm and from the
predicted. Soft computing has been applied for machining results, it was concluded that the model predicts better than
performance prediction as discussed in the three Sec- mathematical models.
tions 3.3.1–3.3.3. Section 3.3.4 reviews the soft computing
applications in grinding process optimization. 3.3.2 Wheel wear and grinding burn

3.3.1 Surface finish Estimation of life of grinding wheel is important in

grinding process. Generally, surface roughness, chatter marks,
In grinding process, surface roughness is one of the and burn marks, etc., on work piece surface are considered as
important factors in assessing the quality of the ground an indication for wheel life limit in grinding process.
component. Operating parameters such as wheel speed, Deivanathan et al. [103] used neural network to predict
work speed, feed, and depth of cut, work material wheel life in cylindrical plunge grinding process. The
properties, grinding wheel composition, coolant applica- occurrence of burn marks on the work piece surface was
tion, machine vibration, etc. are the variables that affect adopted as criterion for wheel life. Work speed, work
the surface roughness in the grinding process. Many of diameter, infeed, and power were taken as inputs of
these variables are nonlinear, interdependent, and diffi- feedforward neural network to estimate “time to burn” as
cult to quantify. In recent decades, due to complexity of output parameter. Wang et al. [104] proposed a radial basis
the grinding process, soft computing techniques were function neural network approach to detect grinding burn on
used to estimate surface roughness that takes many work piece from AE signals. The neural network is trained
variables into account and covers a wide range of cutting with two sets of data, one being mean and standard of
conditions. frequency of band power, the kurtosis, and skew of AE
Ali and Zhang [97] proposed a fuzzy logic model for signals, and other being autoregressive coefficients. The
surface roughness estimation of work piece produced by authors found good prediction in both the cases. Ali and
surface grinding operation. They used 16 variables which Zhang [105] developed a fuzzy rule-based model for
are influential for surface roughness and found that the predicting burns in surface grinding of steel. They used 37
method is simple, effective, and superior in modeling absolute and eight relative rules to predict the grinding
nonlinearity. Nandi and Pratihar [98] developed a genetic conditions. The method was found suitable for many types
fuzzy system for prediction of surface finish as well as of steels and grinding condition. Liu et al. [106] used fuzzy
power required in grinding process. They used GA to pattern recognition technique to predict grinding burn. They
optimize fuzzy knowledge base offline and compared the used acoustic signals which were obtained by wavelet pocket
predicted results with experimental data. transform and optimized by fuzzy clustering.
Kim [99] developed a neurofuzzy model to optimize Lezanski [107] used neural network and fuzzy logic to
cycle time in plunge grinding process. He used grinding monitor the grinding wheel condition using multiple
power, peak value of power spectrum, and time constant as sensors. Two grinding parameters, viz., grinding engage-
inputs for neural network to estimate work piece surface ment and coolant volume rate and 14 sensory signal feature
roughness. From the results obtained, he found that the related to vibration, grinding forces, vibration-power
model is more reliable than regression model. Samhouri spectrum, acoustic emission root mean square (RMS), and
and Surgenor [100] proposed an ANFIS to predict surface acoustic emission-power spectrum RMS, were used as inputs
roughness in grinding process. The power spectral density to the neural network. The author found that neurofuzzy
parameters of piezoelectric accelerometer were used as system performs lower than neural network approach.
456 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464

3.3.3 Grinding force and vibrations Saravanan and Sachithanandam [114] proposed GA-
based optimization procedure to optimize cutting condi-
Grinding forces influence the efficiency and productivity of tions, viz., wheel speed, work speed, lead of dressing, and
the process since it affects the mechanism of metal removal, depth of dressing in multi-objective surface grinding
wheel wear, etc. Neural network approach is used to estimate problem. They found that GA performs better than
grinding force in various grinding processes. Fuh and Wang traditional quadratic programming. Gopal and Rao [115]
[108] used backpropagation neural network to model developed a GA-based optimization procedure to optimize
grinding force in creep feed grinding process. Work speed, grinding conditions, viz., depth of cut, work speed, grit
wheel speed, wheel diameter, depth of cut, and grinding size, density, using a multi-objective function model. From
manner (up or down) are used as input parameters of the the results obtained, they found that the material removal
neural network to estimate vertical force and horizontal force. rate and cost of grinding are influenced more by surface
Kawak and Ha [109] proposed a neural network roughness constraint than by that of surface damage.
