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What is the solar system?

We live in planetary systems made up of celestial realms that orbit

around, including the sun and Earth. There are many solar systems in
the universe, but we call them very simple, which is our solar system!

Well, in "our" Solar System there is a star, the Sun, which keeps many
stars and diverse materials revolving around it by the influence of
gravity: eight large planets, along with their satellites, minor planets,
asteroids, comets, dust and interstellar gas. And there are us.

It dwarfs the galaxy called the Milky Way, made up of billions of stars,
located along a flat disk of 100,000 light-years.

The Solar System is located in one of the three spiral arms of this
galaxy, called Orion, about 25,800 light-years from the core, around
which it rotates at the speed of 250 km per second, taking 225 million
years to make a complete turn. We call this time the galactic year.

What is the Solar System? How is it formed?

In addition to the Sun, which is a star, astronomers classify the

planets and other bodies in our Solar System into three categories:

• First category: A solar planet is a celestial body that is in orbit around

the Sun, with enough mass to have gravity and maintain hydrostatic
balance. The planets are round in shape and have cleared the vicinity
of their orbit. Our Solar System has four terrestrial or inner planets
(Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and four outer gas giants (Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune). From Earth onwards, all planets have
satellites orbiting around them.

• Second category: A dwarf planet is a celestial body in orbit around

the Sun, with enough mass to have a spherical shape, but not that
necessary to have cleared the vicinity of its orbit. They are: Pluto (until
recently listed as a planet), Ceres (formerly considered the largest of
the asteroids), Makemake, Eris and Haumea. For now.

• Third category: All other objects orbiting the Sun are collectively
considered to be "small bodies of the Solar System." This category
includes asteroids (with irregular shapes, mostly in the asteroid belt,
between Mars and Jupiter), Kuiper belt objects (Sedna, Quaoar), icy
comets in the Oort cloud and meteoroids, which are less than 50
meters in diameter.

In addition, the Solar System contains small solid particles that form
the so-called cosmic dust and gases.equeñas partículas sólidas que
forman el denominado polvo cósmico y gases.

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