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Where and when do you usually switch off your mobile?

I usually switch off my mobile at school or at work, during the class or meeting.
Have you ever forgotten to turn your phone off? Were there embarrassing consequences?
Yes, I had. I forgot to turn my phone off in a meeting; I was really embarrassing because I was in
a middle of presentation.
Do you use more formal language when you speak to an older person / your boss / a teacher?
Yes, I try to do it. I use more formal language when I speak to an older person, my boss or my
teacher. I think that it is very important, but we are losing the good manners.
Do you always stop at a pedestrian crossing?
I almost always stop for pedestrians on the crossing and those approaching it.
When you arrive more than 15 minutes late for a lunch or dinner at someone's house, do you
apologize? Do you take a present?
I never arrive more than 15 minutes late for a lunch or dinner at someone’s house for this reason
I don’t need to apologize. When I go for a lunch or dinner at someone’s house I always take a
present and arrive on time.
I think that the most important rules are:
• Say "thank you" and "please".
Both terms are polite ways of showing someone that you appreciate something they've done for
you. If you'd like someone to hold the door open for you, saying “Hold the door!” sounds like a
rough demand, while saying “Please hold the door” makes the same thing into a polite request!
Saying “thank you” does the same thing. If someone helped you, saying “thank you” shows that
person that you appreciate the time and thought they have given you in helping! When we say
please, it shows respect and consideration for the other person's thoughts and feelings. When
we say thank you, it shows appreciation, respect, and love. It shows the other person that you
really do care about the job that they're doing
• Be on time.
There are many reasons why it is important to be on time, or to be punctual. For one, it shows
respect to the other people who may be waiting for you. It also shows that you are responsible
and can keep your schedule. The major reason that it is important to be on time is that it shows
that you have a sense of responsibility and take your obligations towards others seriously. Being
on time is also important because it shows others courtesy.
• Be considerate of others while on your phone, since no one wants to hear
your conversation other than the person on the other end of the phone.
Cell phone etiquette is usually at its most important in public spaces, where one loud talker can
disturb a large number of people. How a person uses his or her phone in more private situations
matters too, however, to those who are concerned with being considerate. Many people find it
rude when someone takes a cell phone call on a date or during a private social engagement with
others. Along the same lines, it's usually thought to be inconsiderate to take a call in the middle
of a conversation; if the caller were there in person, he or she would likely wait to politely
interrupt at a more appropriate time. When in a small group or one-on-one situation, it's best for
someone receiving the call to not pick up unless it's an emergency.
• Show interest in the topic and person you are talking to, give eye contact
and never interrupt.
One of the most effective ways to demonstrate your respect for others is to listen with interest.
Give your full attention to the person speaking.
• Be kind to others.
When you are kind to friends and acquaintances, your kids will be more likely to be kind as
well. People often treat their children with kindness, but can be short with a crazy driver,
strangers, or others outside the family. This can cause "us and them" thinking that devalues
others as "less" than ourselves. Kindness breeds tolerance and understanding.
• Watch your language in front of children.
Children pick up on what the adults around them say. They copy the adults in their lives because
that is exactly how they learn to live their lives. That is why you have to be very careful about
your language in front of the kids.

The less important rules are:

-Hold the door. This rule is not too important because you can do yourself and it is not a problem.
-Chew with your mouth closed. It just makes sense.

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