approach to predict chatter vibration and grinding burn. Baskar et al. [116] also considered multi-objective surface
Data from AE sensor and power meter, viz., RMS peak, grinding problem to optimize cutting conditions. They used
fast Fourier transform peak, static power, and dynamic ACO-based optimization and found that it outperforms
power, were used as input parameters to predict status of quadratic programming technique and GA.
grinding condition as normal, burning, or chatter vibration.
The authors found that the learned neural network with 3.4 Drilling process
power and AE parameter provides the diagnosis of the
grinding process better. Drilling is the process of making a cylindrical hole in a
solid work piece using a cutting tool called drill. The
3.3.4 Process optimization peripheral speed of the drill called cutting speed, movement
of the drill along the axis of the hole for one revolution
The optimization of grinding process is an important task called feed, and radius of the drill called as depth of cut are
due to accurate and economical means of shaping the parts the process parameters. The special feature of drilling is
into final product with required surface finish and high that the cutting speed varies along the cutting edge, from
dimensional accuracy. Problems are formulated to maxi- almost zero near the center of the drill to the circumferential
mize production rate and minimize production cost subject speed of the drill at its outer radius. These parameters may
to constraints such as burns, wheel wear, and machine be optimized for obtaining the minimum cost of machining
stiffness and so on. and minimum production time. However, for optimization,
Liao and Chen [110] used BPNN model to optimize performance of the drilling process has to be predicted. Soft
creep feed grinding process and found better result than the computing has been applied for machining performance
regression method. The model considers five input varia- prediction as discussed in the three Sections 3.4.1–3.4.3.
bles, viz., bond type, mesh size, concentration of abrasive Subsection 3.4.4 reviews the soft computing applications in
particles, work speed, and depth of cut, and three output drilling process optimization.
parameters, viz., surface finish, normal grinding force per
unit width, and grinding power per unit width. Govindasamy 3.4.1 Surface finish and dimensional deviation
et al. [111] developed a dynamic neural network model-based
control strategy to minimize defects in grinding of aluminum In industrial modern precision assembly system, “hole
disks. They found that the approach reduces thickness quality” in term of surface roughness and roundness is an
defects of the component by 50%. important factor and is achieved by reaming process. The
Brinksmeier et al. [112] proposed NN and fuzzy set- reaming is the process of accurately sizing and finishing the
based model to optimize the grinding processes. They previously produced hole. Mathews and Shunmugam [117]
evaluated the grinding process in terms of geometric used ANN approach for predicting hole quality in reaming
quantities (such as dimension, shape, waviness, and surface process. Acoustic emission, cutting force, and vibration
integrity) and product quality, i.e., surface roughness. Lee sensor data were used as input parameters and surface finish,
and Shin [113] proposed fuzzy basis function neural roundness error, and residual stress as output parameters of
networks for modeling of grinding processes to find the neural network. The result shows that ANN predictions
optimal process conditions. The model was applied for using multisensor data were much closer to the experimental
two grinding optimization problems, viz., creep feed values and this approach is found to be an effective approach.
grinding and surface grinding process, and it was found The effect of drilling a hole on specialized materials like
that the NN-based algorithm outperforms traditional opti- composites has been addressed by few researchers. In
mization techniques in surface grinding process. drilling of fiber-reinforced composites delamination and
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464 457

surface finish are two major concerns. Taso and Hocheng monitoring of twist drill wear. The network is trained using
[118] used RBF neural network with three drilling factors, vibration data and five drill wear conditions, viz., chisel
viz., spindle speed, feed rate, and drill diameter to predict wear, crater wear, flank wear, edge fracture, and corner
thrust force and surface finish of candlestick drill in drilling wear, which were artificially introduced in the network for
of composite materials. The predicted results show that the prediction of drill wear. Fully connected networks were
errors in thrust force and surface finish prediction are below found to be better than grouped network and the vibration
2% and 4%, respectively, and the procedure is more signals are promising data for tool condition monitoring.
