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There were three little pigs brothers, who needed to build their houses before

Playing. The first and the second build their houses of straw and wood respectively, which were
not very strong but were fast to build. The third, more worried, built his house of bricks even if
it took much longer. When the wolf show up he easily put down the first and the second
houses, but he couldn’t put down the third house and the pigs were saved.

Are you ready to go to the field?

The jeans clothes aren’t very expensive.

Can't we have fun together?

She should wash the car, but she doesn't have time.

I’m tired of political issues.

I usually complain about some coworkers who are lazy and uninterested.

I don’t know, but I would like to buy a new car next year.

No, I don’t, but I can play the guitar.

Yes, there are many people at my work. About 4000 employees.

Yes, I would like. In the near future I think to do masters degree to teach at college.

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