accurate compared to regression analysis. Sanjay et al. [124] proposed BPNN to detect drill wear
Nandi and Davim [119] used fuzzy logic rules to predict on 8 mm HSS drill while machining mild steel. The
the performance of drilling process with minimum quantity network is trained using spindle speed, feed, drill size,
lubricant in aluminum alloy work piece. The comparison of machining time, torque, and thrust force as input parame-
model prediction with experimental results shows that the ters. The authors found that the three layered network with
fuzzy rule base model with Takagi–Sugeno–Kang type of the hidden layer having two and ten neurons is the best
fuzzy rules provides better prediction of surface roughness, layered network and predicted values are accurate com-
cutting power, and specific cutting force. pared to regression analysis for all the combination of
cutting speed and feed. Panda et al. [125] also used BPNN
3.4.2 Tool Life and tool wear for predicting flank wear on HSS twist drill while drilling
mild steel work piece. The network is trained with spindle
The useful life of drill and its operating conditions largely speed, feed rate, drill diameter, thrust force, torque, and
control the economics of the machining operations. Cutting chip thickness as input parameters. The authors found that
parameters such as speed, feed, cutting force, etc. influen- the inclusion of chip thickness reduces mean square
ces flank wear of the drill. Fuzzy logic and neural network training error and takes less number of iteration. Patra et
were used to estimate the drill life, drill wear, and monitor al. [126] have considered spindle motor current signal
the drill condition. (RMS current) in addition to process parameters, used as
Biglari and Fang [120] used real-time fuzzy logic control input parameters for predicting drill wear using BPNN.
for maximizing drill life in a small-hole drilling (3 mm They found that the predicted values provide better
diameter) process. Experiments were conducted under five accuracy compared to a regression model. Garg et al.
different drill wear conditions—initial, normal wear, ac- [127] compared BPNN with RBFN for prediction of flank
ceptable wear, severe wear, and drill failure to record thrust wear in drilling process. Chip thickness was used as
force, torque, and radial force, which developed 53 fuzzy additional parameter to train the networks. From the results,
rules. The methodology based on online monitoring of drill the authors found that RBFN requires large number of
wear is used for controlling drill feed rate for maximum training patterns and large network architecture to achieve
tool life. same level of desired accuracy as the BPNN in machining
Lin and Ting [121] predicted drill wear using neural copper and mild steel work piece with HSS drill bits.
network and regression models. Average thrust force and Choi et al. [128] used neural network to predict incipient
torque, spindle speed, feed rate, and drill diameter were stage of drill failure so as to prevent any damage in the
used as input parameters and average flank wear was the drilling process. Time and frequency domains of feed motor
only output parameter of the neural network. The authors current were taken as input parameters and drill wear state,
found that the neural networks with two hidden layers learn viz., 0.1 mm for normal state and 0.9 mm for drill failure
faster and can more accurately estimate tool wear than the state, as output parameters of the neural network. The
networks with one hidden layer. authors found that the proposed algorithm predicted the
Liu et al. [122] used polynomial network for in-process drill breakage accurately for different cutting conditions and
prediction of corner wear on the drill. The polynomial machine tool types.
network is composed of a number of functional nodes Khajavi and Komanduri [129] used BPNN to predict
having self-organizing feature with an ability to construct drill wear employing multiple sensors. The signals from
the relationship between input and output variables. It has four sensors, viz., thrust, torque, and strain in two
greater prediction accuracy and have fewer internal network directions, were used. It is found that the change in area
connections, compared to backpropagation network. Thrust under power spectral density plots shows good correlation
force or torque, cutting speed, feed rate, and drill diameter with corner drill wear. The authors concluded that one
were used as input parameters. The authors found that the sensor signal would be adequate for drill wear estimation.
use of thrust force in the model provides predictions within Liu et al. [130] developed a BPNN model for online
an error of 10%. Abu-Mahfouz [123] compared several detection of drill wear for drilling stainless steel work piece
architectures of feedforward BPNN for tool condition with HSS drills. They trained the network with drill size,
458 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464

feed rate, spindle speed, and eight features of thrust and experimental results. It was found that the method worked
torque signals, viz., average thrust, average torque, peak well over a wide operating range.
thrust, peak torque, RMS thrust, RMS torque, area under
thrust vs time curve, and area under torque vs time curve as 3.4.4 Process optimization
input parameters and two stage drill wear state—useable
and failed as output parameters of the network. The authors In conventional drilling process, actual cutting takes very
found that the developed system shows high robustness and less time compared to other nonproductivity time. There-
usefulness for complex production environments like fore, the process optimization to minimize cutting time is of
flexible manufacturing system. Li and Tso [131] proposed less concern among the researchers compared to other metal
fuzzy logic model for online drill wear state monitoring cutting process. Few researchers have attempted to deter-
using spindle motor and feed motor current signals. They mine correlation among cutting parameters.
classified drill wear into three categories, viz., small Lee et al. [136] developed an abductive neural network
(0.2 mm), normal (0.5 mm), and severe (0.8 mm), to model for predicting drill life, metal removal rate, thrust
ensure tool replacement at the proper time and found that force, and torque. Cutting speed, feed rate, and drill
flank wear can be accurately predicted by using feed motor diameter were taken as input parameters of the network
current. and simulated annealing algorithm is used to optimize the
process parameters considering tool cost and productivity.
3.4.3 Drilling force Hashmi et al. [137] developed fuzzy logic model for
selection of cutting speed to drill three different work
In drilling process, thrust force and its control is a major materials, viz., medium carbon steel, low carbon alloy steel,
concern. The thrust force and torque are influenced mainly and medium carbon-free machining steel. The predicted
by work piece hardness, drill point angle, drill diameter, drilling speeds for different work material hardness shows
and feed rate. The various soft computing techniques were good corelation with Machining Data Handbook.
used to estimate the thrust force and control the drilling Ghaiebi and Solimanpur [138] used an ant algorithm to
process particularly in drilling of composite laminates minimize tool air-time and tool switching time in a multiple
where occurrence of delamination at exit and entrance hole making process employing several tools. The authors
planes is the main problem. found that the proposed method is effective and efficient
Stone and Krishnamurthy [132] used neural network to compared to traditional dynamic programming. Zhu and
model the relationship between feed rate and the thrust Zhang [139] proposed a PSO algorithm for solving the
force during drilling of fiber-reinforced composite materials problem of drilling path optimization in holes-machining in
using diamond-tipped drill. They developed a neural CNC machining center. The proposed algorithm obtains the
network-based controller that minimizes the problem of global optimization solution with reduced computational time.
delamination or crack growth during the drilling process.
The authors compared the proposed method with experi-
mental results and found that thrust force controlled drilling 4 Discussion and future directions
process is advantageous over conventional constant feed
drilling process. The similar problem of delamination From the description in Section 3, it is clear that soft
during drilling is modeled by Chung and Tomizuka [133] computing techniques have been applied for prediction of
using fuzzy logic. They proposed drill thrust force control surface roughness, dimensional deviation, tool life, tool
strategy by adjusting drill feed rate to reduce occurrences of wear, and cutting forces. A number of soft computing
delamination in drilling composite materials. techniques have been used for the optimization of machin-
Karri [134] used RBF neural network to predict thrust ing processes. The main objectives in the optimization of
and torque during process. Tool geometry and operating turning, milling, and grinding have been minimization of
conditions, viz., spindle speed, feed, and drill diameter, cost of machining and maximization of production rate.
were used as input parameters of the network. The author Multi-objective problems also have been solved. In drilling
tested network over a range of process variable and found process, maximization of drill life and optimization of drill
the predicted values within an error of 10%. path have been the main objectives.
Sheng and Tomizuka [135] developed an intelligent For the prediction of performance parameters, MLP
control system using neural network and fuzzy logic to neural networks with single hidden layer have been widely
control thrust force in drilling process. Drill head position used. Some authors [121] have found that MLP neural
information is included in neural network model and fuzzy networks with two hidden layers are superior to those with
logic is used to deal with gain variation due to drill wear. single hidden layer. However, there is no general agreement
The proposed model was compared with simulation and for it. Neural network training algorithms require some
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464 459

adjustable parameters. Some skill is needed in choosing the Soft computing-based optimization techniques like GA,
proper value of the parameter for faster training and better SA, ACO, and PSO are suitable for optimization. The best
accuracy. Some authors [80, 83] have modified the standard strategy is to use neural networks and fuzzy set theory for
backpropagation algorithm for improving the training. performance prediction and GA/SA/ACO/PSO for optimiza-
There are few papers that paid attention to develop a tion. The optimization techniques can be used for adjusting
systematic procedure for deciding the size of training and the internal parameters of predictive systems, for example, for
testing data sets and for improving the quality of the data adjusting the weights in neural networks and membership
[23, 78]. A number of authors have used radial basis functions in fuzzy sets. Among the four optimization
function networks and observed their superiority in terms of techniques mentioned in this paper, GA has been widely used
network training [25, 26, 118, 134]. and has matured as a robust technique of metal cutting
Compared to neural networks, there is lesser number of optimization. The real parameter GA that does not require the
applications of fuzzy sets for the prediction of machining decision variables to be converted as binary numbers is very
performance. Neural network models have been found effective for solving multi-objective optimization problem.
superior to fuzzy set-based model in learning. However, the ACO and PSO have been applied for machining optimization
knowledge captured by them is not transparent. On the recently. Due to simplicity in its execution, the PSO may
other hand, fuzzy set-based models provide a rule base that emerge out to be a viable alternative to GA.
can be interpreted. To take the advantages of both, Abburi Following issues have not received enough attention and
and Dixit [29] developed a knowledge base system, in need to be addressed:
which the neural network was used for learning and fuzzy
1. Data filtration: The prediction accuracy is dependent
set theory was used for rule generation and inference. There
on the accuracy of the experimental data. The data may
have been some applications of neurofuzzy systems [31,
invariably contain noise. Therefore, it is necessary to
42, 51, 68, 76, 99, 100]. For optimization, GA and SA have
filter it for removing the outliers. Only a few
been applied by a number of researchers [56–62, 66, 73, 92,
researchers have paid attention to this aspect [23, 87].
95, 114]. There have been a few application of neural
networks [53, 91, 110–112], fuzzy sets [54, 55, 137], PSO 2. Coping with statistical variation: In machining, the
[63, 139], and ACO [64, 138] in optimization. performance variables possess statistical variation. A
MLP neural networks, RBF neural networks, and fuzzy reliable model building requires a number of replicate
sets have been used mostly for performance prediction of experiments. The built model should be able to predict the
machining processes. The applicability of a particular soft probability distribution of the performance parameters.
computing technique is not dependent on the type of There have been very few attempts in this direction. Some
machining process, but is dependent on the amount of data/ authors have developed neural network models that can
information available, training time required, and the predict the confidence intervals [140, 141] of the
transparency in prediction needed. Table 1 shows the prediction. However, it has not been applied to machin-
relative merits and demerits of these three techniques based ing. In [23, 25], the most likely upper and lower
on the information available in the literature and the estimates of the performance variables are predicted.
experience of the last author of the present paper. These 3. Hybrid computing: The combination of hard (physics-
techniques do not provide a unique solution and their based) and soft computing has not been provided
performance is dependent on the skill of model-developer, proper attention in metal cutting arena. Such attempts
at least to some extent. However, Table 1 fairly summarizes have been successfully employed in other areas of
the general observation. Considering the relative merits and manufacturing, for example in [142]. Finite element
demerits, it is natural that many authors are prompted to use analysis can be combined with soft computing tools to
the techniques that are combinations of these techniques. In obtain more accuracy and have less dependency on
the opinion of present authors, the best strategy can be to experimental data.
first develop a neural network-based model and use it to 4. Incorporating the time as a variable in prediction and
build a fuzzy set-based model to attain transparency and optimization: Most of the researchers have predicted
improved performance as was done in [29]. If enough surface roughness and cutting force as a function of
training data are available, then RBF neural network should cutting process parameters only. The performance of the
be given preference to MLP neural network. In absence of machining process gets changed with time due to tool
enough data, a strategy suggested in [27] may be adopted, wear. Therefore, there is a need to model these parameters
where first an MLP neural network is trained with limited with time as a variable. Similarly, in optimization also, the
data, which is used to generate a huge amount of data for time effect has to be considered. For example, the effect of
training an RBF neural network with real data reserved for tool wear has been considered to optimize multipass
testing. turning operations in [62].
460 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464

Table 1 Comparison of MLP

neural network, RBF neural Technique Merits Demerits
network, and fuzzy sets for
performance prediction in MLP neural Can learn from limited dataset Training process requires skill and is time consuming
machining network Provide enough accuracy if Very poor in extrapolation
trained properly
RBF neural Training is easier and faster Requires more training data than MLP
network Accuracy slightly inferior to MLP
Fuzzy sets Can easily incorporate expert Need huge amount of data for automatic rule generation
Transparent compared to Some skill is needed for assigning membership grades
neural networks to subjective information
Reasonable performance in

5. Research on hardware side: Effectiveness of soft to their ability of getting trained much faster. RBF
computing tools for online prediction is dependent on neural networks require more training data and provide
the use of proper sensors. In many cases, combination slightly inferior accuracy. However, it is only an
of many sensors called sensor fusion is helpful. The experimental observation and in the context of machin-
development of proper sensors should go side by side ing, no mathematical proof has been provided to
with the development of software tools. At the same support this observation.
time, efficient techniques for data acquisition, data 3. Fuzzy sets and combination of fuzzy sets and neural
filtration, and feature extraction should be developed. networks have been used for predicting the surface
6. Optimization with online learning: In optimizing roughness in turning, milling, and grinding. Fuzzy set-
machining process, the knowledge of tool life as a based methods are especially advantageous when the
function of cutting parameters is an essential require- expert knowledge is available.
ment. It is not economical to conduct tool life test for 4. Neural networks have also been used for surface finish
different work piece–tool combinations. Also, the prediction in reaming and drilling of composite materials.
neural network or fuzzy-based systems need a number 5. Soft computing tools have been used for estimating the
of data for training. The experiments consume a lot of tool wear and tool life. However, the results are not as
time and may not be sufficient for online optimization. impressive as in the case of surface roughness
A scheme can be developed that can carry out the prediction. This is due to highly statistical nature of
optimization with online learning. The approach may tool life and tool wear and difficulty in identifying a
be helpful for predicting optimized process parameters measurable parameter with which the tool wear can be
in real time machining environment economically. well-correlated. Most of the authors have used cutting
force components as input parameters in their soft
computing-based models. Several other signals such as
5 Conclusions acoustic emission, vibrations, and temperatures have
also been tried. It is observed that instead of raw data
In this paper, a review of application of soft computing from sensors, features extracted from the signals are
techniques in machining performance prediction and more effective in modeling the tool wear and tool life.
optimization has been presented. It has been decided to 6. Whereas surface roughness and tool wear are the major
present the review of major machining process at one place indicators of machining performance, modeling of cutting
so as to provide a complete picture to reader. Following are force gains importance for its use in estimating the tool
the major observations from the literature: condition, particularly the tool breakage detection. Mod-
eling of cutting force may also be used for estimating the
1. Neural network models have been effectively employed power in machining. However, minimization of cutting
for predicting the surface roughness of machined power is not as significant objective as the minimization
components in turning and drilling. However, most of of machining cost and time.
the models do not predict the surface roughness as a 7. Soft computing optimization methods like GA have
function of time, concentrating on the time zone when been used in machining area for two purposes—(a) for
surface finish changes only slightly with time. optimizing the internal parameters of neural networks,
2. Most of the authors have used MLP neural networks. fuzzy sets, and neurofuzzy systems and (b) for
Some authors have employed RBF neural networks due machining optimization. Application of GA for ma-
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2010) 46:445–464 461

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